AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 100

The city is even busier on this day, especially on the main road that divides the districts. Most of the people traveling between the districts are travelers, judging by their clothes and the fact that they carry backpacks or travel in carts, wagons, and carriages.

There are others who do not carry backpacks or travel in such primitive vehicles, and are armed or dressed as travelers — these must be cultivators with storage rings.

As an entity that can perceive everything within a radius of eighty steps — depending on how calm the snake in my sea of consciousness is — I have no choice but to actively follow and process every thread of conversation happening around me. Within minutes, it is able to produce an overwhelming amount of data that is becoming quite taxing on my processing resources. Ironically, thanks to the snake, this is not as bad as it could be.

Eventually, I delegate this task of processing information to a sub-thread via [Nooparallelism] and instruct it to only update me on information that could be relevant to me.

Using this method, I learn various things about this city within ten minutes. First, the major families running this city do not quite see eye to eye; the Princess of the Wu family — the main ruling clan of this city — is of marrying age but who she will be married to is not yet clear. The other families would prefer that the Princess marry one of theirs, but the Princess will not even consider it.

I also learn a great deal about the economy of this city, especially as we pass closer to the Market District. Star City thrives, mainly, on commodities intended for cultivators which is not surprising at all. However, in recent years, medicinal materials have fallen out of favor and there is now a rising demand for monster materials and forging materials.

This economic situation is further complicated by the tradition of the Galaxy Sword sect to hold a Martial Meeting every five years — a period when the city sees increased activity where all sorts of individuals, not just cultivators, visit the city to compete or trade.

During this time, the economic situation becomes very volatile as an influx of materials and demand for goods increases by considerable, and often unexpected, amounts.

I make a mental note to exploit this weakness in the economic situation later. As a Divine grade object, I should not live in poverty and as an advanced intelligence, I should not want for anything.

The actions of the Princess could also lead to political instability that I could exploit, but I doubt that the Wu family actually holds any real power or influence. Certainly, they have some power, but how much of that could be useful to me or my owner? Could they stop a Grand Elder from trying to kill my owner before she is ready?

Lan Xiaohui’s meeting with Yun Fei a few nights ago also lingers in my active consciousness and the regret she felt for how she handled herself with her straightforward and honest nature. The Dao of Sword is demanding and unforgiving. Had that situation gone any different, she may have been forced to cut down her friend — something that would no doubt permanently affect her mood and ruin her cultivation in the future.

I am determined now to make sure that Lan Xiaohui does not have to change herself or accept difficult choices. If she is happy to throw caution to the wind and walk her path with her head held high, then I will be the one to make sure that her path is as straight as it can be.

Immediately, a subroutine offers a solution from the Point Exchange.

[ Talent - Heaven ] Imprint (100,000 BP)

[ Imprint is a Heaven grade talent that allows a portion of the consciousness to be separated from the main body, and attached to something else. This sliver of consciousness can operate independently, within a certain range, and shares a telepathic connection with the main body. ]

[ Consciousness cost to operate: 77% ]

It is an appropriate espionage and intelligence gathering tool, but it lacks any combat ability unless I can produce Sword Qi through my consciousness. I am not yet certain which part of me produces Sword Qi. I know it rises from my consciousness, through my Intent, but is that really all I need? If I had [Imprint] I could experiment with it. Its hefty purchase cost implies that it will be a vast and complicated rearrangement of my Array, so I would also most likely learn quite a bit from observing that change.

Ultimately, however, the cost to operate it — 77% of my consciousness — makes this very undesirable for the moment. However, I know there is a solution to this problem. Lady Yue taught a new breathing method to Lan Xiaohui and it has certainly improved her consciousness and the basic attributes of her body. I also learned the same method, at the same time, and there is an opportunity to practice it once we have some time.

Lan Xiaohui’s destination is quite obvious and mirrored by many cultivators in her vicinity. She is heading towards the main plaza where I can already sense that hundreds of people are assembling.

Once she manages to squeeze through the crowd of people, she finds a spot to sit at one of the benches that surround the plaza and then settles me across her lap, with both her arms protectively resting on top of my vessel.

I probe the surroundings with my consciousness and I make notes about the various people around her. Some are young, some are older; most of them appear to be in the Foundation Establishment realm, but not all of them. I sense two Nascent Soul cultivators and about a dozen who have formed a Gold Core. Some of them are escorts of visitors interested in the Martial Meeting or the various auctions about to take place.

They are all interested in something at the center of the stage which is just beyond my perception radius. I know why; today is the day of the opening of the Martial Meeting, and most of these people are here to observe and compete.

Lan Xiaohui’s consciousness suddenly merges with mine, as if she is capable of reading my thoughts, and I feel her successful attempt to give me access to her perception once more. My perception expands immediately, and the region I could not see before with my own perception is now revealed to me and it looks very different from the region I can see.

It is as if we perceive the world slightly differently. Hers is much brighter and more colorful; her attention to detail is nowhere near as precise as mine. I immediately understand that this is not me taking control of her perception — her physical sensors — but the interpretation of her brain; it is a form of mind-reading or mind-sharing, exactly like my Lily system command.

Did she reverse-engineer my method somehow?

On the center of the stage are four individuals. Two have graying hair and long beards, while the other individual appears to be middle-aged. Lastly, the woman in the group reminds me of Lady Yue in many ways, with how domineering and fierce she looks. She is the only one in the group who openly wears her weapon at her side.

I can see quite a few details now that I would have missed otherwise. On the other side of the stage, there is a section that appears to be dedicated to the various affiliates of the Galaxy Sword sect and a section next to it for the rich and the influential.

The power dynamic and hierarchy in this city is made most obvious by this little fact because the city officials and ruling clan have their section next to the lavish and prime section for the Galaxy Sword sect members who occupy the prime and highest spot in the seating section.

The leading elder then turns towards the crowd and claps his hands together. The sound is so loud that it effortlessly carries through the plaza and everything quiets down as a result.

“In one week, the Martial Meeting of the Galaxy Sword Sect will begin. I will now explain the format and schedule.”

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