Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Special The Factions

The Solean Intergalactic Empire (Solean Empire):

Faction Type: Precursor Empire

Governmental structure: Dual Branched Oligarchy

Government Branch A: Elder Council

Government Branch B: The Protectorate

Culture Type: Semi-Nomadic Authoritarians

Specialties: Areas the Soleans Excel in as follows.

Specialty One: Starship Engineering

Specialty Two: Plasma Technologies

Specialty Three: Hyperspatial Technologies

Specialty Four: Biotechnology
Specialty Five: Powered Armor Design

Specialty Six: AI, and Drone Development

Specialty Seven: Stealth and Sensor technologies

Specialty Eight: Transcendent Psionics

Unique Technologies: Omega Energy, Transcendent Psionic AI, Solean Energy Conversion and absorption Techniques.

Notes: The Solean people are old, with at least several million years of development. Their Empire at its height controlled over two thousand galaxies. They ruled over countless worlds from their mighty cityships and built the vast stargate network enabling unparalleled interstellar and intergalactic trade. The Empire also possessed unparalleled military might and technological supremacy making it the most powerful of the precursor races.

Neku Interstellar Imperium:

Faction Type: Subverted Young Empire

Original Governmental Structure: Imperial

Subverted Governmental Structure: Shadow Council

Culture Type: Pacifistic Authoritarians

Subverted Culture type: Militarist Expansionists

FTL Type: Hyperdrive

Specialties: Areas of Excellence as follows

Specialty One: Plasma Weaponry

Specialty Two: Hyperspace Shielding

Specialty Three: Planetary Engineering

Specialty Four: Hyperspace Tracking

Unique Technologies: Unknown

Note: The Neku people were a peaceful if young culture until recently. Gifted with advanced weaponry and shields, they have suddenly begun a series of military campaigns against their neighbors. Little is known about what prompted this shift in stance.

Erali Confederated Systems:

Faction Type: Young Federation

Governmental Structure: Federated Oligarchy

Government note: Each planet is its own country, with its own rulers. Joined together in a loose alliance that answers to the greater governmental body on the homeworld. Each colony is entitled to one representative on the homeworld.

Culture Type: Passionate Explorers, Matriarchal.

FTL Type: Jump Drive

Specialties: Areas of excellence as follows

Specialty One: Particle Weaponry

Specialty Two: Graviton Technologies

Specialty Three: Sublight Propulsion Design

Specialty Four: Biomedicine

Specialty Five: Subspace Communications

Unique Technologies: Jump Gates

Notes: The Erali are a relatively young civilization ruled over by a grand republic. Highly matriarchal, the majority of their leaders are female. Erali females tend to wear less the higher their rank in society. In recent years the matriarchy has loosened its grip and allowed each world to become its own country.


Altean Directorate:

Faction Type: Precursor Science Directorate

Governmental Structure: Science Council

Culture Type: Passionate Researchers

FTL Type: Hyperdrive (Hyperflux Drive)

Specialties: Areas of Excellence as Follows

Specialty one: Shields

Specialty Two: Drones

Specialty three: Hyperstatial Engine design

Specialty four: Crystal based computing

Specialty five: Zero Point Energy

Specialty Six: Psionic Ascendence

Specialty Seven: Planetary Engineering

Unique Technologies: Zero Point Weaponry

Notes: An ancient people with no known homeworld, that excel in the sciences. They constantly seek to expand their knowledge of the universe and understand its fundamental principles.

Ludole Confederacy:

Faction Type: Elder Confederacy

Governmental Structure: Federated Republic

Culture Type: Benevolent Defenders

FTL Type: Warp Drive


Specialty One: Antimatter Weaponry

Specialty Two: Graviton Shields

Specialty Three: Hypercomputing

Specialty Four: Plantentary Engineering

Specialty Five: Advanced Cruiser design

Specialty six: Phased Flux Fields

Unique Technologies: Unknown

Notes: The Ludole is one of the older races in the galaxies, and see themselves as the defenders of the younger races. They often also fancy themselves as dragon hunters, and their cruisers have often been seen engaged with Dragons. Results of these dragon hunts are often mixed. In recent years their activities have mostly been constrained by their war with the Vorinae.


Vorinae Interstellar Realm:

Faction Type: Elder Empire

Governmental Structure: Imperial

Culture Type: Secretive and Militaristic

FTL Type: Warp Drive


Specialty One: Plasma Weaponry

Specialty Two: Antimatter weaponry

Specialty Three: Armor and Hull integrity

Specialty Four: Cloaking

Specialty Five: Starship Engineering

Specialty Six: Hyperspatial Power Systems

Unique Technologies: Unknown

Notes: The Vorinae are not well known, as few have survived an encounter with them. Their ships are powerful and can strike unseen. In recent years they have been fighting a war with the Ludole. It is widely believed that they guard a vault filled with precursor technology that guides their development, but these rumors were never confirmed.


Nekari Star Clans:

Faction Type: Elder Matriarchy

Governmental Structure: Matriarchal Monarchy

Culture Type: Militaristic, devoted, Party lovers

FTL Type: Stardrives


Specialty One: Subspace Technologies

Specialty Two: Hyperspatial Weaponry

Specialty Three: Bioscience

Specialty Four: Psionics

Specialty Five: Bioship Engineering

Specialty Six: Draconic Culture Studies

Unique Technolgy: Dragonproof Cloaking Devices

Notes: The Nekari are a Matriarchal race that developed in close proximity to several ancient dragon nests. As such it is perhaps not unusual that they once worshiped the star dragons. Today their culture contains remnants of such dragon worship and reverence. They have also developed unique cloaking devices that allow them to avoid detection from the psychic scans of dragons. A device they use both for defense, and to study dragons. At least so long as they don’t give the dragons a reason to look for them. Of the younger and elder races, they are the foremost experts on dragons. Nekari vessels and technology is highly organic in nature. Unfortunately, their race is most well known for their mistake of cracking open a Solean Shield World.


Erisay Directive:

Faction Type: Elder Research Directive

Governmental Structure: Cybernetic Collective

Culture Type: Isolationist Researchers

FTL Type: Inversion Drive


Specialty One: Bioscience

Specialty Two: Starship Engineering

Specialty Three: Subspace Fields

Specialty Four: Mind Manipulation Techniques

Specialty Five: AI and Drone Development

Specialty Six: Drone Weaponry

Unique Technologies: Mimetic Cloning

Notes: The Erisay is a cybernetic collective born from a research AI created by the Erisay people centuries ago. Its creators were wiped out by a devastating plague, one that originated from a nearby Shield World. One whose shield failed after the orbiting star went supernova. The shield, unfortunately, preserved the planet allowing the sentient plague it kept contained to spread. The plague was ultimately contained and destroyed but not before the Erisay people were rendered extinct. In the centuries that followed the ancient AI has dutifully maintained their empire. Often to the exclusion of all else, as its chief focus since has been to recreate its creators. One item of particular note is that the Erisay in their prime discovered an ancient cache of precursor drone weapons. A cache the Erisay Directive inherited and utilized in its own research of drone weaponry.


Iridex Collective:

Faction Type: Precursor Machine Intelligence

Governmental Structure: Cybernetic Collective

Culture Type: Militaristic Assimilators

FTL Type: Hyperwarp


Specialty One: Phased Energy Weapons

Specialty Two: Cybernetics

Specialty Three: Micro Computing

Specialty Four: Bioengineering

Specialty Five: Bioscience

Specialty Six: Biodrone Replication

Unique Technologies: Adaptive Cloning

Notes: The Iridex are an unusual cybernetic collective. They are most famed for their use of biologicals as drones, but what is less well known is the process by which they achieve this. Captured biologicals are taken to specialized chambers where the brain is completely removed and then replaced with a computer. Special devices are used to keep the subject calm during this process. The newly minted drone is then augmented and put to work. The collective also artificially produces new drones, who have their brains removed and replaced soon after emerging from their growth pods. Because of their rather creepy use of biologicals, it is perhaps not surprising that the Collective is constantly at war. Most races don’t like seeing their loved ones used as puppets. The brain removal process however prevents subjects from being restored. However, the Solean Empire has successfully reversed the process. It is important to note that the restored individuals have no memory of who they were. Well, not a complete one. The Soleans have a complicated process that has succeeded in partially restoring this. The particulars of this process however are a secret known only to them.


The ??? Subverters:

Faction Type: Young Escaped Sentient Bioweapon

Governmental Structure: Shadow Council

Culture Type: Mind Controlling Puppeteers

FTL Type: ???


Specialty One: Mass Mind Manipulation Techniques

Specialty Two: Bioscience

Unique Technologies: Unknown

Notes: Very little is known about the Subverters. Only that they exist. Nothing else is truly known about them, not even a name.

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