After Buying Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

Chapter 270

Chapter 270:

No one wants to miss it, in this case, they can only rely on their own abilities.

In such a strange atmosphere, the three-person team began to watch the movie Spider-Man 2.

Similar hobbies are not uncommon in movie theaters.

Americans like to socialize, and that’s a cultural difference.

Chapter 394 Private Party

The most typical is the word modesty.

Americans never knew what modesty was or understood it.

Mainlanders say it’s okay.

In the cultural circle influenced by the mainland, everyone understands that this is self-defeating, and it actually means very good.

But Americans will feel that, you can’t.

This cultural difference has led to differences in the overall national character.

The release of the Marvel movie has simply become a topic of communication between countless young men and women.

The release of Spider-Man 2 created a lot of breaking points on the first day, and countless news media published various articles about Spider-Man 2 and the Marvel Universe.

It can be said that the American people were almost completely covered by the propaganda of Spider-Man 2 in this short day.

In addition to more than $30 million in marketing expenses, it is also thanks to the joint efforts of Warner Bros., Paramount, and Fox.

After all, Kevin has shared some of the copyright of the Marvel Universe with them.

Adding firepower to the Marvel Universe is actually getting more profits for their future.

Under such circumstances, this has such momentum.

Meanwhile, Marvel fans all over the world are caught in a sea of joy.

Thanks to Kevin’s efforts, the mainland market has long been open to Marvel.

In addition, Kevin has never been involved in movies. It can be said that the movie market all over the world is open to Dawn Movies.

This is even the case with the furry bear’s movie market.

Although the United States is playing tricks on Maozi in many ways, but after all, it has not torn its face, and Maozi has not stumbled in the movie market.

In this case, Spider-Man 2 has just been released in the United States, and the morning movie is already busy with the global release.

This matter is also promoted by Kevin.

Prior to this, Hollywood movies were generally released in the United States after they were released, and then they were released all over the world one after another.

The interval in between is too long, a month or even a few months, often when the Hollywood blockbuster is released locally, the plot and so on have long been known.

It can be said that many viewers have already seen the pirated version.

I can’t blame the audience for this. After all, it’s not that the audience doesn’t want to support it. It’s just that you haven’t released it, and the audience can’t wait.

In this case, the box office of Hollywood movies will naturally be greatly affected.

This is also one of the reasons why Hollywood will become less and less particular about the plot in the future and prefer special effects.

It is difficult for the plot to drive the audience into the cinema.

Only special effects blockbusters cannot be replaced by piracy.

The same is true for future cinemas and various upgraded movie viewing experiences.

Without enough movie viewing experience, it is difficult for the theater to attract audiences from their homes. What Kevin has to do is to shorten this time, quickly release the movie overseas, and avoid the impact of piracy to the greatest extent.


The August sun is so high that it almost melts everything.

There are hardly any pedestrians on the road, and almost all cars come and go.

As a country on the car, in this country, cars are very cheap, and a few months’ wages can buy a solid and practical vehicle.

Not to mention too much, just say that the driving license of this country is actually an ID card, so you can understand the status of the car in this country.

such weather.

Kevin naturally did not go out.

Instead, there is a party at home.

The huge awning creates a large shadow, barely holding out a cool open space in this weather.

Above the open space, there are all kinds of meat skewers and barbecues. Under the work of several Asian chefs, one by one shows an attractive luster.

Next to the meat, there are also a variety of seasonal fruits, which are very rich.

In the pool, several hot beauties, dressed in bikinis, looked very seductive.

People who are familiar with the Hollywood entertainment industry can recognize the people here at a glance.

Nicole Kidman, Britney…

In addition to these actors, there are also the family members of some directors, such as the family members of the Russo brothers, as well as Nicolas Cage’s wife, Depp’s girlfriend and so on.

Anyone who is familiar with the interpersonal relationships of these people knows that the absolute core of this group of people is naturally Steve Kevin.

Those who can participate in this party can be said to be people who Kevin can see and have a good relationship with.

Of course, a few didn’t come.

Not everyone has the time.

Of course, it’s someone else’s business whether to come or not. Kevin still has to call the invitation.

In America, parties are a great way to prove camaraderie, and of course, where bullying happens the most.

It’s not about bullying at a party, it’s about deliberately not inviting certain people.

In a class, if the party host invites other people and leaves one person alone, this is American bullying.

Lying by the pool, Cage, Depp, and Jim Carrey, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, were holding big meat skewers in their hands and eating happily.

Jim Carrey couldn’t help but praise:

“Kevin, the chefs you hired are really good. These skewers taste so good.”

Kevin swallowed the mutton in his mouth, feeling the pleasure brought by meat, and first attacked vegetarians in his heart.

Humans evolved to the top of the food chain, not to be vegetarians.

This kind of anti-human nature is purely disgusting, and should not exist.

Then he breathed a sigh of satisfaction, rested for a while, and said:

“Of course, these are all famous chefs, and the appearance fee is tens of thousands of dollars. Is it delicious?”

After this party, hundreds of thousands of dollars can’t run away. Although Kevin’s family is rich, he still feels a little expensive.

Of course, when he ate the meat skewers, Kevin felt that it was worth it.

Money is a thing, if you don’t use it, what’s the point of earning it.

Cage on the side was enjoying it even more.

Now, when he is not in financial stress, he is still very beautiful.

At the same time, under Kevin’s advice, he did not do any real estate investment, but used it to invest in gold.

Basically say goodbye to the miserable fate of the previous life.

After all, in his previous life, he had failed investments and divorced, and he was also a big spender, which resulted in almost bankruptcy.

This will not finally pay off all debt until after 2022.

Now, free from random investment, with his salary, as long as he doesn’t get involved in any mess, even if he takes drugs, he can’t finish the money in his life.

The speed at which rich people make money is not what ordinary people can imagine.

In this society, it is destined that the rich have more resources to make more money.

The hardest part is always the first pot of gold.

As long as you don’t mess around later, the money will only increase.

Won five million in the lottery and got four million.

If you don’t have the ability to control this wealth, even if you save it in the bank to earn interest, it will be 150,000 to 60,000 yuan a year.

Ordinary families, in the case of not buying a house, can say that they will not worry about their livelihood in their entire life.

Chapter 395 Star Lord Jim Carrey?

As long as the insurance is purchased reasonably and the ability to resist unexpected risks is increased, there is no pressure on the family.

The hardest part is actually the arrival of the first million.

With Nicholas Cage’s net worth, if he doesn’t invest in high-risk projects, even if he spends a lot of money, he won’t actually fall into the state of his previous life.

Of course, the biggest reason is Kevin’s advice.

Of course ordinary people can’t persuade Nicholas Cage.

But Kevin is different.

Nicolas Cage, saw with his own eyes how Kevin got up.

From a small director, he has developed step by step to become the boss of a movie giant with a net worth of tens of billions.

Such a person, although Cage did not say it explicitly, he actually admired Kevin.

Kevin said that those investments must be lost, so he asked him to buy gold, and Cage obediently bought gold.

After eating the meat skewer in his hand, Cage also inserted into their topic.

“Kevin, are there any projects to invest in recently? The appreciation of gold is too slow. I bought a gold backing of 20 million US dollars, and I still have spare money to find some projects.”

Although his vision is not very good, Cage is very keen to invest in this matter.

Cage’s words immediately attracted the attention of others.

Jim Carrey groped his chin and said directly;

“Is there any investment project that is suitable for me to be involved in?”

It seems that everyone is very interested in investing, and Kevin had to find a way to dispel their thoughts.

As far as the star’s investment experience is concerned, where has he played with capital?

It is no exaggeration to say that the vast majority of stars are not highly educated.

Individuals with a high degree of education should also rule out the possibility of gold plating.

This is also the reason why the entertainment industry all over the world is in a state of confusion.

Kevin looked very serious and said:

“Don’t touch the investment, remember what I said.”

“Everyone who advises you to invest is likely to use the money in your hand to earn your own money.”

“In the end, only you lost money, and the people who recommended you to invest made a lot of money.”

“I don’t know if you have heard about the gold mines in Mexico.”

“The end is that people who mine gold don’t make much money, and people who sell shovels make crazy money.”


The rules of the world are like this.

Capital has tried every means to harvest the general public.

In the future continent, twenty years later, because the harvest is too powerful, the fertility rate has been greatly reduced, which is shocking.

To be honest, being able to harvest the most industrious and honest sheep in the world, and those who dare not give birth, is a skill.

In the US today, it’s pretty much the same.

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