Advent of the Archmage

Chapter 714

Chapter 714: Realm Fusion (14)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Boom! Boom! Boom!

That night, after Link and the High Elf Queen had come to an agreement, the Isle of Dawn was suddenly rocked by a massive explosion. The ground shook, while the sea around the island grew turbulent. Circles of green light rippled across the sky and rumbled with the occasional crack of lightning.

It was truly a horrific sight to behold!

A minute later, every inhabitant on the Isle of Dawn were all woken up by the calamitous din. They were all taken aback by what they saw in the sky. Some of them had broken down into tears, believing that the end of days was upon them. Some began frantically looking for shelter. Some had even taken advantage of the ensuing pandemonium and started looting their neighbors’ homes.

In an instant, the entire island had descended into chaos. Apparently, the High Elves were just as susceptible to panic as the human race.

However, the chaos only lasted for around ten minutes. It was then that the High Elf guards had appeared in every city to maintain order.

There had not been enough time to inform every High Elf on the island about the realm fusion. However, the mayor of every High Elf city had been informed of the situation. Preparations had been made in anticipation of the resulting pandemonium.

Everyone was immediately calmed down, thanks in no small part to the intervention of the city guards. The High Elves were all forced to go back to their homes, where they anxiously waited for the crisis to pass.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The earthquake intensified. Due to their frail constitutions, dizziness had gripped the women and children on the island. Some had even fainted. The rumbling beneath their feet showed no signs of stopping, threatening to sink the entire island into the ocean.

However, the tremors everyone was experiencing paled in comparison to what the World Tree was going through at the moment.

Tiny huts dotted the World Tree’s trunk. These buildings were known as meditation huts. They were built for the purpose of providing exemplary High Elves with a place to undergo further training. There were at least 1000 of these huts on the World Tree.

At that moment, every hut was occupied by a High Elf Elder, whose bodies were now radiating a soft green glow. They had become one with the World Tree. With the combined power of the elders, the World Tree too began glowing with a blinding green light.

The World Tree was now drawing huge levels of power from the realm’s core, shining brighter and brighter until its green light completely illuminated the night sky.

Hum! Hum! Waves of power rose up the World Tree from the realm’s core before being released into the air in the form of steam through its canopy.

The High Elf Queen was the one controlling the magical seal above the tree’s canopy.

She was presently floating above the World Tree in the middle of the 6000-foot-wide magic seal, which had enveloped the tree’s canopy completely in order to make sure that every single bit of Nature Power was channeled into its user.

The High Elf Queen would not have been able to maintain such a large-scale magic seal alone. She had equipped herself with the Scepter of Nature’s Blessing, the Crown of the Berserker King and the Robe of the Hermit in order to manage such a feat.

The three sacred gears had been passed down the royal family line for generations.

All three items were pieces of Level-19 High Elf sacred gear. Together, they represented a High Elf King’s authority. The gear themselves did not have any offensive power. Their only function was to help the High Elf King establish communion with the World Tree and effectively wield its power in times of need.

Of course, even with the aid of the three pieces of sacred gear, the High Elf King’s mastery of the World Tree’s power would still be extremely limited. This was because the World Tree tended not to grant the king full authority over its power. Also, most of the High Elf Kings in the past had never been powerful enough to completely master the tree’s Level-19 pinnacle power.

The World Tree’s Nature Power was evaporating at a frightening rate. After passing through the queen’s magic seal, the light green steam began coalescing into a 100-foot-tall pillar of green light.

The pillar of light contained incredibly concentrated Nature Power, which was redirected by the High Elf Queen into a black spot high up in the sky.

The black spot was Link. Circles of runes had materialized around his body.

These rune circles contained every bit of Link’s magical wisdom. Each of them had a diameter of more than 200 feet. There were nine of them presently revolving around Link’s body at an incredibly high speed.

Before long, the pillar of green light reached him.

Boom!!! Both heaven and earth shook. Ripples of power burst out in all directions from the point of impact. Bolts of lightning flashed across the sky at that moment. The rune circles around Link were now spinning at top speed.

At that moment, Link’s body shook. This was also his first time handling such power. For a moment, it seemed as if he was about to lose control of it.

Suddenly, something glittered on his forehead. The Crown of Eternal Night had appeared.

Despite knowing that putting the crown on would subject him to the effects of Realm Rejection, he also knew that without it, he would not be able to fuse the two realms completely.

Link felt a sudden stir in his consciousness as soon as the crown was in place. He activated the Dark Thoughts effect, which drastically accelerated his thought processes in an instant. The great weight on his mind had lessened considerably as a result.

This was only the first of his transformations. His body had received a small portion of the power that had flowed through him. He was still able to keep most of the World Tree’s Nature Power under control. However, he had no choice but to channel into the Crown of Eternal Night most of the Nature Power which had exceeded his control, while the rest was diverted to the Ode of a Full Moon sword hanging from his waist.

The sword began to whir. An intense white light began radiating from it. Magical runes continuously appeared around its blade, which had begun evolving into a better, more powerful version of itself.

On the other hand, the Crown of Eternal Night had turned as black as night. Three sharp spikes had sprouted from it as well with a star-like jewel hanging from the tip of the second spike.

Link’s power was now climbing at an incredible speed. His Nature Power managed to reach Level-17 in the span of two seconds and Level-18 in ten seconds. Now, it seemed as if it was about to reach Level-19.

Fortunately, Link already had much experience in handling Level-19 power. Even as his power level rose, he was still able to maintain his composure. At that moment, there was not a hint of turbulence in the flow of power in his body.

Twenty seconds later, Link finally attained Level-19 Nature Power.

It’s time! thought Link, as he unleashed all the Nature Power in his body with a resounding boom.

A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky above the Isle of Dawn, lighting the whole place up until it was as bright as day. To everyone’s horror, the bolt of lightning began spreading out until it filled the entire sky.

There was now a huge crack in the sky!

The crack began widening rapidly until it reached the far horizons of the sky. Electricity lined the edge of the gap, while the Sea of Void filled its center. Void power began violently rushing through it into the Firuman realm.

At that moment, every living being in the realm had lifted their gazes in unison to witness the terrifying scene currently unfolding in the heavens.

White mist began rolling through the dark, empty hole in the sky and was about to enter the Firuman realm when suddenly a giant humanoid figure appeared in the air.

The figure was now standing on the ground. Its 60-mile-tall body shimmered with a dark, green light. Strands of dark hair flapped around its head wildly in the wind. It also seemed to be wearing a crown made entirely of starlight.

The ethereal giant was now holding up the sky and the invading white mist in one hand while holding its sword in the other!

At that moment, every mortal in Firuman had fallen to their knees in worship.

Even the Legendary masters in the realm could not help but feel a mix of awe and reverence for this extraordinary being.

Such power could only belong to a god!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The darkness in the crack began giving way to the reflection of another realm.

The reflection gradually grew clearer. Everyone could tell that this new world was on a collision course with the Firuman realm.

“Arrrgh!” shouted the High Elf Elders, who were still inside the meditation huts on the World Tree.

So much power had gushed out of the realm’s core that all of them were now on the verge of breaking down.

“Ah!!!” The High Elf Queen let out a blood-curdling shriek. Blood was now flowing profusely from every corner of her body.

There was just too much Nature Power for her to handle!

Even so, the queen soldiered on. In spite of her condition, she still endeavored to maintain the constant stream of Nature Power flowing between the World Tree and Link.

At that moment, the Aragu Realm was about to collide with the Firuman realm. This was the most critical moment. If Link did not do something about it soon, the two realms would crash into each other.

It would result in a calamity of epic proportions. No more than 100 people would be able to survive such an event.

The Aragu realm was now rapidly approaching the Firuman realm. While the stream of Nature Power Link had received from the realm’s core was putting his body under great stress, it had also endowed him with unimaginable power!

Just when the two realms were on the verge of colliding with one another, Link let out all the power he had stored inside his body.

A loud roar filled the sky. At that moment, the inhabitants of both realms saw what had happened.

The giant, who was still holding up the Aragu realm with its bare hands, powerfully flipped over the entire realm and set it on the realm crack which had been left in Firuman since ancient times!

Boom! The ground trembled slightly as both realms began bringing themselves into alignment with each other.

The Aragu realm was able to fit into the realm crack like a glove. Both realms had perfectly fused with each other.

Everyone had taken up their pens to write of this moment. However, the most authoritative record of this event would come from one of the historians of the Isle of Dawn.

The High Elf historian had always kept meticulous records of historically significant events, treating each word like gold.

He began writing with golden ink, “In the year 1268, on the ninth day of the third withering moon, at 11.35 p.m., the High Elf hero, Theodore Morgenstern had successfully fused the two realms together with the help of the High Elf Queen and the High Elf Elders.”

The historian had turned every other High Elf who had played a part in the realm fusion process into a foil for Link. Even the High Elf Queen was reduced to a background character. Theodore Morgenstern had become the High Elf hero who had managed to bring the two realms together.

The historical record of this occasion with any ounce of truth to it, however, would come from Ferde. Its author would be none other than the Legendary Magician Eliard.

He had written in his magical notebook, “He’s done it. My good friend has left an indelible mark on the face of the Firuman realm. His name would surely shine brighter than any other for centuries to come. It has been a privilege to watch him grow.”

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