After Rebirth, I Became a Powerful Minister’s Beloved

Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146

    Xiao Dingzhao was startled by the hand that I had warmed sister Pei’s life for a lifetime .

    He has never touched a woman, and no one has ever told him about it.

    He hesitated for a long time, and suddenly stretched out his hand towards Pei Chuchu’s profane pants.

    Pei Chuchu was stunned.

    What she thought of, disgust flashed across Qiao’s face, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid him: “Your Majesty respects–” But the

    other party just carefully touched the blood stains.

    Xiao Dingzhao frowned: “When I was injured and bleed, I always felt pain. Sister Pei, you bleed so much, do you hurt?”

    Pei Chuchu pursed his lips, and was speechless for a while.

    It turned out that he didn’t want to be like that…

    Xiao Dingzhao sat up and bent his phoenix eyes: “It’s not anxious to wait for bedtime. Sister Pei lay down first, and I will call the doctor and let him prescribe a prescription for pain relief.”

    The palace lanterns are brilliant.

    The boy’s eyes are like stars.

    Pei Daozhu shook his head.

    When he turned over and stayed, she grabbed his sleeve corner in time and whispered: “My daughter’s house will go through every month. I am in good health and I don’t feel pain. Your majesty asked the royal doctor to prescribe painkillers and give others. The concubine knows that it will make them laugh.”

    Xiao Dingzhao was surprised: “It doesn’t hurt to shed so much blood?”

    Pei Chuchu shook his head: “It doesn’t hurt.”

    Xiao Dingzhao had to give up seeing her like this.

    He wanted to go to bed with Pei Chuchu, but the girl insisted that her body was unclean, and that going to bed with the emperor would violate the palace rules, and forced him out of the Palace of the Sun.

    Pei Chuchu watched Xiao Dingzhao turn his head one step at a time, and then slowly sat up.

    She lifted off her pants.

    The sharp silver hairpin was hidden under the body, blood stains remained at the tip of the hairpin, and the side of the white leg was a fresh wound, and blood was pouring out of it.

    Her face was calm, and she hadtily bandaged the wound with gauze.

    After all, I didn’t want to wait for bedtime, so I pretended to have a lunar affair.

    She had already planned it.

    First use the menstrual affairs to survive these few days, wait until everything is ready, and then use the fake death medicine to leave the palace.

    It doesn’t matter if you go to Saibei, or Jiangnan, or go to Jingzhou to be with your elder brother…

    In short, never stay in the deep palace of Chang’an again.

    The next day, early morning.

    After Pei Chuchu finished dressing up, he stepped out of the bedroom and found that the dining table was full of exquisite meals. The teenager in regular clothes was sitting in front of the dining table and was personally arranging the dishes.

    She was surprised: “Your Majesty?”

    Xiao Dingzhao came over: “Last night was the day when you were going to bed. I thought that if you left in the middle of the night, I would ask other imperial concubines to laugh at you, so I slept in the outer hall. Don’t be in a daze, I specifically called The Yushanfang prepared dim sum, which Sister Pei likes to eat, come and taste it!” In the

    early summer of the morning, a bottle of crabapple blossoms full of flowers.

    There is light in the boy’s eyes.

    Pei Chuchu was silent for a while before sitting opposite him.

    She looked at the young man’s diligence to prepare dishes, and stopped: “This kind of work, just ask the maid to do it, your majesty’s body of ten thousand gold, you shouldn’t touch these.”

    Xiao Dingzhao didn’t care, and took a piece of flower cake for her: “It’s not about taking care of others… I grew up together since I was a child

    . Why are Sister Pei and me polite?” Pei Chuchu had nothing to say.

    After breakfast, Xiao Dingzhao stared at Pei Chuchu for a long time, and suddenly sighed slightly.

    Pei Chuchu handed the towel to the court lady: “Okay, why does your Majesty sigh?”

    Xiao Dingzhao put his cheek in one hand, and still stared at her: “Sister Pei was born beautiful. I wanted to personally line your eyebrows and make-up on the first day of your wedding, but you have already dressed up. It’s a pity.”

    Pei Chuchu sternly said, “Your Majesty is Son of heaven, how can you

    brush and make up the eyebrows of a woman? Your Majesty’s mind should be put on national affairs, so as to live up to His Royal Highness’s expectations of you.” The smile on Xiao Dingzhao’s face faded a little.

    He retracted his gaze, drinking tea with his eyes down.

    Pei Chuchu keenly noticed that he didn’t like her to persuade him.

    Yes, when he was studying, he didn’t like staying in the study all day. Every time she called him to read, he would delay in every possible way.

    Pei Chuchu’s mind moved slightly, and continued: “Although Dayong can be regarded as the peace of the world, there are still many hidden dangers in the court. Zhennan Wang Jiangman is eyeing the throne, and he is still in control of the military power. Your majesty must find a way to get rid of this.     My confidant is deeply worried— “


Xiao Dingzhao interrupted her.

    He was expressionless: “I have my own arrangements for the affairs of the court, and I don’t need you to come in for advice.”

    “The concubines are also worried about your majesty. This country was struck down by His Majesty King Yong’s hard work. Your Majesty doesn’t say that the blue is blue, anyway. You have to guard these territories—”

    “Sister Pei rest, I

    ‘m going to the Imperial Study Room.” Xiao Dingzhao’s face was cold, and he got up and left.

    Pei Chuchu watched him go away, her lips curled up slightly.

    When the emperor was young, he was passionate about everything. He liked to compete in everything, and he couldn’t listen to what he was inferior to others.

    She wondered, consciously that in addition to menstrual affairs, she had another way to get rid of Xiao Dingzhao.

    The vine flowers are blooming outside the Hot Sun Palace. Thank you.

    Seven days later, Xiao Dingzhao came over again happily.

    He instructed the palacemen to bring in a box of small gadgets: “All the tributes from the Fanbang envoys, and Central Plains can’t see these. I wondered if you were boring in the harem, so I sent them to you. See if you like it or not. .”

    Pei Chuchu leaned on the chaise couch.

    She glanced at the gadgets without any ups and downs in her mood.

    What the Son of Heaven does is no different from teasing a bird in a cage.

    But why is she willing to be a bird?

    Thinking about the days when she was leaving the palace in her heart, the girl noticed Xiao Dingzhao’s expectant eyes, and she quickly smiled, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for bothering.”

    It was dusk outside the window.

    Xiao Dingzhao sat next to her and looked at her face.

    The evening light shone on the girl’s cheeks, setting off a gentle and soft color.

    Those apricot eyes are exquisite and beautiful, but the pupils are so deep that he can’t see to the end.

    He said seriously: “Somehow, I and Sister Pei are close at hand, but they feel that they are far away… Sister Pei’s heart does not seem to be here.”

    He held Pei Chuchu’s hand.

    The girl’s skin is delicate, but her fingertips are cold.

    He wanted to warm his hands, so he gathered them in his palms.

    But even if his palm was hot, he still couldn’t pass any temperature to her.

    Xiao Dingzhao was a little annoyed, and bowed his head to exhale heat at her hand.

    Pei Chuchu was amused by him: “It’s almost summer, and the concubines are too hot to have time. Why should your majesty have to cover your hands with the concubines? You can do this in winter.”

    Xiao Dingzhao smiled at her and couldn’t help it. Then laughed.

    If there is a seemingly non-existent barrier on that layer, it seems to disappear with it.

    He stretched out his tail finger and hooked Pei Chuchu’s little finger: “Then, I agreed with Sister Pei that I will warm her hands for Sister Pei in this winter. For the rest of my life, I will warm her hands for Sister Pei for the rest of my life.”

    Pei Chuchu stared at him.

    His Danfeng eyes were good-looking, and when he laughed, he was gentle and clean, which was unique to a teenager.

    It is not unreasonable that so many girls in Chang’an admire him.

    She thought, and whispered softly: “The concubine will remember this agreement.”

    But in winter…

    she is no longer in Chang’an.

    (End of this chapter)

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