Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 42

Chapter 42
“Little Jing? What are you doing here?” Xia Chunyu asked in surprise . He took notice of Helian Jing’s grey clothes and common folk attire as well as his tanned skin . “Did you run away from the mansion?”

Helian mansion’s Young Royal Highness was a master who constantly gives people headaches . He loved stirring up trouble wherever he goes . Two years ago, Helian Xuan went to southern Fu Jian deal with the pirates, and Helian Jing used the moment to try and sneak out of the mansion . Luckily, he got caught before he could set foot outside the gate . Helian Jing must’ve followed his older brother who went to Shang Dong to get rid of the bandits . Come to think of it! Little Jing must’ve already been to Shang Dong! How else could he have met this unfortunate situation?

Helian Jing subtly glanced at his sides, trying to estimate the probability of escaping from brother Chunyu .

Xia Chunyu looked right through what he was thinking and blocked his way . “Where are you going? Come with me to Jin Ling . ”

Helian Jing cried out, “I can’t, big brother . I am here with my friend and I can’t just leave him . ”

“Who did you kidnap this time?

“How can I kidnap anyone? I was almost kidnapped! Luckily this Rao brother saved me . He’s actually helping me to go back home,” Helian Jing said defensively . He did not want Chunyu to think of big Raorao as a bad person .

Xia Chunyu frowned . Jin Rao brother? Raorao? A male?

“Did you call this friend just then?”

“Yes! He’s just right there, I will get him . ” Helian Jing wanted to run away from Chunyu .

Xia Chunyu took his arm and said, “Let’s go together . ” He would never let little Jing slip away under his watch .

Helian Jing had no choice but to let Chunyu tag along as they looked for brother Jin .

“Eh? Where is he? He was here just a moment ago . ” They came in front of the dough figurine store but couldn’t see Ye Jiayao . Helian Jing asked the dough figurine master nervously, “Where is the little brother who came here to do dough figurine?”

The dough figurine master was busy with molding the dough in his hand that he didn’t even look up . He simply replied, “The little brother said that if someone came looking for him, he has a sudden stomachache and he needs to leave early . ”

What? Big Raorao looked fine to him just now . How can he have a stomachache? Was it the dessert we ate? We ate the same thing, and I’m still fine .

Helian Jing worried, “Brother Chunyu, my friend seemed to be not well . I have to look for him . ”

Xia Chunyu saw his worried look, decided that he was being honest, and relented . “Where do you guys live?”

Originally, Helian Jing wanted to play and have fun with big Raorao before they reach Jin Ling . However, now that brother Chunyu has seen him, it wasn’t possible anymore . He had no choice but, to tell the truth . He pointed at the dock and said, “We came here by boat and the boat stopped at the dock . ”

Xia Chunyu signaled for his guards to come forward . “Follow Jing Young Royal Highness until he finds his friend then bring them back to the boat . Remember, if you lose him, don’t bother coming back to me . ”

The two guards gave a loud affirmative, their sights already fixed on Jing Young Royal Highness .

Ye Jiayao waited for them to leave before coming out from the alley she was hiding in .

She didn’t know that little Jingjing knew Chunyu . She also observed that he seemed to be afraid of the dumb donkey . This world is too small! She randomly picked up someone in Da Ming lake and he just happened to be related to that stupid donkey . The rare occasion she went shopping in Yang Zhou, she ran into Chunyu .

This is just fantastic .

She refused to chalk it up to fate . The only fate that she and Chunyu have is doomed . She doesn’t want anything to do with him .

“Little brother, the dough mold is done . Do you still want it?” asked dough figurine master .

Ye Jiayao gave him two copper coins to him and take the dough figurine to chase after little Jingjing . She knew that little Jingjing was most likely going to go with Chunyu . It was good that Chunyu and little Jingjing went in separate directions so Ye Jiayao could get the chance to say goodbye .

Helian Jing went back to the boat and shouted for Raorao loudly but couldn’t find anyone . He was getting desperate . Where did big Raorao go?

“Boatman, boatman! Did you see my big brother?” Helian Jing asked as he spotted the boatman .

The boatman pointed at the dock and said, “Isn’t that your big brother?”

Ye Jiayao intentionally clutched her stomach as she slowly moved towards Helian Jing . Helian Jing saw her and immediately ran over to hold her up . “What is wrong? How did you get a stomachache so randomly?”

Ye Jiayao waved his hands away weakly . “Don’t worry about it . It’s just probably the thousand layer cake that was too sweet . I don’t eat stuff that is too sweet because I get a stomachache . ”

“Are you okay now? Should I get a doctor for you?” Helian Jing asked in concern . He could ask brother Chunyu for some money .

“No, no! I am much better now . I just need more rest and I will be fine . ” Ye Jiayao was moved in seeing how worried little Jingjing was .

Helian Jing carried her inside the boat and sat her on a bench . He went to pour her a glass of water and complained, “Why didn’t you tell me you can’t eat sweet stuff? You didn’t have to finish it!”

Ye Jiayao reigned in the smile that was threatening to show . “I didn’t know that it would be too sweet . By the time I figured it out, I’ve already bitten into it and I can’t waste food . ”

“Well, you still wasted the food eventually!” Helian Jing said sulkily .

“Tell me, what did you get from the ring toss?” Ye Jiayao changed the topic .

Helian Jing happily brought his loot out to her . His grin was proud as he said, “I got you a china doll to put your copper coins in!”

Ye Jiayao really liked the adorable looking china doll, but she couldn’t let him know that . “Only girls like this type of doll . ”

Helian Jing was a little bit disappointed and said unpleasantly, “At least it’s still much better than your broken jug . I got it especially for you . Don’t you want it?”

Ye Jiayao took the doll and held it against her chest . “It cost five copper coins, of course, I want it . ”

“It was my skill that won it! Did you think that was very easy to get?” Helian Jing whined, frowning .

Ye Jiayao laughed through the pain in her heart . Little Jingjing is leaving! This awful, pitiful, and adorable little guy that brought many troubles for her was finally going home . She would never admit it, but he gave her happiness these past horrible days .

“This is for you, it was crafted in my shape . ” Ye Jiayao handed over the small dough figurine to him .

Helian Jing looked at the little dough figurine and laughed . “Big Raorao, what was that weird gesture? So funny!”

Helian Jing imitated Ye Jiayao’s gesture and put up a scissor hand next to his ear . His elegant and almond-shaped eyes were squinted and his charming dimples were on full display . That smile was so bright, and Ye Jiayao feared that she would never see a smile that bright ever again .

“Stupid . You can’t even copy it right,” Ye Jiayao sneered, rolling her eyes .

Helian Jing happily took the dough figurine and said, “Raorao, I just met my brother’s friend . He can take us to Jin Ling . ”


Ye Jiayao shook her head immediately . “I can’t go with you . ”

“Why?” Helian Jing was surprised .

Ye Jiayao racked her brains to come up with an excuse . “Because . . . because I promised rich man Li to cook for the business group . I can’t break my promise, he’s been so good to us . If I leave, what will Li Mao and the others eat? I need to finish what we signed up for . ”

“Well, what are we going to do?” Helian Jing was distressed . Brother Chunyu would never let him stay here but he really didn’t want to leave big Raorao .

Ye Jiayao said, “Little Jingjing, you can leave with your brother’s friend . I will go with Li Mao and I’ll just come and look for you when we get to Jin Ling . ”

“You promise you will look for me?” Helian Jing asked sulkily, feeling torn .

“Of course! You still owe me silvers, after all . You promised that you would repay me double in Jin Ling . You’re not going to go back on your debt, right?” Ye Jiayao teased .

Helian Jing straightened up and lifted his chin haughtily . “You really think I am that type of person?”

But if he knew my real identity, will she still look for me?

“Jing Young Royal Highness, it is getting dark,” Xia Chunyu’s guards urged outside .

Ye Jiayao stared at Helian Jing in shock . Jing Young Royal Highness?

She knew that he was from rich family . He was wearing a Cloud Water Green gown that cost at least 100 silvers when they first met, for cripes’ sake! She just never thought that he would be a Royal Highness . Good, God! What is happening? First, she met an heir-son lord in a bandits’ nest, and now she picked up a Young Royal Highness on the road . Is my luck really this good? Or are there really just too many princes in the world?

Helian Jing saw her surprised look and knew that he should start to explain before she gets mad . “Um . . . I was going to tell you when we arrive Jin Ling . ”

Ye Jiayao stayed silent, still shocked .

What the ever loving f*ck! Young Royal Highness lived in the same dorm with her, slept next to her, stole a watermelon with her, and got dropped into a dung jar! Oh, and she also had a Master Crown Prince for a husband! Although, if she was being completely honest, those two nobles made her second life exciting and fascinating . It was just that it had gotten a bit too exciting and she couldn’t face it anymore .

“Jing Young Royal Highness,” the guards called again .

“Shut Up!” Helian Jing answered angrily .

Helian Jing held Ye Jiayao’s arm and said, “Big Raorao, I am the Young Royal Highness in the Helian mansion . When you come, and you promised that you will, just say my name and they’ll let you in . I promise to take you around Jin Ling to eat all the delicious food . You can’t break your promise . You told me a bargain is a bargain . ”

Helian Jing felt nervous and frustrated as she saw him flinch away from him . He had many friends in Jin Ling, but he knew that those people were just with him because of his title . All they did was try to please and flatter him to get into the good graces of the royal family . It was big Raorao that finally made him feel like a normal person .

Even though she always spoke harshly to him and derided him, she took good care of him . Whenever they had food, she would always let him eat first . She slept on the hard bench and let him take the bed . She let him use the umbrella even if it meant she was going to get soaked . She cooked him good meals that she knew he would enjoy . Never had someone treated him so well before without expecting something in return .

They met by chance, like patches of drifting duckweed, and formed a real bond on the way . If it was possible, he would walk with her forever and visit all the corners of the world . He wanted to live an adventurous and wonderful life with her . He didn’t want to be a bored young Royal Highness in a mansion and surrounded by hypocrites .

The thoughts that formed in his head surprised Helian Jing . He thought that he liked to be with her because she was funny, strong, and caring .

It was when he was faced with the fact that he had to leave her that he figured out that his feeling was not so simple after all .

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