"Sorry for making you wait, Kaneki-san..."

"No, it's okay..."

"Then shall we go..."

"Yes, just as you wish Shikimori-san"

Today, due to some reason, I am walking alongside Shikimori-san... She seemed somewhat happy about this whole thing, and I know she is enjoying this time with me...

In these past days, I have not been able to interact with her that much, no, there was not a single interaction, as I have to deal with other heroines also... Well, I am doing it now, so it doesn't matter. And I think this is our first time, walking home together, I already have a walk with her in the morning...

Shikimori-san and Komi-san became friends just last month, but they behave just as good friends do... They always leave school together; take the same bus and sit together on the same bench; which makes everyone, in the class, believe that they are best friends... They are opposite of the pair of Yukinoshita Yukino and Horikita Suzune...

Yukinoshita Yukino and Horikita Suzune, have many things in common; like they have no friends, except me; they behave coldly towards everyone, including me; they both are good at studies; they live alone in the apartment, are neighbors but don't know that yet, I think... Well, to conclude this, I think they are alike but since they are strangers, they don't know it yet... But for some reason, they are behaving differently, these few past days... I know this because I am the seatmate of both of them and my bench is in between their seats...

They are doing a staring contest... Whenever they turned their heads away from the blackboard, where their gaze is always on. And, by chance, if their gaze met with each other, they will start the 'stare contest' with other... They will stare, stare and stare until one of them breaks it, then the other one grins at it... I don't know what they are doing, and I think it's better not to ask, so I just leave them on what they are doing... Maybe they are competing with each other as they have only a 2 or 3 marks difference in the last exam, we gave at the last of the last month...

As I was thinking about my other heroines, the wind started to flow unnaturally... The wind started to blow things here and there... And when I turned my side to see, how Shikimori-san is doing... She is looking straight and slowly turning her head in my direction. Her eyes opened widely while doing the movement of her head... Why she is behaving like this?

So, I also turned my head, seeing straight to the road, and saw that a few newspapers are flowing in my direction... Good grief. So I quickly tried to evade it but then a kick came immediately and scattered the newspapers, making it fall on the ground at that instant... The kick was from none other than, from Shikimori-san... Her bangs are all over her forehead and she is breathing heavily. Her head is down, her ears are red... Hmm, is she embarrassed about what she just did here?

"Nice movements, Shikimori-san... I think you are cool as well as..."

I said and slowly walked towards her, while she slowly raised her head... Her bangs are still at their place, she has some sweat on her neck but she is looking angry after hearing it, but I know what she wants to hear... As I haven't said a certain word to her, which is said to be effective on the majority of the women population, well in my opinion though...

"... cute"

I said this while slowly closing the distance between us, near her ear... She was surprised by my movements but well she didn't move away from me, so I think she has some feelings for me... Her face became full red reaching both of her ears; her hands are on her skirt and both of her eyes are closed... Well, well...

Wait... Let's give a final touch, shall we...

I moved one of my hands and placed it on her cheek, started caressing her. While moved my other hand on the top of her head, started patting her...

"But, Shikimori-san, you can't do something like this, you know... I don't want to see 'my' adorable Shikimori-san getting hurt..."






Oi, that's surprising for me also, that I get to gain this many affection points... Are my words work this well...? Maybe or maybe not, I don't know...



As I was still doing the caressing and patting while thinking about the system's notification, Shikimori-san's voice rang out to me, then I stopped... Oh, shit. What have I done? Her face was red like a tomato, her eyes got some water in them, and she is slightly shivering...

"Sorry, sorry... Shikimori-san..."

"N-no, d-don't apologize..."

Even if she says so, I can't help but give a single flick on her head...




"If it's my fault, then let me apologize for it properly, okay?"


"Well, sorry..."

"Now, why?"

"If I started doing 'that' again, then I am doing an apology for it now..."



Then after walking for about 10 minutes, we finally reached her house...

"Well then, let's meet tomorrow..."


When I was saying bye to her, Shikimori-san became unhappy... She also started to look down, showing her disappointment... Now, what she wants? Huh -

"Shikimori-san, do you want to spend some more time, together?"


She nodded her head for few times and then showed me her cute smile... Then, she turned her body and entered her house... Wait -

"Please come in..."

"*sigh* okay"


I entered her house while saying the lines 'please excuse me'; while Shikimori-san said 'I'm home'... Then I started to follow her and finally, I entered her room... Her room's appearance is...

She has some posters of volleyball players; has pink colored walls; a bed and a study table... It looked girly room, but...

"Shikimori-san, do you like volleyball?"

"Yes, I love it..."

"I see. That's great... I will cheer for you when the time comes, Shikimori-san..."

"Thank you... I will do my best..."


Then we sat on the ground and talked for a bit and after that, she left the room to get something to eat and some tea to drink...

Phew... I don't want to come here, for spending time with her... I thought maybe she will take me to the park to hang out, talk about some stuff, and watch the sunset but she does the most unexpected thing, she called me to come with her and wants to hang out with her in her own house... Maybe this is my entire fault, first I increased her affection to 80, which I guess is enough for any heroine to behave like her, or maybe she is just an exception among other heroines...

As I was thinking this, I heard some woman's voice coming from down, from the hall... It seems like her mother came back... Before her, we are alone in the entire house, Shikimori-san told me about it when we talked about various things... Let's see, what would happen now...

Well, I can clearly hear their chat...

"Miyako? Miyako?"

"Yes, mom..."

"Where are you?"

"In the kitchen..."

"Why? Don't tell me you are trying to make something... Don't you dare to...!"

"N-no, I am not..."

"Well, then it's fine"

Oh, I think I just witnessed something I shouldn't have; not for now I guess... From the talks between daughter and mother, I think Shikimori-san is not good at cooking, just like me, huh... Mother-san seemed to be the type of person... I can't say anything right now...

"Miyako, is there any guest here?"

Oh, it seems Mother-san, finally noticed my shoes, huh...

"Oh, yes... My friend. 'He' is upstairs in my room..."

"I see -, hm. Did I just hear 'he'?"

"Y-yes, he is my classmate. His name is Kaneki Ren."

"I see, call him down... I wanted to talk with him"




And with this, Shikimori-san didn't say anything more to her mother... I can hear her footsteps clearly as she slowly ascends the stairs and comes towards her room, where I am sitting idly... Then she stopped in her tracks just right at the spot, just in front of her room... I think she is thinking about how to tell me all the things, and about the fact that her mother is calling me, to meet her downstairs...

I am thinking of many possibilities for this meeting with her... But the most terrifying thing, I thought is...

Her mother, being one of my heroines...

I don't want to think about what will happen if this possibility became in reality...

I think of having an 'Oyakodon' with both of them... Yes -- ... No, I don't. I DON'T... I DON'T...THERE IS NO WAY...

"No way..."

"What happened, Kaneki-san??"

As I thought about me having an 'Oyakodon' with her and her mother... Shikimori-san entered the room... It looks like my voice just got out and I said it out loud, huh? Because she is looking surprised and her eyebrows are raised, slightly... I think I just lose my composure, there...

"Nothing, Shikimori-san... But what about you, you are looking troubled? Is there any problem?"

"Um, no I am not troubled but... my mother wants to meet you, Kaneki-san..."

"I see..."


"Hmm, I understand your circumstances as to why you are the only male student enrolled in this school... But still, why are you here?"


"I am asking, why are you here in my house? What were you intending to do with Miyako in her room?"


Just when I descended the stairs along with Shikimori-san, who is fidgeting a lot... Well, she should be, as she brought a boy into her maiden's room without even telling her parents about it. And Mother-san also has her right to scold her and me, for doing this... I mean if I were her boyfriend then this wouldn't come to this but that's impossible because the school, her daughter is attending is an all-girls school...

When we reached the drawing room, just like in most Japanese houses, the drawing room and kitchen are attached... So, there is a table settled near the kitchen; there is a table and three couches which are around that table; a 32-inch TV also... Overall I can say it's a fine house...

There sits a woman, in her 30s, the aura she is emitting is dark because she is angry... Hmmm... In front of her, there are two empty chairs, for us to settle, huh...? So we slowly approach her and took our respective seats... I greeted her by saying 'hello...' but she didn't reply to it, and just started to glare at me...


She is still glaring at me, even though we talked enough, to stop her from doing her so... Hm...

Now to answer her question, I don't know why I am here... I don't know, I didn't think of this possibility, so what can I answer her... Should I just tell her the truth that her daughter brought me with her because she was 'lonely?' Hmm, no, right? I don't know what will Shikimori-san do if I said she was feeling 'lonely', that's why I am here.

"Um, before answering your question, can I have some water?"

"Hm, sure..."

I asked for some water to drink from the mother-san, whose face is darker than before... She stood from her seat and went toward the kitchen... I breathed a sigh of relief because I was having doubts about whether she would provide me a glass of water or not, but it seemed she will... It is somewhat, not an easy situation for me. Because this is my first time coming to anyone's home, moreover that anyone is none other than, one of my heroines, Shkimori-san, which raised some more difficulty because I can't do or say anything wrong... Good Grief...


"Thank you, madam"


I drank all the water in one go, then place the glass at the edge of the table so that it can easily fall on the ground... And it did fell, because of the shaking caused by the legs of Shikimori-san...


"Sorry sorry, mother... It's my entire fault"


As soon as the glass shatters, on the ground, its sound echoed in the room and also reached the ears of Shikimori-san, who, until now, was looking down all the time... Finally, raised her head and started to apologize to her mother... This is what I want, I wanted to make Shikimori-san tell her mother about all the things that happened...


Now I am on my way back to my apartment, today seems more tiresome day than usual, because of Shikimori(s)... First, Shikimori Miyako approached me in the school, when our classes ended and ask me to give her company. I agreed to it, with no doubts in my mind, just thinking about a single thing that I will make her affection, for me, increase, and... it does increase... The weather and the timing played a major role in it; well it went better than what I thought... Then I asked her if maybe she wants to hang out a bit more, as she was showing a disappointed face when I was going to leave...

Then the most important 'factor' comes, her mother, which made my day more troublesome... She, when noticed my shoes, called both of us to meet her, and we did... Then she started to ask questions about me, my family, and other irrelevant things. To which I answer her question, carefully and not said anything 'confidential'...

After that, she asked the question, she wanted to ask, from the very beginning, from me. But... I didn't want to answer, so I just made Shikimori-san do that...

Shikimori-san explained everything, even though she was stuttering a bit and had an embarrassed look on her face... Then after that, mother-san just nodded her head, at her daughter's explanation... Her glare also got less intense, but still, it was the same just like Shikimori-san's normal glare.

After a few minutes, we all sat there silently, not a single voice could be heard... Finally, mother-san opened her mouth, breathed a sigh of relief, and apologized...

"Kaneki-kun, it looks like I misunderstood you... So I apologize from both of us..."

'Please do whatever you want with us...'... HUH?

What the heck is going on with my mind? Is it because of the novels, I have been reading during the night? Or am I some kind of pervert...? No, that can't be, I am not a pervert, I am sure of it...

"No, it's alright... I think I am also at fault, I should have rejected Shikimori-san's offer but still, you know, since she is one of my friends. I can't reject her like that, can I?"

Upon hearing my words, she developed a small smile on her face and started to look at the Shikimori-san, her gaze fixated on her daughter for a few seconds then turned her stare to me... She asked something, I didn't even imagine...

"Hmm, you are right... Well, I have to leave, so if you want to stay, you can --"

"No, I think I should also leave..."

She asked me, if I wanted to stay or not. I immediately denied her offer... I don't want to make things more difficult than it already is, Shikimori-san needs some time to back to normal...

After that, mother-san came with me, when I was leaving their house... I bowed a little while saying 'Thanks for having me...' She chuckled at me, and said 'Come back again...'

I don't know, what is going on... Because I think I have gained some trust from Mother-san in this meeting... I am still thinking about the fact that, deep inside, I want an 'Oyakodon' but, still I find myself lucky that it's not the case...


Just as I entered inside my apartment, I took off my shoes and socks... Then I heard my doorbell ringing, continuously, without any break... It just continues to ring, until I reach the door and opened it...

After opening it, I got tackled on the ground, with my back touching the ground, and on my chest, is the hand of the intruder... Her body weight is on the lower part of my body and her hair is all over her face, hiding her watery eyes and red face...

"Um, what happe --"

"I am sorry Kaneki-san... I am sorry..."

"I understand, okay?"

As I said, I make myself comfortable on the ground; she is still on my lap... She just shows that she is strong but she is not; she shows that she can do anything but she can't because she is just a mere high school girl...

I slowly put my hand on her back and pull her body into my embrace... Her body became stiff but still, she let me do it... I slowly pushed her bangs to their original place, and then I started to stare at her red watery eyes, maybe because she is crying, but her eyes are looking dangerous...

Her face just looked like the face of a woman, I have seen multiple times, before coming to this school... I slowly started to pat her head and her back as she started hiccupping when she stopped her crying...

"It's alright, okay? I am here for you..."

"But, but..."

"Is Shikimori-san afraid that I will hate her or stop being her friend because of what happened at your house, huh?"

She slowly nodded her head and started looking down at the ground...

"Hmm... I see. Well, don't worry Shikimori-san... I will 'never' hate you, okay..."




After hearing it, Shikimori-san smiled brightly just as a kid shows when their parents buy them their favorite toy, no, I think her smile is more than that...


Everything went just as I planned and expected... I am not proud of myself but still, I am grateful to the people of 'White Room' for helping me, to attain this 'ability'...

Well, the thing I achieved is, I have completely conquered the heart of Shikimori-san, well not completely though as it's still 95, but I know that she has completely attracted to me, to the point that she doesn't want to leave me... Well, I just want this level of obsessive love from all the heroines...

I am crazy, aren't I...? It's because I don't want any of my heroines to fawn over other guys while still having feelings for me... I will make his life --, oh sorry, it looks like my 'yandere' side just got triggered there... But still, now that I think about all of this, whatever happened today is crazy enough to make me think about it twice...

Conquering Shikimori-san is not that difficult... First I made her feel guilty because of me, in front of her mother. That made her chase after me, just as I reached my apartment... Then she jumped and tackled me on the ground, still crying, after this she showed her expression and then I noticed her state of emotions, just like 'when a boyfriend dumped a girlfriend, who was trying her best in maintaining their relationship...' I don't know how I knew all this, but I think it's all because of the damn 'web novels' and 'light novels'...

Then I consoled her by being intimate with her, all the time, and as time passes by, she gradually got comfortable with my 'touch'... I think my ability called [MAGICAL HANDS] also played a significant role here...


So, currently, I and Shikimori-san are sitting comfortably on the couch, in my apartment, watching a volleyball match between national teams, I think it's just a practice match... She was sitting too close to me; our shoulders are touching each other, and she sometimes takes a glance at my face, while continue watching television... She is now back to her normal self and has a small smile on her, tinted face... It took me 1 hour to bring her back to normal...

We enjoyed our time together, doing nothing but watching T.V., doing so I also asked her some questions, about her mother... Her expression just went dark, but she answered it and said her mother told her that she can go but she has to be back by 7:00 p.m.

But is Shikimori-san afraid that her mother might also fall under my charm, huh...? Well, she might have these thoughts in her mind, as I flirt with anyone as long as she is a woman but what can I do, most of them are my heroines, so I have to... Back to her mother, Shikimori-san doesn't need to worry as her mother is not one of my heroines...

As we continued to sit there... my doorbell rang...

I stood up from there and said nothing to the pouting Shikimori-san... I reached the door, and opened it without thinking about who might be at this hour; it was like my body is not under my control...

I unlocked the door, to find out that the person is none other, than one of my heroine and Yukino-chan's older sister, Haruno-san...


"Hello, Ren-kun..."

"Hello, Haruno-san... How have you been?"

As we greeted each other, I took a step outside the entrance of my apartment, and in response to this Haruno-san smirked and also took a step towards my direction... Good Grief...

"I am good, what about you?"

"Same... So, what brings you here, Haruno-san?"

"Hm, no special reason... I just thought that maybe I should say 'hello' to my adorable junior, who might become friends with Yukino-chan..."

"Thank you for coming to see me, Haruno-san, you know what I also wanted to see Haruno-san but I don't know where I could meet with her..."



"I-I s-see... But you can't --"

"And you know what; I think I have become friends with Yukino-chan, even though she sometimes denies it..."

"You... are calling her Yukino-chan, hmm... What happened between you two, tell --"


As we continued our chat, I called her younger sister Yukino-chan. Why? Because this is what I call her, and since she didn't mind it that much, then why should I not... This piques the interest of Haruno-san, as she clapped her hands, for one time, and then her eyes started to shine brightly to show that she is very interested in this... It means that she is interested in these kinds of things, huh...

Until and unless, a cold voice came from one of my neighbor's apartments, we, I and Haruno-san, both turned our heads in the voice's direction... It was none other than, Yukino-chan. She is standing at the entrance and is slowly approaching us; her gaze was, all along, fixated on me... After a few seconds, she came here and grabbed her older sister's right hand, and started to drag her sister with her, back to their apartment... When Haruno-san finally disappeared from my sight, Yukino-chan turned her head in my direction, and stare at me for a few seconds, but she is not only staring at me as her mouth is also making some movements... What is she saying?

So, I make a gesture showing that I can't understand what she is saying, to which she... didn't reply just turned her body, making a tsundere move, and entered her apartment...

Don't tell me that Yukino-chan is also a tsundere...

As I was standing there confused, another cold voice pierced through my ears... This is coming from my backside, and I think she is angry...


"Yes, Shikimori-san..."

When I turned to her side, she was radiating a dark aura filled with 'jealousy' and 'killing intent'...


She was smiling lightly, but her eyes have no color in them... Her bangs are, again, all over her forehead... She is crossing her hands, and she is staring intensely at me...

"Oh, sorry Shikimori-san for leaving you all alone... It's just that one of my acquaintances came here to meet me..."

She didn't open her mouth for a few seconds... But when opened, she asked a 'cliché' question, every single 'yandere' out there, asked one time in their life...

"Is your acquaintance a 'female'?"

Good Grief...

"Yes... but don't worry... As, from now onwards, no one will come here and..."

As I said this, I started moving towards her and also closed the door... She didn't flinch as I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it, she still showing her angry face as to show her jealousy... Then I opened my mouth and continue...

"...will disturb 'our' precious time..."

She was looking angry and worried, about the 'intruder', just a moment ago... But when she heard this, her face became full red and started to pout a little... Oh what a cute face, she has...!

"I-I s-see..."


After one more hour, exactly at 7:00 p.m. Shikimori-san and I left the place together... I left alongside her because I just wanted to escort her back home, safely...

After, like 5 minutes of walking we reached her home...

"Thank you Kaneki-san... And sorry for showing you my 'that' side, it's just that --"

"It's alright, Shikimori-san..."

"But, but..."

"It's okay... See you tomorrow..."




After saying this, she finally entered her house... I sighed a little, thinking about the events that happened today and how -- Tch.


At the time, I didn't see my surroundings that well and didn't notice that a certain girl is stalking me from the moment, both of us left my apartment... 'She' continued to stalk me, even though the night is approaching...


I came back to my apartment; I am hungry because what we ate during evening snacks is literally, just snacks... I have to learn how to cook, but from who...? My co-workers are all busy with their work, and my seniors, who may be free, are not that great at cooking... I can't ask from any stranger; I have already tried studying from the manual, but it didn't go that great... Hmm...

As I was lost in thought, my doorbell again rang... Man, no one wants me to rest, huh... Should I just ignore -it?


Wait... It's the voice of the 'angel' of our school... But why is she here?

I walked and unlocked the door, to see Mahiru Shiina standing at my doorstep wearing a white frock, having a yellow-colored butterfly pattern on it... She is looking beautiful as well as cute...

"Oh, Good Evening Shiina-san..."

"Yes, good evening... Here..."


"This is your bento for tomorrow..."

"I see..."

She handed me the bento, she bought with her... I took it from her, without saying or asking anything... But still why she is giving me, the bento for tomorrow, today... Hmm...

Is it because of the rumor about us that became 'news' in the school, just a few days ago...?


A/N: GUYS, I JUST UPLOADED MY NEW FANCFIC... NAME: [Demon Slayer: Everyone Desires Love]... SO, GO CHECK IT OUT... 


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