After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 186 - 186th

Then, Su Xingchen didn’t come.

Su’s father almost burst into anger. He imagined countless possibilities, but she didn’t think about it if she didn’t appear.

He called her over and over again, he had never been so angry, and he could n’t wait to drop the phone.

In the end, he compromised and sent her a long message. The content of the message was all bitter words about how she could be like this, how could her heart be so cold.

Su Xingchen replied, “Busy.”

She was indeed busy, and once she returned to City H, she received a lot of work announcements, all to interview her and a few IO contestants.

Chu Yunzhi originally did not want to participate, but after hearing that Su Xingchen also participated in this interview, he pondered for a while and agreed.

After several people discussed and selected by agent Li Bin, I finally chose a popular channel to broadcast a talk show tonight with a very high audience rating during prime time.

I didn’t expect to participate in the io competition. It was just less than a week after the separation. They actually got together again. Although it was only a week apart, for them, it has been like a long time.

The interview program has not yet been released, and the acceptance letter from Yanjing University has also come down. At the same time, there is also the acceptance letter from Cheng Kangyao.

Cheng’s father, Cheng, never thought about it. One day his son would be able to get a letter of acceptance from Yanjing University with his own skills. They all planned to study abroad in the future.

Mother Cheng was very pleased and naturally more satisfied with Su Xingchen, so Cheng Kangyao invited her to come over and play.

Cheng Mu herself is a career-oriented woman, and it does n’t matter that Su Xingchen has her own acting career now. Besides, she always feels that both young people are under 20 years old. Qing dynasty, when they talk about marriage, there will be at least several years. Now young people are getting married late. When they want to get married, it is estimated that it will be ten years later.

Not to mention that Su Xingchen is still a star, her marriage is even later. She has school now, and she can focus on her studies. Now that she has graduated from high school, she will spend more time on her career in the future. She knows too much about the consumption of time and space for feelings.

Her son is also young and playful. Although she likes Su Xingchen very much, for the future of two people, she has always been in a state of bystanders.

Not optimistic.

But no matter what, she has the biggest influence on her son. Even if she can’t be a couple, she is a good friend.

Cheng Cheng and Cheng Mu rarely held a grand banquet together for Cheng Kangyao. This was the first time their couple had so proudly introduced their son to all their friends and business partners, and also invited Cheng Kangyao ’s friends. That is his killing Matt Legion and Su Xingchen.

Cheng Fu and Cheng Mu welcomed the arrival of Su Xingchen, and even introduced Su Xingchen to their relatives, friends and business partners, just like their own nephews.

Although Su Xingchen is not really a person in the entertainment circle, but the nationality is very high, especially in the io competition that just ended, winning the first prize, almost all the network reports, people are still very talented Politely, especially in the face that Cheng’s father Cheng Mum liked her so much, she was regarded as the prospective daughter-in-law of the Cheng family.

Although Cheng Cheng ’s mother only maintained formal marriages, but driven by common interests, they were in perfect harmony when they appeared before them, just like a loving couple.

After the celebration banquet, Cheng Cheng and Cheng Mu returned to their normal track, and Cheng Kangyao accompanied Su Xingchen to work.

Yes, work. Du00 Reading Zero Zero Novel Network

She hasn’t received a job for more than a year. After returning from this competition, she has accumulated a lot of work and endorsements. All kinds of advertisements are straightforward, and there are many invitations for movies and TV series.

Zhou Qing took care of her before, taking into account her studies, did not squeeze her surplus value, at this time the college entrance examination ended, the io competition also came back, and she had no other reason not to work. The next period of time was almost Busy feet don’t touch the ground, only four or five hours of rest a day, and work like a rush.

The reason for this rush is that as Su Xingchen’s admission letter came down, her military training time also came down.

Before that, Zhou Qing didn’t think about it at all. She finally ended her io and went to military training.

The military training time is half a month, from August 16 to 29, but at the latest on August 14 to go to the school to lead the military training uniform, the military training mobilization meeting is held on the 15th, the time is very tight, so all work is in a hurry Son.

In addition, Zhou Qing considered that after the end of Su Xingchen’s military training for half a month, his skin tone can still be seen.

He was afraid that Su Xingchen did not understand how to take care of himself, and asked her agent Li Bin to let him prepare sunscreen, sunscreen spray, repair mask after sun exposure, etc. “

There is nothing more important than maintenance in eating in the entertainment industry.

There is a lot of work to be done later. Read zero zero novel network du00 to kill Matt and test the latest chapter again

The main reason is that Zhou Qing received a play from Su Xingchen. It is a movie called Yuba, and it is about a movie about school violence, domestic violence, and juvenile delinquency.

The role that Su Xingchen is to play is the heroine in the movie, Siri, the prison tyrant in the juvenile women ’s prison, a juvenile criminal who failed to give up the violence of the campus violent because he gave up his friends.

At the beginning of the script, the female host kicked a juvenile crotch hard, and then sat on the court. After being sentenced, he was handcuffed and sent to a prison devoted to holding female criminals and minor criminals.

The reason why the director found Su Xingchen to play this movie was that she had seen her performance in the martial arts leader and the immortal emperor. For her acting skills, she was followed by her age, which was exactly the age of the heroine in the movie. ; Third, the movie heroine will have some fighting complex before and after entering the prison, and eventually promoted to prison tyrant.

Of course, the story is not over here, it can be said that it has just begun.

The story officially began with the appearance of the second female, but also a girl who suffered from school violence and did not understand the resistance, but she was pushed downstairs and fell to death because she missed her hand. She eventually went to prison. The girl was assigned to the same prison cell as the hostess Siri. When a girl is bullied every day, the hostess is like seeing her former friend, like asking the second woman, and like asking the former friend through the second woman, asking her “They scold you, beat you, bully you , Why do n’t you resist, why not resist? “

It is a story of redemption and redemption and self-redemption.

Su Xingchen also read the script and took it if it felt good.

The director of Yuba heard that Su Xingchen was going to school for half a month to return to military training. He might get tanned. Not only did he not mind, he also clapped, “Tanning is good, it is necessary to tan a little.” He looked at Su Xingchen carefully Unfinished Dai’s face, “As a prison tyrant, it’s still too white.” Reading zero zero novel network du00 to kill Matt again tested the latest chapter again

Originally he planned to paint Su Xingchen with black makeup, but now it is better to go to military training to get a tan.

But he was afraid that it would be too dark for him to tan, but the picture taken was very poor. After all, Su Xingchen’s face was very interesting even if he was acting as a prison tyrant.

Su Xingchen and Cheng Kangyao signed up for the school they went to on August 14th and received military training uniforms. As soon as they arrived at the school, they attracted a lot of onlookers. The two of them are now crossing the clear road, and they are all generously watched .

When I saw Cheng Kangyao who was holding her generously beside her, even though Cheng Kangyao had already cut off all the green hair and restored his black hair, he was still tall and tall, even though he was the same as Su Xingchen. Admitted to Yanjing University, the temperament still seems to be some second.

When the two were not together, netizens and fans all spurred this pair of killing Matt C, but as Su Xingchen went higher and higher, the first grade, the top six in the competition, the first place in the college entrance examination, the io gold medal and a series of achievements After the two came out, another voice appeared on the Internet.

Cheng Kangyao is not worthy of her. Read zero zero novel network du00 to kill Matt and test the latest chapter again

More people think that even if Su Xingchen is a Matt killer, it is also a different kind of Matt killer. She has the brain and the ability to earn money at a young age and earn millions every year.

Cheng Kangyao has something about him. He is still in the ivory tower. The boy is already older than the girl. He and her ideology are not at the same height.

Others said that they did n’t know what Su Xingchen was looking at him. Did he see his face?

Anyone who knows about the situation of Cheng Kangyao’s family, has a popular science. How strong is Cheng Kangyao’s family? Some people say below that Su Xingchen wanted to marry into a wealthy man.

As soon as this voice came out, Su Xingchen’s Weibo was overwhelmed by some messages from the rich second generation, all of which were “chief master, my family is also a wealthy man, marry me marry me” and then how many suites do you own, how many Car, all introduced again.

The first few seem quite serious, and below there are countless fans Hai Biao, saying that they have islands, they have rooms in outer space, and they have contracted a planet.

The word giants is almost played by them into a stalk. Read zero zero novel network du00 to kill Matt and test the latest chapter again

There is everything to say, but no matter what, the unified voice is that he is not worthy of her.

Not only do netizens think that way, but even many fellow alumni around them think so. Their common voice is that apart from having a good family, Cheng Kangyao deserves Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen didn’t know that this young boy who always raised his chin high and never knew to bow his head, felt the inferiority emotion for the first time in the process of chasing her.

But he never gave up or wavered. Read zero zero novel network du00 to kill Matt and test the latest chapter again

He likes her, even if she only likes him a little bit, and the remaining 99.9 steps, he ran as sweetly.

Besides, he knew that she liked him more than a little.

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