Aegis Online

Chapter Thirteen

(Hey hey hey, chapter thirteen! Looks like this is going to keep going, let’s see how far we can take it!)

I bolt upright with a stifled shriek, shaking, my wings half-unfurled, the blanket draped over me falling away and getting tangled around my hips and legs. I can feel dampness on my cheeks, and instinctively dab at my eyes, my fingertips coming away wet as I remember the terrifying dream I’d had. I hadn’t been scared of the giant horned lady, but for her. There’d been such sadness in her eyes, and fear in her voice as she ordered me to go. Asteria’s hands grab my shoulders, shaking me gently.

“Hey, Kettrin, it’s okay, I’m here… did you have a nightmare? I had one, too. Wanna cuddle until we feel better?”

I gasp and pant, trying to catch my breath as my mind races, processing what the strange dream-lady had said. I was… chosen? I needed to grow stronger? Wordlessly, I accept Asteria’s offer, curling up beside her, trying to settle myself down and go back to sleep, my eyes slowly closing as she pulls me close, the two of us face-to-face since my wings are in the way…


I slowly come to consciousness, my eyes still closed. My head burrows slightly into the pillow, and a giggle comes from above. “Having fun there, Kettrin?” I crack an eye open slightly, the bulge of my cushion in my face. Blearily, I try to focus on it, watching it bounce and jiggle slightly. Wait… what? Why would my pillow be moving??

My brain slowly turns over, the gears beginning to work as I yawn, before freezing. The reason my pillow is moving… is because it’s one of Asteria’s ‘pillows’. I gulp, feeling… something poking into my cheek, and immediately wrench my face off of Asteria’s chest, almost falling over and flailing my arms to prevent an injury. With a slow smirk, Asteria reaches out and places her slim hand on my cheek. “You’re blushing again, how cute!” she coos playfully, and I splutter. “Asrwdudywedf!!!!”

After hurriedly dressing in my armour, leaving my spear and shield in my inventory, I leave the small cave Asteria and I had shared. As I wait for her to finish dressing, I check the time on my status menu’s in-game clock. It’s 6 AM, and I stifle another yawn, ambling slowly towards the main cavern. As the beautiful Alv catches up, we enter the hollow, finding several tables occupied by sleepy folks in armour and tunics, bowls of porridge and plates full of sausages, bacon, crusty bread, and fresh fruit. Gimmel stands, waving.

“Over here, you two! Your cleric friend is already up! He’s looking over a few of the injured. Help yourselves to breakfast and coffee before you meet the Doc!” the stout dwarf grins and swigs from a steaming mug. Gratefully, we go and grab something. I settle down on one of the vacant benches, a large bowl of honeyed oatmeal in front of me. Asteria plops down beside me, a platter of sliced apple, grapes, plums, and strawberries in front of her. Chasing a fat red grape around with a fork, she asks me something I wasn’t expecting.

“Hey, Kettrin? Remember my friend, Dana? She lives in Union City.”

I blink, then admit. “well, I actually live in UC myself…”

 “Oh, really? Cool! Well, I messaged her last night, and she’d like to meet you. She’s more experienced with trans stuff than me, and she’s eager to take you under her wing. Would you like to meet her? There’s a large park near her, she suggested that for an open and public place.”

Staring at her for a moment, I swallow, and then blush. “Would… would I have to be a boy in order to meet up? I don’t really want to dress like that…”

Asteria giggles, “Nah, you can dress like you want! Girl clothes, big hoodie and jeans, whatever! She’s not formal. Although, she doesn’t know I’m a streamer, so please don’t mention that!”

My blush deepens, and I slowly nod. “O-okay… I’ll meet her. Would… would this Saturday work?” I ask, biting my lip. Asteria pulls up her menu, typing something and waiting for a few minutes. “…. Yes. She’ll be at Stonehill park with her dog, at 10:30. Sound good?”

I nod again, spooning a mouthful of sweetened oats into my mouth. Strangely, I actually feel full after my meal, and wash down the last of my breakfast with a large mug of coffee.

As I prepare to get up, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn. The small girl from last night is standing there, grinning. “Hey, you’re the one who carried my body back here, right?” she asks, her amber eyes glinting as she fiddles with the grip of one of her massive daggers. I stare, then startle as Asteria places a hand on my back encouragingly. “Uh, y-yes!” I blurt, before wincing.

She smiles and bows politely. “Thank you so much! I saw you arrive yesterday. You’re pretty damn cool, and your friends! Too bad I ended up taking those arrows; I would’ve loved to meet you properly, especially after you gave that twerp Marika what she deserved. I’m Clawdette, by the way! The Ashiga Executioner for this bunch of sad-sacks!”

I almost raise my hand to ask a question, blown away by Clawdette’s cheerful torrent of conversation, and she pauses, blinking. “Oh, you have questions?”

I nod. “Uh, what exactly IS an Ashiga, and an Executioner?” she tilts her head back, before letting out a silvery laugh. “Well, you’ve seen an Andromal, right? Well, I’m half-Andromal, half-human! And, as for what an Executioner is, I specialize in dual-wielding daggers and taking apart targets one by one. An assassin, rogue, thief, whatever class analogues you know. Stealth isn’t really my forte, though, so I just stab things real good.”

I can’t help but smile, the small girl’s infectious positivity rubbing off on me. She follows us as we head towards the ‘lab’, as directed by one of the nearby breakfasting members of Gimmel’s troops. “Yeah, the Doc’s set himself up in the back, but he’s a little intense. It’s weird, but I could swear I’ve never seen him log out…”


Following the small girl, Asteria and I head down a carved passage in the stone, Clawdette’s sunny disposition brightening my mood from its slight funk. She cackles, “But yeah, despite dying, I’ve had more fun in this game than in anything I’ve played in ages! I’m so glad it came out in time for my 21st birthday!” I blink, a little surprised. Clawdette was older than I thought, I’d been under the impression that she’d been in her mid-teens or so.

At the end of the tunnel, Clawdette stops, grinning. “Well, this is your stop, guys! Thanks again for bringing me back, by the way! Let’s fight together properly next time!” she zips off back down the passageway with a wave, not even pausing to let us respond. Looking at me, Asteria reaches out and gives my hand a quick squeeze, smiling. “Okay, let’s make a good impression, yeah?”

She pushes into the cave, where a figure in a long, white coat is hunched over a desk, muttering and scribbling on a sheaf of paper with a bent and ink-stained quill pen. Hearing our approach, he straightens and turns. A wiry, dark-skinned male, a wild, loose afro of messy black curls spilling out and down to his shoulder. Under his labcoat, he’s dressed in a form-fitting green sweater and dark leather pants, thick-lensed round spectacles sliding down the bridge of his nose. A red armband is affixed to his right sleeve.

“Ah, you must be the two Argonauts who stepped in and ‘elped my associates, oui? Kettrin and Asteria?” he says in a deep, French-accented baritone. “I am Dr Francois Guillaume Dupont-Moreau, but please, just call me Dr Frank!” He smiles and reaches out to shake hands. His fingers are calloused and warm, but his grip is gentle. He seems almost manic, energy radiating off him as he leans back against his cluttered desk. Two others, identical in every way except for blue armbands on their sleeves, continue the projects they’re focussed.

“Do not mind my colleagues, they are simulacra I ‘ave created to reduce the workload, and it’s good to ‘ave a fresh perspective on some of the things I am working on!” The two clones wave briefly, before returning to their research. Dr Frank runs a hand through his wild hair, grinning. “So, have you any interesting skills or abilities? I am most interested in observing the combat techniques of other players.”

I share a look with Asteria. I don’t know about her, but my Skill-Forge might be something very risky to reveal. However, I won’t be able to hide it forever… someone’s going to find out sooner or later. I raise my hand, clearing my throat softly.

Dr Francois instantly picks up on it, smiling widely. “Ah, oui! You ‘ave something to share? I promise, I will not share your name. Some skills are exceptionally rare, and their owners would prefer not to ‘ave their advantage removed during PvP.” He pulls a sheaf of loose paper towards him, fumbling for his quill, looking at me eagerly. “So, what skill ‘ave you acquired? My dissertation needs as much data as I can possibly get!”

I slowly open my mouth. “W-well… I have an ability that allows me to make or edit skills, at the cost of some gold. Depending on what skill, the cost can be greater or lower. It’s called Skill-Forge…”

The Doctor stares, his eyes wide over his glasses. “You… can do that??? Magnifique…” he breathes, his note-taking forgotten in the excitement of the moment. I blink, nodding, as he claps his hands in glee, cackling. “Yes! This is exactly what I’m talking about! Would you mind showing me? I’ll cover the cost for the skill forging!”

Startled, I look to Asteria for guidance, glad that neither of us are streaming yet. She smiles and nods, murmuring, “Go on! You might as well show off, cutie!” With her encouragement, I turn back to the doctor and nod. Following the instruction in the skill’s menu entry, I reach out and take Dr Francois’ calloused hand, focussing on him. His skills gradually filter into my mind, and I select one at random, muttering the name out loud so he can tell which one I’m working on. “Starlight Shot…”  

Examining the skill, I check the details. ‘Starlight Shot:  A simple skill that launches a projectile of silver astral energy that deals magic damage to any foe it hits. A basic, but effective offensive skill.’

 I focus on the skill specifically, thinking about what I’m going to change about this skill. After a minute or two, I take hold of the skill, pulling it free and manipulating it, adjusting a couple of effects, then sigh, smiling, as the skill warps and alters. The cost, 5000 Ducats, is paid, and I slide the skill back into place.

“There, I’m finished. It cost 5k, but I’d like to think it’s an improvement!” I giggle, before slumping, a wave of exhaustion washing over me. “Oh, whoa… I need to-” I stagger, falling backwards. Asteria’s arms encircle me as she pulls me close, supporting me as I shake my head. “Ugh, seems like it gives me an absolute rager of a headache, too…” Asteria coos softly, as the doctor rummages through the piles of miscellaneous crap on his desk.

“Ah! Here, drink this; it should help with your ‘eadache! So, what did you do to my skill, hmm?”

I smirk wanly as Asteria rubs my back. “Why don’t… you give it… A try, monsieur doctor?”

He grins, and calls one of his Simulacra over. “Ah, I ‘ave a quick task for you. Once I am in position, look for the skill… ah, the name ‘as changed, un moment.” He quickly scans for the new skill. “Ah, oui, oui. Use the skill Midnight Star on me!”

The blue-banded Dr nods and stands ready. A few metres away, the real Dr Francois positions himself by a wall, his arms held out. “Trois… Deux… Un… FIRE!”

A beam of blinding black energy, swirling with every colour of the rainbow, lances out of the Simulacrum’s palm with an ionising crack! As the ray of darkness flashes across the intervening space, Dr Francois crumpling with a choked cough, a neat hole bored clean through his torso. He spasms twice, then goes limp and still.


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