Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 33: My Confrontation with Respon 1

Shin then left going back to the assessment place. I moved cautiously behind him. We agreed that if anything happened next time I should send him a message at once.

I was really aware of the deep trouble I was facing. That previous assassination made me realize many hidden things.

I wasn't only facing these noble families, but I was also facing the mysterious power behind them.

This power wouldn't accept defeat as a result. But I was more determined than ever to defeat them. I stood in my previous place watching the selection process going on.

The number of players didn't show any sign of a decrease. That was good as the more players that joined my army the better. I thought about Shin's request.

I had a plan that could force these forces to postpone their attack on me. This method was simple. I loved facing arrogant enemies as they were easier to manipulate than weak cautious enemies.

I opened the forums then I uploaded my battle video on a topic. The topic name was very provocative: ��Dragon spear resistance declares war on noble families. Do you dare?' I wrote simple provocative words on this topic.

At the end of this short topic I wrote a date 20 days away from now for our battle to occur. I also gave notice to any player from outside my village. If they wanted to join my force then they could move and reach my village before the beginning of the battle.

I announced that I wouldn't accept new members three days due to that date. That was to give Shin time to prepare my army before the decisive battle.

I was more aware than him about the importance of training a new army. The most devastating matter for any army was the lack of coordination between different army groups.

In such a decisive battle, she couldn't risk making this beginner's mistake. I kept my vigilance and my spear was always by my hand. If they wanted to kill me again then they would be dreaming.

This experience made me raise all alert levels to the max. I kept watching the selection process till the end of this day. In the end, we accepted 200k players from this selection alone.

This huge number was more than Shin's highest expectations. Although this number was huge, the number of high-end players was only 20k players.

That was nearly 10% of my total army numbers. Shin had a very tiring mission of organizing these players. Although I had vast experience in leading armies, organizing armies wasn't my strongest fort.

After we finished the selection process, my team gathered again. Most of their hot discussions were focused on this assassination attempt and my daring declaration of war against those nobles.

I led the way with silence after I removed my cloak and earring. My team also removed its equipment.

Although there were a lot of players following our tail, we managed to escape successfully by entering the bustling big market. After we successfully exited the village gate, we headed straight for a map of level 9 monsters.

Shin was silent too along this trip as he was organizing players into teams. When he handled this assessment, he ordered the other five to organize players according to their main classes.

Each one of them was responsible for one main class. Though it was a very boring task for him. He had to create lists of groups. Each group had a leader and deputy leader as I specified.

At first, it was difficult, but with time he learned how to do it more rapidly. Organizing each team wasn't a difficult task for him. He made each team have 8 healers with 10 tanks and the rest were mixed between close and long-range classes.

He had a deep experience with the game with his previous trials. He chose the best combination of classes that provide maximum flexibility to the leaders.

When we reached the leveling area which was full of crocodiles, he was still busy. So we decided to start hunting those crocodiles until he finished his task. The other five suggested they would help him but he refused. As he said to them:

"This task although it is very boring, must be done with one person. If more than one person participated, things would turn messy."

He had a point there. I remember that organizing the armies was a task handled by a single person in my kingdom. It appeared the laws of war were the same everywhere.

After five consecutive hours of leveling, he had finished what he was doing. At this time we were so near to upgrading to the next level.

Although the XP gained from these monsters was good with level compensation, the main problem lied in their few numbers which we could attract at the same time.

These monsters with 7 meters length were really hard to gather. Although they had herd nature, they only grouped as two to four monster maximum in each group.

That limited our total XP gained from killing them. Also, we lacked Shin's experience in the game which helped us a lot. Although we tried to imitate his previous strategy as Goda played that rule, we failed miserably.

These monsters were very slow compared to those unicorns. I discovered that each monster had an aggro range. If a player exceeded this range then aggro was lost.

This was new info which I learned in a hard way. Finally, we gave up and began to kill them, group by group. The addition of Shin had raised our leveling efficiency.

Although we didn't use the old tactic, his timing of skill use and his newly learned evading movements had made us kill more monsters in a shorter time.

After nearly 12 hours, I managed to reach level 6. Shin was still ahead of me in XP, so he had reached level 6 a couple of hours earlier. Our stock of trash equipment was getting richer after all these leveling battles.

"The next stop will be tigers," Shin declared to all of us as he was content with leveling speed. I was thinking about what after tigers. We will reach level 7 and then our XP will drop a lot.

"Hold on a sec, what will we do when we reach level 7? Will we continue killing tigers?"

Shin looked to me with his usual silly expression, before replying:

"Princess, you are the boss. You should determine what we will do next."

I looked towards him as I wanted to hit him hard. This annoying cool swordsman was always trying his best to get on my nerves. I stopped in my place as I pointed my spear to him threatening:

"If you don't stop teasing me, I will make sure you won't be able to tease anyone anymore."

He raised his hands in a sign of surrender as he said:

"You are always this tyrant to your teammates' sweet princess, you should be gentler. Are you a boy?"

This time I went to hit him with my spear, this stupid cool swordsman. He ran rapidly as he said loudly:

"My bad, this is my mistake. Forgive me your tyrant speargirl."

"Oh Shin, let me just lay my hands on you and I will make you know what tyranny means."

I ran after him for few laps before he apologized rapidly:

"I'm sorry, I won't tease you ever again."

I didn't stop chasing as I was very mad about him. Before I could reach him, Goda voice appeared suddenly as he shouted in urgency:

"Come here, quick. Check the forums."

I looked towards Goda as I asked with impatience:

"What's wrong with the forums?"

Goda replied with nervous tone:

"There… there is a hot topic about you."

I decreased my speed slightly as I replied with lack of interest:

"What about this topic? Just tell me the brief as I'm busy teaching this lousy Shin a lesson."

"It's about your real identity. It says that you… you are the crown prince fiancée."

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