Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Why Apple

Chapter 21 Why Apple
After William sat at the Ravenclaw table, this extraordinarily long sorting ceremony finally reached its end - or its climax.

"Welcome! Welcome!"

Professor Dumbledore stood up.

He stretched out his arms and looked at the students with a big smile on his face. Nothing seemed to make him happier than seeing them all together.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start a new school year!
Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words.

That is: fool! sneeze! scum! twist!
thank you all!"

He sat down again.

Everyone applauded and cheered.

"That's not politically correct at all, Professor."

In his last life, he had seen the analysis of these passages on the Internet - what they represented was the stereotype of each academy towards other academy:
Ravenclaw is confident in his wit;

Gryffindor despises the cowardice of other houses;
Slytherin, always dismissive of others;
The down-to-earth Hufflepuff hopes that the three houses will be more honest and do something reliable.

It's just that Wizard White's way of speaking is very ingenious.

William had reason to believe that most of the people in the auditorium who were applauding Dumbledore's joke enthusiastically at the moment were actually confused.

"The dinner party is about to begin.

Hope you enjoy the food here. "

Penelope next to him whispered—in almost a second, the plate in front of them was suddenly filled with extremely rich food.

"Roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks." They are all classic British hard dishes.

In addition to these big guys, the house elves in the castle also prepared a very rich choice of side dishes, such as boiled Ubi, baked Ubi, fried servers, Yorkshire pudding, pea sprouts, carrots, mint hard candies, etc. of.

"Wait, Peppermints?"

William suddenly saw the plate next to his right hand, which was filled with plastic-wrapped peppermint hard candies stacked in small towers-it felt a little subtle.


Thinking about it, he picked out a whole piece of top steak, put some grilled ubiquitous on the side of the plate, and poured a very thick reddish-brown gravy on it.

This piece of meat was beyond his expectations.

It was baked and then pan-fried with a beautiful charred layer - William sliced ​​open with a knife to reveal a beautiful pink cross-section inside - just the right medium rare with just a light squeeze to plump the inside The gravy oozes out.

"Black pepper? Salt?"

Penelope poked him with his elbow and asked.

She had just stood up and fetched herself some fish chowder, with a pinch of salt.

In the milky white thick soup, there are onions that are stewed until soft, large pieces of potatoes, and very fat minced fish pie meat. The thick cream and vanilla smell wafts in the air, which is very tempting.

"Everything, thank you."

William took the grinder and sprinkled some black pepper and kosher salt on his beef.

"Speaking of which, it would be great if I could watch something for dinner." He missed his experience at Blue Star.

There is a mobile phone, a pink app, and a bunch of very fat pigeon essence that can be cooked at any time.But when he was "homesick", Penello sent a better substitute:

"You know? Ever since I attended the castle's dinner for the first time, I've been thinking about a question: Is the food there supposed to be extra delicious?"

She pointed in front of them and said.

Looking in the direction of her finger, William suddenly felt that the steak on the plate became more fragrant.

There, on the long table in Gryffindor, the lion cubs were almost digesting the food on the table like a storm—even better, their performance was extremely real and natural, and they never pretended to eat, let alone Will shout "old iron double-click 666".

The dinner party went on.

William finished the steak for the main course and carefully selected it before finally choosing a lemon sorbet as dessert after the meal.The other Ravenclaws also ended their dinner one after another and chatted with each other.

William noticed that most of them were communicating about new semester courses, or research they wanted to do-although most of them sounded very unreliable.

But they are curious about new ideas.

Especially a fresh perspective from America.

For Merlin's sake.

"Yes, I've heard of tea divination, and tarot divination, and crystal ball predictions. But I really think you want to judge the next month by the angle of the first drop of dew you see in the morning. Difficult fortunes."

"No, in America we don't burn herbs and potions to judge the weather - we watch the weather forecast on TV, which is more accurate than spells."

"Sorry, I've never heard of this mind-boosting potion. But if I'm not mistaken, the black solid part of your pill seems to be a fur ball spit out by an owl."

Until everyone was full, the desserts on the table disappeared.Professor Dumbledore stood up again, pressing his hands together, and the dining room was also silent.

"Oh, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the semester, I have a few notes for everyone."

Dumbledore straightened his wizard hat and glanced across the four long tables of the academy.

"First-year freshmen, students are prohibited from entering the woods on campus. Some of our senior students should also remember this well."

His shining eyes looked in the direction of Gryffindor.

"Besides, Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to remind everyone not to use magic in the hallway between classes."

William was sure he would not be found by him.

Dumbledore went on:

"The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this term. Anyone who is interested in participating in the house team should contact Mrs. Hooch.

"Finally, I must tell everyone that anyone who does not want to suffer an accident and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

His expression was very serious.

Several people laughed inappropriately.

Under the leadership of Professor Dumbledore, William also hummed the school song to the tune of "From the New World", and finally ended the dinner.

"Let's go, for Merlin's sake, I'm almost too sleepy to keep my eyes open." Penello yawned.

They lined up and walked toward the hall.

"Just a moment, William."

A brown-haired senior boy came from the other end of the long Ravenclaw table, stopped William, and handed him a note in his hand, saying, "Professor McGonagall wants me to give it to you." you."

"Dear William,

Come to my office at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

Minerva McGonagall

And: remember to bring some apples for breakfast”

William checked the last sentence of the note repeatedly, but did not read out any more complicated meanings. It seemed that Professor McGonagall really asked him to bring some apples to her office tomorrow-but it seemed even weirder.

"Why apples?"

He looked bewildered.

 Thank you Asprin for the reward, and thank you for the monthly pass of check.

  I asked the editor today, and I can’t recommend it this week. I need to accumulate some words and collections, so I still have to rely on rankings to attract traffic (sigh).

  Ask for some rewards and monthly tickets (although guilty)
  Posting this chapter at night seems to be quite appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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