Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 416: Alex the Kid I

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

And to think that all he needed to do was reach out...

Grasp into it...

And whoosh...

This oh-so-small world scattered!

Not that the destruction is anything permanent.

It simply reformed again... into an orbish darkness with sprinkled dots.

For it was inputted a command to do so.

Even with Alexander having seen his fair share of worldly representations like globes... this Chaos-molded model was just far removed from those.

Just the real-time perspective it gives already beats everything else out of contention.

In his opinion, it sure can lord over that prized model that the geography faculty flaunts around.

Which, ultimately, just reminded him of that cliche project about picking a country and doing some presentation on it. Not that that's of any relevance.

Anyways.... albeit rudimentary, there's still a lot of potential for where this Chaos display could go.

If this dark foggy canvas were to be superimposed with a real map of the world with globe-y and fitting proportions... then locating locations would be far more accurate.

Far better than just estimating which place is which.

Taking that up a notch... would be having to satellite it up or hooking it up to something like that, then the whole set-up has the makings of the GPS or Google Maps right then and there.

Then again, who was he kidding?

Can't he be satisfied with the whole holographic display already? Because it sure does trump any 3D projection technology that he knew of.

Yet it's not exactly the first time that Chaos brute-forced complex technology with just its basic inherent properties.

If anything, what he's looking at before him is the entirety of the ChaosNet... without the information superhighway, without physical connecting lines, and all that.

Just one single source code... split apart through various Creed computer products... but remain whole and connected nonetheless.

It was quite the sight... and ultimately reminded him of something else...

Specifically of that Big Bang Theory scene... when Penny finally showed real interest in Leonard's work by visiting his lab.

It was a chuckle-inducing sequence about dangerous nitrogen lasers... to high-techy-techy spectrometers to low-techy-techy pencil sharpeners.

Of course, the highlight of that was the projected holographic display laced with laser-based finger tracking.

Since it was another small world projection of Earth, along with Leonard's explanation of the holographic principle.

Invoking the poignant thought that everyday life might as well just be a hologram... acted out like a painting... on the largest canvas of the universe.

A Holographic Universe, that is.

With the aspect of chaos being quite holographic before him, Alexander had a feeling that that wild claim might not really be as wild as it seemed.

But just as he wanted to get to the bottom of that existential mind hole... the knob on the door rattled.

Obviously, it was locked, so the knob rattler could only knock.

And with a knock knock, Milla's voice sounded from outside, asking. "Alex, did you lock the door?"

"Obviously, he did." Drew's chiding voice chided but she also asked out. "Prince charming, are you doing something secretive with your sexy secretary in there?!"

To such accusation, a much mature voice coming from Miss Consigliere reminded from afar, refuting. "Miss Drew, I'm here outside with you, you know."

"Yeah yeah... if you say so..."

"Uhm... I know so..."

After that... it was just a flurry and cacophony of voices being voiced from out there...

Whilst that bickering was going on, Alexander took the time to brave through the misty display...

Unaffected by the clump of Chaos... he pressed the escape key.

Prompting for the entity to recede, settle down, and after a few processes more... it seemed like it was never there to begin with.

Right on cue as Milla finally expressed her intent, calling out again. "Alex, don't mind them! It's just that everything downstairs is ready and Grandpa Sullivan said it's time..."

As for what time it is...

Well... it was time for his own birthday, of course.


January 30, 1987.

Aside from it being the day when Chaos peaks, it's also of special significance to Alexander.

It was an anniversary of the day he was born and an anniversary of the day he was somewhat born again. None of the religious connotations, of course.

Nevertheless, he was now technically 12. Or 12 again.

Celebrations were in order, according to the people in his life, that is.

For he would much rather treat this as another day to go by... and explore the exposed mystery that he had just come across.

Too bad, his no-sleeping antics of last year still had consequences, so he could only go through with it.

With that mentally said... Old Sullivan kicked things off.

Milla and Drew fought for who followed suit.

Their invited moms looked on with intrigue.

While the consigliere-ing Monica Bellucci could only grimace as she still felt out of place when it came to the party dynamics of this little party.

It sure was a messier social circle as Alexander predicted... but it wasn't actually that bad.

He just had to sit there... and listen in...

As somewhat of a harmonious happy birthday song sounded...

All the happy birthday to yous were appreciated but it's kind of vexing...

For a birthday boy with an old soul... it sure felt like he was being treated like a kid.




Alexander the kid or Alex the kid, whichever works.

Either way, it might be the theme that this celebrating team was going for.

And it wasn't the not-so-kiddie-themed catering that gave it away.

It was only when gifts were being given that it became apparent.

After all, gift-giving is a peculiar experience when it came to these folks.

The bland and cold robot mug set still stood out. So did Old Sullivan's video recorder.

Not that he really did become a sweeter and warmer human but that camera sure did pop up as a timely embellishment on certain occasions.

Occasions like this one... where it was recording by the corner.

All the while the girls barely contained their smirks as they presented their tandem of a gift.

And with just a glance... what a tandem it was.

"Alex, remember that time we went to the mall?" Milla inquired.

"Yeah." How could Alexander not? "So... I take it that that's when you grabbed these?"

"Uh-huh." Drew explained. "These things had no chance against Link and your system but they're very interesting."

"This one for example." Milla supplemented as she presented what looks to be a game system. "It's also black, squarish, and even have game controllers but they're no Creed Chaos Systems... it's actually the boring and disappointing Sega Master System!"

Taking over, Drew showcased a chip in her hand. "To go with that Master stuff... it's thin, small, and card-like but it's no GameKey... no one cares for it and it's unknown... it's perhaps the one and only copy that sold... it's the Sega Card!"

Well... that sure makes for one hell of a confusing infomercial.

The famous Milla and Drew, peddling products that they disdain, all the while being biased to the competition. 

Even Alexander can't help but comment. "Sega, already trying their best, would probably weep if you two are their spokespersons."

"Tsk! Tsk!" Milla gestured no-no with her index. "We're not done yet, Alex."

"Because if you look more closely..." Drew gestured along. "Into this Sega Card I hold... it has a game on it..."

"But not just any game..." Milla inserted.

"It's a game about a lost prince..." Drew even winked. "Like you prince charming!" 

"A prince who is also a martial artist monkey boy... a shameless copy of your Goku!" Milla was incensed. "It even has your name on it... who also happens to be a kid like you!"

Committed to the bit, Drew pushed on. "Lo and behold, Milla and I give you..." 

""Alex Kidd... in Miracle World!""

With that, the two simultaneously concluded.

Clearly, with practice.

This was so rare that even the onlooking adults in the room looked impressed. Applauding, even.

To all of it and for many reasons... Alexander could only sigh.

Because if this wasn't an Alex the Kid-themed party... then he had no idea what else it could be?

So yeah... Alex Kidd... do you guys know the guy? Have you guys ever played this guy's game? And a few more unanswered questions like that?

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