Age of Gods: Choose Ultraman as a follower at the beginning

Chapter 8


The transaction between the two parties ends.

Jin Kaila stopped pestering Lin Jie and went to find other targets to start selling his products.

Lin Jie also continued shopping in the Shen Shen Market.

He has always been curious about the God Market in the past, and now that he is finally qualified to enter, he naturally wants to take a good look around.

It has to be said that the God Market really has everything. There are people selling all kinds of strange things, ranging from some low-level materials to various powerful treasures or powerful race cards.

Especially those treasures, including magic treasures, immortal cultivation treasures, and technology treasures.

If it were the earth in the previous life, any one of these treasures would be enough for people to break their heads and fight for it.

However, in the market of gods, these treasures are very worthless, and they are basically sold at cabbage prices.

There are too many worlds invaded by the world of gods, and these treasures were all looted from other worlds.

For those demigods and even gods, they have no use at all. At most, they can be bought for believers to use. However , demigods generally rarely use the power of faith to buy equipment for believers, and real gods look down on it....

Not to mention real gods, Lin Jie walked around the market of gods. He didn't like most of the low-level treasures sold at the stalls. They were not even used by the Ultraman race.


"It’s almost time to go back!"

After wandering around the market of gods, Lin Jie checked the time and prepared to go home.

"Yiyi Nanizi should be anxious! Lin Jie said to himself with a smile on his face.

The 'Yiyi' in his mouth is his little sister, whose full name is Lin Yi, a 12-year-old little lolita.

Speaking of which, I have to introduce Lin Jie Family background.

Name: Lin Jie.

Gender: Male

Age: 18 years old

Marital status: Unmarried

Identity background: Both parents died when I was young. I have a lovely younger sister and two beautiful and powerful older sisters. The legendary orphan mode protagonist has The Loli girl, the second royal sister, and the mature eldest sister respectively represent the three major genres of orphan model protagonists. Lin Jie’s identity and background are all covered!

When Lin Jie was still very young, his parents went to rob an alien. In the world, he died after fighting with the indigenous gods of another world, leaving only him, a younger sister, and two beautiful and strong sisters. The eldest sister Lin Xue is a real god, a middle-ranking person who ignites the divine fire and possesses the priesthood of the war sequence. God.

She also formed a goddess team, wooed many goddesses, and conquered and plundered various different worlds.

The second sister Lin Xuan is also a real god. She possesses the lower god of the wisdom sequence priesthood.

She is also a A very strong person, in order to catch up in the footsteps of the eldest sister, he also formed a goddess team.

However, the goddess team of the second sister Lin Xuan was formed not long ago, and there are only four members including her. Finally, there is the younger sister, Her name is Lin Yi.

The younger sister Lin Yi is relatively pitiful. She has been frail and sick since she was a child, and she has been unable to walk like a normal person since she was born.

Her legs seem to be cursed by a mysterious force, and she has lost consciousness. She can only sit in a wheelchair since she was a child.

By chance, Lin Jie's parents discovered a different world that had not been discovered by the world of gods. In order to find a way for their little sister to recover, they invaded an unknown different world.

His parents were both median gods. But he underestimated that other world, and was eventually killed by the indigenous gods of the other world.

Lin Jie and his eldest and second sisters both had the coordinates of that world.

They agreed to reach the upper gods, and then went to that unknown world together to save their parents. Revenge.

His parents were both outstanding among the middle gods. Both of them died, which shows that that world is likely to have indigenous gods at the level of upper gods. It is dangerous to go there without reaching the upper gods.


Closer to home,

Lin Jie opened up the Kingdom of God this time. His younger sister Lin Yi originally wanted to follow, but Lin Jie asked her to stay at home and did not follow.

The eldest sister and the second sister lead their respective goddess teams to plunder other worlds, and they will not be able to return in a short time.


Lin Jie went to the Temple of the Gods alone to open up the Kingdom of God.

Now that the Kingdom of God has been successfully opened, Lin Jie can't wait to return home and give the good news to his little sister ~

1101 Villa Area.

Lin Jie saw a cute little loli sitting at the door of the villa from a distance, looking around in a wheelchair~

"Brother, you are back!"

Soon, little Loli also saw the figure of Lin Jie walking not far away, and couldn't help shouting with joy.

"Yiyi, why did you run out? It's not very safe outside~" Lin Jie walked forward quickly and said with concern.

"It's not safe anywhere!"

Little Loli Lin Yi pouted and said,"You always ask me to stay at home. I'm bored to death by being alone!"

"Okay~ I'll take you out for a walk later~" Lin Jie rubbed her hair lovingly and smiled.

He lived in a villa area, where fighting was prohibited, and there were demigods and even gods responsible for security, so the security factor was very high. High, it can be said that there is basically no danger.

However, Lin Jie is still worried, and usually he will not let his little sister come out of the villa alone.

In this regard, Lin Jie's eldest sister and second sister are also the same, and they are not worried about this little girl. The girls are all very doting on each other.

"OK! OK!"

Little Loli Lin Yi immediately said happily:"Brother, then we have a deal! You are not allowed to regret it~"

"rest assured! I won’t regret it~" Lin Jie said with a chuckle.

"correct! Brother, has your Kingdom of God been successfully opened?"Lin Yi, little loli, then remembered to ask about something serious.

"Success! Lin Jie nodded and said

"Very good!

Lin Yi clapped her hands and said happily:"Brother, how big is the Kingdom of God you opened up?" Are you older than the eldest sister and the second sister?"

"Much more!"

"Your brother and I have opened up the Kingdom of God for hundreds of millions of miles~" Lin Jie said softly with a smile on his face.

"Wow! Billions of miles! How big is that? The eldest sister and the second sister are thousands of miles apart……"Little Loli Lin Yi said in surprise

"Fool, I lied to you! My divine kingdom is also the divine kingdom of Wanli……"

"Hate! How dare you lie to me……"

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