Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 10- On his way~2

The distance between Belur and the place I was approaching was around three hundred kilometers

Belur and several small towns and islands were densely populated because of the presence of the academy. It was a common belief that if catastrophe falls, it's better to stay near a strong entity. And here, the Headmaster of the Academy was regarded as one of the strongest beings alive.

From the game, I knew that if someone could face Logan's berserk state with all his four wings awakened then it was that man. However, even against him, Logan would leave grave damage in his wake if he got pushed to his limit.

Hence, I was en route to negate a potential situation in which Logan might lose control and blur the line between right and wrong.

There was a massive jungle around Belur, which led to a farm nearby, and if there was a farm it was given that people regularly travel to and fro. I could warp my way across the forest and the farm to reach my destination but I didn't want to overburden myself.

The shortest route to cross the jungle requires eight hours of travel on foot. And since there was no other means of transport I would have to walk across. I am conserving my warp spell just in case some big monster appears.

Around this time, the cultivated crops are burnt and their ashes are used as a type of manure for the next set of crops. And since the flames help keep away the forest dwellers, I would find less dangerous beasts as near as I get to the farm.

But for now...I need to maintain vigilance.

My feet were wrapped with soft rubber pads to conceal my footsteps and since I don't possess an aura, no beast even with the keenest senses would be able to perceive my presence...


....or so I believed.

The sound of something slithering above my head sent a jolt down my spine.

It was a serpent-type beast.

I didn't turn to look in its direction since various high-ranking serpent-type monsters possess hypnotic abilities. And considering the chill I was feeling in its presence, the only thing I could do was,


Using the 'Beta' straw doll, I warped away from the place where that snake was.

I didn't need to take the unnecessary risk of getting caught in a battle or other high-ranking beasts might also...


My eyes widened in astonishment as I discerned the familiar slither of the beast near me. And undoubtedly, it was no hallucination; the palpable presence of a living entity capable of causing my demise was all too genuine.

My hand clutched around my spear before I steeled my resolve and turned to look at my adversary.

Towering over the surrounding foliage, its dark, scaled body writhed sinuously, each movement exuding a sense of primal power and malevolence.

Its scales, as black as the depths of the night, glinted ominously in the faint light, casting eerie reflections that danced across the forest floor. Each scale was as large as a man's hand, overlapping with razor-sharp edges, giving the creature an almost impenetrable armor-like appearance.

Its maw parted to reveal four massive fangs that could suck the life out of its prey and the dancing whip-like tongue slashed the air every time it hissed.

Maybe it was because I had faced death from extremely close, even in this situation—while facing a thirty-foot snake—I was able to think calmly.

'It doesn't have hypnotic powers...or maybe it's not working on me. Second, it couldn't be present in the vicinity given the presence of Breboar I faced yesterday. Two bosses type monsters in the same region....nah. And third, why isn't it attacking me? '

In the eye of the snake, I must be looking like an easy meal...yet, it hasn't attacked me even once and was just trying to intimidate me.

The concern remained, how it warped along with me.

Sweat trickled down my head as I remained eye-to-eye with the serpent while contemplating the possible way of tackling this danger. As of now, it wasn't going to attack me...or if it did, I would simply escape.

'Think....think....think....ah!' Suddenly I remembered something I had recently read in one of the beast encyclopedias.

The Illusionary rattlesnake!

'Come forth: Alpha!' Heeding my command, the straw doll appeared in my left hand before I cast a spell without thinking twice about my decision.

"Self Burn!" As those words escaped my lips, my entire being was engulfed in a blaze of raw flame, encasing every inch of my body like a protective cloak, surrounding me with glowing embers.

The figure of the massive serpent dissolved in smog before the cries of the actual monster rang behind me,


I turned towards the cry as the spell subdued slowly. The structure of a two-meter-long snake entered my vision which had enwrapped itself around my torso without me realising.

The illusory monster had stealthily inflicted its bite upon me unnoticed, ensnaring me within its deceptive mirage, all the while pushing me closer to my inevitable demise.

The reason why I could hear its slither was because the snake was always attached to my body, so there was no point in trying to escape it.

Observing the snake's ferocious cries, I deftly spun my spear before propelling the spearhead toward the monster's direction, swiftly piercing its crown with precise accuracy.

I didn't check my injuries and used 'Beta' to warp away from the place. I have already caused quite a commotion.


Reaching a relatively safe big tree which was devoid of any residents I took off my clothes to check where the snake bit me.

My clothes were fire insulated yet my shirt was burnt and some skin around my left arm was also scorched. I didn't feel much pain from it....well, it stung a little but it was manageable.

I didn't have any potions with me since they are insanely pricey. However, regular medicine for healing was in there in my bag.

'Ah, fuck...that damned snake....' The only part left uncovered in my body apart from my face was the small gap between my sleeves and gloves. And that was the precise mark where the snake bit me and its venom worked as a drug to make me hallucinate.

I took a small knife and heated it until the blade was flaming red before gulping down my spit.

'Necessary measure...necessary measure...' Biting on one of my gloves, I inserted the tip of the dagger in my flesh and felt the burning sensation seeping into my body.

"Umnfggghhh!" I flailed slightly, wanting to just leave the wound as it was and see a doctor. However, considering how I need to conceal my identity, it would be foolish to resort to external help.

Stealing my nerves and gritting my teeth until my jaw didn't hurt, I finally began to slice the bitten area with the dagger blade.

Cold sweat continuously dripped down my head and my shirt was already drenched, as I slowly curved the blade near the edge of the purplish area and finished digging out the poison.

'Haah...haah....haaah...' Putting down the dagger, I planted it heavily while my other hand shuffled things in my bag to find the cooling lotion I carried.

'I need to be careful...just an F-rank monster was able to nearly lure me to death...' While patching up my wounds, I decided on my future journey across the forest.

This trip was surely going to be extremely beneficial for me.


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