Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

The God Equation Final Part

There is a lot of things Luthor is hiding from the others.


(Aden's P.O.V)

"Let's Play a game huh?"

I re-read the words staring at me on the screen. The text went on to say, 'Choose a number between 0 and 9.'

Who was responsible for this? Was it the Master of Games? A villain in the Teen Titan's show who abducted heroes to fight in a gladiatorial setup. Despite the nature of our forced teleportation, it just didn't fit his M.O.

This felt more like…ugh. I couldn't come up with any Supervillain who had powers or technology like this. And despite the fact that I knew some information about the Young Justice show, the truth was that I hadn't even finished watching the first season. It was also the reason why the biggest threat I had known was the Morrow one. But just by telling Batman about it, things had derailed to the point where I had no idea what to expect anymore.

A sharp desert wind blew past me, carrying sand with it and making me glad I had a visor on. My attention came back to the screen. The words seemed mocking. As if telling me I was trapped and the only way out was following it's orders. Fuck that. This was some comic book bullshit. I don't do comic book bullshit.

My eyes closed and I took a deep breath. My new connection with the air was always there, muted because of the truly large information I would have to sieve through and process to get what I wanted. But I only needed a general scan of where I was. I connected with the air in the whole space and tried to get a better sense of my surroundings. A weird look crossed my face.

100 meters around me, the desert suddenly cut off and was replaced by an energy field of some sort. Above me the ceiling felt…hard and lacked the static feeling I got from the sides. That meant the desert itself was not real. Leaving it was not easy however. I couldn't go through the energy field because something told me that was a bad idea. Maybe my body had adapted to acquire a danger sense of some sort, after all the dangerous missions I'd been in ever since joining the Team but something screamed at me not to take the chance. Either way, I went with my intuition. Which left, going up.

I turned my attention to the TV screen and showed it the middle finger. Next my hands spread out, forming a tornado around me. Constructing it to cover my body in a drill like shape, I shot off towards the sky. The winds took on a pale grayish hue as I slammed onto it. Sparks appeared between my attack and the fake firmament which crackled with an airy cacophony.

I increased the rotation of the winds and punctured through the ceiling, leaving behind pieces of rocks and red crystals, falling to the ground. There was a final resistance as I pierced through the earth ceiling and into water. I looked around me in wonder, unravelling the drill yet maintaining a bubble around my body.

The water was relatively clean with strange fishes and plant. Both of which had red glowing lines along their bodies. Apart from that they acted normally. The sea floor was also strangely smooth besides the hole I'd speared through that was quickly getting fixed below me. Red lines flashed and the ground repaired itself. I paid that close attention, forming a grim picture of what this place was.

My flight speed carried me out of the water, breaking through the surface, I found myself in the middle of nowhere above an ocean that stretched out far into the distance. I carried out the same move from before and sensed my surroundings. An energy field similarly covered the sides of the whole space and the sky above was fake as well.

"Still going up I guess."

Before I could prime the wind to carry me upwards, red portals appeared all around me. I counted over 20 of them and from those portals, creatures that looked like a cross between Para-demons and red Tornado flew out. Some of them breathed out fire, others wind attacks, earth spikes and even some displayed control over the water around us.

"What in the hell?"
What do you call Para-demons with elemental abilities? Para-mentals? And who in the fucking hell thought it was a good idea to mix apokaliptian technology with Morrow's androids? The only people possessing that capability were…the light. There couldn't be anyone else. But how did they do this?

(General P.O.V)

"Professor, we have a problem."
Brom stated from the control panel he was sitting before. Morrow came up behind him and looked at the projected image. A red alert was displayed on the screen.
"I seem to have been locked out of its systems."

"This…this makes no sense. How is this happening?"
Morrow muttered while revealing a look of shock on his face. They were on a black site Cadmus facility, surrounded by top of the art technology, courtesy of Luthor.

Said man was watching the whole thing happening while standing infront of a balcony. He could see the distress in Morrow's face and instead of matching the look, a smile appeared on his face.
"You seem glad."
His companion who was standing in the shadows said.
"As I should be. The plan worked just like I said it would. The Fatherbox paired with Morrow's complex A.I code has given rise to true sentience."

"A sentient being not bound to our will. We cannot control it. Something I expressed my concerns over Luthor. Remind me again, what was the point of all this? Trapping the children along with Captain Marvel was too hasty. We do not need the full wrath of the Justice League coming down on us before everything is ready. Batman's already sniffing around. In my 50000 years of existence, never have I seen a more dedicated man."
The speaker, Vandal Savage came out fully into the light. He was tall and imposing. 3 scars ran along his face and his hair was long, reaching to his shoulders.

Vandal carried himself with a deadly grace and stood out while standing next to Luthor. This was the epitome of what humanity had to offer. So it was fitting that he be the one to lead them through an era of adversity and struggle, all so that humans as a whole would embrace evolution and reach their full potential. A sentiment he believed through his own experience. Vandal was the oldest human alive.

"You mean stubborn."

Lex answered, referring to Batman's personality that made him a thorn on The Light's side. Luthor took a final sip of his drink and placed the glass down on the table.
"Follow me, I believe introductions are in order."
Vandal stared at Luthor's back and followed him down the stairs where Morrow was trying his best to regain control of the device he had co-created.

"Professor, can I have a minute of your time?"
Luthor's voice stopped Morrow on his tracks.
"Yes. What do you want Luthor? Better make it quick because we have a crisis on our hands. The machine has gone rogue."
The billionaire Supervillain chuckled.
"All within expectations."
Morrow turned to stare at him fully, dumbfounded.
"What are you talking about?"

"Before any of that, why don't you run my friend here through everything going on. And please put it in layman terms. "
Morrow turned his attention to stare at Luthor's companion. A spark of recognition flashed through Morrow's eyes. He nodded at Savage and turned his attention back to the screen.
"This is what happens when you combine alien technology with a genius mind. I call it The God Equation and it can do literally anything it's instructed to by feeding the commands to it's systems. Using my own personal code, that is used to give my androids elemental powers, The God Equation was able to construct a stable dimension with different sustainable environments, through following basic commands given to it by my assistant." The Professor grew animated.

"It's truly a marvel, because the commands given are basic. For example, if you tell it to create an ocean, it creates an ocean along with aquatic Flora and fauna. It fills in the blank spaces left without a need for a complex command chain input to account for every little thing."
Morrow had a manic grin on his face as he completed his explanation.

Vandal stepped forward while running a critical eye at the controls of the device.
"Indeed but there seems to be complications, Professor?"
Luthor enquired from behind.
Morrow clenched his jaw and bit out amid his grinding teeth.
"The damn thing went rogue. Even when compared to my best creations, the God Equation is simply too advanced. It's superior predictive software alone trumps anything I have ever created but that in there lies the problem. It has achieved sentience too early and is now purging everything alien from it's systems. Brom's control and…the heroes inside."

"Can you bring it back under your control? We still have uses for the children. Furthermore letting go of Captain Marvel while he could still prove to be useful for the Light is such a waste."
Vandal questioned Morrow.

The professor in question looked as if he'd swallowed something bitter.

"'s become too alien. None of my earlier code persists and attempting to subvert it remotely would be like using a glass of water to put out a fire burning a mile away. Impossible. To bring it down would require destroying it from the inside and based on how we are locked out, getting inside would face even stronger opposition."


Luthor hummed.

"There is no need for such drastic measures. Although The God Equation is out of our control, We wait and see what happens. After all Professor, you cannot tell me you don't want to see your creation's full potential."

(Aden's P.O.V)

The Para-mentals beared down upon me like an insect horde. If I was facing this much opposition, then what of the others? My heart suddenly grew cold. The others…if some of them were trapped alone like I was, chances of them surviving were close to zero. Someone like Robin or Artemis depended on their tools and somehow I didn't see them outlasting the same onslaught I was facing. I couldn't afford to stall this fight. Time to go save my teammates.

The good thing was that I was the only one around, otherwise the move I was about to pull off would not work due to how dangerous it was to friend and foe. This move was the epitome of my Grandmaster level in air bending.

I spread out my hands, while staring at the force of hundreds making their way towards me and connected with every breeze, shred and draft of air I could sense, then I pulled.

The Para-mentals exploded one by one as chaos manifested around me. I pulled more and more, painting the air with a greenish color that probably substituted for blood as bodies popped, metal screeched and remains fell from the air to the fast dwindling water below. Even the air in the water was not spared. Minute explosions occured as I pulled apart the oxygen and hydrogen into their own constituents parts until finally, I was the only one floating above the remains of my opponents while a mist hang above my head.

I spared a look at the chaos in wonder, breathing heavily while marvelling at how dangerous my bending could become with the right or wrong thinking.

"No time."

My body speared through the ceiling above and this time, I found myself in a world of Magma.

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