Aka Amy

1. Freaking Out (Amy)

I set my phone down on the table next to my bed and sighed.

Theresa wanted to meet in person to discuss my other questions. The stuff about what happened last night, what she did to me, how I wound up in her apartment. She sounded like she was as confused as me about the whole thing, but I knew she had to have some answers. I was positive she was the one who caused it.

As much as I wanted answers I wasn't quite ready to meet some strange witch or whatever she was. And for that matter I needed some time to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with myself. So I told her to call me back in an hour or two, and hopefully I'd have a better grip on things by then.

I was still having trouble even believing any of this was real. I was a tall lanky boring guy. I couldn't be a cute girl. There was no way this was possible, it couldn't be real.

Except it seemed pretty real. And part of me wanted to dance and shout and celebrate, while part of me was still in denial, still in shock, still hoping it was all just a dream.

I slowly pulled my duvet up over myself, as if not seeing my new body would make the problem go away.

Maybe if I went back to sleep I'd wake up again and be back to my normal self. Except part of me was terrified that might actually happen, part of me still wanted to celebrate.

I couldn't stop worrying about the practical side of things though. None of my ID would work now. Nobody would believe who I was. What would I tell my roommate? What would I tell my family? What was I going to do on Monday when they were expecting me to show up for work and this silver-haired purple-eyed girl turned up instead?

And who the hell has purple eyes?!

My heart-rate was rising and I was low-key freaking out when I was startled by a knock at my bedroom door. That sent me into a panic as I switched gears to high-key freaking out. It had to be Mike, but I couldn't even tell him to go away. He wouldn't recognize my voice, he'd know I wasn't me.

There was another knock then suddenly the door swung open and he walked in. "Hey what the hell did you do last night? The power was out, I had to go down to the basement and screw around with the fusebox. There were like three blown fuses..."

His voice trailed off as he finally seemed to notice me laying there. I'd already pulled the covers back over my body, but my head was uncovered. I knew he had to have just clued-in that there was some strange girl in his roommate's bed, that the guy he was looking for wasn't here right now.

My heart was racing and my mind spinning. I couldn't deal with this right now. I didn't know what was going on, I was in no position to try and explain it to Mike. It was hopeless but I wished we could put the whole conversation off till I was ready for it. Otherwise he'd probably wind up either trying to chat me up or talk me into bed with him, or maybe he'd kick me out thinking I was some stranger or something.

He stared at me for another few seconds, then finally asked "Dude are you ok? You look kind of freaked out. What happened last night?"

I was staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. It took me a few more seconds to find my voice, then the best I could do was squeak "...What?"

"The fuses?" he prompted. Then he asked again, "Are you feeling ok? You look a little pale this morning."

"I look pale?" I asked. "I look pale?! That's the only thing that's wrong?"

Mike took a step back, he seemed confused and uneasy with how I was reacting. "Sorry ok? I just came to find out what happened that blew all the fuses."

I pushed the duvet aside and got to my feet, but I felt a moment of vertigo. Me and Mike were the same size, just under six feet tall. Except now he was towering over me. And he wasn't just taller, he was bigger. Like his shoulders, his arms, he'd suddenly become huge.

"Fuck," I blinked a few times to clear my head, then it hit me. He was the same size as always, it was me. I wasn't just a silver-haired girl, I was a small silver-haired girl.

"Dude are you sure you're ok?" he asked. He sounded genuinely worried about me.

I shook my head and stumbled back to my bed, "I need to lie down."

"Ok," he still sounded worried. "Do you need some water or something? Are you staying hydrated?"

I collapsed into bed and shook my head "I'm good thanks. I just need some time."

Mike nodded, "All right. I hope you're feeling better soon. Call if you need anything, ok?"

He backed out of my room and quietly closed the door behind him.

My head was spinning as I lay there. He didn't notice anything wrong. Overnight I changed from a tall lanky guy with short dark hair to a petite girl with long silver hair. And he didn't notice anything was wrong.

I could still feel my heart racing. I was half panicking and I was starting to question or doubt my own sanity. I needed to talk to someone, I needed to know I wasn't losing my mind. But the only person I could think of who I could talk about any of this stuff was that Theresa.

My hands shook slightly as I picked up my phone. It didn't recognize my fingerprint so I had to tap in the password to unlock it. There were about a dozen Discord notifications but I ignored them. They were probably from the rest of my party from last night's session, wondering why I ditched them mid-battle.

I fumbled for the call history, then tapped her number. As I waited for the call to connect, I silently prayed that she was real and she'd answer.

And to my immense relief she answered on the second ring. "Hi Amy. Are you feeling better now?"

"No." My voice was wavering and I realized I sounded like I was on the verge of tears. Then I realized that was because I actually was on the verge of tears. I didn't even bother trying to mask or hide how I was feeling, I just told her. "I'm overwhelmed and confused. And I'm scared. I don't know what's going on, I feel like I'm losing my mind."

Theresa sounded worried as she asked "Why, what happened? I mean, other than getting magically transported into my apartment last night?"

That left me speechless for a few seconds. She was acting like she didn't change me into a girl. Then I felt a wave of nausea and fear. Maybe she didn't even know she did it.

"Amy?" she asked, "Are you still there?"

I gulped, "Yeah I'm here. It's just um. The way I looked when I showed up in your apartment? That's not how I normally look. Or, looked. I was um, I looked really different before that. You didn't know that?"

She sounded surprised as she responded "What? No, I... Wow, ok... It makes sense though. I mean, silver hair and purple eyes are kind of unusual. So what do you look like now?"

"You don't understand," I shook my head. "I still look like that. I didn't go back to normal!"

"Ohhhh. Yeah, so you're freaking out because people are going to ask about the hair and the eyes. You could tell them it's a new look? I mean, the hair could be explained with dye. And coloured contacts for the eyes?"

"No it's a lot worse than that," I stated. "Look can we just meet up and discuss this in person? I feel really awkward trying to do this over the phone, and I'm worried my roommate might hear."

She almost sounded excited as she replied "Yes, I'd love to meet! I'm guessing you're in Toronto right? Do you have a car?"

I groaned, "I take it you don't drive?"

"I have my license," she replied in a slightly defensive tone. "I just don't have a car, ok?"

"Ok," I sighed. "Where do you want to meet?"

I had a pen and notepad on my bedside table, I grabbed them and jotted down the address and directions she provided. It was a small town a little ways north-west of the city. With traffic I'd probably need an hour to get there, but I needed to get dressed first.

"Give me two hours," I said. "I'll call if I'm going to be later than that."

She sounded happy as she replied, "Ok Amy! See you then!"

After I hung up I sighed as I asked myself, "Now what the fuck am I going to wear?"

I knew none of my clothes would fit. And for that matter my ID and everything wouldn't match. My bank card, credit card, all that stuff was wrong. With my luck I'd be accused of identity theft.

I sighed and silently wished whatever magic had changed my body last night would have included my clothes and ID and stuff, so at least I'd have something to wear and wouldn't have to worry about people thinking I'd stolen my own wallet.

The whole situation seemed impossible. My closet door was still open from when I was looking at the mirror, and I stared at the clothes inside as I tried to figure out what might fit me now.

My eyes widened again as it slowly dawned on me, my closet was full of clothes I'd never seen before.

Dresses, skirts, blouses, slacks. There were some jeans, but they looked a lot smaller and tighter than anything I was used to. There were also some jackets and a couple hoodies, but like the pants they were much smaller than my normal clothes. And on the floor were more pairs of shoes than I'd probably owned in my whole life. Four different kinds of running shoes, a half dozen pairs of shoes with heels, and another four or five pairs of stylish boots.

I got to my feet again and with shaky hands I checked my dresser. Everything in there had completely changed too. Panties, bras, cute little socks, stockings, and leggings. My large collection of random t-shirts had been replaced with a half dozen cute tight tees in various girls styles.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, which only served to remind me how much longer it was now.

None of this made any sense. It was all impossible. I worried once more that I was just losing my mind. Maybe nothing had changed and I was just hallucinating the whole thing.

Except that Theresa person seemed real, and I still needed to go see her. She'd have answers, she'd be able to explain all of this.

I looked in the closet and dresser again, but I'd gone from having nothing that fit to being overwhelmed with options.

In the end I decided to just go with jeans and a t-shirt. I figured that would be familiar, I'd be able to cope with it. First though I had to deal with underwear.

I picked out some panties and a bra that looked like they matched and got started. I was used to boxers rather than briefs, but apart from that the panties weren't a problem. I thought having extremely different junk down there would take a bit of getting used to, but it actually felt kind of good. Strange, but good.

It took me a little longer to get the bra figured out and get it comfortable. I wasted a few minutes fussing with the straps and the closure trying to get it all just right. And when I was finally done it felt sort of weird, but I had to admit I liked the way it looked. I actually caught myself smiling at my reflection in the mirror.

Next I wriggled into a tight pair of black jeans, then picked out some cute pink socks. I put on a pair of black and pink runners that looked good. And I finished off the look with a little black scoop-neck tee I found in the dresser.

I looked at myself in the mirror again and saw that smile on my face once more. I had to admit I looked kind of hot. The silver hair stood out against the black top, and my eyes were really exotic.

Next up I started hunting for my wallet and car keys. I checked my bed-side table, I looked in the dresser again, and finally checked my desk. That's when I spotted the black canvas bag sitting on the chair. I'd never seen it before, but I had a feeling I knew what it was.

Inside I found my keys, a chunky girls wallet, a make-up compact, a lipstick, a package of tissues, and two little mystery packages. They were small pink rectangles of thin plastic with something padded inside. I turned one over and spotted a brand name, and suddenly I knew what it was. Emergency pads, just in case.

I dropped them back in the purse and suppressed a shudder.

Finally I stuffed my phone in the purse, along with the paper with the address Theresa gave me.

By the time I emerged from my room Mike was in the shower, so I wouldn't have to face him again just yet. I took a couple deep breaths, then slipped out of the apartment and made my way down and outside to my car.

We were in a big converted house, our unit was two small bedrooms, a modest living-dining-room, a kitchenette and bathroom. It was on the second floor, and the rent wasn't too bad for the city. There were two separate units on the ground floor, and one more in the basement. The place only had three parking spots, but most of the tenants didn't have cars so it worked out.

I opened the car door and slipped in behind the wheel. I dumped my purse on the passenger seat then had to spend a few moments adjusting my seat. It was another reminder how different I was, as I had to bring the seat almost all the way forward and raise it up a bit.

Then I had to figure out how you're supposed to wear a seat-belt without having the shoulder strap squishing one of your boobs.

Finally it occurred to me to check my purse and wallet, and see if I actually had a drivers license.

I pulled that chunky wallet out and opened it up and quickly flipped through it. It sort of made my head spin, but sure enough I had ID. It was all there in fact. My credit card, bank card, drivers license, health card.

Everything with a picture now depicted a cute silver-haired girl. Everywhere my name was printed or embossed, it read Amethyst. My last name hadn't changed, address was the same, birthdate was the same. Just my picture and name were different. And the drivers license and health card both had an "F" next to the birth date now.

After staring at it all for a few moments, I put them away and stuffed the wallet back in my purse. Then I adjusted the mirrors, and finally pulled out of the driveway.

I had no idea what was going to happen when I met this Theresa, but I sure hoped she'd have some answers for me.

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