Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 136 The Expedition of the Autobots

Although Medivh left, the tense atmosphere he brought did not leave with him.

Jaina sat on the chair where Medivh was sitting before, and looked at David opposite: Baron Glamorgan.

Mage Proudmoore. David expected this, so he was very calm: If you have any questions, just ask them!

Are you really just here to help Tirion Fordring deal with the Scourge?


David's answer was crisp and neat, and there was no extra vocabulary, which made Jaina a little puzzled.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering such a thing, you will try your best to explain it, so as to convince the other party, right? Why is David acting so flat?

The specific situation, when I talked to Medivh just now, Master Proudmoore should have heard it. David didn't want to repeat the same words over and over again. If Jaina still asked this question, it would only prove that the other party I don't believe his explanation at all.

In this case, no matter how you explain it, it doesn't make sense, it's just a waste of saliva.

Jaina also understood David's attitude, and after she realized that it was useless for her to continue asking, she said good night to David and Steve, and went back to the room arranged by the elves to rest.

After Jaina left, Steve, who had been silent today, said, What are we going to do next? Should we continue to stay in this city?

David nodded. At present, the defense of Silvermoon City is not enough to withstand the attack of the Scourge. Before Fording's large army reaches the rear of the Scourge, he and Steve can only rely on him to protect the city. city.

I hope Tirion can move faster!

As long as the Lordaeron army in Hearthglen is fast enough, Arthas can be besieged on the outskirts of Eversong Forest, and the Lich King's most important men will be wiped out.

Once the Lich King loses Arthas, the most useful subordinate, there will be no big waves.

Without Alsace's busy schedule, it is not easy for the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth.

After a good night's rest, Cirvanas found David shortly after waking up the next morning.

Is there something wrong?

Yeah. Cirvanas's face was not very good-looking. It could be seen that she did not have a good rest last night. Her face, which was originally glowing with wheat, looked abnormally pale at this moment: The defense of Silvermoon City Power, more fragile than I expected.


On behalf of Quel'Thalas, I'm here to ask for your help. Cirvanas was busy for most of the night, but after a short nap, she got up early to find King Anasterian-Sunstrider, Reported to him the current defense status of Silvermoon City.

Regarding the current military power of Quel'Thalas, His Majesty the king is very clear.

After the actual confrontation with the Scourge, the old king already understood that even in its heyday, Quel'Thalas could hardly resist the crazy offensive of the Scourge.

And after a series of hard battles, even the Ranger General Sylvanas-Windrunner's own condition is very poor, Silvermoon City can't resist Arthas and his Scourge at all.

If they wanted to defend Silvermoon City, apart from hoping that Tirion Fordring would come to support him with the army of the Kingdom of Lordaeron as soon as possible, they could only pin their hopes on David who stayed in Silvermoon City.

In addition to asking David for help, the old king also wanted to ask Jaina Proudmoore to help Dalaran.

The letter expressing his willingness to reach an alliance agreement with the Kingdom of Lordaeron to jointly deal with the Scourge was sent out last night; as for seeking help from Dalaran, he considered sending a mage to discuss it with Jaina .

Anasterian didn't know that, through the conversation between Medivh and David last night, when he learned that the Scourge was related to the Burning Legion's plan to invade Azeroth, Jaina was going to contact her teacher Antonidas.

Now it's no longer just the eastern kingdoms that are in crisis, but the whole of Azeroth. Solving the Scourge Legion and disintegrating the conspiracy of the Burning Legion has become the most important thing at this time.

In other words, even if Anasterian doesn't send someone to find Jaina, she will try her best to persuade Dalaran to join the battle.

For example, right now, Jaina was saying goodbye to David and Steve, and happened to bump into Sylvanas who came to ask David for help.

Don't worry, I will persuade the Council of the Kirin Tor to join Quel'Thalas and the Kingdom of Lordaeron against the Scourge.

Thank you very much for your help. Cirvanas expressed his most sincere gratitude to all the people or forces who are willing to help Quel'Thalas.

With Jaina's statement and David's promise to help the elves resist the Scourge, Sylvanas can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Your spirit is too tense, you need to take a good rest. David looked at the ranger general in blue-green light armor, curious about this ranger general who would become the great chief of the tribe.

The Cirvanas he is familiar with is more of an undead figure. It is very difficult to see this appearance in front of him, and there are not even a few human pictures: You are in this state, and you can't fight against the Scourge.

I will take a good rest later. Of course Cirvanas knew the importance of rest, but right now she had no time to rest at all.

After confirming that David would help defend, Cirvanas and David hurriedly checked the situation of the ranger troops after chatting for a few more words.

But before leaving, Cirvanas introduced a female high elf priest to David: This is Liadrin, a priest of the Holy Light. If you and Steve want to visit Silvermoon City If so, Liadrin can be your guide.

David nodded, and after watching Cirvanas leave in a hurry, he asked Liadrin to take him and Steve to visit the city of the high elves.

Silvermoon City is very big, much bigger than what he has seen in the game before, and it is simply not possible to visit it in one day.

So David only walked around the area near the palace, and under Liadrin's introduction, he tasted some special food of Quel'Thalas.

During the entire visit, David found that this Liadrin was very respectful to him, which made him feel very special.

In the future, Liadrin will be the count of Quel'Thalas, the leader of the Blood Knights, and the first high elf to become a paladin by extracting the holy light.

Of course, Liadrin was also the first real paladin in Quel'Thalas——Liadrin and the Blood Knights she led no longer relied on the thief method to obtain holy light , became a real paladin.

Actually, you don't have to be so respectful to me. After a day of contact, David always felt that this feeling was weird.

If it was just being polite, he wouldn't find it weird. Liadrin's posture was as if she wanted to give him a confession.

From the way she treated Steve, we could tell that it wasn't that the high elves had any special etiquette, it was simply that the elf priest provided him with special treatment.

Ah, sorry to make you feel uncomfortable.

Liadrin seemed flustered, and those who didn't know thought David was bullying her.

Faced with this situation, David didn't know what to do. He also had a few subordinates in Cold Winter Town, and they didn't exaggerate when they faced him.

Speaking of which, this future leader of the Blood Knight, why did he behave like this when facing himself?

David didn't get an answer to this question from Steve until he returned to his residence at night.

That elf priest regards you as the spokesperson of the Holy Light in Azeroth.

Me? The spokesperson of the Holy Light? David pointed to himself, and seeing Steve nodded firmly, he was sure that he heard correctly: Why do I give people such an impression?

Generally speaking, isn't it Steve Rogers who is often regarded as the spokesperson of the Holy Light?

In Azeroth, this title seems to belong to Alonsus Faol, who is still favored by the Holy Light even though he has become an undead.

Because of the spell you used yesterday... Speaking of which, what's that trick called?

That trick doesn't have a name, it's just a large-scale release of holy light. David suddenly realized that yesterday's performance was too much, but Cirvanas was closer to him, why didn't she behave like this? Is it because Cirvanas doesn't believe in the Holy Light?

Just when David was thinking this way, Cirvanas came over again, holding a letter from Hearthglen, specifying to deliver it to David.

Quel'Thalas and the Kingdom of Lordaeron have formally concluded an alliance to fight against the Scourge.

In fact, Quel'Thalas was originally a member of the alliance, but at the end of the second war, Anasterian let Quel'Thalas withdraw from the alliance, so this time the alliance must be re-formed.

In the original history, Anasterian's decision triggered a series of subsequent events. Kael'thas finally fell to the Burning Legion. This decision played a huge role in advancing.

But in this timeline influenced by David, Kael'thas should have another future.

David didn't care about Kael'thas' future. He opened the letter and read it quickly. Only then did David know that Fording had returned to Cold Winter Town today to report safety to those who stayed in the town.

By the way, I got to know the ambulance who just came to Cold Winter Town.

Uh... Tirion really has an idea. David looked behind and saw Fording asking himself in the letter, can the ambulance find some Autobots to come to Azeroth to help.

He didn't expect the Autobots to come to Azeroth to help them deal with the Scourge. He just wanted to invite these Autobots who could be transformed into various vehicles to help pull down the heavy artillery.

For Fording's question, David didn't know how to reply, so he could only write to Fording, as long as the Autobots themselves agreed, he had no objection to it!

The fourth's gone today~

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