Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

21. Satisfy

I allowed Wrex to lead me out of the room, but he had to let go of my hand as we reached the stairs, there was just no room for our combined bulk to be so close, so I just followed him up. He waited for me at the top of the stairs and quickly took my hand again and continued to lead me through and out of the little side office.

Wrex: "Ohh..." He stated, sounding rather disappointed at the damage done to the door frame.

Me: "Ahh!... sorry!, I can fix that!"

Wrex: "Hmm..." He replied ignoring me, analysing the damaged door and frame. Letting go of my hand, he supported the frame with one hand and punched it back into position with the other. Wrex then pushed the door closed, giving it a harder shove than should be needed, but after a bit of force it squeaked past the door frame and closed, "... No need, should be enough to make it look closed anyway."

Me: "Still... sorry."

Wrex: "Honestly, don't worry about it. Come on, let's get going." He yanked the door open with the same unhealthy squeak and gestured me through.

Me: "Such a gentleman." I said while winking and walking past.

Wrex quickly followed me through, closing the door again behind him and quickly taking my hand again, as worried I might wander off.

Wrex: "Come on."

Me: "Where are we going Wrex?" I asked again to which he gave the same answer,

Wrex: "You'll see." I gave a slightly louder sigh than intended. He lead us down the air field, which was hazed in an orangey glow as the sun was setting, up to the base of the airfield's control tower.

Wrex: "Up here." He said as let go of my hand so we could use the stair case that spiraled the bare metal framed structure. Once we reached the top, we didn't enter the unmanned control room, but instead Wrex stepped up onto the railing that surrouned the top of the control tower then turned and made a small leap onto the control room roof. I did the same, stepped onto the railing, turned around to face the roof and there was Wrex with an outstretched hand already. I happily took it and joint effort of my leap and his pull, I made it onto the shallow coned shape roof with ease.

Wrex: "There." He said as laid down on his front on roof, pointing off behind me as I turned and laid down next to him.

Me: "Oh wow..."

The scenery from up here was quite spectacular, from the shrubbery covered mountainous area that separated us from the coast on our left. In front of us laid the runway, stretching out ahead, this tower being a descent height over the hangars, with water tower being the only other tall structure on this airstrip. To the right were large fields, with more brown than green on them, understandable given the time of year. But it was beyond the airstrip in front of us that Wrex had pointed to that gave the most spectacular view. Sure the land beyond had a deserty vibe to it, minimal greenery, but it was the sun setting with it's orange and red flare that doused my entire field of view that was giving this scene the 'wow' factor.

Wrex: "Beautiful, aint it?"

Me: "You've been up here before then to watch it set?"

Wrex: "Every so often. It's lonely out here. I mean, I'm use to living alone, I can deal with it. This is how I can deal with it."

Wrex: "Wrex is a big softie at heart then." I asked rhetorically. He smiled that charming smile and gave a slight shrug.

Me: "Well... You're not alone tonight." He smiled again at that but actually turned to look at me this time.

Wrex: "Thank you."

A voice out of nowhere sounded familiar, it sound almost like my own, but not quite, said in a whisper just 2 words...

*"...Kiss him..."*

Me: "What? No!" I said shaking my head.

Wrex: "Err... 'No' what?" He asked looking very confused and taken aback.

Me: "Didn't you hear a voice?" I asked while looking all around us.

Wrex: "No...? What did it say?" he asked still puzzled.

Me: "It said..." Then I realised how embarrassing it would be if I actually repeated what the voice had said to me back to him... "... doesn't matter, I'm obviously just hearing things."

Wrex: "If you say so." He smiled dubiously.

We sat there and watched the sun slowly sink into the Earth for another minute or so before we just happened to turn and look at each other simultaneously.

*"...Kiss him now, trust me..."* The whisper said again, and even though I wasn't keen on the idea, something, some impulse made me lunge forward and just like that, our lips made contact... and I sharply pulled back and looked away ahead again.

I don't know what came over me, I didn't want to kiss him, I had no intention at all. I didn't like him... Well I did, but not like that... Or did I? What I do know is something made me kiss him, I don't know what, but the more I was thinking about it as the seconds passed, the more I was glad that it did. I glanced my eyes sidways at him briefly, noting that his head hadn't moved since we had made and broke contact. He had a puzzled but bemused look on his face, a hint of a smile creeping upwards at his jaw line. So I took a longer glance at him...

Me: "What?" ... Before quickly turning away again.

Wrex: "That was... 'Unexpected'?"

Me: "Sorry."

Wrex: "...But not unwelcome."

Me: "Still, sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I replied feeling very awkward indeed and getting to my feet just as the sun finished setting and dusk rolled in.

Wrex: "Whoa, hey, don't leave." He pleaded as he too got to his feet and made for a gentle grab for me but I had already launched myself off the roof, spreading my wings and gliding to the tarmac below and started heading back to the hangar.

Wrex: "Alex, wait, please." I heard him plead as he swooped in just behind me.

Me: "I'm sorry Wrex, I shouldn't have done that, it was inappropriate. I didn't mean to do it."

Wrex: "So why did you do it?" He asked as he trotted up beside me.

Me: "I mean, I did want to, but, something made me actually do it."

Wrex: "So what's the problem?"

I stopped dead and faced him, unintentionally raising my voice at him.

Me: "It's embarrassing Wrex!... For fuck sake..." I grabbed my head and circled on the spot then started pacing in front of him, "...God I am so confused... I'm I guy! I'm meant to be anyway, I'm meant to be straight but fuck you're too charming and cute and my hormones are playing havoc with my brain! Argghh!!..." I screamed, more at myself than Wrex and came to a stop in front of him.

Wrex: "I... Err... Is there anything I can do to help?"

Me: "Stop being charming and wooing me." Wrex chuckled in innocence.

Wrex: "I'm not intentionally doing anything!" He exclaimed shrugging his shoulders and waving his hands in protest.

It was me to grab him by the hand this time and lead him back towards the hangar.

Wrex: "What are you thinking?" He asked as he obviously understood our heading.

Me: "I need relieve some stress."

Wrex: "But I thought you weren't comfortable with the idea of sex?"

Me: "Typical bloke, thinking with his cock... I was talking about some more boxing. I want a rematch."

Wrex: "Oh, sorry."

I dragged him as much as I able to through the hangar, office, back through his underground apartment and into the gym.

Wrex: "There are other ways to relieve stress you know... You could go for a run?... Go for a flight... Chill out... Take a shower... Or even go to sleep?"

Me: "Nope... I want to hit the thing that's giving me the problems." I replied bluntly but playfully.

Wrex: "Oh nice... You really want to go again?" He asked as I climbed into the ring.

Me: "Yep, come on."

He sighed and followed into the ring, both of us turning to face each other and readying up.

Me: "Your move this time."

Wrex: "Why are we doing this?"

Me: "Calm before the storm, taking our minds off of things."

Wrex: "As you wish." He shrugged with a slight smile and stepped forward throwing a fist at me, I stepped and leant backwards, successfully avoiding his throw. He repeated twice more, twice more I managed to step back and evade. But on his last swing he over reached in desperation to make contact, I took the opportunity and swung a left hook, catching his shoulder. He was too quick to recover though and smacked me with a lefty in the side of the face. I stumbled to the ropes, shaking my head clear.

I spun back at him went for a right hook, he blocked, he went for a right then a left, and I managed to block them both. Then we both simultaneously went for a right hook and both made contact with the other's face, causing him to stumble against the ropes and me to stumble and fall to the floor.

Wrex: "Give up already? I want to get back to my beer." He said while holding his face where I just hit it.

Me: "Far from it." I said pulling myself from the floor, tasting blood in my mouth again.

I swung wildly at him, most missed but the last couple of throws made contact, one with his shoulder, the opposite with his jaw, the last one he managed to block and with the other hand punched me on the end of the nose. I was annoyed now with the amount of pain I was receiving, so I dropped down, spun on the spot, swinging my tail and wiping his legs out and I leapt on top of him pinning him down.

Wrex: "You just can't resist cheating can you?" He said with that smile again as we panted away and stared into each others eyes. There it was again, that burning desire... But now I didn't want to fight it anymore...

Me: "Maybe it's the only way to get what I want." I replied smiling back. I pushed myself up slightly off of him, repositioned myself slightly and started grinding my hips, feeling our slits rubbing against each other. His smile faded ever so slightly but his eyes were still locked onto mine,

Wrex: "Are you sure you want to do that? Don't feel pressured by what I said earlier."

Me: "I'm not sure what I want anymore..." I leant back down closer to his face, "...but take advantage of it, and me, before I change my mind again." And I did something I never thought I'd do, I kissed him dead on the lips. Clearly it aroused him enough as mere seconds later my continued grinding prevailed and I felt the tip of his cock start pushing at my own lips. I eased the grinding, allowing it to easily find it's goal as it extended, which worked. I felt his head part me and enter, causing me to break the kiss and make a small gasp. I looked at him, this was it. There was no doubt or argument in my mind anymore, the female side of me had won, I wanted this, I wanted him.

Wrex: "Are you ok?" He distracted me from my trail of thought, but I hadn't realised that I had actually stopped grinding too, I smiled before simply replying,

Me: "mm-hmm." I leant back in for another kiss as I restarted my grinding. I could feel his length extending ever more into me, stretching me out, more than I had been before, Wrex was definitely thicker than Sam was, filling up my snatch with his warm pulsing meat. There was enough in me now that I started lifting my hips off him to start properly riding him, a small moan escaping my lips into his mouth as I did. I don't know how much of him was in me now, but he was certainly going deep and still growing, making an equally deep warm, tingling sensation build inside me. I moaned again, louder and longer at the pleasure building. He made a soft growl as he pulled down at the back of my neck and head into his. I couldn't control myself, my body increasing it's speed, pulling up from his cock, just a few inches then slamming back down, causing me now to moan with each exhale. I pulled away from his mouth, even though I believe he was fully extended now, and as deep as anyone had been before, I wanted it deeper and I wanted faster, I need to cum, I needed release. I pounded my hips down into his, enjoying every second, every inch of him, as I'm sure he started catching my cervix, making me take a sharp screaming intake of air. I'm sure he was looking at me as I screwed my face up in pleasure, but I didn't care, the warm pressure building deep inside me was about to burst... and it did as I slammed my hips down one last time. I shuddered and collapsed back into a kiss with him as I writhed on top of him, the warm waves of pleasure ricocheting around my body, my moans gradually turning from short and loud to elongated and subtle as my body started to calm. I pulled away from Wrex, panting and looking him in the eyes.

Wrex: "Are you ok?" I smiled and nodded,

Me: "Pretty good, thank you." I replied smugly, but before I had chance to say anything else, from nowhere, I'm not even sure how, but he flipped us over so that he was now on top, staring down at me.

Wrex: "Good... 'cause I'm not done yet." He said with a charming but dirty smile that made me blush and squirm inside before he leant back in for another kiss. He started his thrusting now, sliding in and out of my now very slickened snatch with ease, squelching, sounding very wet indeed. I could already feel another orgasm building as he buried himself deep with every thrust, my moans escalating again. He broke this kiss and propped himself up on my chest plate and started pounding me even harder now. I grabbed onto his arms and gripped tightly. We looked deeply into each other's eyes as he pounded my pussy, even though, I couldn't hold the gaze, the pleasure was too much to concentrate on him and I screwed my eyes shut again and flopped my head back with my definitely feminine, loud, ecstasy filled coos echoing around the gym alongside his gentle growls. My head shot forwards as my orgasm exploded again, then flopped back again against the floor, my hands shooting to the floor as well, scratching at for any sort of hold as I writhed and wriggled under him in bliss as he held me in place, his endless onslaught of my snatch which was gripping him so tightly now, causing him to growl in a very animalistically now indeed.

'This was it, he was making me his... And the best thing thing about it? I didn't care!, I wanted it to happen!'

Finally it was too much for him as well it seems, he tensed up as he rammed back in and halted his onslaught, a deep rumble emitting from his throat and I felt his cock twitch hard, jetting wave after wave of cum deep inside me, causing me to shudder and orgasm again from the feeling of being filled up.

After a few seconds of coming down from my high I looked up to him, still propped up on my chest plate looking down at me smiling, both of us panting away.

Wrex: "You had fun I take it?" I smiled back at him and pulled him back in for another kiss.


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