After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 259

Chapter 259:

The smiles on the sisters’ faces were extraordinarily bright.

While enjoying the service of the sisters helping to change into home clothes, Kevin asked casually:

“What happened, so happy?”

Helen’s face rarely showed a smart smile, and she said playfully:

“you guess?”

Two sisters, Helen and Emma, one is calm and the other is agile.

This kind of playful expression is common on Emma’s face, but it is not seen on Helen’s face at all.

Being able to make Helen show this expression somewhat surprised Kevin.

It’s a pity that Kevin, who is a straight man of steel, hates guessing things the most.

Wen Yan just smiled at the sister beside him and said:

“I can’t guess, Emma, tell me, I’ll give you a Rolls-Royce!”

Hearing this, Emma’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she didn’t care about her sisterhood.

Directly betrayed his sister.

“Sister, she’s pregnant!”

“It’s been two months.”

Although Emma is already in her twenties, under the protection of Kevin, she still has the temperament of that girl, and she can’t hide things in her heart.

After saying it, there was an expression waiting for Kevin to praise and for him to fulfill his promise.

The elder sister was a little shy, and blamed her sister for betraying herself so decisively.

Of course, it’s not really to blame.

This kind of thing was never intended to be hidden from Kevin.

Kevin looked at Helen, the smile on his face could not be concealed any longer.

Although he is unmarried, he doesn’t mind having a son.

After all, men are actually very concerned about whether they have descendants.

This is really the inheritance in the genes.

“good, very good, excellent.”

“I’ll get you some babysitters.”

After all, without waiting for the two sisters to respond, Kevin called the company’s secretary and arranged for a few high-paid confinement maids.

Although the United States does not have the term Yuesao, there are actually many people who do similar work.

However, from the point of view of production, the European and American races do have advantages, and they are easy to come out of.


Safety is much safer than American.

Of course, perhaps because of these elements, the mother-son relationship in Europe and the United States does not seem to be as close as in the East.

To put it bluntly, Asian children born under such dangerous circumstances naturally have more emotions than Europeans and Americans.

For Europeans and Americans, the danger of production is not large, and naturally it has become a very common thing.

At this juncture, some messy associations popped up in Kevin’s mind.

I have to say that since becoming a director, Kevin’s mind has enriched many things.

After saying a lot of good things to the sisters, she fulfilled her promise to her sister Emma, and gave her a check for half a million dollars, letting her buy whatever Rolls-Royce she wanted.

And after arranging the follow-up Yuesao, Kevin went out to find other women with joy.

No way, reborn in the United States, Kevin’s only pursuit is such a little thing.

Men are LSPs until they die, which Kevin agrees with the bottom of his heart.

Chapter 379 Planning a new project

Helen is pregnant, and some things are naturally not suitable to continue.

Of course, it’s not good to be with her sister in front of her.

For this reason, Kevin could only go outside to look for wildflowers.

As for whether this is a scumbag, Kevin can say with certainty that he is a scumbag.

However, Kevin definitely did not treat the woman he had had.

In terms of European and American views on love, Kevin is actually not a scumbag.

He only saw himself with the concept of his previous life, and then he felt that he was a scumbag.

But everyone who has a relationship with him has been rewarded handsomely, and it’s not a loss at all.

And being scolded as a scumbag, generally speaking, it is the woman who suffers a loss.

Of course, after the popularity of women’s boxing, it all turned into a situation where the woman said you were a scumbag and you were a scumbag.

For example, if you exaggerate a little, if you don’t buy me a bag, you are a scumbag.

The degree of magic is not an exaggeration.

But in the final analysis, female boxing is actually aimed at ordinary people.

Who has ever seen a woman punch against the boss?

This fully illustrates the psychology that money is for women, not for women.

Boss Ba takes women to eat stalls, which is called grounding gas.

It’s a double standard anyway.

And a boss like Kevin would naturally not become a scumbag.

Thinking of this, Kevin suddenly felt at ease.

As for who he is looking for, it is naturally Anne Hathaway who just broke up.

Although they are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, but to be fair, it should be a very normal thing to have a relationship with an ex-girlfriend.

Anne Hathaway didn’t find a boyfriend anyway. It’s a very reasonable thing for two single people to get what they need.


After a good night’s sleep, after fully releasing the pressure, Kevin came to the morning movie.

Go straight to his office.

While waiting for Transformers’ first-day box office, Kevin took out some selections from the company’s script library, and was also checking the company’s copyright library.

Finding your own new project is also very important.

Of course, he would often think of Helen in his heart.

It has to be said that as his future son or daughter’s mother, she has successfully obtained a different position in Kevin’s heart.

Marriage is not possible, but it is necessary to give her enough respect.

Having said that, I have to mention why the marriage rate in European and American countries is low, and even only fall in love and never get married.

They don’t have the custom of getting a house and a betrothal gift to get married. Many people think that men in these countries are very relaxed.

In fact, they are not easy either.

In the United States, in the event of a divorce, in addition to dividing up part of the property after the marriage, the man must also pay child support based on his income at the time of the divorce.

until the ex-wife remarries.

This led to the fact that after the divorce, the ex-wife found a new love, and even did not want to get married, but lived together as boyfriend and girlfriend.

To put it simply, it is to spend the money of the ex-husband to support the current one.

All in all, it’s pretty miserable.

Many homeless people in the United States are born because of divorce.

Unable to pay child support, he was put on a credit blacklist, and then fell into the predicament of being unable to spend ahead of time and unable to rent a house.

And can’t rent a house and can’t find a normal job.

In the United States, it is very important to find a normal job and a stable residence.

There is almost no way out of this vicious cycle. Of course, these have nothing to do with Kevin, he just found a reason for himself not to get married.

Looking at the script in his hand, Kevin put it down one after another, and finally he decided to give up finding a suitable subject from the script.

For TV dramas, the script is the core of the core.

But for movies, it’s really not that important.

Of course, Kevin was talking about big Hollywood productions.

Audiences will find a strange phenomenon, a movie with a small production cost, dare to shoot any fancy plot, and can make it.

But once it becomes a big production, the plot is very straightforward, so straightforward that the audience can see what the ending is like at a glance.

In fact, to put it bluntly, people are lazy.

Most audiences are actually reluctant to watch movies with their brains.

They just want to see a simple, relaxing, stress-relieving movie.

Satisfy them and you can get a high box office, otherwise, you are doomed to lose money.

This point can be compared from many mainland movies.

Of course, the plot is one thing, and the feel of the filming is another.

However, Kevin did not feel that some directors in mainland China were worse than Hollywood directors, and what they lacked was a cognitive gap.

Again and again, a certain Kaidao was mentioned.

He is a typical example.

The Farewell My Concubine he filmed won numerous awards and established his status as a great director in one fell swoop.

It’s a pity that, until thirty years later, he is still taking the same money as Farewell My Concubine.

Never made a good movie again.

What a **** case caused by a steamed bun, and a legend from the Tang Dynasty Demon Cat.

The pictures in it have to be said, very beautiful.

Kevin agrees with Kai Director’s aesthetics very much, but for his storytelling ability, Kevin almost gives zero points.

It is said that for every movie after Farewell My Concubine, Kai Director has to interfere in the script creation. With his status, no one can control him.

This also led to the completion of a movie. Kevin, from his own viewing point of view, can only remember the beautiful picture.

What is the plot about? It’s confusing.

I believe this is also the consensus of many people when they watch his movies.

After hacking Kai Dao again in his heart, Kevin entered the serious selection mode.

At present, the copyright library of Dawn Movies is mainly concentrated in Japan and the United States.

Although I don’t like Japan very much, I have to admit that the Japanese do have a set.

Especially when it comes to cultural invasion.

Yes, the United States not only has two dimensions, but also quite a few.

For teenagers, there is a team series.

That is, the super clan series among the three major special shots in Japan.

Don’t get me wrong, Kevin doesn’t know about future teams, beasts, magic, flames, etc…

He just heard about it.

In short, among the three special shots, the Super Sentai series is very popular in the United States.

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