Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Meeting Someone Interesting

The sub branches of the elements are too many to count. To that end, I already have in mind Aden's future Sub-skills for all the elements. That list can change so give me your suggestions but for now we're mostly sticking with the Canonical ones and a few more I added myself.

30 advance chapters in my Patreon. 


(Aden's P.O.V)

"I'm impressed by how you managed to adapt to the change in situation. Furthermore, you managed to not only capture Kobra but also Sportsmaster who was the middleman, increasing the League's chances at apprehending the main buyers behind the whole thing. The factory has been destroyed together with the rest of the formula."

Wally high-fived me.  

"Hell yeah. Our first mission was a success."

"Don't celebrate too early. I expect a written report from everyone on where you messed up."

The mood plummeted a little at Batman's glare. 

"That said, good job team." 

Batman added, taking away the tension. We looked at each other and smiled.

"One more thing." 

We turned our attention to the Dark Knight. 

"Who did you choose to be your leader?" 

As one, we all looked towards Aqualad. 

The Atlantean blinked in surprise. 

"Are you sure?" 

Although the question was directed to all of us, his eyes were on Robin. Boy Wonder snickered. 

"Yeah. Just until you inevitably mess up and I end up carrying the team." 

We all understood he was just joking. 

"What about you Aden? It was your plan that helped us complete the mission." 

I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I won't lie, leading this team seems like an awesome thing to do but…compared to you, Wally and Robin, I still have a lot more to learn. You're the right guy for this Kaldur. We all believe in you."

Kaldurahm closed his eyes and when he opened them, I saw resolve. He stepped forward. 

"Thank you. I accept the responsibility and I hope we all work together."

The rest of the team left for the night. Robin and Wally had school tomorrow after all. Speaking of school, we were slated to join a few weeks from now. Batman had decided that a few weeks was enough time for the three of us, M'gann, Superboy and I to get accustomed to earth. Then it was off to highschool. Oh goody.

I opened the door to my room after saying good night to M'gann and Superboy. I removed the visor and ran a hand through my hair. Throwing the visor on the bed, my feet took me to the bathroom for some much needed privacy. The door to the bathroom clicked close behind me and I reached a hand into my utility belt. 

Out came the two vials. My heart hammered in my chest at how easy it had been sneaking the vials past the team and Batman. I breathed out to calm down my nerves. Batman told me explicitly to never use a strength enhancing formula again. Not only for the added danger but also because he thought I could easily be overcome by the greed for more power.

The Dark Knight unfortunately, didn't understand why this was necessary. Bad shit was coming in the future. Wally even dies though I couldn't remember why or how. The power to protect myself and my new friends was needed. I couldn't tell anyone that I knew the future of this planet. I had used the exercises Manhunter was teaching me to hide those memories as best as I could. So the responsibility to make sure we made it out of this alive fell to my shoulders. 

I opened one of the vials and drank it down.

( Two days later)

"You know, when you told me to come with you on this patrol, I didn't think that things would get interesting this fast." 

I told Superboy. 

I was flying beside him while he was jumping across rooftops. Superman was flying ahead of us, headed to the bridge connecting Gotham and Metropolis.

"Well, maybe it's your presence? On my last 2 patrols with Superman, things were relatively quiet." 

I scoffed at his words. 

"Relatively quiet for the man of steel is an alien invasion." 

Superboy laughed. 

"I think you should pull on ahead, there's a school bus hanging from the bridge." 

I gave him a thumbs up and shot off after Superman. 

Superman went under the bridge to hold it up from collapsing. I flew to the front of the bus and waved my hands, a soft but strong gale pushed the bus back onto the bridge just as Superboy arrived and saved another car from plunging into the water.

I went under the bus and easily lifted it up, then deposited it on a section of the bridge that was less likely to fall under it's weight. I waved at the kids as they cheered in happiness. The driver breathed out a sigh of relief and muttered a thank you.

I flew down towards Superboy and high fived him.  

"Good job boys. Now let's…" A transmission came through his earpiece and Superman answered. "Slow down Arrow. No I'm available, I'll be there in a few minutes." He turned to address us. 

"Sorry boys, we will have to get that apple pie another time. League business. I'll call you later, Superboy." 

"It's…Kon-el. Conner on earth." 

Superboy said while looking away.

Superman looked surprised for a bit, before smiling and patting Superboy's shoulder. 

"That's a good name. We will talk more about that later." 

Then he was off.

"Do you think he liked it?" 

Superboy asked me once we had escaped the reporters. We were sitting on the Daily Planet's roof, eating corn dogs. 

"Yeah. I mean, it's a great name. Plus you acknowledged your Kryptonian heritage and subtly told him you consider him as part of your family." 

I comforted him, knowing how much it meant to him for someone to say that.

"Thank you Aden." We were quiet for a while. Content to watch the city.

"What about you? Do you have family?" 

He asked me, making me stop chewing. I wasn't ready to talk about that. Not yet. 

"It's getting late. I think we should head back to the cave." 

I stood up, avoiding the look of sadness that flashed across his face. 

(General P.O.V)

Santos was a business man. He had started off as a common goon for hire, doing odd jobs for the mob then joining Penguin once Batman had started targeting the Falcones. So Santos had wisely jumped ship. 

For the next half a decade, he worked for every supervillain in town, always managing to escape the long arm of the law and more than that, Batman's radar. Santos liked to think he was a smart guy. Hence after saving away a tidy sum from all his illegal activities, he had set up a half a dozen legal restaurants around town and used his connections to purchase a building in Crime Alley on Theater district for his less than legal activities.

The building was a generic strip club but down in the basement…that's where the real show took place. An underground fighting club. The show brought in money like crazy. It was where people came to see men and women tear each other apart for cash. Now, Santos knew the rules of the game. First, never bite off more than you can chew, second, always have an in with the cops, third, stay the fuck away from the top 5 list and lastly, don't mess with the freaks.

The former 2 were self explanatory. The latter 2 were a bit more complicated. The top 5 list was the list of the supervillains you did not want to tangle with. Number one was the insane prince of all crime in Gotham, The Joker. Santos was a man of morals, however little they may be and the Joker sickened him. The next was Harley Quinn, mostly because of her relationship with number one, third was Poison Ivy, she was…toxic in all the ways the law deemed it. A terrorist in other words, number four was fucking Scarecrow and finally, The Riddler. 

Other villains like Two face atleast had a modicum of respect to their goons. Santos left the underling business mostly because of the top five. 

The last rule was to never mess with the freaks. By freaks, he meant Grundy, Killer croc, Firefly and Victor Zsasz. Despite keeping that rule almost judiciously, trouble came looking for him instead. His eyes tried to keep up with the clearly superhuman movements of the newest contender in the room. He was wearing a balaclava that covered his whole face only leaving his eyes open. 

The man was 5'9 and was very fit. The black t-shirt he was wearing hugged his frame tightly. Brown skin suggested he was African American. He also had on black camo pants and sport shoes. An amateur. An amateur that was clearly winning. 

This was his fifth fight in a row and he had won all of them, swiftly and ruthlessly. Santos didn't like it. The guy was a superhuman no doubt. A metahuman likely. He had taken an almost 7 feet tall ripped giant down with a single punch. The crowd had gone silent before exploding into a wild cheer. People had started betting for him and that meant Santos wasn't making money. Something had to change.

He signalled to the event coordinator and the man nodded. It was time to bring out his special guest. She owed him a favor after all.

(Aden's P.O.V)

5 fights and 5 wins later, I knew the next match was going to be my last. Especially when the next fighter turned out to be someone very interesting.

The crowd went wild as they made way for her. The adoration was intense.

Her features were slightly asian but she had blonde hair. She was dressed in a sports bra, fingerless gloves and her face was hidden behind a green mask that covered the upper section of her face only. Her identity hit me like an electric shock. I was standing before my soon to be teammate, Artemis Crock.

Her eyes were set in determination. This wasn't a fight I could take casually and expect to win. Going all out wasn't an option either. I was here to try and control the added strength from the Kobra-venom formula. Hitting her too hard would kill her. 

I brought my hands up and we faced each other. Artemis eyes grew wary once she started my form but that didn't deter her. She took a step forward and attacked.

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