Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter Fifty Two Qelu’s Offer

“Why don’t you work for me? I could use someone that I can actually talk to during these inspections, and it will pay better than this shitty job. You won’t have to wear any stupid clothing either. So it will be a much better job all around.”


Those words echoed in her head. Kiru had expected many things, but a job offer was not one of them. Worse, Kiru just knew that Qelu’s offer would lead to teasing. You won’t have to wear any stupid clothing either. She had said that so seriously and with such a happy straight face that it was evident that she actually believed it was a good bonus. Then again her kind didn’t seem to wear clothing. But seriously what kind of job offer was that?

Her mind then started to actually consider the implications of the offer. She was doomed. Trapped and doomed. Curse Qelu for offering a job like this. She had almost no choice but to take it. Well maybe she could refuse, but that would likely be just as bad or worse than taking it. Then there was the fact that this job offer represented a groundbreaking chance to gain an understanding of what the Iniri were after. Not only did it give them easy access to an Iniri that Megumi could study if they played their cards right. She would finally have someone who could actually answer her questions. Well, some of them at least. She doubted that this girl could answer every question, as she was starting to get the feeling that Qelu was quite young. In some ways Qelu reminded her of herself when she was still a schoolgirl. A thought that quickly darkened her mood when she remembered she was now taking a virtual class full of 12-year-olds. It just felt wrong.

Brushing that little problem aside she realized that Qelu was waving a tentacle in her face. Saying “Nekuri to Kiru. Nekuri to Kiru. You still there?”

She blinked, composed herself, and after a moment she reluctantly said, “I um, .. uh accept.” 

It had been strangely hard to say those words, and it felt like she had just doomed herself.

Qelu raised her tentacles, “Yay!” then suddenly she grinned and then said, “Hey by the way. Can you tell me how you become invisible? It’s a really cool trick!”

Kiru was caught off guard and took a step back, “I, uh, don’t know. I just do.”

Qelu pouted, “Don’t be like that. I want you to teach me!”

Kiru sighed. Even if she knew how to do that, there was no way she would teach her that. Looking Qelu right in the eye she said, “ I really don’t know how I do it. Could you tell me how you sense me when I don’t want to be seen?”

Qelu frowned, “uh, no. I, uh, just do.”

“I figured. It’s just like that with me. I just disappear when I feel a certain way.”

Qelu’s face brightened, “Oh! I see.” her expression shifted, “I really was hoping you could teach me, but I think I will figure it out. I’ve always been good at figuring tricks out. Just you watch!”

Kiru sighed. She really is young. Sometimes she acts mature and then at times like this, it’s like dealing with a kid. Kiru wondered how old this girl really was. She was about to ask but suddenly the girl switched moods. “Okay then. I need to pay the bill, and then we can go to my place and work out your official employment contract. I’ll take care of your current employment while I pay. Wait here please.”

Then before Kiru could say a word, a tentacle snatched her uniform, and the girl ran off to the counter. Even from here, she could hear the excited girl asking for the boss, and requesting her check so she could pay. At the same time no less. It was a miracle anyone understood her. She let out a breath, and silently watched while sending a text to her friends. She kept it brief. Just enough to let them know she was probably going to be late, and that she would update them later.

Then she settled back into her chair. Already she had the sinking feeling she was going to be having an interesting night. A very interesting night by the looks of it. She started sipping at her water, idly as she waited. It wasn’t like she had much choice. Thankfully it didn’t take very long before her boss came out to meet Qelu. Kiru could overhear snippets of the conversation, but for the most part Qelu was quieter by then. She had little doubt that Qelu would have her current job taken care of quickly. They seemed to be good at manipulation after all.

After about a minute her boss took her uniform from Qelu, and headed into the back. She waited, Kiru wasn’t sure why, as she had missed part of the conversation. However she didn’t have to wait long before she had a clue. Her boss came back with what was clearly a credit transfer chit, and handed it to Qelu. Qelu turned around clearly happy and ran back to the table.

She presented the chit to her with her chest puffed out, and said proudly, “I got you taken care of. Here is your last wage, and she seemed to like you so she was very willing to give you the full severance pay as well. Despite your short tenure.”

Kiru chuckled as the image before her seemed oddly comical. She took the chit, and reached out. Giving in to an urge to pat her on the head. The Iniri girl seemed pleased and leaned into her hand.

Although she only allowed it for about a minute before suddenly grabbing Kiru’s hand, and pulling her along. Kiru could have easily resisted but she followed along.

As it turned out Qelu actually lived nearby in a larger apartment building closer to the strange clinic, and less than a block from the restaurant she had been working at. In fact Qelu’s apartment was closer to the restaurant than Kiru’s. It seemed that her being found there was actually inevitable. If she had known she might have chosen a different restaurant, or at the very least she would have been more cautious about people coming in the door.

Kiru stepped through the door of Qelu’s fifth floor apartment after Qelu, and closed the door. Since she was the last in, before looking around. It too opened into a sitting area, but it was much more nicely furnished with very comfortable looking sofas. A much nicer comm terminal sat on the wall, and the tables in the room looked to be made of rare wood. Qelu led her to the hall door and ushered her into a second room. It was clearly an office that her own apartment didn’t have. There was a lovely wooden desk that was polished to a shine. On it sat a terminal, and a document printer. There was a lovely chair behind the desk.

Qelu made for the chair, and then pointed at a closet. “I have spare chairs in there.”

Kiru retrieved one, and unfolded it in front of the desk before settling into it. Qelu smiled and tapped on her terminal. She switched into business mode. Where she promptly began laying out the terms of employment she was offering. “Okay as a waitress you would have been lucky to make out with two thousand credits in a given month. That is not really great pay at all. Couriers typically make a little over double that in a month, which allows them comfortable living arrangements. My job offer is a little different from the standard courier job contract though, since you will be my personal courier, and helper. I’m offering you five thousand credits a month. Does that sound fair?”

She blinked, that was actually a good income around here. That amount of credits a month would be of great help to them, and was honestly a bonus. She nodded. “Yes, that does sound fair.”

After that she moved on to what the job would entail. Kiru wasn’t entirely happy with what was required, but she swallowed her discomfort. One of the big things was that the uniform for it was effectively nude. She thanked her lucky stars that she was blessed with an enhanced body that didn’t need support. Kiru would be fine with that. The other bit that gave her discomfort was that she would be doing a courier’s work. She would be personally tied to Qelu, and be delivering only her instructions and follow-ups, but still. Then there was the fact that she was also required to drive for her, and load her truck for her as well. In the case of inspection that would include getting the girls, Qelu takes, settled in the vehicle.

They spent a few hours working through it, and ultimately she signed the employment contract. She had kind of already agreed afterall, this was simply making it official. She wasn’t looking forward to telling her friends though. Kiru just knew what would happen when she did. Sure it was friendly, but that didn’t make it comfortable.

Qelu smiled when her signature was added to the paper copy. “Great! We are finally done!” Then she glanced at the clock, “Although it is rather late. Stay here with me, I have an extra bed.”

Kiru shifted, “um, my home isn’t that far from here, though.”

Qelu stood up and gave her a look, “Stay with me! It will be fun!”

Kiru sighed. She was likely going to be later than she thought. If she got home at all today. She went ahead and sent another update to the others right then and there. 

In the end she ended up agreeing to stay. It didn’t help that it almost seemed Qelu would cry if she didn’t.

Qelu showed her around the place after she agreed to share. The apartment turned out to be smaller than her own. It had an office, a foyer, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and one bedroom. The bedroom was actually bigger than her own. The second bed turned out to be a foldable on the opposite wall from Qelu’s. Qelu was quite proud to show it off.

With a smile she turned away from the spot, and puffed her bare chest out. As the bed unfolded itself from the wall. “See! It’s going to be just like those sleepovers Neku girls love.”

Kiru smiled wryly. That explained why she was so adamant about her staying the night. Qelu must have been wanting a sleepover for a while.

“I see” Kiru said, “I take it you’ve wanted a sleepover for a while?”

Qelu nodded, “Yeah, I’ve tried before, but it didn’t work out right. With Neku girls I can’t really enjoy it when I constantly know what they are thinking. While Irini girls...”

She trailed off. Kiru closed the distance and gave the girl a hug. She had a feeling that the Irini girl needed it. Besides she wasn’t too worried about her getting into her head, she had already been touched by the girl a few times.

Qelu let her hold her a moment, and then rushed to her bed. It had been a long time since she had last had a sleepover, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to indulge the girl. A part of her was happy that her headset was back home, so she had an excuse not to use to program. Maybe it would be nice to have a normal dream for once.

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