Ajay:one who cannot be defeated

Chapter 78: Ajay – Chapter 75

In isreal three of them sees Terror Master sees coming towards them

" Lets begin "

Terror Master opes up both the wings and from all the diffrent types of missile fires to them

" Ha ha ha "

" I want to comment but after wards "

Razor replies and swiftly with his agility and other two also gets up and speints towards

Terror master SHA-KHEEN through her assult gun fires bullets on those missile and Katana jumps off and saves himself from missile Razor while moving ahead takes off the blade from the wrist and cuts off the missile

Razor sees the Katana sword on the ground

Katana takes off his invisible sword and cuts off the missile and when he sees the ballastic missile he throws off his sword and the sword pierce the missile and Katana through his round kick hits the missile and the missile diverts his way and blast on the building


Katna looking towards Razor



Razor throws his sword and Katana catches it

Katana through his sword cuts the missile which comes to attack to it Razor moving towards the bike and perform a cart wheel upon the bike and takes up two khanda from his bike their on the other side kukh comes running by breaking the building walls kukh through his hand hold a debrie and throw it towards Terror Master .Terror Master through his punch blast off the debrie

Sha – kheen through her glock does continious firing Razor and Katana cuts off some missle who are the hurdle in Sha – kheen's target their on other hand kukh jumps down towards the dicky of the jeep

and jeep bounce up and kukh catches the jeep

" Get aside"

and throws jeep towards Terror Master

Terror master from the ground control the missile and by moving his fist the missile hits vehicle and blasts off. Terror Master without wasting hits is fist on the ground and

due to heavy blast superhero's all back but from the ground the torpidos fires and hits them and they more behind but their invisible shield saves them and bangs on building wall .Sha– Kheen switches her gun and fires on Terror Master

" This girl is a head ache "

After saying this sentence Terror master raise his leg and bangs on the ground

and sha– kheen about to get hit by the torpido from front sha kheen dodges from that attack

but from back off her ground a torpido hit on her back but due to shield she gets saved but due to its power she gets blown away

Their on other side the back up team Karul and Machting other superhero are ready to attack

After seeing situation in the big screen

" Situation is getting critical we must live right now

Kuck through his gun fires bullet on to Terror master but Terror Master open up his wings and fires missile and laser gun Kukh without wasting pickes up the car and uses as a shield to defend the attacks and on other hand fires on Terror Master with the gun and moves ahead kuck was quiet successful with his stratergies but then Terror Master

brings a missile which used in fighter ship carriers along with its huge blast the car and Kukh blows off in the air.

Razor and Katana barely gets their cautious

" Are you okey ? " Razor asks Katana Katana nodes his head expess " No "

" What we are going to do ? "

....to be continued .....

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