Aka Amy

45. Making Plans (Amy)

As I emerged from the shower my mind was already on our plans for the evening. Tess had one of her college friends coming over, and she wanted me to offer April a miracle.

For nine months the only people who knew my secret were my girlfriend, my sister, and her partner. As of Sunday my parents were in on it, and now a total stranger was going to find out. I couldn't help feeling anxious about it.

What if April freaked out, what if she started telling people, or posted stuff online? Trying to be logical about it I didn't think she could actually do anything to harm me or put me and Tess at risk, but that didn't stop me from worrying and stressing.

Part of the worry came from the fact that Tess wasn't even that close to her. They were casual friends at best, they'd known each other through a couple years of college. The reason Tess picked her to be the first one she wanted me to try and help was basically because she was the first trans girl Tess could think of apart from myself. Or at least she was the closest or the most available.

Those thoughts were still on my mind as Tess gave me a kiss then moved past me and got into the shower. I was already towelling myself off at that point, and just before she turned the water back on I heard the sound of knocking at the front door to our apartment.

I grumbled as I wrapped the towel around myself, then grabbed another towel and headed out of the bathroom and around the corner to the door. I had my long silver hair wrapped up in the other towel as I got to the door, but the knocking had already stopped. Instead I could hear a man and woman arguing loudly out in the hall. And the worst thing was I recognized both voices.

After a long sigh and a quiet groan, I undid the chain and deadbolt then swung the door open and glared at the two angels who were facing off in the hallway.

"I told you to text next time Mike!" I stated to the first one. Then I fixed my gaze on the other one and added, "And Raven, you should know better than to be arguing like that in the hall. Other people live here too you know?!"

My former roommate was done up in his Sunday church outfit again, while Raven was in her emo goth college look. And both of them slumped their shoulders and acted suitably chastised by my words and the look I was giving the two of them.

After another few seconds I sighed and motioned, "Get in here the both of you. We're not doing this in the hall."

They both quietly filed past me into the apartment, then I closed the door behind them and demanded "Now tell me what that was all about? Raven, you first."

My angel straightened her back and set her shoulders, though she didn't look me in the eyes. Instead she glared angrily at Mike as she replied, "I sensed this interloper attempting to intrude on your private space. I appeared to defend you and attempted to communicate with him. I was hoping to avoid violence, although I'm fully prepared to take lethal measures if necessary to defend your privacy and safety."

"In other words she teleported into the hall right in my face and started yelling at me," Mike stated. "I'm just here to follow up with you, exactly like I said last week. My Divine Master sent me to ask again about meeting for friendly conversation."

I fixed my eyes on him and stated again, "I told you to text next time."

"My Divine Master prefers the hands-on approach of an in person meeting," my former roommate replied. "Sorry, I would have texted if it were my choice. He ordered me to come in person."

I grumbled again as I headed for the kitchen to put the coffee on, "Did he order you to come at half past seven in the morning?"

Mike nodded, "Yes. He was worried I'd miss you if I left it too late. He knows you attend college, but He isn't that well-versed on your actual schedule."

I sighed and started to run my hand over my hair but it was still wet and wrapped up in the towel. That reminded me that I was basically naked apart from the towel I had wrapped around me, and in a moment of frustration I decided to take care of that with magic.

There was a swirl of golden energy, and a moment later I was fully dressed, my hair was dry, and my make-up was done.

Neither Mike or Raven so much as batted an eye at my blatant display of magic. I figured that sort of thing was just part of their daily lives, or they'd spent enough time around other supernaturals that it didn't even register as strange. Though it left me wondering how come I never noticed any magic while Mike and I were roommates. If he'd ever done anything that flashy or obvious I'd have had a whole lot of questions, once I got over the shock.

My former roommate took a step towards me, as if to join me in the kitchen area. Raven appeared before him, and this time she had her sword in hand.

"Will you please tell this one to stand down?" Mike said as he stepped back. "I'm not here to attack, my boss wants to be friends with you."

I grumbled again, "Your boss is going out of his way to antagonize me Mike. Sending you here two Fridays in a row, way too early in the morning, and denying my request that you text me? He's ignoring my boundaries and he's doing it by proxy by sending you to annoy me instead of coming and doing it himself. That's not the way to make friends."

Ravenna tightened her grip on the sword as her stance shifted to become a little more aggressive, and I was positive she was responding to my mood along with my words.

Mike took another step back, but his eyes stayed on the long sharp blade of my angel's weapon. He almost seemed nervous as he responded, "On behalf of my Divine Master I apologize. He isn't the most socially graceful God around, but He means well. So if you'd just agree to a meeting, the time and date and venue are all up to you, then He could apologize in person and that would be the end of it?"

The coffee was finally ready so I fixed myself a mug. I didn't offer Mike any, and Raven seemed preoccupied so I didn't offer her any yet either.

After a sip of caffeinated goodness I asked, "And if I refuse? I assume you'll be back here again next Friday morning?"

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Ravenna almost growled.

Mike glanced from her back to me and nodded, "I'm sorry Amethyst but yes. My Divine Master will probably continue sending me until you agree."

I sighed, then teleported my phone into my hand from wherever I'd left it. I scrolled through the calendar as I thought through some of Amethyst's old memories and made some quick decisions.

Tess definitely wouldn't be coming to this meeting, but Ravenna would. I didn't want my girlfriend anywhere near other gods, but it was a given that Mike's boss already knew about her. So I wasn't going to meet with him until after I knew Tess had some extra protection.

Making her my cleric would mean she was blessed with a bit of my divinity, that might make her visible to other supernaturals but it would also mark her as being under my protection. I wanted that done before I started socializing with any other gods.

"Four in the afternoon on Thursday May fifth," I stated. I told him the name of the cafe where Raven worked, and gave him the location near the college campus.

That was the first Thursday after my girlfriend's birthday. She'd be at work at the clinic, she wouldn't be anywhere near the college or the cafe.

Mike bowed once and stated, "Thank you Amethyst. I will pass that on to my Divine Master, I am sure He will be very happy for the opportunity to meet with you."

He gave my angel one last frown, then vanished completely.

With Mike gone Ravenna relaxed. Her sword disappeared and she asked, "Do You intend for me to be there at Your side for the meeting? Or am I to be working and watching the meeting under the cover of a green apron and hair-net?"

I suppressed a laugh, "At my side Raven. No point trying to be under cover, I'm sure Mike and his boss would both sense you even if you were in a disguise."

"Can I make you a coffee?" I added.

"I'd love a coffee," Tess responded as she came around the corner with a towel wrapped around herself. She was also wearing a frown as she asked quietly, "Why is she here?"

I fixed another mug of coffee for my girlfriend as I quickly filled her in on the altercation in the hallway and Mike's insistence on arranging a meeting with his boss.

Tess accepted the coffee and the explanation, then headed back to the bedroom to get dressed.

My attention returned to my angel as I asked, "Mike seemed a little scared of you. Or maybe he was scared of your sword? Could you actually hurt him with that?"

Raven nodded, "Mortal weapons can't harm angels, but certain blessed or angelic weapons can. My sword is such a weapon, and with it I can harm or even kill other angels."

"I'm sure he has some similar sword or blade stashed away someplace," she added. "He probably chose to remain unarmed out of respect, considering he was a guest in your territory."

"Right," I grimaced slightly. "Well I'm glad things didn't escalate beyond shouting this morning. I'd hate to think of what kind of a mess we'd be in if I had angels fighting to the death outside our door. Especially this early in the morning."

My angel failed to respond to my attempt at humour, so I gave up and asked again if she wanted a coffee.

"No thank you," she replied. "I don't drink the stuff, I just serve it to mortals to pass the time."

I couldn't think of anything else to say or ask her, so after another sip of coffee I stated "All right Raven. Thank you for attempting to defend my territory this morning. Next time please try to be quieter about it, especially if it's at a time most folks might be sleeping?"

She bowed deeply, "Yes my Goddess."

With that she teleported away, just as Tess returned from the bedroom.

My girlfriend was fully dressed and about halfway through her coffee, she glanced around and asked "She's gone?"

"Just left," I replied. "I hope we don't get any complaints from the neighbours."

Tess frowned quietly, then we both topped up our mugs.

I offered, "Want me to make us some breakfast? Or we can grab something at a drive-thru before I drop you off at work."

She thought it over as she had another sip of coffee. After a few seconds she decided "Let's grab something on the way. Are we going to have any problems tonight when April's here? I mean, angel problems?"

"I don't think so," I replied. "I don't expect Mike to come around again, and Raven won't just pop in unless I call her. Or unless she thinks some other god is infringing on our territory I guess."

Then I offered, "Unless you think it'd be a good demonstration for April? I could always summon Raven and get her to make an entrance again? I'd ask her to tone down the threatening glare though, maybe leave the sword at home."

My girlfriend grimaced, "Let's put that idea in the 'maybe' folder. I don't want to scare April away, I want to see if you can help her."

"I know Tess," I smiled. "Sorry, I was just kidding."

She nodded, then continued "So April's going to be here around six tonight? I figure if you can pick me up at the clinic at five, we can swing by the liquor store and get some more wine on the way home. And some snacks maybe? Cheese and crackers, or I suppose chips and dip? Then once she's here we'll order something in for dinner."

"I'm not sure how to open up the conversation about magic," she admitted. "Like do we just come out and say it? Hey April, my girlfriend Amy can work magic, want her to give you a miracle? Or what do we do?"

I had no idea so I stalled as I had a sip of coffee. After a few seconds I finally shrugged, "Maybe we'll just take that as it comes? Like take the conversation as it goes, and wait for the opportunity?"

"I don't think I've ever met her before," I added. "Maybe she'll ask about my hair or my eyes, and we can tell her I got them with magic. Or I guess I could also tell her I'm trans and that I had a miracle transition. That might work?"

Tess sighed, "Maybe. We'll do what you said, just take it as it comes. If there's an opening to segue into it we can jump on that, otherwise we'll have to just blurt it out at some point."

When we were both done our drinks we left the mugs in the sink. She grabbed her purse and I got my backpack, and as we took the elevator down to the parking garage we figured out which fast food drive-thru we wanted to visit for breakfast.

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