On a clear day, a girl was walking on a street full of people. She looks extremely happy for the mere reason that she gets attention from many students in her school, including her classmates. Today, most of her classmates approached her, and some of them even tried to become her friends, especially the boys.

She is this happy because --

She had always had trouble adjusting to her school because of her looks, which included black hair in two braids and rectangular-shaped spectacles, from the day she started middle school till now.

She just looked like a typical nerd, and she was. She has no friends, is not good at studies, is not good at interacting with others, and gets easily bullied by others. She also dislikes idols or famous people because she knows she can never become like them.

But today, in high school, her thinking somewhat changed because she changed herself for the better, and it only happened because of her mother. And she is very grateful to her mother as she was the one who came up with this brilliant idea.


After some walking, she stopped at a bookstore to buy her favorite novel. She started reading this novel last month but became captivated by this as soon as she started reading it.

When she entered the bookstore, everyone present inside turned their faces to take a peek at her— Mostly men, though.

'He' was also one of them.


She walked toward the counter to ask about the whereabouts of the novel she wanted to buy. The guy standing there has a creepy expression on his face, but he does not do anything weird; he answers her question about where the novel is. She thanked him and went to the specified shelf.

"Oh, here it is."

She muttered this under her breath as she spotted her favorite novel on a full shelf of novels. She quickly grabbed the book and held it. Just as she turned her body, someone called out to her.

"Hello there..."


When she felt someone was standing just beside her, she turned her face in his direction. There stands a guy who is about 20 years old, or around that age; he has blonde hair and has the nastiest features on his face.

The girl found this guy handsome and charming because her heart started beating just after hearing his voice and looking at his face. He has a smile on his face, which she finds attractive enough that it makes her not see directly into his eyes.

"Um, etto, um..."

"Haha... So cute..."

The girl again tried to say something to the guy, smiling brightly at her, but due to her nature, she did not find the courage to say anything. To which the guy replied by calling the girl a cutie.

This whole thing caused the girl to blush very badly; she started to look down at the ground; her whole face turned red like a tomato. She sometimes takes a peek at his face while looking down.

Watching this expression of the girl,  the guy's smile suddenly turned into a devilish smirk, but the girl didn't even notice that.


"Well, cutie, let's go somewhere else. There are many people here, and the number of people is also growing rapidly. So, shall we?"

"Um... O-okay"

The girl paused for a second to think about whether she should go with him or not, but when she saw his smile once more, she gratefully accepted his offer. Her heart flutters every time she looks at him. She knows that it's not good to trust any stranger, but in her mind, she thinks that the guy beside him does not seem bad. So it's fine.

As soon as they left the shop, they started to walk in a certain direction.

The girl has already lost herself, as she is blushing like a girl in love, and her heart is also beating very fast. Because the guy is holding her hand as they continue their walk, she doesn't even know where he is taking her, as it seems that the girl is enjoying her time.

On the other hand, the blonde-haired guy is doing calculations on how he would have s*x with her, use her, and then maybe earn money from her by selling her body. He has some experience with these kinds of things—falling innocent girls into his trap and then doing whatever he wants. He has done many other wrong deeds as well, but no one has ever caught him red-handed.

The girl didn't have a single bit of knowledge about his inner thoughts, about how evil he was, about how he would destroy her whole life, or about how she was just too innocent and naïve for her age. As she continuously thanks her mother that she has successfully made a 'friend', who is holding her hand tightly, She is too naïve.

As they continued their walk, they, at last, stopped in their tracks. They are now standing in the innermost part of the alley. The darkness resides in the alley, as nothing is neatly visible here, as only there is some light coming from the houses. The girl is having some difficulty seeing even though she is wearing her lenses, not her usual spectacles, but she is having some difficulties.

While the guy is looking directly at the shivering girl, His smirk also gets large as he loves this type of expression on an innocent girl's face. The guy tightened the grip on her hand; she shivered more at this, but she smiled a little at his action. So he quickly took out a packet of chocolate that contained some aphrodisiac drugs.

He has already decided on an idea in his mind for how to break the girl completely. That is :

He will offer this chocolate to her, she would take it and eat it, then the drug will start to take effect on her, and then... Also, if he has to use some force on her, then he will do it. Because in his mind, there is only one thing going on: he wants to have s*x with her at this instant moment.

"Here, have some chocolate..."


The guy gently tapped on the girl's right shoulder to turn her attention back to him, and she turned her head backward to see him. He then showed her the chocolate he had been holding for some seconds and gestured for her to take it. She was confused by all this, as to why he had chocolate in his hand and what does this even mean. But she accepted his chocolate as she did not want to be hated by him.

"T-thank y-you s-so --"

As the girl was going to take the chocolate from the guy while thanking him, there came a boy younger than her. His age seems to be about 12 or 13 years old and is smaller in height than her. He is wearing a costume consisting of a black T-shirt and black trousers with black shoes.



"I am tired, I truly am... I mean, who would have thought that she would be a Shota-con, huh?... Tch, Tch."


He muttered these words while looking at the ground, looking lost in his thoughts as he completely ignored both of them.

He walked and walked until he stood in front of them, then he raised his face, nodded his head two times muttered something along these lines, 'She is just a crazy woman, huh?'

Then he turned his body and sat on the other side of the pair by taking the support of the wall behind him.




The guy who was watching and observing the actions done by the boy until now shouted to call out to him. The boy, who settled himself on the ground doing something on his phone, raised his head to look at the guy who called out to him.

"Wha -- Oh, I get it. Here, take this 100 yen coin, okay? Leave now. Let me take some rest."

The boy stood up from his original position. At first, he wanted to ask why he was being called out, but then he suddenly took a 100 yen coin from his back pocket and threw it in the speaker's direction.


This makes the guy angry with the boy. So, he shouted once again at the boy. But the boy has another way to look at these things.

"What? Want some more, huh? Sorry, I can't, okay? I also want to live, you know... Oh, man. Don't make that kind of face. This will only make me look bad. Tch, okay take this also. Here, catch it... Ah, good boy. Now, shoo..."

The boy was surprised at the guy's persistence in shouting, so the boy again took out a 100 yen coin from his pocket and threw it to him, making the guy catch this coin also, as he did with the previous one. And the guy did make the pose of catching and he did it.

"Oh, good catch man. Now, take your girl out from here. Got it?"


"Oya. You are not a beggar, huh? I see, I see... But you know what, if anyone else sees your face, they would think of you as a beggar... No, don't be angry... I am just stating facts. But, what's that? Hmm, is that chocolate?"


"Ah, no, no I will not leave."






[??????????'S POV]

What is going on? What the hell happened just now? How did things come this far? How can I be this naive? And why am I the one to get caught by someone like him? I didn't do anything wrong to him or anyone else, so why? Why GOD? Why?







My mother kept calling out my name while hugging me tightly and slowly wrapping her hands along with a towel around my shivering body. On the other hand, I was just lost in my thoughts, ignoring her presence.

My mother's appearance can be said as terrible because her tears kept coming from her drenched eyes. She kept apologizing to me, again and again, even though it was not her fault. She didn't do anything wrong, but she finds herself guilty for me being in this state.

It's all my fault for believing that stranger from the very beginning. It was my naive thinking because of which things go this far.

If only I didn't believe that guy, if I only didn't find that guy's smile charming, if only I didn't accept his wish to come along with him here in this alley.

Yeah, if only I didn't --

"~sob~ ~sob~"

"Saki, ~sob~, sorry, sorry. It's all your mother's fault. I am sorry..."

"No, mother ~sob~ it's not your f-fault..."

The both of us, me and my mother, started crying while sitting on a wooden bench inside that alley. Our cries can be heard easily by all the people present around us, the police, the people inside the ambulance, the reporters, and some of the people in the neighborhood around this alley.

I am still feeling discomfort and regret from the meeting with that despicable man who wants my body and nothing else.

But I am also a little bit, no more than a little bit, grateful that I got to meet that boy who saved me from that repulsive man.



Oh, wait, wait. What's this? Why does my heart start to beat faster at the mere thought of him? W-why? And why is my face also getting hotter all of a sudden? W-w-why?

"Saki, are you feeling any better? Hmm? W-why is your face red all of a sudden? Saki, do --"

"I-I a-am f-fine..."

"Madam, is your daughter feeling any better now?"

"Um, --"


I nodded my head when one of the policewomen came to us asking about my condition with a worried expression on her face. Well, I guess everyone present here has the same expression on their face, including my mother.

"So, um, can you with your mother come with me to answer some of our questions regarding what happened here?"


We both hummed and nodded a bit, showing our agreement with her words.

"Then, please come this way..."


After that, we all sat in the police car, consisting of a driver and us. We reached the police station in about 15 minutes.

We entered the station, where all types of criminals were roaming with an officer alongside them.

Some were scary-looking; some looked normal; some seemed aged; some seemed younger but had blood on their hands.

W-what is w-with this p-place? I'm not sure, but I believe that I don't seem to like the atmosphere of this place. It scares me a bit. As I continued to walk toward an empty bench inside the station, the stares of these criminals sometimes met mine, and I --

"It's alright, Saki-chan. Don't worry, they all are handcuffed and if they try to do anything with any of us, I will be sure to shoot them down..."




After that, I and my mother sat down on an empty bench. The police lady told us to wait and went to her senior officer to make the arrangements about everything.

10 minutes later, she along with her senior came to us. We got up from our seats and started walking towards the police inspector's direction.

Then I told them everything about whatever happened to me, after school.


First I told them how I met the guy, whose whereabouts are unknown and it seems he wasn't present in the neighborhood either as the police are still searching for him.

And how he sweet-talked me to walk out with me, from the store to the dead-end alley. And when we reached there, there was not that sufficient light present there which made me feel uneasy but I felt fine as he was holding my hand and standing beside me. Then he took out a packet of chocolate and started to offer it to me, saying I must be hungry or I should try this out. And --

"Did you eat that chocolate, Saki-chan?"

"Yes, Saki. I also want to know."

"N-no, I didn't eat that chocolate because --"


As I was going to tell them, my mother and the police lady, the inspector also got interested in it. Well, I would not prefer to say interested because it's their job to take every clue they can from victims like us.

"..... --saved me"


W-w-what no one listened, huh? Does my voice l-low...?

Now, I have to tell them again, that it was a boy, younger than me, who saved me. And maybe I was blushing also as I mentioned him to them, but I am grateful that none of them noticed it.

Then I took a deep breath and calmed myself down because what I am going to tell now is the most important part of this whole incident.


I continued telling them about what happened as I mentioned that the guy had some kind of chocolate with him, and he tried to offer it to me but then a boy interrupted him. I told them --

He walked toward us, stopped in his tracks, raised his head a bit, and then muttered something while watching the man with his dark crimson eyes. It makes the guy somewhat angry at the boy. I don't know why though but I guessed that maybe the boy did something to him in the past.

Then the man started shouting at the boy, who seemed to not care that there were other people in the alley.

As I was explaining this whole thing to these three people, one of them, who is the inspector of this station, started to ask for the details, like his appearance, his behavior, and many other things.

But I just told him about what he was wearing as I couldn't tell him any more things about the boy because I was so terrified that time when I got to know about what was going to happen to me at that time. So, I didn't ask about who he was or what he was doing here.


Then I started to tell them about what happened next, as when the boy started to ask the guy about the packet of chocolate he was holding in his hand. This made the guy lose control of himself as he suddenly barged towards the boy, making a fist, just as he was going to touch the boy.



I don't know what happened but at that moment I closed my eyes hard because I didn't want to see all this but suddenly I heard the voice of someone cracking a finger...

And when I opened them I found the guy... on the ground, his nose was bleeding badly, his eyes had no movements in them, and he had rough breathing as well.

While on the other hand the boy, his eyes shining brightly in this dark alley, is looking down at the guy with no expression whatsoever. He took out his handkerchief and cleaned his right hand with it and then threw it at the guy.


He then sighed, again and again, about five times, I think. As I was continuing to watch his face, he suddenly moved his gaze to me, I got shivered run down my spine at his gaze but still I stood there. Then he suddenly said --

"Hey, girl. Grab that chocolate from the ground and bring it to me..."

I should have been angry at his behaviour but I still picked the chocolate from the ground and walked toward him. I am scared.

"Hmm... I see... Hey, is this your first time here? In this place?"


My mouth didn't open but I still nodded my head like a child.

"I see... I see... Do you want to know, what that man was trying to do with you? Hmm?"

I tilted my head a bit, as I didn't understand him. I mean, what does he mean by 'bastard', and what he is going to do with me? But still, I asked him, as I wanted to know what he meant by that, calling my 'first friend' a 'bastard'?

Then he started to tell me about this alley as well as what my so-called friend was going to do with me if he didn't come here in time.



'W-w-what... N-no way...'

If what he said is true, then I am sure my life will be over...

As I was getting terrified at the thought of what happened to my future self, me becoming a 'bitch' and just fuck anyone for money. No, I don't want that... I don't...


"*sigh* Don't worry, as I am here with you... Okay?"

He said this while showing me his smile as his red eyes glowed perfectly in this dark alley... N-no, n-no, what's with him???

He slowly walked and stood in front of me. He stood there for about 10 seconds until he grabbed one of my hands. What is he doing? Don't tell me he is the same, hmm? Is he also going to force me? N-no.

I tried to resist him, but he tightened his grip on my hand. No, let me go. P-please --

"Hey, don't resist too much. It will only cause you more harm, you know. And don't you worry, I am not like those people who use this place just to f*ck each other, okay?"


He is holding onto my hand with one of his hands and taking me somewhere. I wanted to ask him where we were going or where he was taking me, but I didn't dare to do so.



After some time, we successfully left the alley. I see many people in front of me. Thank G-god, I'm safe now. I should thank him. How can I forget about this?

As I turned my head in his direction, I noticed he had already left my side. So, I began finding him by running here and there and asking some of the people about him. Maybe someone saw him when he was leaving me here, but every single one of them just shook their heads, saying in a single line, 'We didn't see him...'

In the end, I didn't get a second chance to meet him, even after searching for him for about thirty minutes straight. So just as I was going back directly to my home, I saw my mother running towards me, and behind her were the two police cars.


I am now back in the alley, but not alone. I am with my mother and some officers. They are investigating the whole place as there is too much blood everywhere.

I am scared. I am shivering while taking the support of my terrified mother because when I left this alley, there was only one guy who was on the ground, unconscious, but now --

There are about ten men on the ground, including that guy, who are unconscious. Some of the police officers tried to get some reaction from them, but the men lying on the ground didn't even react a little bit.

What in the world happened here? This question was in every mind of the people present here, as the people here had the same expressions on their faces: confusion, surprise, curiosity, and terror.

Both of us, me and my mother, are showing fear in our eyes as this is our first time seeing this scene. We have seen it on television, but seeing it in front of our eyes is still a new experience and a horror for us.

The blood was all around the place, on the walls and the ground. The condition of the men lying on the ground was not very critical, but still, it was not said to be good. Some have their left hand twisted, some their right; some have crushed faces; some have one of their legs broken; and out of those men, one was not even breathing. Whereas the guy who brought me here was not here, his chocolate was lying on the floor.

I guess they are all in critical condition.

The ambulance siren was the only thing I could hear in this messy place as I continued to observe the abnormal condition of the men. Then, suddenly, my vision stopped at something I hadn't even noticed until now. It was the boy's handkerchief.

So, I slowly walked in its direction, where only one of his possessions lies. There, an investigator was doing his work by collecting every single clue or trace. And as soon as he got near the handkerchief, I called out to him and made him startle a bit.




"Did you need anything? If not, then get out of here; don't disturb us."

"Actually, um, that handkerchief is mine. Can I take that back?"

"Haan? Tch, go pick it up and get out of here."

"T-thank y-y-you, so much..."

"Yes, yes..."

As the investigator gave me his permission to take it, I quickly picked it up and put it inside one of my pockets.

After that, I quickly came back to my mother, who was crying from the moment she saw me back on the street. As soon as she saw me, she ran towards me and grabbed me in her embrace. M-mother.


Then a female officer came to us and started to tell us all the details about what she and the police know about the guy and his gang, who are currently in the hospital except for today's culprit.

She stated the same thing that the boy told me earlier about this guy's evil deeds and how he managed to manipulate several girls by just giving them some kind of drug or something like that. She also told us about the conditions of the victimized girls; they have all become insane by doing many immortal things. When I listened to all this from the female officer, I started to cry again, along with my mother.




When I finished telling the police about everything I knew, they told me to stay safe and be careful in the future because many people like him are just roaming around the world, doing this kind of deed without even thinking twice.

"Be careful, Saki-chan..."


"You also, Saki's mother..."

"Yes, you too, Akiho-san... Thank you so much for your help."






It's been two years since that incident, but I still didn't get the chance to meet him. 


Where are you? What are you doing right now? Do you have anyone you like? No... Right? Well, I don't know what I'll do if that's the case. Fufu...

"Saki, did you wake up? If not, then --"

"I am awake. I am changing my clothes, so just wait for a moment."

"Okay, okay"

Today is the first day of my third year of high school. Currently, I am exercising in my room.

As I was continuing my exercise, the door of my room opened widely. There stands my mother with a ladle in one of her hands. She has an angry expression on her face but is also smiling.


"No, wait..."


From that day on, I began to improve myself not just in my appearance but also in every other aspect. 

I began to exercise, improved my communication skills, and improved my relationships with others, but only with girls in my class

I began to exercise, improved my communication skills, and improved my relationships with others, but only with girls in my class. I also learned martial arts from one of my friends to, at least, save myself and my mother from those degenerate, disgusted people.

So now I have gained confidence in myself. I also improved my studies to get better results, and I am getting them.

And all these things happened to me only because of 'him'. I mean, the boy. I don't know his name, so I am still calling him 'the boy', but I think I should change my way of calling him.

"My Hero, huh?"

"Mou, Saki has already started thinking about him early in the morning."

"Saki, you sure love him, huh?"

"S-shut up"

After that little incident with my mother in my room, I am currently walking along with my friends to reach the school as soon as possible. Because we are already two minutes late for the entrance ceremony.

"Let's run..."

One of my friends shouted, and then we began to run. We stopped in our tracks when we finally reached the school gates, where the school security guard was standing while folding his hands and his eyebrows were also twitching a bit.

Oh, shit. We are late. We sure are.

"You girls. You know you are late, right? *sigh* Go run a round of the ground, as your punishment."

"Yes, sir..."

"Good, now go... And come to the auditorium as soon as you're done with this punishment."

"Yes, sir..."




Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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