After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 22 – Planning the Future Together

The smell of her own pussy still clung to Mary’s skin. The taste of her own pussy refused to leave her mouth. The stickiness of her pussy painted her face. She felt conflicted, as the juices she had drunk had been mixed with her dear sister’s, and that had felt great…


The memory of the kiss flooded Mary’s brain, making her unable to think about anything else but Elana’s red lips locking with hers. Her sister’s amber eyes had gazed deep into Mary’s soul, confirming the love they shared!


Elana had called Mary hot! Elana had said Mary was hers! She was the happiest woman alive!


Feeling the energy flood her, Mary got up from bed and did a small dance. She had woken up in it, still sticky and exhausted from the all-consuming orgasm she had experienced in Elana’s arms.

Apparently, Elana had moved Mary into the bed after she had lost herself in pleasure. It didn’t feel great to wake up smelling like her own cunt, but on the other hand - Elana had loved how much love potion Mary produced!


It had been one of the greatest worries Mary had! She was ashamed by how often she had to change her underwear but also loved secretly feeding Elana her nectar, hoping her sister would get addicted.


And she had! Elana had praised Mary’s pussy and how tasty her sap was!


This was great news!


And they kissed!

They were practically married at this point!


Mary continued dancing for a while longer, ignoring her stained state. She noticed one of her uniforms missing and Elana’s discarded one on the ground.


Suddenly hungry, Mary jumped to the pile of dirty clothes and quickly found Elana’s soaked panties.


Despite knowing most of the moisture was her own, Mary quickly stuffed her mouth full of the underwear and began to suck - knowing some of the taste was her sister’s.


Besides, what was a bit more of her own discharge when Mary had already drunk so much of it. More importantly, this felt like eating her sister out!


Mary lost herself in daydreams, planning out the wedding. A big ceremony in a cathedral sounded nice, but she wouldn’t mind a secretive one in a remote place.


They would swear to love and honour each other into eternity, and then - Mary let out a muffled, gleeful squeal. Then they would exchange the first kiss as wife and wife!


Forgetting everything else, Mary began rolling on top of Elana’s sullied uniform. And then Mary could feed Elana every day!


With how much juice Mary produced, her wife would never go hungry! She could sit on Elana’s face every morning and release everything into her sister’s mouth!

Panting and still tasting the panties, Mary began masturbating. She rubbed her needy pussy, not getting the satisfaction she wanted.


Now that Mary had tasted her love’s lips, she had gotten addicted to them! They had been far above anything she could have imagined before!


But there was an issue.


Mary stopped her erratic behaviour, replaying Elana's last words before everything went dark - ‘You will drink mine, yours and whoever else’s juice I wish’.


This wasn’t right. Mary got up from the ground. She began pacing around the room while chewing on the treat.

Why had Elana implied there would be someone else? Mary didn’t understand. Elana and Mary didn’t need anyone else.


Who had influenced Elana? Someone had to be corrupting her sister with vile ideas.

Was it that brute? It was probably that brute.


Perhaps the maid? But she acted like trash. It couldn’t be just her.


Then there was Catarina. The tiny girl was one of the rare friends her sister had. She could be the culprit.


And what about that Moira woman? Mary had seen how Elana looked at those breasts. She didn’t blame her sister. Elana probably was still influenced by the aphrodisiac she had fed her. 


Moira was very womanly. Even Mary begrudgingly had to agree she was. While not as saintly as her sister, that woman was the only one who had ever come close to Elana’s beauty.


But it couldn’t be Moira. She and her sister were arguing all the time. Mary had seen plenty of it while making sure Elana was doing fine.


There was another hateful person. Someone Mary detested more than anyone else - the Prince. It could have been him. It made sense, but maybe it didn’t? 


No, it could have been him. He had been sending Elana letters. It was possible. He was a terrible person already for wanting to tear Elana from her family - from Mary.


Who was it? Who was at fault? Mary didn’t want to share. She wanted all of Elana for her own.


But what if Elana asked? Could Mary refuse? Would she eat some harlot’s pussy just because her sister asked?


It was scary, but the answer was - likely, yes. 


But Mary didn’t want to. She would do it, but she didn’t like it. But what if it earned her more kisses from Elana? What if refusing would make Elana angry? Would Mary have to make her sister understand whatever it takes?


Who was it?


These questions kept repeating in Mary’s mind. She kept walking, not finding a satisfying answer. Everything was so confusing…


In the end, to Mary’s chagrin, her sister had been influenced by someone. She would have to live with it and try to change Elana’s mind for the better.


And to be sure it didn’t repeat, Mary decided to speak with Emilly again. Her ‘friend’ had been spooked by her sister’s early arrival and ran away.


Emilly was too shy, preferring to watch from afar. But she also had a talent for making various potions.


Mary had originally sought out the woman to solve her issue with leaking while thinking of Elana. Once she had gotten to know Emilly, she had realised just how many interesting ‘drinks’ the shy girl could make.


And that included-


Mary stopped. Her anger was at an all-time high.


-That included poison. Mary would not forgive. Someone had to pay for implanting the idea in her sister’s mind of having more people in their lives.


With how her sister was, Mary knew it would be hard to change Elana’s mind. But there always were options… She just needed Emilly to share her most treasured potions. There were so many to try!


And then-


Mary giggled while sucking the last remnants of taste from the undergarment in her mouth. She would have her wedding. One way or another.

Such a sweet girl. May her wishes come true. Mary deserves some happiness in her life.


Princes’s PoV tomorrow. Why? Well. He is the most normal person in this story. Fascinating right? Please don’t answer this question.



Reasonable Character Creator - Enkiari

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