Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 3 Passing by another Lafayette

Laura watched with her own eyes a translucent figure that could only see a vague shape at first, which gradually became clear and real, and finally had a more intuitive feeling for the situation David described earlier.

With such an incredible sight, it is no wonder that David reacted in that way.

Compared to Laura paying attention to how the figure slowly becomes 'real', David is carefully looking at the newcomer, wanting to see if he can recognize who the newcomer is?

The result disappointed him. When the other party finally revealed his true appearance, David couldn't immediately recognize who this middle-aged man with a big beard looked very strong.

When David and Laura were looking at each other, the middle-aged strong man also noticed the two, and at the same time he stopped his footsteps as if he noticed something, and looked around with vigilance: Excuse me, what is this place?

The middle-aged strong man asked in a language that David had never heard before, but David found that he could understand the other party's words, and even figured out how to answer in this strange language the moment he finished listening to the question the other party's problem.


After a moment of silence, I thought about it carefully in my mind, and soon I 'know' that the language I have newly mastered is also called the lingua franca, but it is not the same language as the lingua franca of mankind used in this world.

As for his sudden mastery of a new language, he suspects that the reward Laura gave him at first was not simply knowledge of English, but some kind of more powerful ability.

Hello, this is the pioneer camp located in the northern part of Tilan Kingdom. I am David, the village chief here. Do you need any help? David answered the other party's question using the new learned lingua franca. This surprised Laura very much.

Laura possessed a talent for languages ​​that was comparable to cheating. She had heard the lingua franca that David used before, and it was obviously two completely different languages ​​from the one David used at this time.

After hearing David's answer, the strong man on the opposite side showed obvious doubts on his face: Kingdom of Tilan? After thinking for a few seconds, he asked again: How far is this from East Weald?

I don't know where the East Weald you're talking about is? David shook his head, saying that he had never heard of this place, and guessed in his heart that maybe the people who came to him inexplicably were not necessarily familiar with him. people.

The enthusiasm of the other party has made the strong man let go of his guard, but David's answer made him even more confused: Stratholme? Kingdom of Lordaeron? Have you heard of these names?

... David didn't respond on the surface, but he was surprised in his heart. He was very familiar with these two place names, but it was not convenient for him to answer directly, and at the same time he kept guessing the identity of the person in front of him.

Seeing that David didn't speak, the strong man's thick eyebrows frowned even more. He decided to introduce himself before asking for more information: Hello, my name is Tirion Fordring, I might get lost Now...maybe I need to stay in your village for a night.

As one of the most famous paladins in Azeroth, he is no stranger to mysterious powers, and he suspects that he may have encountered some kind of space transfer.

I don't know where I was sent to? Judging from the reaction of the young man in front of him just now, there is a high probability that he left the Eastern Kingdom.

Fording was thinking about the weird things he had experienced here, while David was surprised in his heart by the identity of the strong man in front of him.

Tirion Fording, a disciple of Alonsus Faol, Archbishop of the Order of the Holy Light, one of the first five paladins in the world of Azeroth, has participated in many battles, fought orcs, and extinguished natural disasters , Facing the Lich King head-on, and resisting the Void Demon, he is powerful and has a strong character.

Speaking of it, Fording has far more stories in World of Warcraft than the other first-generation paladins, so he is very popular and is honored as Lafayette by many Warcraft fans.

Unexpectedly, this famous paladin also came to him!

While recalling all kinds of information about this Lafayette, David organized his words silently, preparing to tell the actual situation directly to the paladin in front of him.

There is no need to hide some things, and the other party is not an idiot. Even if David doesn't say anything, Fording will soon find out that something is wrong.

It's better to tell the other party directly about the situation, which can be regarded as showing a certain attitude of oneself and increasing the favorability - if Fording is willing to teach him how to use the holy light, David will earn.

He didn't think the Holy Light was so powerful, but that the Holy Light had excellent ability to heal and eliminate diseases. In this relatively backward world, David, who lived alone in a remote area, was most worried about being injured and sick. timely treatment.

There was no way to do it before, but now Fording, the paladin, appeared in front of him, and he would be too stupid if he didn't grasp it well.

Some things need to be explained to you.

After describing Fording's miraculous appearance, and Laura, who also came here from another world, David can easily explain the situation clearly.

Fording's acceptance speed is also faster than Laura's, because he comes from a world that often fights with people from other worlds, and his acceptance of other worlds is much higher than Laura's.

This is not Azeroth? Fording scratched his messy hair. He didn't expect that he lost his way and got lost directly to another world. No wonder this young man named David had never heard of Lordan Kingdom of Lun: However, why do you know the common language of Azeroth?

I don't know, I seem to have some kind of strange ability. After seeing you, I suddenly understood this language. After a while, David had figured it out:

Laura can learn a new language in a short period of time through various incomplete records on ancient ruins and stone tablets. The reward he initially received from Laura was probably an upgraded and enhanced version of this ability, rather than the English knowledge he guessed at first.

This discovery made him very happy, and the appearance of Fording confirmed his speculation about his own golden finger: he activated the golden finger after becoming the village chief. This means that there will be more people from various worlds in the future. With this ability, he doesn't have to worry about language problems.

David was ecstatic in his heart, and Fording didn't feel unacceptable to David's explanation, but just looked at David a few more times.

When the few people were talking, it was completely dark. Fording had noticed that Laura and David were moving firewood into the wooden house, so he offered to help. The three quickly prepared enough firewood and raised fire in the wooden house. Fire, and then talking around the campfire.

Laura does not know the common language of Azeroth, and Fording does not know English. The conversation between the two requires David to act as an interpreter, but in general it has no effect.

After chatting for a while, Laura had completely believed in the fact that she had come to another world, and Fording's appearance broke the last trace of doubt in her heart.

The doubts in her heart were completely dissipated, and not long ago, she suffered shipwrecks, heavy blows, stabbings, falling into mountain streams and other disasters. Laura, who was completely relaxed, soon fell asleep.

David helped Laura cover an extra layer of quilt, then sat back on his bed and continued to chat with Fording.

Fording didn't talk about his past great achievements, but said that he left home for some reason and was wandering around without a fixed place, but came here in a daze.

If you don't dislike this place, you can live in the village for a long time.

Listening to Fording's description, David finally understood the other party's current situation: In the story of Warcraft, Fording was exiled because of conflicts with his subordinates and helping and rescuing an orc. After wandering around for a period of time, he chose Live in seclusion in a certain place in East Weld - East Weld will be renamed the Plagueland, which is more familiar to many people due to the raging natural disasters and plagues in the future, which is why David said before that he has never heard of East Weld , After so many years, I can't remember such details.

Sounds like a good suggestion. Fording didn't resist David's invitation. At this time, he didn't have any particular place he wanted to go, just wandering around.

He didn't agree immediately, it's just that he still can't let go of his wife and son at home, and now that he's in another world in a daze, he will inevitably think about how to go back? After all, I was still in Azeroth when I was exiled, and I missed my wife and children and could sneak a few glimpses when I went back; now that I want to go back and have a look, I don’t know if I can go back?

Fording stopped talking, and David also lay down on the bed. In the big wooden house, there was only the occasional sound of the fire, and his consciousness gradually became trance, and it was already bright when he woke up again.

David sat up, the fire not far away was still burning, and the prepared firewood had been used up, and it was obvious that someone had been watching the fire all night.

It's no wonder I can sleep until dawn. There is no way to sleep well when I am alone. Apart from getting up from time to time to look after the fire, I also have to be careful to guard against the attack of wild animals.

Last night was different. With such a powerful and good-natured paladin as Fording by his side, he didn't have to worry about his own safety at all. David hadn't felt so at ease for a long time.

Just when he was wondering where Fording had gone, the door of the wooden house was opened, more sunlight shone into the house, and Laura woke up.

First, she sat up vigilantly, and then remembered her miraculous experience. Laura smiled helplessly, and at the same time said good morning to David: Good morning, David.

Good morning, Laura.

Fording, who was standing by the door, saw that both of them were awake, greeted them, and said a message that surprised them: Good morning, both of you. I think I know how to get back It's a world of its own.

What? Through David's translation, Laura, who understood what this sentence meant, was very excited. She was the one who was most eager to go back among the people present: What should I do?

It's very simple, just walk out of the village in any direction, and just think about returning to your own world in your heart.

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