Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 211 Black Ship

Facts have proved that the gods of Asgard are not so idle, everyone has their own work to be busy, and Thor, the first heir of Asgard who is obsessed with Jane Foster's body, stays on the earth all day.

After finishing all the harvesting work, David announced the real birth of Winter Town in front of all the residents of Winter Town.

At the same time, it is also determined that the Winter Festival will be after the last round of crop harvesting in the future.

Originally, David thought that the townspeople might not take such a festival seriously.

But the facts have proved that as long as there is a reason that can seem reasonable to celebrate, the people's acceptance is much greater than David thought.

Everyone is excited to celebrate this brand new holiday, but they don't know if they are also celebrating their new life.

For the residents of Rinwinter Town, the official completion of Rinwinter Town is indeed a new beginning.

Here they got a new house, new land, new job, and started a new life.

The artisans from Azeroth will bid farewell to the past, and they can enjoy a stable, comfortable, and prosperous life in Winter Town.

What David promised to the craftsmen back then has been done now.

It can be said that the most supportive people in Cold Winter Town for Lord David are the craftsmen and their families who originally belonged to Edwin Van Cleef.

These people became the basis for David to establish his position in Cold Winter Town. When the craftsmen praised David, Baron Glamorgan, they would crazily complain about the nobles of Stormwind City and King Varian Wrynn. .

Anduin, who was mixed in the crowd, was a little embarrassed, but he gradually understood in his heart what he should do to become a good king.

Immediately, like the people around me, I happily enjoyed this new birth festival.

However, the person who created this festival was not happy at all. He found that as the party host, he was so busy that he didn't have a moment to spare.

He's either welcoming a new guest, or on his way to welcome the next new guest.

He kept running around the back garden of Castle Glamorgan, and the iced juice in David's hand was turned into warm juice by his hands.

Members of the Avengers, friends of the Avengers;

The Transformers, Lennox and Epps who had friendship on the battlefield, and Mikaela and his daughter who came to Cold Winter Town through the relationship of Transformers without any friendship;

King Tyndareus of Sparta and his queen Leda;

Peter Parker brought Gwen Stacy from his world, and Gwen's father George Stacy also came. George specially expressed his sincere thanks to David who saved his life.

Meanwhile, the two Gwen Stacys meet and appear to huddle together to discuss the various differences between the two.

David really wanted to get closer, but the situation didn't allow it. He was running back and forth at the party, afraid that Optimus Prime, who had been wanting to talk to him, would suddenly call out to him: Fellow Daoist, please stay!

Fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen. When the party was halfway through, David finally greeted all the guests, and he could relax a little.

Is throwing a party so tiring?

Ordinary parties are certainly not so tiring, but your situation here is not ordinary. Steve and Tony stood by, watching the excitement all the time: I think you will only appear at the parties held by the president and the governor. This situation.

The two guys found a common thread in watching David go around.


After gulping down the warm juice in his hand, David took a new glass of juice from the Spartan maid passing by, completely ignoring Tony's contemptuous eyes.

With your physical fitness, even drinking alcohol is no different from drinking fruit juice, right?

Yeah, but I prefer the taste of fruit juice. David didn't have any preference for drinks, especially when he had various entertainments in his previous life, even if he didn't want to drink, he had to forcefully pour it into his mouth. impression.

Now that I can make my own decisions, of course I won't embarrass myself.

Well, after all, you are the lord, you are the long as you don't prohibit alcohol in Winter Town, I have no problem. Tony glanced at Optimus Prime who was walking by, the height and shape of these Cybertronians They are all very conspicuous, even if you want to pretend to be invisible: It seems that you have something to talk about.

Don't avoid it. Optimus Prime took the initiative to keep Tony and Steve who wanted to avoid him. He felt that there was nothing that he and David talked about that should not be known.

As for the identities of the two people in front of them, the biggest function of the party held by David today is to let these people who were originally irrelevant and from different worlds get to know each other.

Especially the special life of Transformers, because it has a 'unique position' in the hearts of many people, so people who come here will basically run to Optimus Prime to get acquainted with the leader of the Autobots.

At this point in the party, apart from David saying hello to everyone, Optimus Prime was the busiest, which was why Optimus Prime had not come here until now.

Optimus Prime found David and wanted to talk about the Autobots coming to Cold Winter Town.

A proposal to unite human beings has been proposed, but human beings are too procrastinated in their implementation. Optimus Prime has noticed that some people on Earth are becoming more and more hostile to Autobots.

So Optimus Prime is going to transfer some Autobots to live in Cold Winter Town, leaving only some fighters with sufficient self-protection ability to stay on the earth.

The corpse of the Decepticon you mentioned earlier may take a little longer... The Decepticons we wiped out recently, the corpses will always be transported away for inexplicable reasons.

That's it... After hearing Optimus Prime's words, David immediately realized that humans might be using Decepticon corpses for research. Autobots are his allies after all, so he reminded Optimus Prime : It could mean that someone is doing some sort of experiment with these corpses. I think the Autobots have to be careful, as the Decepticons become less and less, they will target you.

... Optimus Prime was silent for a few seconds, he also thought of this possibility, but he didn't want it to really develop to that point.

He has a good impression of humans, especially now that he has many human friends and comrades in arms. If there is no substantial evidence, he doesn't want to think of humans as bad.

However, as a leader, he knows what to do, and coming to talk to David specifically about this has already proved that he is prepared for it.

After chatting for a few more words, Optimus Prime introduced two humans to David by the way.

In addition to the miniature King Kong such as the little brain and the wheel, Mikaela and her father want to start a new life in Winter Town, and they don't know if there is a suitable job for them here.

David thought about it carefully, and there really was a job suitable for them: the Winter Knights currently have a lot of vehicles, but there is only one Tony Stark in Winter Town who knows how to repair cars, which is very embarrassing.

As the winter knights have more and more mechanical equipment, the demand for logistics maintenance personnel will also increase. Mikaela and his daughter can take care of it for a while, and teach the people in winter town how to repair cars by the way.

This kind of small matter was settled in a few words, and the population of Cold Winter Town also increased during this party.

At the end of the party, even Robert Epps, the lair troop, had the idea of ​​staying, but he hadn't made a final decision yet.

David is not in a hurry, Epps can think about it slowly, and even his comrades who have retired or are about to retire, he welcomes them if they are willing to come.

There are enough empty houses in Rinwinter Town, even if the houses are full, he can let the diggers build more houses at any time-compared with empty houses, Rinwinter Town has more open spaces!

He looks forward to the day when all these empty spaces will be filled up soon!

Today, he's going to fill up Eva first!

Winter Festival is a good day to celebrate, and there is no need to continue to dally between him and Eva. He has already lit a strong enough bonfire, and if he continues to burn it, he will burn it dry!

Eva had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and when David made it clear that he would go to her later, Eva left the party early to prepare.

When David returned to the room, the first thing he saw was Eva who was fully armed, wearing pure white armor, and lying on a large rose petal.



David, who was refreshed and relieved, looked at Eva who was full of energy and fell into a deep sleep, got up, washed and dressed, and prepared to start today's work.

As a result, he had just finished washing, and before he had time to change his clothes, Gareth Stanton's slightly eager voice came from outside the door.

My lord, there is an emergency!

David knew that it was impossible for the guard knight to come and smash the door of his room so early if it wasn't an emergency.

Putting on a nightgown, David opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

After knocking on the door, he stood aside, looking down at Gareth Stanton, who seemed to be observing the material of the carpet under his feet, making sure that he didn't see anything he shouldn't, and at the same time quickly explained himself to David. Why did you come to knock on the door early.

My lord, there is a ship on the Winter River.

Boat? David was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was indeed a relatively urgent situation: Is it coming from the direction of Iron Water River?

The Iron Water River is the river that flows out of the Iron Tree Forest and flows into the Winter River at the south-west location of Cold Winter Town. If it came from there, could it be a warship of the elves?

No, it came from the downstream direction.

Oh? From the lower reaches of the Winter River, that's from the west: West?


I see, let Arcee see the situation first, and then I'll go and see for myself after I get dressed... Let the Knights get ready for battle.

David moved quickly. After getting dressed, he came to the newly built pier on the Cold Winter River and looked west.

On the incomparably wide river, a black boat was slowly heading towards the town of Cold Winter.

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