Aka Amy

34. Stressed (Tess)

It was almost dark out due to the storm clouds, and the rain was coming down in sheets when I emerged from the clinic. It was just past five in the evening and it had been another long day. I was desperate to get home and get into something comfortable, maybe have a glass of wine or three, and cuddle up with my girlfriend.

My mood was lifted considerably when I spotted her car waiting for me in the parking lot. The quick dash from the front door of the clinic to the passenger door of the car was still enough to leave me half soaked, but it was infinitely better than having to walk home or wait for a bus in this weather.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed as I slumped into the seat and pulled the door shut behind me. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you!"

Amy gave me a sympathetic smile and asked, "Rough day?"

I groaned, "Brutal. And it'll probably be just as bad tomorrow."

It was only a couple minutes by car so we didn't have a lot of time to talk, but as she pulled out from the parking lot she asked "I thought it was mostly just sitting around talking with patients? I'm not trying to make light of it, but I literally don't know what it is you're doing? Do you want to talk about it?"

"That's part of it," I replied with a grimace. "But no, I don't really want to talk about details right now. I just want to whine and complain while my cute girlfriend cuddles with me and looks after me."

Amy grinned, "I can do that."

A few minutes later we were home, and I got out of my wet uncomfortable clothes and into a pair of old track pants and a t-shirt. Amy got us both some wine, and we put something on the TV then settled on the sofa together. It didn't take long for the stress to fade, between a cold crisp glass of Riesling in my right hand and my adorable girlfriend in my left.

"How do you feel about chicken parmesan for dinner?" she asked after a few minutes. "I can have it ready in about an hour."

I grinned and gave her a kiss, "That'd mean you have to get up and do some cooking though. I don't want to let go just yet."

She kissed me back and smiled, "Fair enough. I can have it ready about an hour after you decide to let go of me."

"Or we could order something in?" I suggested. "Then it'll be here in an hour and I don't have to let go of you at all."

Amy rolled her eyes, "We order in too much as it is. We'll probably order in tomorrow night, it's Friday routine right? Let me make us both something healthy. Or at least wholesome."

I pouted, but she wasn't so easily swayed.

"Fine," I pretended to sigh. "Chicken parmesan sounds good. Thanks for looking after me, cutie."

She grinned and gave me a kiss, and the two of us continued cuddling and enjoying our wine for now.

I eventually let go of her when my glass was empty, and my wonderful girlfriend refilled it for me before she started working on our dinner.

While she busied herself in the kitchen, she asked "Do we have any plans for the weekend? Or are you going to be busy again with your studies?"

"Busy," I grumbled. "I'm probably going to be busy most of the next two months, till graduation."

Amy asked, "What about next weekend? It's the long weekend, you'll have some time off for that right?"

That would be Easter, Amy and I got both the Friday and Monday off. And I knew I should probably commit at least one or two of those days to my course work, but odds were I'd be relaxing and enjoying the time off with my girlfriend instead.

I had a sip of wine then responded, "I might sneak in some studying at some point, but mostly I suspect I'll be enjoying the time off with you."

"Don't forget we're going to visit my folks on the Sunday," Amy reminded me. There was some obvious anxiety in her voice, she sounded like she still wasn't sure if she wanted to see them or not.

It would be the first time she'd seen her parents since last summer. and I couldn't blame her for being uneasy about it. Things didn't go well when we were there at Hailey's birthday. On the other hand, I knew she'd spoken with them on the phone recently and exchanged some emails, so maybe it would be better this time. Not to mention, Amy was in a much better place emotionally now then she was last time she saw her parents. And of course Hailey and Alex would be there too, I knew that would help.

"I haven't forgotten cutie," I told her. "And don't worry, I'll be there with you to back you up incase things get uncomfortable."

"Thanks Tess," she smiled as she continued her work in the kitchen.

After fifteen or twenty minutes in the kitchen Amy topped up both our wine glasses, then she finally joined me on on the sofa for some cuddles in between trips back to the kitchen to check on the food.

Eventually she brought some cutlery and napkins over and left them on the coffee table, then finally she served up the food and brought that over to the sofa as well. We ended up eating there, with warm plates balanced on our laps.

"Thanks Amy," I smiled as we started eating. "This is really nice."

In addition to the chicken we each had a little scoop of pasta tossed in oil and garlic, and a small salad. We didn't talk much over dinner, Amy was watching the TV while my thoughts drifted back to my studies and thinking about what I needed to work on next.

When we finished eating my girlfriend took the dishes away, she topped up my wine again then took care of the dishes. When that was all done she curled up on the sofa and cuddled against me once more.

"What's on your mind love?" she asked quietly. "You've been lost in thought for the past half hour."

I grimaced, "Sorry Amy. Thanks again for dinner, and for looking after the dishes and everything. I've been thinking about my classes again, trying to make sure I haven't overlooked anything? Like I said, it's going to be busy from now till graduation."

With I sigh I continued, "Much as I hate to say it, I'm going to have to spend at least half the long weekend studying. Monday for sure. Maybe Friday? I'll just pretend it's a normal weekend."

"Aww," Amy pouted. "I was hoping Friday we could sleep in. Make it a lazy stay-at-home fun day? I was going to make us a nice brunch, maybe around two or three in the afternoon. Whenever we get up anyways. Then back to the lazy cuddling, then we could order something fun for dinner?"

She added, "Friday's the full moon too, remember? So we'll be up late doing our regular witch stuff."

"All right," I nodded. "So Friday we spend the day in bed, apart from brunch, dinner, and full moon witch lessons. Saturday I'll be in the office all day studying. Sunday we're off to see your parents. And Monday I'll be studying again."

She gave me a kiss but looked sad, "It sucks that we get two days off but you have to use both of them for school work. Hardly seems fair."

"Agreed," I sighed. "What about you? What will you be doing to pass the time while I'm stuck working?"

She grimaced, "Normally I'd probably get on the computer and do some gaming? I've almost got my character back up to her pre-death level. One or two more quests should do it. Except that'd probably be too distracting for you, even if I had my headset on."

I sighed, "Probably. Even with the headset I can hear some of the game sounds. And you get excited and talk a lot when stuff's happening. Not to mention the way you move around in your chair when you're dodging attacks and things."

"Sorry Tess," she apologized as she cringed slightly in embarrassment.

I smiled, but it faded as I asked "Anyways don't you have schoolwork to do as well? Exams coming up at the end of the semester, or projects you're supposed to be working on?"

My girlfriend shrugged slightly, "There'll be exams but that's not till June. Nothing I need to study for this far in advance. Maybe next year when I'm getting closer to graduation it'll be busier, but right now at least school's just not that hard?"

I rolled my eyes, "I guess mundane stuff like college or school work can't be much of a challenge to a Goddess, right?"

It was meant to be a joke, but as soon as I said it I realized it was a mistake. I felt Amy's muscles tense slightly, as a frown settled on her expression. After a few seconds I figured I should speak up and apologize. Unfortunately she spoke up before I could say anything.

"You know I don't like to be called a goddess," she stated quietly. "I'm not Amethyst. And even if I have access to her magic, I wouldn't use it to cheat at school."

"I'm sorry Amy," I replied as I held her closer. "I shouldn't have said that, it was out of line. I think it's the stress getting to me."

She held me closer as well, "I get it Tess. I know you're under a lot of pressure, and I wish I knew what to do about it. Like is this a situation where you need to dig in and tackle the stuff head on? Or is it better to let off steam, get your mind off the studies and unwind for a bit?"

After a brief pause she asked, "What do you want to do tonight love? How can I help?"

I didn't even know what to say at first. I screwed up and said something that upset her, but she was acting like she needed to make it up to me instead of the other way around.

"Amy I don't know what I ever did to deserve you," I whispered. "You're too good to me."

She responded by giving me a long passionate kiss, then when she pulled back she stated softly "None of that low-key negativity Tess. I've decided we're going to help you de-stress and unwind tonight. So you just wait here, while I get things ready."

After one more kiss she pulled herself out of my arms and got up. First she refilled my wine glass, then she disappeared in the direction of our bedroom and the washroom.

I sighed quietly and had a sip of wine while I waited.

After a minute or two I could hear water running. That was a clue, but I still wasn't entirely sure what she had planned. Unfortunately the sound of water masked whatever else she was up to. I could have got up and looked, or even just turned and peeked over my shoulder, but I decided it was better if I didn't spoil the surprise.

The next ten minutes went by slowly, but at long last my cute adorable girlfriend was back. And she had nothing on but a smile as she reached out and took my hand in hers.

"Come on love," she said as she motioned for me to get up. Then she reached for my wine glass as she added, "Let me take that."

My glass was still half full, but she took it from my hand and put down on the coffee table. Then she led me away from the sofa, and I finally realized what she was up to.

The bathroom door was open, and inside it was aglow with candle light. She must have put half our candles in there, and they were all flickering in a warm soft yellow-orange light.

We stopped just outside the door, and she gave me a smile and a kiss then proceeded to undress me. In a few moments my clothing was all ended piled up out of the way in a corner.

Finally she led me into the washroom, where our big tub was full of water and a thick layer of bubbles. The air was full of the scent of lilacs and roses which I assumed came from the bubble bath mix. The symbology wasn't lost on me, roses for my red hair and lilacs for her purple eyes.

Amy gently guided me into the tub and let me sink down into the warm water, before she turned away to the counter. There was a sudden pop sound, and when I looked she was holding out a champagne flute filled with cool bubbly liquid. She poured a second glass for herself, then joined me in the tub.

"Cheers love," she smiled as she gently touched the edge of her glass to my own.

"Cheers," I smiled back at her.

We both had a sip of our champagne, and I let out a long happy sigh as I cuddled against her in the warm bubbly water. I couldn't help wondering if she somehow had all this planned or prepared, or if she cheated and used magic. Then I realized it didn't matter. The important thing was she did this for me, and I wasn't going to spoil it with questions.

So we enjoyed our champagne, we cuddled, and we played around a bit in the tub. Then she carefully dried me off first, before towelling herself down too. She took me into the bedroom and did her best to give me a massage.

And while it all started out warm and soft and romantic, Amy deliberately got me all worked up along the way. So after the champagne, after the bath, after the massage, we were both in the right mood to end the night the way we both really wanted.

She gave herself to me and let me ravish her and take advantage of her, and I made very sure neither of us were disappointed.

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