Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 50- Second test~2

After the representative's speech, the students were told to wait in the auditorium for further instructions. The opening ceremony was more of a formal event, and the true source of excitement for the students was the welcome party that was managed by the student council.

Although the lectures of the Principal and some instructors were beyond boring, the compensation arrived in the face of the first-year representative who stole various hearts with her strong words yet retained a composed front.

After the formal speeches were concluded, Alatia sat in a corner while doing nothing in particular.

It was then, that a certain duo approached her, which made Alatia frown.

However, upon looking at their faces closely she recognized them, and her body straightened up simultaneously.

"Good morning, President." Offering a greeting with a slight bow of her head, Alatia regarded the Student Council President—Norrline Isabella.

Like a fiery lava, her radiant crimson hair flowed down her shoulder and reached her waist. Her figure leaned toward petite but the two bountiful mounds could easily betray her overall figure. But none of it made her look ugly, rather elevated her charm. She had a pair of peculiar blue eyes that seemed to assess the people she faced but that smile which Isabella wore, eased up the stress that her eyes created.

"I heard your speech and your ideologies regarding the discrimination that people face, even in the Academy. And I respect you for that." The President complimented Alatia without adding any untrue words.

Although Starfall Academy doesn't promote one's background, the fact the Princess of this Empire raises such high charges against noble kids and the society itself showcases that the future of this Empire might be heading toward something better.

"As the President said, every word you said was truly inspirational." The girlish boy standing diagonally behind the President was her secretary. He has dark green hair and almond-shaped green eyes. His skin was almost transparent, and he gave a vibe of that boy who might cry upon being shouted at.

Naturally, Alatia didn't say that aloud and thanked the two upperclassmen.

"Anyway, Alatia. If you ever feel like joining the Council as a disciplinarian or a reporter then please feel free to swing by the office, okay?"

"I understand, President." Alatia gave another bow before she thought that the older ones might leave.

However, the red-haired girl leaned forward and with her left eye closed, she asked Alatia, "By the way, do you want to see the combat assessment of this year's servants? I hear they are pretty exciting."

The Secretary looked troubled as he said, "President...that is not something you should use your authority for."

Isabella huffed with her fists attached to her waist, as she replied, "Misusing power? You take me too lightly, Secretary. I am just trying to get some inspiration here."

Glancing at Alatia's brightened visage, Isabella added, "And I am sure, my junior shares the sentiment."

Alatia readily nodded with a smile trying to fight its way to her lips.


Kyle along with the other nineteen candidates was pulled toward the inner gymnasium which was situated in another building altogether.

The combat test would be a duel between two candidates and this time, whoever wins would get a straight thirty points out of a hundred.

The servants were pumped up for this round since it could help them get over the embarrassment of potentially failing the first one.

Everyone lined up near Arena One while wearing the same clothes as before. Naturally, in real-life situations, servants or anyone else doesn't get time to change their outfits and wear something more battle-orientated.

Elera hasn't approached Kyle, fortunately. She has been standing silently at a different side while Kyle remained in another.

Although he would be doing something to garner attention from many people, Kyle doesn't want to actively pursue heroines that might become his death flag in the future.

There were four instructors this time. Two of them were proctors and two of them were judges.

The proctors stood in attention, while one of the judges—the one with a military cut and a scar slanted downward his eye, called out for the participants,

"You would be given a pouch that would contain a certain fluid. Your true goal is to protect that pad and not let the liquid spill out. If you win at the cost of losing the pouch, then it would be considered a loss—after all, in live combat, your true goal should be more focused on protecting your master, and defeating your enemy should come second."

"If you defeat your enemy after slashing their pouch while keeping your pouch intact, you get thirty points. If you lose with your pouch intact, then you get fifteen. And the same goes for those who win but at the cost of losing their pseudo master."

"Any questions?" The stern voice of the man came to a halt as he glanced across the participants and didn't find anyone raising their hands.

Gesturing toward the other instructor, the first one again spoke up, "Come forward and draw a number. And also collect your pouch."

The second instructor who was a short lady with a petite build, carried a box in her left hand and a hanging bag in the right.

The first student went forward with steady strides and retrieved a small card from the box and a black bulging pouch which has straps connected to it, which would allow the participants to carry it without allowing it to hinder their movements.

The butler walked back to his position before another one walked forward.

Finally, it was Kyle's turn as he drew the lottery and got a '6' written on the card. Taking a pouch along with him, he walked away

Once everyone was done, Kyle glanced around and caught a glimpse of Elera's number.

'....thankfully, I ain't that unlucky....' Elera was holding the card with the number '1' on it which means she won't be dueling with Kyle.

Once every student drew their numbers, the male instructor called out, "Those who got number one, come forward."

A girl and a boy immediately stepped toward the arena with a determined look on their faces. Well, Kyle imagined that Elera had a determined look.

The arena was around ten meters in diameter with a red ring surrounding the yellow middle space. The proctor stood in the middle of the arena and the two participants faced each other.

'Neither of them took any weapon...hmm...' Although Kyle knew these servants were more magic-oriented, he didn't think they won't even take a small wooden sword as assurance.

Might be just bonafide mages. Who knows.

"Using any life-threatening spell or an attack that can leave permanent damage to your opponent, is prohibited. If rules are breached, you will be immediately disqualified and be scored zero for this test. Any questions?" Neither of them said anything.

The proctor stepped back before raising his left hand.

Glancing at the two, he slashed his hand downward, and announced,


Elera slammed her palms in front of her chest, and while utilizing the wind element, she created a violent slash of air that traveled toward her opponent.

The said opponent was a boy with raven hair and yellow eyes, who immediately ducked under the attack but because of his haste, misjudged the range of the attack

"Ugh!" The white shirt of the boy was ripped and his back was scrapped because of that aerial slash.

Elera took advantage of his monetary shock and shifted on her left foot with her right leg curled in a roundhouse kick.

Just as the boy lifted his upper body to use his spell, a foot smashed on his face and the boy heard his jaw breaking with that blow.

'....strong." Kyle couldn't help complimenting her physical strength, which threw the boy a few meters away.

Elera indifferently strolled towards the fallen boy and swung her left hand to tear the pouch that her opponent had attached to his chest

Once the red thick liquid spilled out, Elera picked the boy in her arms in a bridal carry and threw him out of the ring, mercilessly.

Everyone fell deeply silent seeing such a barbaric way of fighting from such a beautiful girl.

You cannot judge a book by its cover—Elera was the prime example of that phrase.

The proctor wasn't inexperienced enough to remain shocked for more than a few blinks before he announced, "Helios cannot continue to fight. Elera wins."

Kyle, just like others was impressed seeing the cold beauty with blood tainting her exquisite face. She was just like a war goddess who was returning from the battlefield.

Kyle was marveling at the sight when suddenly he felt a piercing gaze on him.

'Hmm...ah!' His eyes suddenly widened upon seeing a trio in the stands looking at them.

However, what caught Kyle's attention was that pair of violet eyes that were staring at nothing but him.

And that smile she sent a shiver down his spine.

'...she ain't gonna let this slide....'


A/N:- Uhm...she can watch one's emotions, if you may have forgotten.

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