Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter Thirty-Eight A Slimy Visitor

Kiru moaned a bit, as she felt the slime tentacle go deeper into her body. Above her, she could see the slimy female body of her partner moving. Out of sight, she could hear May moaning as another set of tentacles pounded her needy body. The tentacle inside of her tickled and teased her folds as it moved deeper into her body. Sending fiery sparks of pleasure rippling up her spine. She could feel herself about to cum again, but she wasn’t sure how many that would make. Kiru had cum more times than she could count since this little threesome had begun. Not that she was sure how that had happened anymore. All her mind could think about at the moment was the raging pleasure. A storm of passion that she was very much enjoying.

The tentacle slammed into her womb and she felt a rush of liquid pulse into her womb at the same moment her vision went white. The fiery hot pleasure in her belly exploded into fireworks, and her muscles spasmed. It was an amazing thrilling rush for her. As the high came down moments later, she noticed a familiar face above her. Not even thinking she grabbed the girl and pulled her into a kiss. One that was almost instantly returned. Their tongues dueled, creating little sparks of pleasure, while slimy hands suddenly pressed against her breasts. The cool slime felt great against her heated breasts, and when it started to knead the malleable flesh, sparks of pleasure rippled from the sensitive mounds. She moaned. Idly she considered how great having sex with this slime girl was. It was better than she thought.

The pleasure ruled her mind, but she was still idly aware of what was going on. The slime girl was currently riding her, while Megumi was now pressed against her side, the two of them sharing a passionate kiss. While May was behind the slime with her legs spread, and enjoying the attentions of several tentacles. A tug on one of her nipples by slimy hands sent a burst of pleasure rippling through her flesh, but failed to stop her from noticing a new set of tentacles moving towards Megumi’s avatar. Her pleasure-addled mind never considered why Megumi was here. Not until later.

With a wet pop Megumi broke their kiss, and she gasped. At the same moment, she felt a spike of heat and a surge of sensation as someone’s fingers found her clit. The probing fingers pressed against her clit delicately. Stroking the nub with just enough force to feel good, but not painful. Each teasing stroke shot through her like lightning. Suddenly, like the crack of thunder she heard the loud moaning cries of May as the other girl went through an orgasm.

She didn’t let the pleasure distract her too much, as her own fingers soon found a lightly dressed breast, and slipped under the fabric. Stroking the sensitive flesh of her partner. While at the same moment, the slime girl intensified her assault on Kiru’s own boobs. Kiru moaned in response, greatly enjoying the attention. Her vision suddenly turned white when slimy hands tweaked her nipples seconds later, while down below the assault on her clit accelerated. Lightning shot through her mind, and she once again lost track of what was going on.

Megumi rolled over. Her internal clock told her that several hours had passed since she got pulled into the orgy. It was quite enjoyable for her actually. The others were asleep, and her biomech avatar had also needed to recharge for a bit, but her other instances had kept working on the plan. Base construction was on schedule, and in another room one of her holograms was giving Melia a lecture on Psionic theory. That wasn’t the only lecture she was giving. She was also lecturing a group of scientists on Solean Emergency protocols. It was the standard lecture that covered the basic procedures of what to do in an emergency. She was even covering how to find and use the escape pods if needed.

That thought reminded her that Kiru didn’t know how to use those. It wasn’t of high priority, but still something she might need to know. Chances are she never will use one. Hell, back during the war with the Darkations those pods were not often used. The fact that most capital ships like her had a gate meant that the crew usually evacuated via gate. Not to mention, the Soleans themselves didn’t really need the pods, they were mainly for non-soleans who couldn’t reach the gate or the shuttles. Well, mature Soleans didn’t need them anyway. Soleans under five hundred years weren’t yet able to survive in the vacuum of space, but as a warship, she wouldn’t have anyone that young aboard.

A stirring beside her broke that line of thought, and she turned to see Kiru and May waking up. The Slimegirl whose name she didn’t yet know was still quite passed out. She looked kind of cute, half melted into a puddle like that. Megumi did have a couple of questions for the little stowaway, but they weren’t quite so urgent.

“Good morning, well afternoon. Sleep well?”

Kiru’s eyes widened, and then she turned a bright red. If she was any redder, and this was an anime she might have had steam coming out of her ears. It was kind of cute. She stammered almost unintelligibly, but Megumi did catch enough. Enough to know what she was trying to say. She ignored it, and prompted Kiru to check her notifications. Megumi already knew that Kiru had one from her implants. One of the kind that had also notified her, since it was a matter that would require her attention as well. Although Kiru might find that a little embarrassing, but it was her own fault it happened in the first place.

Kiru froze the instant she looked at the notification. It seemed she had crashed. Megumi looked towards May, and while waiting for Kiru to mentally reboot said, “We arrived at Nekuri a few hours ago. Get ready, and gather your sisters. I want you all going over the data as it comes in, and working out our infil plan. I already have one, but I would like to see what you come up with. Consider it a test, and don’t wait for me or Kiru. We will catch up in a bit.”

May nodded and hurried out. Not even bothering to get dressed. Megumi understood that nudity was quite acceptable socially, but she should have put on her uniform. She made a note to have a discussion with the girl later. She looked over at the still sleeping slime, and wondered briefly what she was going to do with her. When suddenly Kiru uttered one word, a question. “How?”

While most wouldn’t have been able to answer her. Megumi thankfully already knew the underlying context and could answer that. “Has to do with how the system works, and how slimes work. The system works by protecting your eggs. It does this by encasing them in a unique biopolymor derived from the Solean reproductive system, while simultaneously suppressing ovulation. The combination is overly redundant, but works very well. Slime seeding, however, doesn’t work through both partners. You could be completely sterile, and the slime would still be successful with the seeding. The reason for this is because all of the genetic material comes from the mother slime.”

Kiru frowned, “Can’t the implant have done something to stop that?”

Megumi sighed, “It did. It put them in biostasis, and alerted both you and me. Now I have some drones already setting up the medical bay for the removal procedure. Before you ask it’s very quick and painless.”

Almost eagerly she said, “You can remove them!? How!?”

“Right now it’s very easy. Your womb is filled with a slime compound designed to keep the fertilized slime eggs in there. I can inject your uterus with a simple compound designed to break it down. Then we simply open your cervix and drain the womb. It won’t take more than twenty minutes. Your implants simplify the part where we open the cervix as they already connected to that little part of your body.”

“As for the slime eggs, they won’t be harmed by the procedure. I can easily transfer them into another host or a growth pod and allow them to mature. Although, alternatively, we could release the stasis and let them mature in your womb. It won’t take very long. Only about a month before they are ready to leave your womb.”

Kiru turned red, and shook her head. “I don’t exactly want to be a mother, right now. Especially not for someone else’s kids.”

“I didn’t think you would. Follow me” said Megumi just as the door opened to admit a pair of security drones. Who promptly collected the sleeping slime. She had already arranged quarters for the unexpected guest, and the drones were to transfer her there.

Kiru walked down the corridor. It occurred to her that the last time she had walked down this corridor following Megumi, it was for what Megumi had called a simple procedure. One that ended with her getting a full body modification. In addition to having her conditioning undone. Now she was once again following the ship’s avatar to the medical bay for a simple procedure. This time though there was no armed guard, and she was actually in a state where she could consent to the procedure. Honestly, she was a bit unsure about this, but at least she had an idea of what the ship was going to do to her.

Not that it made this time any better. It was her fault though. If she had known this might happen, she might have been a bit more cautious in regards to joining in with May and the slime girl she was having fun with. She did not know when the slime got to their quarters, but she remembered waking up to May and the slime going at it. It was honestly kind of hot, and she may have started playing with herself while watching. Then at some point, May noticed and invited her to join in, and by that point, she wasn’t thinking straight anyway. Kiru in hindsight cursed herself for being stupid. It occurred to her that if she had thought to ask more about slimes and her implants that she would have known this could happen. Her eyes widened at that thought, she just realized that she had again failed to ask things she should have earlier. At least this time it wasn’t too late. So Kiru found little reason to berate herself for not asking those questions. Instead, she opened her mouth and asked Megumi a question.

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