After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 20 – Spending Quality Time With Family

To delay the decision, Elana took another sip of the tea. Mary’s head slowly landed on her shoulder, and her sister began nuzzling against it. Her sister then hooked her arm under Elana’s.


“I was really lonely.” Mary kept pressing closer. “We never do anything together anymore. There is always someone watching us. It’s just-” She searched for words. “It is just not fair. We are so close. We are close, right?”

The sudden zeal in Mary’s voice surprised Elana. Were they close? By Elana’s standards, they were. “Yes. We are close.”


Elana could feel the jolt her words sent through Mary’s body. Her sister suddenly raised her head, and she found herself gazing into Mary’s luminous brown eyes. Her sister’s breath brushed against her lips.


“That’s right!” Mary joyfully nodded while moving their faces just a bit closer. She turned in her seat, letting her barely covered breasts graze against Elana’s body. She then paused. “Can- I,” It was almost a whisper- “Can I sit in your lap? For the old time's sake?” -Almost a whisper, a plea that begged to be fulfilled. “Just like when we were kids.”


Mary pushed her chest against Elana’s upper arm to emphasise her request. It felt good. The whisper lingered in Elana’s ears as she returned the heated gaze with her cool one.


The proposition was… Problematic, to say the least. Decreasing the distance between them could lead to more intimate expressions of love.


Then again. Elana didn’t want to think about Moira. She couldn’t always distract herself with the toy and Cinthia. And Mary’s request wasn’t too outlandish - even reasonable if Elana squinted enough.


When Elana nodded, Mary let out a slight wheeze of surprise. Her eyes grew wide, and she jumped on her feet immediately.


Elana had expected Mary to simply sit down on her legs, perhaps sideways, however…


Mary had received Elana’s consent. She didn’t plan to waste the chance with the rare time together.


At first hesitant, Mary gingerly put her hands on Elana’s shoulders, then slowly stepped over her sister’s knees by raising her leg far too high, revealing a good deal of naked, smooth and pale thigh.


The movement was deliberate, filling Elana’s view with two pale mountain peaks, obscuring sight to everything else. Mary’s dress somehow became looser, almost sliding down her slender body.


Elana felt Mary brush her nose against her hair, taking a deep breath. This girl was quite shameless and confident. Elana approved. She placed her hands on Mary’s hips, guiding them down into her lap.


Now that Elana’s palms were on Mary’s body, she could feel her sister’s nervousness. Despite the confident actions, she was trembling, her heartbeat racing. Elana felt just how frail her sister was.


It wasn’t all act. Mary was someone who had a decisive heart but a delicate body. Truly, Elana wanted to ravage this woman and make her beg for…


Some memories of their childhood flooded back as Elana breathed the scent of her sister’s innocent yet lewd body. They calmed her down despite Elana not considering them wholly hers.


The bond was there, even if Elana didn’t acknowledge it. Thinking about their time spent in the gardens, travelling along the flowerbeds, laughing and playing. These memories had been precious for the old Elana. They were clear and full of colour - even now.


Elana stopped her fingers from travelling. She simply held her sister, letting Mary sink into a gentle hug. Her sister’s lips brushed past Elana’s ears as she pressed her body closer against hers.


Mary’s legs wrapped around Elana’s waist. Elana felt her sister lock her feet together and press ever closer. While Mary nuzzled against Elana’s nape, she ran her hands up and down Elana’s back.


“I really missed touching you.” Mary’s voice was trembling. She squeezed Elana tighter as if trying to merge their bodies together. Her hands began growing hungry.


Elana felt Mary’s fingers dig into her back as her sister’s breathing grew quicker. She removed her hands from Mary’s waist and raised one to rub her sister’s brown crown while she held her close with the other.


This felt right. It was comfortable and calming. The thoughts of Moira were still there but pushed back with each passing moment as Mary’s heat seeped into Elana’s body.


In fact, there was too much heat. Elana realised her sister’s breathing had grown ragged. She felt Mary’s lips brush against her nape, and then a slight touch of her sister’s tongue followed.


When Mary’s hips slid forward in a sensual motion, Elana felt the situation spin out of control - specifically her control. “We can always do this again.” She spoke, interrupting the moment.


“Ah, huh?” Mary sounded confused. She kept sniffing Elana while occasionally taking a little taste with her tongue. “Mmm.”


Elana, at first gently, then with a bit of force, pulled Mary back, creating a bit of space between their racing hearts. She met Mary’s misty, passionate eyes and felt the heavy, need-filled breath hit her face.


“We can always do this again,” Elana repeated with a slight smile, enjoying the feeling of Mary grinding her hips against her body.


“Again?” Mary’s mind was still clouded. It was doubtful she understood the situation fully. Her head was bobbing forward, slowly shrinking the distance between their lips. “Elana, I… I think of you… I want you to be-”

Feeling her sister’s befuddled mind fail to contain emotions, Elana interrupted Mary. “Again. We can be together. After all, you are my-”


Elana didn’t get to finish the sentence. The word ‘sister’ remained hanging in the air, unsaid.


All because Mary heard what she wanted. When Elana said ‘my’, her sister heard ‘mine’.


“I am yours.” Mary released a deep, trembling breath of relief. “Always yours. And you-”

The sentence could not be allowed to be uttered fully. Elana wasn’t ‘anyone’s’. And to stop Mary from speaking foolish words, Elana leaned closer - failing to control her lustful mind.

What’s that? Is that booing, I hear? Well, too bad. Kiss tomorrow!



Evil Enkiari


P.S. I understand some of you people want more development of the characters/lore/relationships. But this story is going to travel forward rather quickly. I have many more ideas, and I don’t want to be bogged down for another 300k words like with my other ongoing work.

I don’t think it is to the story's detriment, either. It is still primarily a smut and then a love story.

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