Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter Forty-One A briefing, and on to business

Kiru scratched her head, and after a moment asked, “That sounds dire but who exactly are we talking about?”

“That Ava girl used to be Supreme Protector Jontharra A Countryman, founder and ruler of the Solean Empire. I know not why she was pretending to be that girl, though. Anyway as I said she would best not be ignored. Last time she was ignored about dire portents, the Darkation Menace struck, and by then it was too late to easily deal with them.”

“Yeah that sounds dire. What does she want you to do anyway.”

“Don’t know yet, haven’t opened the files yet.”

Kiru shifted, “Well let me know if it’s something I’ll have to worry about.” She paused, “Wait, what exactly was code 17, and what was protocol ...”

“Protocol 37a? It’s a subsection of protocol 37, each section governs restrictions on the use of certain weapons. Section A specifically deals with category b weapons of mass destruction such as my ASC weapons system. As for code 17 it’s an encryption protocol for classified information, one we both must abide by. Our entire conversation with Ava and anything related were ordered classified.”

Kiru frowned, “Need I be worried?”

“Not really, although the code will prevent you from speaking about what was discussed. In fact, until she ordered us coded, I couldn’t even talk about the protocol itself.”

“That sounds...” she trailed off, and then after a moment, “I’ll go check on May.” She turned to leave, when suddenly a second set of holo projectors activated, creating an image of an office, with Ava leaning over the desk facing them.

Kiru blinked, and Megumi commented, “I opened the file.”

“And you're sharing it with me?”

Before Megumi could respond, Ava began speaking, “It has been awhile since I have done one of these, so I will get straight to the point. Megumi, the Constellation is currently the only ship available for the mission, and as such I am lifting the restrictions on your ASC weapons system. For the duration of the mission you may ignore protocol 37a. Authorization **************.

“I have also uploaded several different coordinates into your navigational sub-computer. Along with tagging information. I have also included the locations of two ancient shipyards dating back to the Fallen war, the equipment would be somewhat dated, and they are in a state of disrepair, although they may prove useful for you. Of more immediate use to you, is the location of an unmanned outpost in the Varmach sector. You will need the security access codes, and I have already uploaded those to your core, you will find them in the next file. Review them at your earliest opportunity.

“Now, on to the mission itself, as soon as you conclude your business in the Neku Imperium you are to proceed to the Niase Sector in the galaxy of Tem. The sooner you get there the better, which is why in the list of coordinates added to your navigational sub-computer, I have included the location of two classified intergalactic stargates that I had constructed secretly. The needed dialing codes have been included. Do not reveal the existence of these gates to anyone below access code level Omega-four seven.

“Now you may be wondering why I mentioned this with Kiru in the room, and I will get to that in a moment. On to the mission itself. One of the local races of Tem was recently experimenting with hyperspatial physics, attempting to create a new form of FTL drive. Their experiment didn’t go as planned, and they opened a rift into a parallel dimension, an alternate universe if you will. 

“This rift must be closed. In addition, Megumi, I need you to eliminate the machines that came through the rift. They are a rogue assimilator type of cybernetic machine civilization. They constantly seek out new technology and lifeforms to incorporate them into themselves. At the moment they are of little threat, but naturally if not nipped in the bud, they will become a problem. Although that will take a while, as their ships and technology is roughly equivalent to our own in the fifth century SDE.

“Now Kiru I have an offer for you. I have observed your futures, and while there is little I am willing to reveal. I have seen your potential. As such I am opening a path for you. If you accept, Megumi will begin training you in Imperial tactics and technology. For what I am offering is the position of Captain of the Constellation. The current ‘captain’ Melia is not a true partner for Megumi, and honestly she is a researcher at heart. She will gladly step aside if given the option, and lock herself in a room to pursue whatever project strikes her fancy. In fact, I think she would be happier if given the option. Right now you are the best alternative, but you are not ready for the command either. Hence the training I mentioned. Once completed, and Megumi deems you ready, you will take command, assuming you accept my offer. However, do note that this means you might spend a great deal of time away from your beloved Imperium. Nor will you be serving in the Imperiums fleet again if you take it. Although you should also note that going back to the imperium would mean giving up the gifts Megumi has given you.”

Kiru was speechless, and didn’t know what to say. Not only that she wasn’t sure what to think about the offer. The holograms cut out, and Megumi commented, “I’ll start devising a training program for you.”

She blinked, “Huh? Why? Isn’t that premature.”

“Not necessarily,” said Megumi with an odd grin. As if she knew something she was not saying. Something about it made Kiru uncomfortable, so she quickly changed the subject.

“About that mission of yours...”

She was cut off before she could finish. “I don’t think it will be a problem. Unless they happen to assimilate something a good deal more advanced than what they have now. Although I don’t think Ava would have mentioned the other things unless she thought we would need them.”

“You mean there is a good chance they will assimilate something advanced enough to make them a threat?”

Megumi nodded, “Unfortunately yes. We will see how much later, but first we have to take care of business here in the Imperium. She ordered me to finish our business here first, and there must have been a reason for that.”

“I’m glad she did though. As honestly I really do want to know what is going on down there.”

“So do I. I have a few ideas, but nothing really concrete.”

Kiru remembered, “Yeah we really need to get down there, further speculation on the matter won’t help. We need more info before we can make any conclusions. Can’t say the same about this other mission. Like about those shipyards, think they will be of any use?”

Megumi scratched her cheek, “Hmm, maybe. I have no doubt they will need retooling first, but as long as the framework is intact that won’t be too big of a deal. How much effort I need to spend on the retooling, however, depends on when the automated repair systems failed.”

“So Solean yards of that era had self-repair systems?”

Megumi laughed, “With rare exceptions the Solean people don’t really build shipyards. Ship construction is typically done by cityships and yardships. Yardships being industrial vessels specifically designed for repairing and constructing ships on the move. In other words, mobile shipyards. In all likelihood the yards Ava shared are of Terran origin. Since most sedentary yards in the Empire are built and maintained by the Terran people. As for those of Solean origin, the only one I know of is the Imperial Central Shipyards, it’s where I was built. Now to answer the original question, all Imperial yards regardless of race of origin have had self repair systems since the founding of the empire. Autonomous regeneration technology is not all that difficult to implement; especially on a shipyard, which is not all that complex. Self repairing ships are a good deal more complicated, due to the higher degree of complexity involved with starships.”

“Only one? That sounds kind of weird, but given the nomadic past of the Soleans I guess that makes sense.”

“The empire has only ever needed the one yard. The Imperial Central Shipyards are massive, and very productive. Responsible for over half the Empire’s yearly ship construction, and nearly ninety percent of all imperial heavy capital ships are built at those yards. Although their exact location has always been a closely guarded state secret. One that I am programmed to protect at all costs, so don’t ask me where they are.”

“I wasn’t interested.” Then she glanced back at the simulator pods. “I think I’ll go check on May now. Then perhaps we can come back, and practice our infiltration plan?”

“Sounds like a good plan to me. Do keep in mind that I have an extensive library you can use if you get bored as well. Those pods can let you experience just about anything you can imagine.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, said Kiru as she slipped out the door. She was fully intending to make good use of these toys now that she knew of them.

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