Aka Amy

Extra 7 – Ever After (Amethyst)

note: this extra takes place about three weeks after extra #6

I headed out into the hall as soon as my last class was over, where I was quickly surrounded by other college students all focused on getting out and heading home for the weekend. And none of them noticed a thing when I flexed some subtle divine magic and teleported myself out of the bustling hallway and back home to my apartment.

I arrived just inside the front door, and for a change I had the place to myself. Even without looking I could tell our little godby cat wasn't home, since I didn't feel that tingly warning sensation.

That wasn't unusual though, now that Siggy had found their new calling they'd started going out more often. They had their godby work just like I had my goddess stuff, and the two of us didn't pry into each other's business uninvited. It worked out ok for me today anyways, since I had some things I wanted to do and it'd be easier handling them without distractions.

My first stop was our small home office, where I left my backpack on the chair in front of my desk after extracting my phone from the side pocket. Then I visited our bedroom and got changed into something more comfortable. Finally I stopped by the kitchen to get myself a glass of wine, before parking myself in my favourite spot on the living-room sofa.

Once I was comfy I had a deep sip of wine, then opened up my phone app and tapped a contact I hadn't used in several months. It rang a couple times before she finally answered, and I could tell by her tone she hadn't checked the call display before picking up.

"Hi mom," I greeted her. "Happy birthday."

She was silent for the next few seconds, and I couldn't help wondering if she might just hang up on me. Both dad and Hailey said mom was making an effort to change, she'd had a couple sessions of therapy over the past few weeks, but I really didn't know what to expect.

At long last she finally responded, "Amy... Thank you. I really didn't expect to hear from you, but I appreciate the call."

I nodded even though she couldn't see it, "You're welcome mom. Do you have time to talk? Or are you busy with something?"

"I can talk for a bit," she replied. "I need to get changed soon, but I have a few minutes."

"Are you doing something special for your birthday? I hope you're not just staying home and cooking for everyone else," I asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing any cooking tonight," she told me. "Your dad is taking me out for dinner, along with Hailey and Alex."

She hesitated slightly then added, "Sorry we didn't invite you and Theresa..."

I shook my head, "It's fine mom, I'm just glad you're doing something special. Maybe we can all get together some other time? I know dad was talking about xmas..."

"Maybe," mom said, and I could almost picture her nodding slowly. "Or there's your birthday next month, but... We'll see."

After another brief pause she asked, "How are you doing? How's school? And how are things with Theresa?"

The next ten minutes or so my mom and I actually had a fairly normal conversation. I told her about college, and that Tess was doing well at work. I avoided talking about magic and miracles and supernatural stuff, and mom didn't ask about that sort of thing. Then she told me she'd been looking at getting back into nursing again. Not that she and dad needed the money but she was getting kind of bored and wanted to do something useful. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to get a job, but there were some volunteer opportunities she was exploring.

In all it was a fairly nice positive call. She finally excused herself, we bid each other a good evening and I wished her happy birthday again. And the call ended without a single raised voice or angry word.

With that out of the way I had another large sip of wine, then responded to a text my angel sent me earlier. She wanted to speak with me, and asked me to let her know when I was available. I texted her that I was home and available to talk whenever she liked, and it was only a couple minutes later when she appeared in the living-room with me.

"Hello Raven," I greeted her with a friendly smile. "Make yourself comfortable. Can I get you a drink?"

She shook her head as she settled onto the love-seat opposite me, "No thank you my Goddess."

I had another sip of my wine then asked, "What was it you wanted to talk with me about? Is everything ok?"

My angel seemed a little uneasy as she answered, "We haven't spoken in a couple weeks, I was worried you might be unhappy with me for some reason?"

"Absolutely not," I shook my head. "I know you've been spending a lot of time with your new girlfriend, and I didn't want to interrupt."

I continued, "I haven't summoned you for a while because I haven't had any specific need for you? There haven't been any emergencies, no crises or problems. I promise if there were I'd have summoned you immediately. But like I said, I've just been giving you some space so you could enjoy your time with Avery."

She nodded slowly, "Very well. Thank you my Goddess."

"You can still call me Amy you know?" I commented with another smile.

Raven nodded again but didn't respond.

So I kept the conversation going, "I hope everything is going well with your girlfriend?"

My angel blushed slightly, while a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Things between Avery and I have been going very well indeed. We have another date planned for tomorrow night, and I expect I'll be spending the rest of the weekend with her. I'll be with her again Monday evening too."

Her blush grew brighter as she added, "She's been trying to convince me to dress up in costume for halloween. I'll be helping her hand out candy to the children. I offered to use my angelic form, but Avery thinks I'll scare the smaller children away if I do that."

I couldn't help smiling as I listened, "That sounds wonderful Raven. I'm so glad things are going well for the two of you. Actually now I'm wondering, since it seems like you're spending all your time over there have you considered maybe moving in with her?"

I hoped she could tell I was teasing a little with that last part, based on my smile and the tone of my voice. Whether she knew I was joking or not though Raven responded with a serious answer to my question.

"Avery and I have briefly discussed it," she admitted. "But no decisions have been made yet. She doesn't live alone, so there are other considerations? She shares a townhouse with her younger sister Cheryl, and a small cambion named Jinx."

"Yeah I remember," I nodded. "Cheryl and her girlfriend Tabby both prayed to me back in May or June. I don't think I've ever met them though, or Jinx. I haven't met Avery either, for that matter."

Raven grimaced, "Cheryl and Tabby both attend the same college as you, but I've advised them to keep their distance. Tabitha is fairly responsible but Cheryl is... about as subtle as a bomb scare. And Jinx is her own brand of handful."

Her expression shifted to a frown as she continued, "I'm not sure how successful my date with Avery is going to be tomorrow. Cheryl Tabby and Jinx are all going to be attending a college halloween party tomorrow evening, and Avery's been stressing about that all week long. I'm not sure she'll be able to relax until she knows the three of them survived without Cheryl getting injured or Jinx getting arrested."

"Honestly I have no idea how Avery puts up with them sometimes," she added with a sigh. "Although to be fair both Cheryl and Jinx mean well. They have good hearts and pure souls, as does Tabby. And Avery too, of course. And all four of them care for each other very much."

I couldn't help smiling as I listened to my angel talk about her girlfriend's dysfunctional little family. "Someday we'll have to get together. A double date maybe? You and Avery, me and Tess? I wouldn't mind meeting the others too for that matter, after hearing so many stories."

"Yes my Goddess," she nodded, "If You wish it."

That made me roll my eyes, "It's not an order Raven. Anyways the point is I'm honestly really happy for you."

"Thank you my Goddess," she responded.

We were both quiet for a few moments before she admitted, "There was actually something else I wished to discuss with You. It's about whiskey, I suppose."

"Oh?" I asked. "Actually now that you mention it, it's been a while since you last accepted one of my offers for a drink. Have you quit? Or is there something else going on?"

Raven sighed as her eyes drifted downwards, until she was staring at the coffee table. At the same time her expression became somewhat guilty.

"I'm sorry my Goddess," she finally responded. "It's been seven weeks exactly since my last drink, when You revealed that You'd recovered all Your memories."

I frowned, "Ok? I'm guessing those two details are related then?"

She frowned back at me, "Of course they are, my Goddess. I was taking advantage of Your lost memories. Surely You're aware of that?"

"I wouldn't have put it like that Raven," I responded in a compassionate voice. "And I'm not angry with you, if that's what you're worried about. I'm not even upset."

I sighed as I continued, "When I ordered you to stop drinking during the famine I didn't mean you couldn't ever have another drink again. I just wanted to be certain you'd look after my last three worshippers."

"And to be honest I was a little shocked to see the state you were in at the time," I continued. "I know you can control how much or how little alcohol affects you, so it was a real surprise to see just how much damage you'd let it do to you in my absence. I should have been a lot more attentive though. And really I shouldn't have retreated back into dormancy again so quickly."

"I'm sorry about that Raven," I added with another sigh. "I feel like I failed you back then with an ill-thought-out command, and I failed you again by immediately turning my back on you and the world when I returned to my slumber."

I shook my head, "You've been nothing but loyal to me for so long, and the last few hundred years I've done nothing but fail you, hurt you, and take you for granted. It feels hollow to keep saying it but I'm sorry Ravenna. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just ask and it will be yours."

My angel remained quiet for another minute or so after I finished talking. She continued to stare at the coffee table again, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Eventually she looked up at me and asked, "In that case, do I have Your permission to drink again?"

"Yes of course," I responded immediately. "With one caveat. If you ever feel the need to drink to excess again, all I ask is that you please come and talk to me about whatever's troubling you."

She bowed her head, "Very well my Goddess. Thank you."

A moment later I added with a smile, "Actually there's a second caveat. No getting drunk and burning down people's houses. Unless you check with me first, ok Raven? After all, I might want to bring some marshmallows."

I was kind of kidding, but not entirely. I had to believe she wouldn't do anything so violent without a good reason, and if someone gave my angel a good enough reason to go burn down their home there was a very good chance I'd be backing her up.

"Of course my Goddess," she replied with a slight smile of her own.

After a moment my expression became serious again as I told her, "I meant what I said earlier Ravenna. If there's anything else you want or need, anything to make you happy just ask."

She looked thoughtful for a few seconds, before her expression changed. Instead of looking guarded or reserved, a relaxed happy smile settled on her face. And instead of the quite monotone she'd been using for months her voice actually had some life in it when she announced, "I'm honestly pretty happy already, my Goddess."

"And Amy?" she added as her smile shifted into something a little more serious and compassionate. "I accept your apology, and I forgive you. I hope you can forgive yourself as well. The last few hundred years were hard on both of us, but things are finally looking up again. So I'm going to go and have fun with my girlfriend, and I hope you'll have a good weekend with yours."

I felt a surge of emotion the moment she forgave me. I hadn't even realized how much I needed to hear that until she actually said it.

I found myself blinking some extra moisture out of my eyes as I smiled, "Thank you Raven. And you're right, things are looking up. Enjoy your weekend, and please tell Avery I said hello."

"I will," she smiled back.

Then she got to her feet and took a step towards me. I stood up as well, and the two of us shared another long embrace.

As we held each other I whispered, "I love you Ravenna, I hope you know that? And I'm so glad you're happy again."

"Thank you my Goddess," she responded softly. "I love You too."

Neither of us said anything more after that, there was no need really. She was my angel, I was her goddess, but we were also friends. And for the first time in centuries, we were both truly happy.

The hug lasted a good minute or so, then we finally separated. Raven gave me another wide smile before teleporting away. Once she was gone I wiped my eyes, then drained the rest of my wine. I was just setting the empty glass back down when a small swirl of golden light appeared on the sofa next to me. At the same time I felt that tingle of another goddess nearby. Then both the tingling and the swirling light faded to reveal our little torty, who promptly flopped over so they were laying against my thigh with their belly exposed.

"Hi Siggy," I greeted them as I started rubbing their furry little tummy. "How are you doing?"

The cat sounded like they were pouting as they grumped, "Frustrated."

"Oh no," I frowned. "What happened? Do you want to talk about it?"

They sighed, "I need to be more active online, to connect to more potential faithful? They tend not to like dealing with strangers, same as me, but they're more comfortable interacting with people on the computer. And I know you've found some new worshippers that way. And you said that's what Kid Chaos does? So I'd like to do that too, except I don't want a big computer. Something portable would be much better."

"Ok," I nodded slowly as I continued rubbing their belly. "So what's the matter?"

"Nobody makes phones or tablets with a feline-friendly interface!" the little torty complained.

With another sigh they added, "I couldn't even get a sales person to talk to me. It was all 'who let that cat into the store?' and 'get that cat off the counter!'"

My hand stopped petting them for a moment as I stared. After a second or two I asked, "Are you just kidding around with me, or did you actually try to buy a phone in your cat form?"

Siggy looked up at me, then after a second they started purring.

"Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit," they confessed. "Anyways even if I bought a phone or tablet when I was human-shaped, I'd still have trouble using it in this shape."

"What if you used magic to interact with it? Some kind of phantom thumbs to help you tap and swipe?" I asked, as I resumed rubbing their fluffy tummy.

The cat was quiet for a few seconds before admitting, "I hadn't thought of that, but it might actually work. Thanks Amethyst."

"You're welcome," I smiled. "So apart from technology woes, how's everything else going?"

"It's good! You and Theresa were right about the people who'd resonate with me. I've only got less than a dozen believers, but that's the most I've had in two hundred years. And it feels like the tip of the iceberg," they replied enthusiastically. "I taught a couple of them a little mantra they can do when they're having sensory overload, and they're starting to share it around. And they're telling other people about me, so word is spreading."

They added, "That's another reason I want to be more online, so I can try and follow this stuff. And maybe answer questions or get feedback?"

"That sounds really good Siggy," I told them. "And I'm happy for you! I'm glad things are working out."

"Thank you Amethyst," they replied as their purrs got louder.

A moment later they rolled onto their feet and announced, "Actually I'm going back out to look at phones and tablets again. See you later!"

"Bye for now," I smiled as the tiny torty teleported away again.

Alone once more, I took my empty wine glass to the kitchen and rinsed it out. I was just making my way back to the sofa when the apartment door opened and Theresa walked in.

"Hello love!" I greeted her. "Welcome home, how was your day?"

"It was fine thanks! How about you cutie, how were classes?" she replied as she started for the bedroom to get changed.

Then she hesitated, "Should I be getting dressed up now? It's Friday evening, do we have reservations somewhere nice again?"

"Yes, but not for a couple hours?" I told her. "We have reservations for eight o'clock at a winery restaurant near Niagara-on-the-Lake."

Tess glanced at the time under our TV then grinned, "It's only quarter after five, so that's two hours to relax then forty-five minutes to get dressed up."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed with a smile.

In the seven weeks since we started our new Friday evening tradition we'd already been to a handful of fancy restaurants in Toronto, then last week was our first visit to the wine region. It was a a perfect opportunity to sample some new wines and expand our horizons.

Back when we got started, Theresa and I both commented on how we were looking forward to what the future had in store for us. Seven weeks later I had to admit that so far the future was pretty great.

It felt like I'd finally started to patch things up between Raven and I, and I knew my angel was happy. So were my girlfriend and I. Even Siggy seemed happy, now that they'd found their new calling and started helping their new people.

There was still a lot of work to be done, I knew it was way too early for any of us to believe that was our 'happily ever after' moment. But in that moment it sure felt like life was pretty darn good. For all four of us.

~ The End ~

Thanks to our girlfriends Kylie and Jess for all their support! Thanks to all the great writers we've met on Discord and Scribblehub. And huge thanks as always to all our awesome Patrons for your support! You're all amazing! <3 <3 <3

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