Aka Amy

8. Staying Over (Amy)

"Are you going to be ok going home tonight?" Tess asked as she gave me a concerned look.

I shrugged, "I'll be ok. I've taken up your whole day, I'm sure you had something more fun planned than looking after a..."

I stopped myself before I could say anything too disparaging. Instead I just sighed and finished with, "Looking after me. Anyways thanks for all your help today Tess. I'll get out of your hair, but I'll probably be calling you again tomorrow."

She was still watching me, then shook her head "I didn't have anything else planned, and you're not in my hair. And you're welcome to stay if you like, Amy. I mean, you can stay for dinner, or you can stay the night. You said you had to work Monday, but I take it you don't have anything on for tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I replied with a shrug. "Assuming I still have a job and assuming they don't freak out about me suddenly being a silver-haired girl, I have to be at work for ten on Monday morning."

With a frown I added, "Actually I don't remember seeing my work clothes in the closet when I got dressed this morning. That stuff wouldn't fit the new me, so maybe it got changed into something else? I don't know how to find out if I'm still employed or not."

Tess still looked sort of worried as she watched me, and after thinking it over for a few moments she suggested "Why don't you stay here tonight? We can keep working on all this stuff in the morning. To be honest I'm still worried about you, I'd feel better having you here incase anything happens and you need help."

I wasn't sure how to take that. Like on the one hand I wasn't a little kid, I didn't need a babysitter. But on the other hand I couldn't deny that this whole thing had been a massive freak-out and I probably still hadn't got all that out of my system yet. And going home would mean potentially facing Mike again.

If I was to stay here though, I did have another problem. I looked at Tess and pointed out, "The thing is I didn't pack an overnight bag when I met you for coffee. I don't have a change of clothes or anything, no toothbrush. And no um, whatever I wear at night?"

Normally I slept in pyjamas. Except I didn't know if I still owned pyjamas, or if they'd turned into a nightgown or something along those lines.

And I didn't want to mention it but Tess's little apartment didn't have a guest room. That just left her bed, or crashing on her couch. Not that I was above sleeping on sofas now and then.

Tess looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then suggested "Then how's this sound? You and I will swing by your place and you can grab what you'll need, pack an overnight bag? Then we'll come back here and you can spend the night. And if you like, on the way back here we can stop and grab dinner somewhere. My treat."

"Now it sounds like you're taking me out on a date," I teased.

She blushed but shook her head "Like I said, I'm worried about you. You've been through a lot and it hasn't even been a full day yet."

I thought it over again. I wasn't actually looking forward to going home, I was still worried about facing Mike. I decided even if it meant sleeping on her sofa I'd be happier staying with Tess for now.

"Ok, you convinced me."

She smiled, "Then let's head over to your place so you can grab some things."

Traffic wasn't too bad for late Saturday afternoon. Tess and I talked more during the drive, but rather than focus on the big issues we actually got to know each other a bit better.

I told her about my boring life, like I worked retail at a big-box discount store that sold pretty much any kind of household appliance or gadget you could imagine. If it plugged in or ran on batteries, they sold it. Or at least they sold a cheap knock-off substitute anyways.

And I admitted I never actually went to university, despite the t-shirt I was wearing when we first met last night. My sister Hailey was the smart one, she was four years older than me and working towards a doctorate in biochemistry.

On that topic I also mentioned my folks lived in the west end, my dad was a dentist and my mom was a nurse before she quit to raise Hailey and me. Actually my whole family were all pretty smart and achieved a lot. I was the loser who never went to university and didn't have any big ambitions or plans.

It turned out Tess was pretty smart too, she was in the second year of a psychotherapy and counselling program at college. Over the summer she was working part-time at a local clinic as an assistant and an intern. And like me, she had to get back to work on Monday.

It was about quarter after six as I pulled into my spot at home. I figured there was only a fifty-fifty chance Mike would be here. He usually went out with 'the guys' on Saturday nights, but it might be a bit early yet.

I looked at Tess and grimaced slightly, "I don't know if my roommate's going to be home or not? And if he is, I have no idea how that'll play out. So I guess, just stay calm but maybe be ready to get back out to the car if things go badly? Like I don't know, if he doesn't recognize me he might think we've broken in to rob the place or something."

"Ok Amy," she replied. She looked wary but hopeful, and added "I'm sure everything will be fine."

I left the car unlocked incase we needed to make a fast retreat, then led her inside and up the stairs to the second floor. I tried to be quieter than usual as I unlocked the door, then sort of motioned Tess to follow as I went directly to my bedroom.

She stayed one step behind me and neither of us said anything at first. Once we were in my room I opened up the closet and pulled out an old backpack, then tried to figure out what clothes to bring. I also took a moment to see if my work stuff was here at all. I was almost relieved when I didn't find any of their itchy shirts with the garish blue and yellow colours.

I grabbed a couple tops and stuffed them into the backpack, along with something that looked like a nightshirt. Then I went to the dresser and stuffed some panties, socks, bras, and a pair of leggings in as well. I also grabbed my phone charger and tucked that in there too. All I needed was to pop into the bathroom for a few things, but when I swung open my bedroom door I was face to face with Mike.

He was standing there like he was about to knock, and he blinked at me in surprise for a second.

I looked up at him kind of frozen in place as my mind raced. I had no idea how he'd react this time, if he knew me or if he'd remember me or how this would play out. I just hoped whatever happened it would turn out ok.

He didn't freak out or yell at me though. He just sort of sighed in relief, "You're back! I was a little worried about you dude? You didn't look good this morning, then next thing I knew you vanished. I guess you're feeling better now?"

I nodded slowly, but I didn't say a word yet. I still had no idea how to respond or react. I just stared up at him sort of wide-eyed and stunned.

Mike stood there for a few more seconds, then he kind of frowned and I caught his eyes flicking up and down over me as he checked me out. Finally he asked, "So listen dude, can we talk about the fact that you somehow turned into a really hot chick overnight? Like seriously, how'd you do that? And are you still going to try telling me you're not trans?"

My eyes widened a little further as I stared up at him. I didn't know what to say before, now I was completely frozen. It would have been easier if my brain just crashed and rebooted or something.

Tess was behind me in my bedroom, and Mike hadn't even noticed her yet. She finally cleared her throat slightly, and the distraction finally got his eyes off me as he looked at her.

"Oh crap," he grimaced. "Sorry I didn't realize you had someone here..."

His voice trailed off and he frowned, "Wait a sec. So not only did you turn into a hot chick, but now you're hanging out with other hot chicks? Are you at least going to introduce us?"

Tess probably realized my brain was temporarily offline, so she spoke up. "Hi there, you must be Mike? I'm Theresa. I'm a friend of Amethyst's."

Mike was sort of checking Tess out, but he tilted his head to one side in a quizzical look and asked "Amethyst?"

Then his eyes widened and he looked back at me as he grinned "No shit? You named yourself after your game character? Dude..."

His grin became a chuckle, then he shook his head "I should have guessed though right? I mean you look like her too right? The one you were playing last night?"

At long last my brain finally finished rebooting and I sighed loudly. I didn't bother to hide the irritation in my voice as I responded, "Mike I can't deal with this right now ok? I don't know how this happened, I don't know what's going on. Theresa's helping me try and figure it all out. I just came home to grab some clothes and stuff then I'm heading back out again. And for the hundredth time, please stop calling me 'dude'!"

He sort of blinked at me, then asked "So what do you want me to call you?"

"You can call me Amethyst or Amy," I stated. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some stuff out of the bathroom."

I didn't wait for him to move, I just squeezed past him so I could grab what I'd need for the next day or two, and stuffed that in my backpack.

Mike finally moved out of the way as Tess emerged from the bedroom, and closed the door behind her.

"I think I've got everything," I told her. Then I looked at Mike and said, "I'll probably be back tomorrow. Monday at the latest."

He just stared at me for a moment, then I caught his eyes flicking up and down as he checked me out again. Then he did the same for Tess, and finally glanced at the backpack I'd stuffed full of clothes and toiletries.

"Wait a minute," he said as he made some connections that weren't really there. "Are you gay? Are you two a couple? Holy shit du- Holy shit Amy, you turn into a hot chick overnight and suddenly you've got a girlfriend? Way to go! I told you, you should have come out like a year ago!"

My cheeks went bright red and I was torn between trying to correct him and not wanting to get into any part of that conversation. Tess put an arm around my shoulders and started guiding me towards the front door as she said, "Have a good night Mike. It was interesting to meet you."

"Yeah you too," he said as he watched us both head out the door. "Have fun!"

I stayed quiet as we went down the stairs and out to the car. I dumped the pack in the back seat then slumped behind the wheel and sighed, "What the fuck just happened in there?"

"I have no idea," Tess replied as she slowly shook her head. "Either your roommate is the most easy-going guy in the world, or... I don't know. He seemed pretty accepting of some very impossible circumstances."

After a moment she added, "Though from the sound of it, he wasn't too surprised that this happened to you? I um, got the impression he almost expected this sort of thing?"

My cheeks went even brighter red and I sighed as I started the car.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "He's convinced I'm trans, he's been bugging me about it for more than a year now."

Tess looked like she was trying to suppress a smile as she replied, "You know Amy, something tells me after today he's going to be even more certain about that."

I sighed, then as we pulled out of the driveway I asked "So what did you want to do for dinner?"

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