Alchemist’s Apprentice

33. Three Words

content warning: mention of mind control

The following week seemed to pass by a lot slower than usual, as I waited for Pippa's next visit. I was equal parts eager to see her, and afraid of upsetting her when I shared the bad news about the potion. I wouldn't try to lie or put it off though.

In the meantime I busied myself with my chores and my education, along with my cultivation practice. It helped get my mind off the difficult conversation I knew was coming.

At long last the day came and my friend arrived, as usual she was alone as she came through the door just before I closed up shop for the day. She seemed to be in a very good mood too, smiling as we exchanged greetings and a friendly hug.

Unfortunately that just made me feel worse, knowing I was going to spoil her mood with my news.

After the hug I hung up her coat and poured us both some wine, while she made herself comfortable in the sitting area. Then I served the wine and took my seat next to hers.

By the time I was seated her happy smile had given way to a look of concern, and in a worried tone she asked "Valeria what's troubling you? I can tell something's amiss."

I tried not to grimace at the realization that I was as bad at hiding that sort of thing as my sister. Instead I gave my friend a sad, serious look and replied "I'm afraid I have some bad news Pippa. You remember we talked about maybe breaking that obedience potion? I asked Cat about it a while back, and we talked about it again last week."

After a sigh I gave her the news, "My sister was mistaken. She doesn't have a cure or antidote. She thought she did, she told me she did, but when she went to find it she discovered she was mistaken."

"She's already started work on developing one herself," I quickly added. "So please don't worry ok? She's committed to coming up with a solution, one way or another. Except she can't guarantee she'll have something ready before your wedding."

Pippa sighed, "I see. Thank you for being honest with me Valeria. It's disappointing, but I really do appreciate that both you and Cathryn have looked into it for me."

I gave her a sad look then added, "There's another option. It's not a great solution, but it might work out in the short term? If there's someone you trust more than Marc, we could replace the existing obedience potion with another one. Cat says it's like trading one master for another, but that might be better than nothing? Especially if you don't trust him or you're worried about him taking advantage."

She frowned slightly as she considered that. Then her expression became questioning as she asked, "Why is your sister putting so much time and effort into helping me like this? Considering I didn't start off on the best of terms with the two of you. And what I'm asking is after all to remove part of what she did to me out of self-defence."

"Part of it is because you're my friend and I asked her to do it," I replied. Then I admitted, "It's also because of a promise she made to me, back when I first became her apprentice?"

I lowered my voice slightly as I explained, "I'm under the same potion Pippa. Cathryn has the same control over me, that Marc does with you. The difference is I trust my sister completely. I love her and she loves me, and I know she'd never do anything to hurt me. And even though I don't mind remaining obedient to her indefinitely, she's determined to keep her promise of providing a cure or antidote."

My friend looked shocked at first, then slowly nodded. "I see. You and she must be very close, you must love each other very much."

"We do," I replied as I felt a blush starting to spread across my cheeks.

Pippa watched me for a few moments then asked softly, "You two are that close? I admit I've wondered. Especially now that you just admitted being under her control."

"Yes," I replied, though my voice was just a whisper at that point. "We've loved each other for years, but only now that our parents are gone and the two of us are alone we've become a lot closer than most people might think appropriate."

I couldn't help cringing after that, I was scared how my friend would react. I knew I shouldn't have said anything, but I didn't want to lie to her. She was quiet for a few seconds, just watching me while I grimaced and waited for her to denounce me and Cathryn.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to share that Valeria," she finally responded. Her own voice was just as soft as she added, "I will keep your secret, I swear it. Though I confess I might be a little envious. Not only have you found someone to love, but you get to spend your days and your nights with her. You're very lucky."

Her words left me speechless. I had no idea how to respond at first, and in the end all I could think to do was thank her.

Pippa smiled slightly, then changed the subject back to the bad news I delivered earlier.

"If my obedience to Marc is superseded by another potion," she asked in a curious tone, "Would all Marc's orders be automatically terminated?"

I frowned slightly, "I'm honestly not sure? Cat might know. But even if they weren't, if it's someone you truly trusted then I'm sure they'd countermand his orders for you. Maybe they could even do it all at once, they could say something like all his orders are invalidated?"

She frowned slightly, "I was more concerned that if the orders were terminated I'd want to have them replaced. Or some of them at least."

That left me confused, "Why would you want that?"

Pippa blushed as she explained, "Several of his early orders were to ensure I would act like a proper lady, or answer to the correct name. He made sure I wouldn't accidentally reveal the truth about the two of us. And at first those sorts of orders annoyed me, but I also realize they ensured he and I, as well as you and Cathryn, would all remain safe."

"Plus um," she blushed a little brighter, "Some of the commands he's given me have proved to be rather fun..."

My eyebrows crept up slightly, then after a second or two hesitation my curiosity got the better of me and I asked "Um, sorry to pry but I recall you mentioned him giving orders in the bedchambers a few times. Is that what you mean about his orders being fun?"

My friend's cheeks grew even brighter, but she also had a small smile on her face. She took a sip of her wine then replied quietly, "Marc is very dominant in the bedchambers, with both Millie and myself. It's different for her, he's a little more patient and less demanding, which I assume is because the two of them are in love. I wouldn't describe him as cruel or unkind in his interactions with me, but he does tend to take full advantage of my obedience in those situations."

Pippa's blush reached down to her neck as she continued, "Millie seems to alternate, with him she's quiet and can even act timid, but with me she becomes just as dominant. And Marc occasionally orders me to obey her as well, which my maid especially enjoys. She seems to relish having that control over me, even if it's only temporary."

I frowned, "I'm not surprised you want to be out from under his control. That must be really unpleasant."

"You'd think so," my friend half-whispered. Her face was completely red as she confessed, "I actually rather enjoy it? And I don't recall Marc ever ordering me to feel that way either, so I suspect perhaps that's my own nature rather than something of his doing."

I grimaced and my cheeks started to colour too as I responded softly, "Oh. I suppose I can understand that. I um, really like it when Cat takes charge of me like that too."

She and I both found ourselves smiling at each other's confessions, and the knowledge that this was something else we had in common.

After another minute or two Pippa brought the conversation back to the serious matter at hand. "That alternative option, trading one master for another, if I wanted to do that how soon could your sister have the potion ready? And if we did that then your sister developed a cure or antidote later, would it still work?"

"I'd have to ask her about both those things," I replied. "Are you seriously considering that option? And I guess if you are, you must have someone else you'd trust enough, to give them that control?"

Pippa nodded, "I'm considering it. And yes, I do have someone in mind. There's a young woman I trust enough to give her that control, but I don't know if she'd be willing to accept it."

After the briefest pause my friend fixed her eyes on mine and stated, "It's you Valeria. If I must be under someone's control, I can think of no-one I trust more than my closest friend."

Suddenly my heart was racing and my eyes were wide as I stared at her. In one breath she'd hit me with two shocks I was completely unprepared for. I had no idea she had that much trust in me, and I hadn't realized she thought of me as her closest friend. Though to be fair she was pretty much my only friend, apart from my sister.

Meanwhile Pippa's serious look shifted to a smirk as she added, "I can't help thinking how much more fun our visits might be if you had that control, and if you were bold enough to make use of it."

I was still reeling from her confession and hadn't been able to form any sort of response yet, so I just stared at her in shocked silence.

My friend's expression soon shifted back to serious and sad. She sighed, "To be honest Valeria, I've been hoping for a while that you and I might become more than mere friends. I know it's foolish of me. And I had no idea you already had a lover, though I understand why you kept that relationship secret. I'm sorry I've made things awkward between us. I'll go if you'd prefer?"

"No!" I finally stated. "Please don't go! Sorry I just needed a few moments to process everything. Pippa you can't be serious? Are you? About the obedience, about trusting me..."

She still had that sad look as she nodded, "Very serious. About the potion, about trusting you. And about wanting our relationship to be something more than friends."

"Oh," I mumbled as my mind raced. I thought about everything she just said, I thought about our visits together, and how I felt about her. It didn't take long to realize I felt the same way. I still loved Cathryn as much as ever, but I also loved Pippa too.

After a deep breath or two I looked her in the eyes and nodded slowly, "I think I'd like that as well Pippa? Our relationship I mean, being more than friends. I need you to understand though, I still love my sister and I always will. But I love you too."

The young lady smiled, some of that earlier happiness was already returning. She leaned a little closer as she responded, "I would expect no less Valeria. You know I'll soon be a married woman, as it is I have duties and expectations to live up to. An hour or two a week may be all we'll ever get, but I already cherish these visits of ours. And I'd like very much for them to become even more special in the future."

"Me too," I half-whispered as I leaned closer to her as well.

Then our lips met and we shared our first kiss. It was rather tame and chaste, but I could almost feel her heart-rate jump, same as mine.

When we finally parted a half minute later she was blushing. In a quiet embarrassed voice she confessed, "That was not my first kiss, but it's the first I've shared with someone I actually loved. And it was wonderful. Thank you Valeria."

I leaned forward and gave her another quick kiss and suggested, "You can call me Val if you like? It seems silly for you to act so formal with me, when you insist I call you Pippa."

She was still blushing as she pointed out, "You know I'm not really 'Lady Philippa'. That's an act I play in public or around Lord Bernard and his staff. The only times I can be my true self are when I'm alone with you...or with Marc and Millie. Those are the times I get to be me, just plain old Pippa."

"You're certainly not old or plain," I pointed out as I gave her another kiss. "You're beautiful and thoughtful and I love you."

Her breath caught in her throat at those last three words, and she bit her lower lip as she closed her eyes for a moment. "Thank you Val. I love you too."

We exchanged one more kiss, this one was longer and less chaste. When we finally separated again she gave me an apologetic look, "Would you mind speaking to your sister, pass on my questions regarding that potion? I'd be prepared to do this with you immediately, if that were possible."

"Ok Pippa, I'll be right back." I got to my feet and hurried into Cat's workshop.

She was studying again, with books and notes spread out across the table. She listened as I hurriedly repeated my friend's questions about the alternate solution, including whether it was possible to do that right away.

Rather than have me relay the answers, Cathryn responded "I'll join you both in a moment, then answer her questions directly."

"Ok sis," I thanked her, then returned to sit with Pippa again.

Sure enough Cat took a seat across from us a half minute later. She and Pippa exchanged polite greetings, then my sister got down to business.

"I honestly don't know if Marc's commands will be invalidated by taking a second potion," she explained. "The texts say the commands will vanish when the potion expires, but in this case it's not expiring? Either way, the person you become obedient to instead of him should be able to countermand or replace orders as required."

She continued, "I'm still working on a way to negate or nullify the potion completely. Taking another obedience potion won't make a difference, once I solve this it will work regardless. So the short-term solution doesn't rule out the long-term solution later."

"And finally," Cathryn stated in a quiet serious tone, "I do have the potion ready and you could use it at once if you wished. I have to explain the process first though."

"We normally pair the limited obedience potion with an arousal potion, because of how it works," she stated. "The first person you have sex with after drinking the potion is the one you'll become obedient to. So if I give you the vial now, don't drink it until you're ready."

That made both Pippa and I blush. My friend looked from Cat to me, then back to my sister again. She gulped but stated, "She's right here with us, and I'm prepared to do this right now if possible."

That was enough to break my sister's serious act. Her eyes widened as she looked from Pippa to me. For a moment I held my breath, worried what she might think or how she would react. Then my sister's lips curled into a wide smile.

"I see," Cat finally replied. She looked to me and added, "Not that you need it Val, but you have my blessings."

That put a relieved smile on my face, and Pippa's as well. She addressed my sister, "Thank you Cathryn. And I promise, I'm not going to try and take her away from you. She's told me how close the two of you are. All I ask is a few hours a week."

"I'll leave that up to you and Val," my sister responded. "I know you'll have other obligations, but if you two want more time together don't limit yourselves out of concern for me. I want my sister to be happy, that's what matters most to me."

Hearing that sent my heart fluttering, but I didn't get the chance to respond as Cat got to her feet and placed a vial on the table.

"That's the limited obedience potion," she announced. "Val, you can help yourself to an arousal potion if the two of you need that to get started. Just be sure and tidy up when you're done. I'll also provide a permanence potion afterwards, so you don't have to worry about it wearing off and control returning to Marc."

With that Cathryn turned and headed back to her workshop, pausing only to give us both a smile as she added "Have fun."

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