"So, how is the school going, Ren-kun?"

"Hmm, it's going well..."

I answered the question asked by the woman sitting beside me; she is doing nothing just has a smirk on her face and sometimes pokes me in the face... It's none other than the big sister of Yukino-chan, Haruno-san...

Yukino-chan is also with us, but she is sitting on the other side of the table, she is just drinking her drink and giving me an intense glare

Yukino-chan is also with us, but she is sitting on the other side of the table, she is just drinking her drink and giving me an intense glare... Oh, is she jealous or something? Because --

Whenever our gazes met, she will start to produce slurping sounds, which make Haruno-san's smirk grow wider, and then Yukino-chan will turn her head away to escape from having direct eye contact with me... Good Grief.

"I see, I see... What about you Yukino-chan? How was your day today?"

"Hm, it was a fine day just as usual..."

"I see, I see..."

After hearing my response, Haruno-san hummed for a second and then shifted her attention to her younger sister... She asked her the same question while having a small grin on her face... Is she that interested in these kinds of things...? Or is she enjoying herself? I also have a hunch that she is going to ask a very weird question, very soon...


Then we continue to spend time here while chatting about a few things, mainly about the school... We, I and Yukino-chan, are just answering the questions, that Haruno-san asks us...

I think she is a 'social butterfly' because if she wants, she could talk with anyone without letting them know how much time she wastes for them... The same is going on with me, or maybe, I think for Yukino-chan also.

Should I excuse myself from here? I don't think there is any important talking going on here, in this cafe... Hmm? Yes, let's think about an excuse to get out of here...

As I was going to say, 'Sorry, I need to go. I have some work to do...' Haruno-san spoke before me and what she said, grabbed the attention of the girl, who is giving me the cold shoulder from the very beginning...

"So, when are you going to go out with each other?"

"Huh? What are you saying, nee-san? Who, in their right mind, would go out with this 'pervert', who flirts with anyone as long as it's a female...? I would rather --"

"Yukino-chan, w-wait, wait... Don't say rude things about Ren-kun, and... I am sorry for --, eh?"

"Oh, it's alright. I already know about myself, so it's nothing new for me... So, don't worry about it... And one more thing, I am sorry Haruno-san and 'Yukinoshita-san' but I have to leave first..."



Good Grief... This is the first time anyone called me a 'pervert', and more importantly, in front of me. I don't consider myself a pervert... And I am also not planning to become one.

Well, she called me a 'pervert' as well as told me one more thing, that she never will 'date' me, huh? Which makes things somewhat easy for me... Now, I can easily conquer her without doing anything special...

Everything will be done by Yukino-chan, oh sorry Yukinoshita-san, but I think that is the only and deserved way to conquer her... And I will just have to go with the flow of the events, which are about to happen shortly...

Good Grief... What a great devilish mind, I have...

Well, well. Now let's think about the events that happened today...


In the morning, Shikimori Miyako showed me her aggressive side by holding my hand, also intertwining her fingers with mine... That sure was a bit embarrassing, but what happened next is... Komi Shouko also joined forces with the pink-haired girl and holds my other hand... Well, she was not intertwining her hands with me but still...

Two girls, one at each side, holding hands and having a blush on their cute faces; looking down all the time, during the walk and also having a small smile... That scene is considered to be one of the infinite dreams of every man in the world, but still what I find, is that- that was embarrassing even for me, well even if it was for the slightest...

After that, we walked, at a slow pace, and reached the bus stop... But before reaching there, I excused myself from them, Shikimori-san looked angry while Komi-san just nodded her head like a cat, well I did notice that sometimes she has 'cat ears' popped on her head but I think it's just my imagination...

Well, a few minutes later, Shikimori-san agreed but still, she was clearly showing her disappointment, as she sighed too much, maybe because I have to leave her... Good Grief. So, I walked towards both of them, lessening the distance between us. Their reaction was... hmm? They are not showing any reaction, they just stood there staring at me... Hmm, what was that? Well, it was good, I think, right...?

Then I raised both of my hands and started patting their heads gently, not that slow nor too fast just at a normal pace... Shikimori-san, who was just pouting a moment ago while folding her hands, closed her eyes and then lessened her anger, while Komi-san, also did the same, closed her eyes but never raised her head just continue to stare at the ground... Hmm...


I did gain some points from Komi-san but gained nothing from Shikimori-san... Hmm, so does that mean as the affection points increase, and if it reached near '100' then it will make things difficult...hmm? Well, I will do whatever I can do to help her affection reach 100 and so she completely fell in l-love with me...

After that, they both smiled affectionately and then they both, while holding hands, walked towards the bus stop... Hmm, not bad... But I just don't want them to become lovers of each other... Shikimori-san and Komi-san, huh...



Oh, I wanted to puke... No, no I have to control myself, I can't do it here... Well, I will never let that happen... So it will be alright. Yeah...

But now that I think about it... Will those 'two' be also my heroines, huh...? If they are, then that will be quite troublesome for me. Their bonding is strong, so it will take time to break that bond... But it's not that, it will be impossible for me but still... Well, I have to meet them first, to confirm whether that's the case or not.


Then during the lunch break, I had, as usual, lunch with the two senpais... But they were also behaving differently from their usual selves... Especially, Hanajima Senpai, who even tried to feed me in that student-filled cafeteria...

"Nee, Kouhai-kun..."


"Here, open your mouth... Aah"


That was unexpecting because I didn't think of this possibility this soon, or I say that I thought of this possibility after five months or something... Hmm...

Well, in the last I had to open my mouth and had to eat that spoon of soup... This is one problem, but the main problem is that she used the same spoon she just fed me to continue eating her lunch... After some 'seconds', her face formed a small blush on her cheek, and she had to change her spoon... This whole scene was being watched by the dumbfounded Uotani senpai, who just sat silent there, the whole time... She didn't even eat a single thing; just continue watching Hanajima senpai and me...

Good Grief...


Now to the present, I am walking on the street to quickly reach my apartment... For that purpose, I took a shortcut...


Hmm, why is this 'alley' looks familiar? Did anything happen here, before? Tch...

I have a good memory but some memories, which I find are not that important, I let them clear away from my mind... And I think this is one of those memories, hmm...? Should I go inside this dead-end alley, where is not a single soul is present...? Hmm, let's do it another time.

I should reach my apartment as soon as possible...


When I finally reached my apartment and sat on the only couch present... My apartment phone started to ring...

~ring~ ~ring~

Tch... Tch...



When I heard the voice of the caller, the woman's voice, I quickly ended the call... No way... How can this even be possible? There is no way... right? Well, let's think calmly.

Because if one of them will get to know about my whereabouts, then I think the others will easily find it out, about my address... Because I heard that they all are in touch with each other... Tch. This is all because of my bad luck, and maybe because of this shitty system; no, I think this is all happening because I came to the school...

Moreover, I think I need to change my apartment... No, wait. Why am I being all nervous, it's not like I am cheating on them or anything and the relationships I formed with them are only because of the sole reason, it's my part of the job and that's my kind of 'power', I think...

Yeah, I should tell this incident to my seniors or co-workers about this... They will handle this; if not then... of course I will have to handle it... But I don't want to; meeting the woman you 'used' in the past, and telling them the truth is quite painful, especially for the other party... Well, let's see what is going to happen... *sigh*


"I see... But can't you guess the speaker?"

"No, Yuri-chan... I still can't remember her well... You guys made me do these types of things, more than two or three times, which made me forget about the previous people's names... If I have to say, I say I remember only the last one, I had contact with... While for others, sorry, I can't say anything about them..."

"I s-see... *sigh* Well, okay. I will do what I can do, in my power. But still, stay alert okay? They all are from powerful backgrounds and now they became powerful on their own; when you had last contact with them, they were not that powerful because their husbands had the power, at that time... But now it's different. As the last report I got about them, they all became businesswomen and on top of that, successful ones. And I think you can guess the reason behind all this, I mean, who is the one to change them this much..."

"Oh, you are making me blush, Yuri-chan... Just stop it."

"You. I don't want to imagine you saying this line, with your emotionless face... Well, stay alert and safe..."

"Yes, yes"


Well, I guess I did the right thing, huh? --

As soon as I hung up the call with that woman, I didn't waste any time and quickly called Yuri-chan, the head of the organization where I am working... She is the only person I can think of to get the information about this woman... She has the power, and since I want to use that power, I just have to tell her about the content and she will reluctantly help me because there is no reason for her to refuse me and will ever need one in the future...

Now that I think about her, she seemed to be in some kind of trouble while she was talking with me... Is she having trouble with anything or something like that? I thought of asking her, but I didn't because maybe she is just feeling unwell, tired, or stressed about her work, and if that's not the case... Then she will ask the sensei because they both are best friends...

Well, whatever... It's not like I am w-worrying about h-her or anything...



Well, I should sleep, as I still have school to attend tomorrow...


Next day.

After I successfully dressed up for school, eat the toast while drinking some milk and then quickly grabbed the school bag. And --

Upon reaching the door, I took a deep breath, thinking today would not be like yesterday. And then...

As I opened the door, I saw a petite girl standing, her brown hair in a side ponytail fastened with a sunflower-shaped hairpiece with bangs hanging over her forehead and brown eyes... Hmm? What is she doing here?

Oh? She is holding a paper bag in her right hand, just like Shikimori-san and Komi-san did yesterday. Hmm...

Does she have her swimming classes today? As far as I can remember, yesterday, there supposed to be our class's swimming class right after the lunch break, but that never happened because our 'sports teacher' was absent...

In this school, swimming, or any other sports, for the first years, will only start to happen after the completion of 2 months... And yesterday was supposed to be day 1 of the third month, and since we are in 1-1, which means the first section of the first year, we get the privilege to have the first swimming class, but unfortunately... Well, whatever.

According to that, today will be the day for Class 1-2, and that's why Himawari is carrying a paper bag, which must contain a swimsuit... Hmm.

As I was lost in my thought, I noticed that Himawari-san was slowly and slowly approaching me... When she finally stood in front of me, having a distance between our bodies of about 5 or 6 inches, she smiled broadly, and then... she started to squeeze me (I mean started hugging me)...

Good Grief...


"Ren, Good Morning..."

After 2 minutes and 45 seconds, she greeted me... What a 'cute' and 'weird' creature she is...

"Yes, Good Morning Himawari... But how long do you keep --"

But how long do you keep --"

"Hmph... Ren, would you like to walk together to the school?"

Huh, she wanted to walk together... I thought, maybe just for today I will walk alone to the school, on the way there I will buy some chocolates or anything sweet... But I think I cannot, huh...?

"Like this?"

"N-no... But I want to..."

"Sorry, Hima --"

As I was saying that I can't... My ability called [CHANGE THE REALITY] triggered, again, at a time when I didn't want it to...

A) Sorry, Himawari. But let's not do it today.

B) Himawari, I don't want to... And also, stop it already, will you? I don't like clingy girls like you...

C) Hmm... Okay. But we can't walk like this, can we? So, let's hold hands...

These are the choices, huh? I can't even see them as three choices because only the last option is the only 'ideal' one...

Option A has the words I was going to say a few moments before, but the system stopped me from saying those words. So, it's more likely the wrong choice... So, let's not go with option A.

Option B... Hmm... This option is full of rudeness and will never help me... I would have said this to any random person if she did this to me. But the one who did this is one of my heroines, so I shouldn't choose this option... Tch... So, let's not go with the option B.

So, by this, I have only option C to choose from these three options... But still, me saying that 'let's hold hands...' is a bit too much... It's not like I will never say this line, but still... it's somewhat embarrassing for me and maybe for Himawari.

*Takes multiple deep breaths*

Let's c-choose this...

"Hmm... Okay. But we can't walk like this, can we...?"

I said this as I slowly surrounded my hands her body; more likely, I put her in my embrace... Good Grief.

The system is making me do these embarrassing things, early in the morning... I will take revenge on the 'God of Love' someday... I will.

Himawari was surprised at my sudden behavior, of putting her in my embrace, as she kept on saying the words like 'etto' and 'umm' continuously, like a machine... Oh, now she is feeling embarrassed, huh...

As I was watching her reaction, my right hand moved on its own and now it's holding her left hand... Good Grief, this system and god both are scary, in their way...

"Wha- What a-are y-you doing R-R-Ren...?"

"... So, let's hold hands."


She shouted in surprise... Well, if I saw myself doing this in front of my eyes, I would have reacted just like her... Good Grief.

"So, let's go... Shall we?"


We are walking on the streets; some people are walking like us. And two or three of them while on their way somewhere, gave me a thumbs up while having a smile on their faces... What the hell is going on?

Himawari, on the other side, is trying to be her usual self but she can't seem to act that way as she is shivering a little bit, her face has a broad smile on it, and is doing her best not to make eye contact with me as she, from the beginning of the walk, continuously looking at the ground...

Good Grief...

Well, whatever... It's not like she is not enjoying it as she is grabbing my hands very tightly, tighter than the Shikimori-san's grip... She is not intertwining her fingers with me, but...

Her hands are small as compared to mine, well I would say smaller than Shikimori-san's and Komi-san's, so it's giving a different feeling to it... Since her hands are small, seemed to be made perfectly only for me... No, no, w-wait w-what am I t-thinking...


We reached the bus stop just in time... There is only one bus remaining, so I decided let's take the bus together with Himawari, as I think that all of my other heroines had already taken the bus...

"Himawari, we have arrived at our destination... So, if you don't mind..."

I said to the flustered Himawari, who is still looking down at the ground... When she heard my words, she raised her head and started to look into my eyes... Her face was full red, and her eyes have some tears prepared in them... Good Grief. So, I used my other hand to swipe her tears, gently and showed my smile to her...



After staring at me for a few seconds, she turned her head away and nodded her head a few times and also muttered something, I noticed her doing so...

Then we walked towards the only bus, standing there... I sensed no person, inside the bus... Man, what's with the atmosphere... Well, the bus has our school's emblem on it, so it sure is our bus, the vehicle number is written on the back, which I used once...


But, the mess which is going to happen inside the bus... Why do I have to deal with all of this???

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