Aim at That Star

Chapter 99

Chapter 98: Hoosi Has The Present

When Jiang Shi returned to the educated youth point, it was about two o’clock in the afternoon.

At this time, people either work in the fields, take a nap by the fields, chop wood in the mountains, or feed the pigs on the pig farm.

Even educated youths who are full of poetry and books must go to the countryside to earn work points, otherwise they will not be able to fill their stomachs, and where will they have the strength to absorb knowledge.

During the busy farming season in rural areas, it is really rare to be as free as Jiang Shi, and you can wander around after eating.

So when he opened the courtyard door, it was empty. Only a female educated youth sat under the eaves, sticking out half of her head to the sun, drying her hair and reading a book.

This female educated youth wore a white shirt with a plaid skirt, leather shoes on her feet, and even her socks were ingeniously creased at the mouth of the socks.

Very very foreign look.

Not to mention Nanyuanling Village, even if he looked at the entire Nanwan City, Jiang Shi probably couldn’t find many fashionable girls like her.

Hearing the push on the door, the fashionable girl raised her head from the book, frowning at first, as if she was disgusted by someone who disturbed her quiet reading in the afternoon.

But when she saw that it was Jiang Shi, her face immediately showed a bit of surprise, and her voice softened an octave: “Jiang Shi, why are you back at this time?”

“There’s nothing to do in the warehouse right now.”

Jiang Shi politely nodded at her and walked into the house, “I just came back to write a letter.”

Oh, write a letter.

The fashionable girl nodded inwardly.


Tomorrow is the day when the educated youths made an appointment to go to the county together. The introduction letter on the brigade was very strict.

Her eyes kept following Jiang Shi’s footsteps, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

As if wishing he could ask something.

However it didn’t.

The man’s reaction to seeing her at the educated youth point was very indifferent. He simply answered her question and walked straight into the house, walking in a hurry, without even looking at extra eyes.

For example, “Why don’t you go to work today?”, “Why are you still reading in the yard at this time?”, “What book are you reading?”, “What did you eat for lunch?”— He didn’t ask at all.

Using a light back to cut off all the possibility of continuing to talk, Ge Shuwen felt extremely disappointed.

Ge Shuwen is the name of this fashionable girl.

In a sense, it is in line with her literary hobby of reading novels and writing manuscripts.

Ge Shuwen is the same age as Jiang Shi, an educated youth from the Shanghai stock market, and his personality also bears the characteristics of a Jiangnan woman: soft-spoken and sentimental.

Her family background should be good, which can be seen from the parcels sent to her by the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

After all, she never hides her own good things. When she sends some rare food from her family, she immediately takes it out and shares it with publicity. The educated youth points out that many girls receive her benefits on the one hand, and on the other they look at them very much. I’m not used to her, I think she’s just showing off deliberately and treating them with poor conditions like beggars.

– Above, you can basically tell what kind of person this Comrade Ge Shuwen is.

She is a naive and high-profile girl, Wen Qing, who doesn’t know how to deal with interpersonal relationships, and who puts all her thoughts on the bright side, a sensitive and vulnerable girl Wen Qing.

How high-profile and how incapable of dealing with interpersonal relationships is she?

For example, about the fact that she likes Jiang Shi, almost everyone in the educated youth compound knows that a few female educated youths who are a little longer and more beautiful have also received her “hint”, indicating that she likes Jiang Shi, and asks them not to provoke them. own man.

Who doesn’t like a male educated youth with good condition, culture and grace like Jiang Shi?

Also, what is “her man”?

Isn’t the relationship between Ran Fu and Jiang Shi much closer than her? Then I didn’t see Ran Fuyao warning others.

Ge Shuwen’s self-indulgent oath of sovereignty angered more than half of the girls in the educated youth compound.

– So, what Jiang Shi doesn’t like the most is the type of woman like Ge Shuwen.

Because she would cause trouble too much, and she would always involve others in the trouble she caused herself, which was more trouble than trouble.

He basically is now, he can’t communicate with her unless he can communicate with her.

So as not to really be unable to control the emotions and directly tear the face.

You know, he’s not the kind of person who takes pity on fragrance and jade, or cares about his outward demeanor.


After entering the house, Jiang Shi did not immediately look for the scald cream, but sat down at the only square table in the male educated youth’s house, pulled out the letter paper and pen, and began to write a letter.

—To his family members far away in the capital.

The letter begins, as usual, with some greetings and greetings, as well as a description of his current situation.

Jiang Shi’s writing was very smooth, and it was a long story, and the beautiful and gorgeous words appeared on the stationery as if they didn’t use their heads.

But when he wrote the latter, his speed slowed down significantly.

More than half a star slower.

One word at a time, carefully and carefully, after careful consideration, just by looking at his frowning brows and solemn expression, you can tell that what he wrote was not easy.

What is written?

It’s all about Lin Suizi.

He wrote that he had a crush on a girl.

In Nanyuanling Village this place.

This girl is fine.

Now, he has reached the age where he should start a family and start a business.

It just so happens that this girl is very nice.

The elders in the family had been worried about the loneliness he lived alone in the south, with no one to accompany him and no one to take care of him.

And this girl is fine.


“So, if Comrade Lin agrees and grandmother agrees, next time I go back to Beijing to visit relatives, I will bring her back together…”

“For my mother, I have to ask the second elder to help me to make peace. Of course, if it really doesn’t make sense, just let it go. Now is the era of independent marriage, and I know it in my heart…”

“This girl is really nice, I like it very much, I hope my grandparents can understand my feelings…”

– Jiang Shi wrote this letter to his grandparents.

Because he knew that if he wrote it directly to his mother, there would be no possibility of approval.

It was not because of his family background and ability to deal with matters, but because of his personality, that Lin Suizi was directly sentenced to death.

Jiang Shi fully understood his mother’s choice of daughter-in-law:

Simple and lovely, kind and lively, respect the old and love the young, filial and upright.

Lin Suizi… Basically none of them match.

How should I put it, his mother was a very lucky woman. She was spoiled by her grandfather and grandmother when she was a child, and she was protected by her father after she got married. Even in the most turbulent and chaotic times, she didn’t endure much hardship, and she has been living smoothly until now.

So even though he is in his forties now, his personality is still as capricious as when he was a girl.

The family members deliberately let her follow her out of family affection and love.

This is why, since childhood, Jiang Shi has always been unfamiliar with “simple and kind” girls.

In his view, simplicity means stupidity.

And kindness equals trouble.

His mother is the most representative example.

Jiang Shi had suffered enough on his mother, and he didn’t want to copy and paste it on his future wife again.

However, not liking the innocent doesn’t mean you have to like the vicious, does it?

But in this world, how can there be so many girls who are neither too vicious nor too kind, sober, self-sufficient, intelligent and self-reliant, not too sophisticated and mature, but also able to be smooth and comprehensive, empathetic and stick to their hearts?

Oh yes, and also look good at the same time.

At the very least, Jiang Shi has lived in the top circle of the capital for more than ten years, and he has not been able to meet a suitable one.

Everyone said he had a good eye.

He himself felt so.

Even before meeting Lin Suizi, he felt that he might never get married in his life.

But since it’s not your own mate-choice orientation, you can’t like it no matter what, so why delay the life of other girls.

This is Jiang Shi’s own emotional bottom line.

Therefore, only he himself understands the most fortunate thing in his life to meet Lin Suizi.

However, the world is impermanent. In the original novel, no matter which life he was in, he could not hold the beauty back.

So he really never married, and adopted a deaf-mute boy when he was not confused, and cultivated him as an heir.

Inductive star chose such an identity, presumably in addition to saving Xiaoxing, maybe also want to make up for Jiang Zhiqing’s regret.


After Jiang Shi finished writing the letter, he stuffed it into the envelope and glued it, and then locked the letter in the box.

The conditions of the educated youth are poor, and there are no wooden cabinets for them to store things. Basically, they have to prepare one or two boxes for their things.

Jiang Shi’s box is not big, and there are not many things in it.

In addition to the ointment and tablet packages, which are paper and pen, food stamps and banknotes, which are packaged in several envelopes or sandwiched in ***, there are also several packages of more precious and good food – such as beef jerky candies.

The rest are gone. Clothes and shoes are all placed in hand-woven rattan baskets with lids. Anyway, no one is stupid enough to steal other people’s clothes.

Therefore, a large wooden box with a lock was opened, and it contained only a small part of the supplies. It was completely impossible to see that the owner of this box was actually a rich young master who went to the countryside from the courtyard of the capital.

In fact, it’s not that Jiang Shi didn’t have good things, and it’s not that the family didn’t send him food and drink, but he took it out for food stamps for money.

Do as the locals do. It is not good for people to live too high-profile, it is better to replace it with saveable capital and accumulate it.

In the future, if there is a real conflict with the family because of great love, I have enough daughter-in-law Ben’er to ask a matchmaker for marriage.

Before going out, Jiang Shi not only brought scald ointment, but also a bag of candy.

At first glance, this gift looks cheap and perfunctory, but Jiang Shi really chose it seriously.

He picked out a few candies of various brands and styles in his suitcase and mixed them together, so several kinds of candy wrappers appeared in a pack of candies, which were very colorful and lively.

It happened to match what he said to Lin Suizi at noon.

– Candy and candy wrappers can be given to you together.

-I’m just afraid you’re embarrassed.

– But why are you giving sugar directly now?

—Because the feeling of wanting to express affection with you prevailed over being afraid of being embarrassed by you.


Before leaving the hospital, as expected, Jiang Shi was stopped by Comrade Ge Shuwen.

The **** tried to express her casualness and nonchalance with the most eager eyes: “Jiang Shi, where are you going?”

“Something to do.”

“Oh…then you were writing a letter in the house just now, didn’t you?”


“Was it a letter from home?”


“What letter was written?”

The man raised his eyes, glanced at her lightly, and said briefly: “Love letter.”


This answer was completely unexpected.

Ge Shuwen froze there, opened his mouth, but didn’t say a word for a long time.

“Comrade Nage, take your time to read the book, I still have something important to do, so I’ll go first.”

It was originally an awkward chat that was forced by the woman. When Jiang Shi was so uncooperative and the lie came out, it was a miracle that the chat could continue.

However, due to the delay of Comrade Ge Shuwen, Luo Libao, Jiang Zhiqing arrived at the gate of Lin Suizi’s house at a very inappropriate time.

It happened to be Lin Suizi who came to open the door.

Because her hand was scalded, the barefoot doctor in charge of rubbing the medicine, Ran Ford, instructed her not to work immediately and touch the water to affect the wound, so she did not have to cook dinner and wash her clothes. The only work that Mrs. Lin arranged for her was: Carry the broom with your left hand to sweep the leaves in the yard.

There are no leaves at this time of year.

But Mrs. Lin insisted, and glared fiercely at Lao Fanghong, the eldest daughter-in-law who wanted to speak out against it, and reprimanded: “I hold back whatever I want to say, and I know how to keep my mouth open all day except to cause trouble. Fart! I don’t know how to do any work. Look at the daughter-in-law of the old Chen family next door. She has a belly more than seven months old and has twins. Why don’t you go to the sun drying farm? What mother-in-law in Nanyuanling is so lazy as you? I’ll set fire to it!”


Old lady Lin is the absolute authority at home. Even old man Lin obeys her orders. How could Lao Fanghong dare to offend her mother-in-law, so she can only go to the stove to make a fire.

As for Lin Suizi, she had no choice but to slowly enter the yard with a broom.

Wondering what to do with yourself? air?

It would be nice if a guest came to visit at this time, and she could also help pour a glass of water or go back to the house, so as not to do nothing in the yard, only to be dizzy by the afterglow of the sun.

—Yes, Jiang Shi’s so-called “unfortunate time” is the meal of the Lin family.

People came from thousands of miles to deliver the ointment, and Lin Suizi felt uneasy if he didn’t invite him to stay for a meal.

So after the pretentious greetings and several exchanges, Jiang Shi finally reluctantly agreed that Lin Suizi could stay for dinner.

For this reason, Jiang Zhiqing, who did not take any advantage of the people at the bottom, secretly put a bag of candy in her bib pocket.

Then he smiled slightly and said, “Eating too much sugar will make you grow old, so I’ve been anti-sugar recently.”

– Listen, what a reasonable and convincing reason is given.

If Mrs. Lin hadn’t come out of the house to understand the situation, Lin Suizi would have pushed the bag of candy back into his hand.

“Jiang Zhiqing? Why are you here? Come here, come in, come in and sit down, by the way, have you eaten dinner? How about coming to grandma’s house to eat together? Maizi, go get a chair, and pour another cup of tea.”

“Don’t bother Grandma Lin so much.”

Jiang Shi quickly waved his hand to refuse, “I’m just here to deliver ointment to Lin Suizi, and I can still stand. But if you need my help with anything, just say it.”

Mrs. Lin automatically ignored his last sentence, because she was startled by the first half of the sentence: “ointment? What kind of ointment?”

In the eyes of the country people, the wounds that need to be medicated must be very serious and important wounds.

What happened this afternoon was explained by Lao Fanghong’s brief description of Lin Maizi from time to time, and the words were naturally biased towards them. The incident of throwing tongs in the quarrel and Ran Fu’s medical treatment were all vaguely mentioned.

At that time, Lin Suizi actually thought about whether to clarify and provoke.

But she later thought that such a thing, her own refutation will never be more convincing and appealing than what others narrate.

Just wait, maybe there will be help.

Sure enough, you see—

“Grandma Lin, don’t you know?”


“Early this afternoon, Aunt Lin and Maizi Lin quarreled, and then they started a fight. Aunt Lin used the tongs in a fit of rage and almost hit Lin Suizi in the face. I remember that there was a lot of noise at the time. ”

The man looked surprised and innocent, “Why, don’t you know all these things?”

– As you can see, God’s assist is coming.

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