Aka Amy

15. Magic vs Science (Tess)

Hailey took a couple gulps of water then with a shaky hand she screwed the cap back on to prevent spills. She was definitely freaking out, but trying her best to keep it under control.

So far she'd refused to even sit on the suddenly-pink furniture. She dragged a white plastic chair in from the balcony and sat on that instead.

Amy and I were on the comfy pink sofa again. She was still anxious but I thought she was doing better now. We'd both drank some water and while Amy remained tense, at least she wasn't shaking like her sister.

After another gulp of water, Hailey finally looked at the two of us. Her voice wavered slightly as she said "Ok... So this is impossible. I can't think of any scientific explanation for it, and believe me I've tried. Best I can come up with is somehow you broke into my apartment and replaced my furniture with a set that was exactly identical, down to the tear on the side of the chair and the stain on the back of the sofa, but had it treated with a colour-changing dye that went from the exact same shade of blue I had before into this pastel pink colour. And somehow while you two were sitting here, you managed to apply the catalyst to both the sofa and the chair, without my noticing, and while I was sitting in the chair."

"You're the one taking university chemistry sis," Amy sighed. "I'm the one who gave up on school for the glamorous life of minimum-wage retail work. You might know how to do all that stuff you just said, but I sure don't."

Hailey frowned, "Bio-chemistry, it's different. And I don't know how to do this, I'm just speculating how it might be done. Because I can't believe it's magic. There's no such thing."

I poked at the pink arm-rest next to me and commented, "Seems pretty real to me. I know this sofa was blue when I sat down."

The blonde frowned and drank the rest of her water. She looked thoughtful, and more than a little uneasy. Finally she stated, "Ok. I can't rule out that this was somehow prepared in advance. No matter how unlikely or improbable that is, I can't believe in something impossible like magic. So if you want to convince me, you'll need to give me a demonstration where I pick the parameters. That way I know it can't be anything you've set up ahead of time."

Amy sighed, "Sis I'm really not comfortable with this. You're talking about playing with stuff we don't even understand, and for all we know it could be dangerous. What if something happened to you?"

Hailey asked, "Could that happen? Like could the magic affect me in some way? I guess it could, if you're claiming it turned you into a girl."

"I think it could," Amy replied, "And the possibility scares me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

While the two sisters were both freaked out by the magic, I had to hide my excitement. Even if I didn't see it happen, at least I got to sort of witness it. Exactly like Amy asked for, it was a safe benign demonstration. The only part of her 'wish' that didn't pan out was she hadn't entirely convinced Hailey yet. Though her sister was obviously considering the possibility now, even as she was trying to disprove it.

After another minute or so Hailey finally stated "If you want me to believe this stuff, then that's the bar you've got to pass. Give me a demonstration where I set the parameters."

Amy sighed, she looked like she really didn't want to do it again. But she wanted her sister to believe her, and that outweighed her reluctance. "Fine. What is it you want me to try to do?"

"I'm not going to tell you," her sister replied. "You said it was a goddess doing this stuff right? Gods are supposed to be omniscient? So it's like a double-blind test. You ask your goddess friend to do what I want, and if it happens then I'll know there's no way you could have planned it in advance."

"Are you nuts?" Amy demanded. "We're not talking about pulling rabbits from hats or guessing what card you're holding Hailey! This is serious, and it's dangerous! I've already proved who I am, I told you stuff that nobody else knew. You've embarrassed me in front of Tess and you've seen magic happen right here in front of you!"

The stress and worry in Amy's voice came across loud and clear, but her sister was unmoved.

She shook her head and stated "That's what I need, to believe your story about magic. Without that, I concede you've done some amazing tricks and you know things I didn't think my brother would ever share, but right now there's believable scientific explanations for everything."

Amy frowned and slumped back on the sofa. She looked stressed and upset, and she was obviously torn about what to do. Finally she sighed once more and warned, "Whatever happens it's on your head. You might not believe this is real but I sure do, and if you get hurt... I don't know what I'll do. You're annoying and stubborn, but you're my sister and I love you. So please don't try and trip me up by picking something stupid that could backfire on you."

Hailey was mostly calm again and I had the feeling she was using her scientific approach to try and frame the whole conversation in a way that didn't challenge her worldview. She nodded, "I'm ready and I've got something in mind. I promise it's safe."

After a few seconds, Amy reluctantly tried speaking to the Goddess again.

"I wish for another demonstration of magic please, to do whatever it is Hailey's set as her requirement of proof, so she'll finally believe us."

Like before, nothing seemed to happen. The three of us sort of looked at each other and glanced around the living-room, but nothing was different.

Amy sighed, "Maybe you only get one? Or maybe it needs more time to recharge? Or maybe there was a limit and we already reached it?"

I shook my head, I had no idea.

Hailey didn't respond. Instead she got up and disappeared out of sight around the corner.

A couple seconds later Amy and I both heard a surprised excited yelp as Hailey exclaimed, "Holy fuck it worked!"

Amy and I exchanged a worried look as we both got to our feet and went to see what happened.

We met Hailey as she emerged from what turned out to be the washroom. Her eyes were wide open and she had a look of shock and amazement on her face, as she was taking a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

"What is it?" Amy asked. "What happened, are you ok?"

Her sister nodded slowly. Then she smiled, then looked uncertain again. A few more emotions came and went. Whatever it was she'd set as her final test, it looked like the test was passed and now she was faced with the reality of magic.

After a few more moments Hailey went past us into the kitchen and grabbed a can of beer from the fridge. She asked in a slightly stunned voice, "Either of you two want a drink?"

Me and Amy shook our heads. Then we followed Hailey back into the living-room, where she slumped into the big pink chair and opened her beer.

We sat down on the sofa again, and Amy asked once more "Sis what happened? Are you ok?"

After a gulp of beer Hailey looked at her, and I could tell by her wide eyes and dazed expression she finally believed. She sighed, "It's really you. My little brother's now my little sister. Magic is real... Holy shit."

"Damnit Hailey if I have to give you a smack I'll do it!" Amy stated with a mix of anger and worry. "Tell me what happened! Are you ok?"

The blonde finally seemed to snap out of it. She blushed "I'm fine. It was a simple little test. And it fucking worked!"

She had another gulp of beer then gestured upwards, "Look at my hair. Roots."

I gasped softly, "Your roots were showing, now they're not... Did you become a natural blonde?"

As I stared, I realized her hair wasn't even the same shade of blonde as before. It was a light platinum tone when we got here, now it was more of a light honey blonde, with some platinum streaks and highlights. And there were no dark roots at all. In fact even her eyebrows seemed to have become lighter.

Hailey nodded to me, she had a bit of a grin on her face but was also blushing slightly as she added, "Carpet matches the drapes too. It's.... It's fucking magic."

Amy just sighed and ran her hand through her hair. She was still stressed about the whole thing, but she asked her sister "So you believe us now? You believe who I am?"

I continued to stare, but my mind was racing. Hailey's test was pretty complex, but it meant that the goddess really was omniscient. Or at least she could read Hailey's mind anyways. And it proved that she could work her magic on other people, not just Amy. I wasn't sure if either of them realized how big that was.

On the other hand, I knew Amy probably wouldn't want to do any more of this. She'd been reluctant from the start, she only did this to get her sister to believe us.

Hailey looked at Amy for a second or two. Then she grinned, "I believe it, but... Damn. So you're really... You're my cute little sister, and you're tiny. Except your boobs are actually bigger than mine which, what the fuck right? But wow. So now I have a million questions. First off, why's your hair grey?"

"It's silver," Amy stated. "And I like it this colour."

The blonde had a sip of her beer then pointed out, "Grey's not a colour it's a shade. But ok fine I won't question your fashion choices. Your name's really Amethyst? Why'd you pick that?"

"I like the name," Amy replied, "And it goes with the purple eyes and silver hair. Like I said though, you can call me Amy if you like."

Hailey looked back at me again and asked, "And are you two just friends? Or is there more going on? Has my little sister already got herself a girlfriend?"

Both Amy and I went red. We glanced at each other, but neither of us responded right away.

With a wide smile Hailey asked "Wait have you two already had sex? Way to go little sis!"

Amy went even brighter red and stated in a flustered voice, "Inappropriate! We're not talking about that!"

The blonde suppressed a laugh but nodded "Ok ok. So what are we talking about then? You said this all just happened Friday night right? So you've literally only been a girl for like a day and a half? Damn..."

It took both Amy and me another half minute to get over the embarrassment. She drank the last of her water and had a few deep breaths before she was ready to talk again.

"We're getting together at our parents' place on Tuesday, right? Family dinner, to celebrate your birthday?"

Hailey grimaced, "Shit. Right. Mom and dad are going to freak out."

Amy sighed, "But you'll help me convince them, right?"

"I'll try," her sister shrugged. "You'll probably have to do some more of your magic demonstrations though. Otherwise they'll just assume it's some kind of prank you're pulling and they'll think I'm in on the gag."

I asked, "They won't believe if you if you tell them Amy convinced you it's real?"

"I doubt it," Hailey shook her head. "They don't even read horoscopes, they're not going to believe magic turned their son into a girl without some kind of overwhelming proof."

Amy groaned at the prospect of going through all this yet again, but glanced at me and admitted "She's right. Our whole family are a bunch of skeptics. I mean all this happened to me and it still took me like half a day to believe it."

Hailey made a 'snrk' sound as she suppressed another laugh. She asked me, "Uh, sorry I forgot your name? Are you coming to dinner on Tuesday?"

I blinked at her as I froze for a moment, before replying "My name is Theresa, but most people call me Tess. And um, I don't know about Tuesday? I got the impression it was a family affair?"

Amy turned towards me and grabbed my hand like a child clinging to her mother. She almost begged, "Please Tess will you come with me on Tuesday?"

"Um, ok?" I replied. "I assume your parents won't mind?"

"I'll call mom later tonight and let her know," Hailey said. "This is great because if Amy's bringing a date then I can bring a date too, and we'll all have excuses to get us the hell out of there if mom or dad get too annoying."

Amy asked, "Are you going to tell her about me?"

Her sister shook her head, "Nah, I'm not getting into that with her on the phone. I'll just tell her I spoke with you and we're both bringing dates. Mom will probably be so chuffed you've got a girlfriend she won't care about anything else, at least till you show up at her doorstep."

Amy and I both blushed again, neither of us were ready to say we were girlfriends.

She just sighed, "Ok Hailey. Thank you."

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