After Transformation, Mine and Her Wild Fantasy

Chapter 36

Chapter 36
Although this purple-haired woman was clad in student attire, her piercing gaze made everyone hold their breath . Her amber eyes slowly swept through the hall, picking out each and every student . Finally, she leaned forward, and talked into the magical sound stone (TL Note: Microphone)

“Hello, freshmen . I am Avalon’s student council president, Kuu . You can all call me President Kuu, or even Student Kuu; both are fine with me because I’m only a sixth year and it’s still not time for me to graduate . However, do not be like Secretary Zamia, or others similar to him, generally taking a governmental job at a school . ”

Kuu’s words were simple, yet concise . It was clear that the whole hall was murmuring in agreement .

“First of all, does anybody know what the meaning of a student, is? When a baby is born, all they know how to do is breath and wail, toddlers learn how to talk, children learn how to run, and then there’s you . You have all learned to correctly choose Avalon! We, as people, will never quench our thirst to learn . After All, isn’t it a student’s job to learn for an entire lifetime? We, here, at the student council exist only to supervise the people, the rules, and this mainland . But, most importantly, the student council exists because of you . Today, I am sincerely happy to welcome the arrival of many new students . Let us give each other a warm welcome of applause!”

The crowd clapped, slowly at first, as Kuu’s voice died down . Soon, the sound spread across the hall like a wildfire, causing everything to rattle and shake .

After many long seconds passed, Kuu waved her hand, and the applause slowly died down . Kuu opened her mouth to speak

“There is not much to talk about . I want you to experience Avalon’s livelihood by yourselves, and I want you to have a good start here! Then, I shall now declare that Avalon’s 3,097 newest freshmen’s first year has begun!” (TL Note: Hundred thousand, ten thousand? Now only a couple thousand students? I’m probably translating something really wrong . It probably means the 3,097 generation) .

This time, the applause that came was no longer half-hearted, but instead full of excitement of students who were looking forward to the future . Many of them, including Niluka, had even given standing ovations, shouting slogans and whistling with enthusiasm . The atmosphere was so intense that even Kuu had to crack a smile .

She whipped her hair back in one smooth motion, turned around, and said to Zamia

“I will now turn the stage over to you . ” She turned around, one last time, and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope we meet again!”

President Kuu finished her speech and turned around to leave . That, and her courageous attitude, made numerous freshmen fall for her in a flash .

Following her cue, Secretary Zamia slowly walked out, exchanging faint nods with the surrounding tutors and teachers . Then, he stepped forward to the podium, saying

“Well, we will now have the second part begin to continue our inauguration ceremony . The following two speeches will be given by freshmen representatives of the two empires . Student Pragner – Kear Jantis, please come up to the podium to speak . ”

“Yes . ” Pragner stood up from the middle of the crowd . In only a moment, he had attracted the attention of thousands of pairs of eyes . This emperor’s son seemed to possess identical white skin and golden hair to Princess Snow Lily . However, he had long hair, held back with a headband, and was seemingly far from having a spontaneous temperament .

Even each of his steps seemed to be cared on by some deity . Even Lunaria could distinctly elements bowing down and worshipping him . This was truly the aura of a supreme emperor, one that even deities had to honor .

When he stepped up to the podium to speak, every student sat in silence, all their attention focused on this empire representative .


Pragner continued to talk, but did not exceed five minutes . Naturally, he knows how a person feels when faced with countless never-ending speeches, as well as the fact that everyone was young and restless .

“Wow~ your Majesty Pragner is so~ handsome~ . ” Niluka’s smitten feel made Lunaria uncomfortable around her, making her scoot to the edge of her seat as far away as possible from her . Other than Niluka, there were a quite a few people also smiling . This royal highness truly did have some kind of a unique charm that drew people in .

After Pragner left the podium, Zamia returned to the front, saying

“Following Pragner, please welcome to the stage the representative from the Vermilion Kingdom, Shuu Jingshen, to the stage . ”

Shuu, without answering, immediately stood up and took large strides towards the podium . When he got there, he placed both his hands on the podium and said

“Within the Vermilion Kingdom, the people do exactly what I tell them to . I hope that it’s the same here . From here on out, without any exceptions, we shall be obedient to our parents and studious, that is my command . If there are violators, I hope they will take responsibility of their consequences . ”

Shuu’s overbearingness shocked the entire crowd . As if he had not yet shocked the crowd enough, he continued to speak his mind

“If anyone dares disobey my orders, I will make you pay for it . ”

Then who would stand out, Tyre silently cursed . You are a grand prince, who would dare disobey your orders? However, this Vermilion Kingdom Majesty unexpectedly wanted to hide the truth from the masses and indulge in his own desires .

Unfortunately, nobody dared say a word . Nobody dared step up to defy Shuu’s words . Afterall, a prince’s influence could affect your entire family, causing them to encounter a series of ‘accidents . ’ In fact, that was the biggest reason as to why nobody dared to stand up to him; they were all afraid to die .

This prince’s tone was far too overbearing and was not afraid to overstep its boundaries . It was clear, almost too clear, that this was the tone of a spoiled prince . But, nobody dared to speak up about it, and they could only release their bitterness inside their hearts . A prince and a commoner . This was not a battle of power, but a battle in the difference of status .

“Alright, listen well . I am the Vermilion Kingdom’s 17th prince . Wherever I go, is my domain . Those other princes, that do not have a single good point about them, are relentless . If I were lenient and soft while sinking into my school life without thinking of danger, I would be no better than those pieces of trash . If you have the same thoughts as I do, in this sense, then do not be afraid to kick them out of your life . Remember, this is not a warning, nor is it an order . Instead, this is in order for all of you to develop a proper habit . ”

After Shuu finished his speech, he completely ignored the attitudes of many surrounding teachers . He walked down according to his own agenda, making a few teachers furious . However, many chose to ignore him . Zamia, obviously, was one of them . With a smile on his face, he opened his mouth and continued

“Carrying on this opening ceremony, we will now enter our final stage . I invite all teachers to find their students and divide them into their respective classrooms . ”

As soon as Zamia’s voice died down, the teachers began to act . In a matter of seconds, tens of thousands of students were divided .

Lunaria, Tyre, and Claude were unexpectedly put in Lechael’s classroom . In their class, also included none other than Constantine, Xiaoqi, Niluka, Darmiala, LongTu, Yexi, and Hana . The students didn’t know if the teacher had randomly grabbed students to be in her class, or if they were assigned to her class prior to the ceremony . Tyre and the others considered themselves lucky to be in the same class .

Afterwards, Lechael brought her entourage of over 2,000 students to a corner, faced them face to face, and said

“In the future, I will be the teacher in charge of your class, class nine . Let me count how many people were assigned to class nine......Altogether, there are 2,163 of you . You will, once again, be divided into 26 different classrooms from A through Z . When that time comes, there will also be corresponding teachers for each class . After school, you may go to other districts in order to pursue your interests in the form of clubs . As for our school building, it will be in the 9th district on Feilan Street in the newly built Yushen building . If anyone has an opinion on the name of this building, please speak up . There are a total of 13 teachers in class nine . You may meet and build relationships with each of them one by one . These teachers, including me, are all dedicated to teach you in the coming years . They will not leave without warning, and will not teach students outside of class nine . If you’re wondering why this is, I shall inform you about this topic in time to come . In the meantime, this will be all for today . ”

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