Alien Queen

Chapter 1819 - Fight hard

“Dark Lord” Dret’s call for help was completely useless.

Obviously, he was identified. Whether there is his own soul consciousness or mysterious “memory” in Mundo, there is no way for others to be sure, but this powerful body does have Helen’s consciousness and perfection. Controlled.

Although Drett contributed to the fusion of Helen and Mondo or the “Terminator”, even if he didn’t do it, Helen absolutely believed that he had a lot of opportunities.

No one wanted to be a dead ghost, and Helen wasn’t willing, so she recognized Drett who thought of herself as a dead ghost.

While Helen pounced on the alien queen, Mondo turned into a black light and rushed towards the “Dark Lord”.

This scene was completely expected. Others did not see their own small movements in the imperial family. Dreit believed that Helen could not do without knowing the black hand behind his back, seeing Meng Duo cling to two “Supreme Master Artifacts” He rushed over, and without any thought of fighting, he turned and wanted to run away.

In fact, I wanted to run long ago. “Dark Lord” Dret would not know how much he envied his son Beston-he was too prescient, whether it was running or hiding in a “black hole”, at least Beston There is no need to face the danger of being completely exploded at any time in the main **** battlefield where it is difficult to define allies and enemies.

Mondo’s response was very firm, ignoring the hundreds of fierce arrows of light from the “God of Light” bursting out in a flash, and his body was still covered by the stagnation of black magic flame. His terrible speed was quickly catching up. During the exhibition, the “Ben Thunder Knife” in his hand was projected out.

The sharpness of the Ben Lei Dao is not inferior to that of the Wind Sword. The difference is that the latter, as thin as cicada wings, is so light that it has almost no weight, while the Lei Dao Dae is very heavy, and it weighs more than a kilogram using special metals.

Its own weight plus the unimaginable power of Mondona’s other gods. The thundering rush of Thunderbolt caused a large space to be distorted, and the turbulent void that it crossed was cut into a huge crack like a rag.


The moment the crackling ear-popping sound of tearing the eardrum sounded, Dret closed slightly but wanted to escape in another direction. However, the Thunder Knife, which was even stronger than Lightning, still split a large piece of fleshy shoulder bone on his left shoulder.

It is directly “dragonification”, even if this allows you to increase your strength at the same time, the speed will suddenly slow down, but it is clear that the short-lived, almost negligible, that I have just neglected has made Mondo behind, and has no choice of virtue. Reiter’s body swelled abruptly in a slightly modified dragon roar but turned into a huge dark dragon.

It is not a dragon transformed from the main divine power but a real dark dragon with a flesh. There are more than two hundred meters of the dragon body covered with black dragon scales shining with metallic light. At the moment of “Dragonization”, the thick long tail swayed back suddenly, pulling a large piece of void tremor and flicking towards Mondo.


In the violent impact, Mondo’s body was not knocked back as expected by Dreit, which made him wish to recover the original body and escaped again. With the talent “Dragon Breath” roaring with the spirit of soul attack, Dreite punctured the void with a dragon horn that was even thicker than Mondo’s body, and spurred to Mondo who rushed up.


The violent blow twisted the space like a kneading dough. There was a big spark between the setting sun pestle and the dragon horn crit. I just realized that my eyeball was almost shocked by this great force, and Drayte tried to pick Mondo far away. However, in his eyes, Mondo like a bean was rooted as if it were rooted. In the void, there was a fierce stubborn motion.

The trick is not new, it just works. Obviously Mondo thought so.

The head cracked silently. But there was no flesh and blood falling like a flower blooming, and the blood-red vines in Meng Duo’s split head were like a hungry thin python scrambled to shoot out the electricity. The originally fast vines As soon as he caught Drake’s giant horns, he was a little faster, and the thicker and longer vines instantly spread frantically on Drake’s dragon head.


Desperate to be exploded by Kenny’s powerful magic and not to be killed so cruelly by Mondo, Dret, who was completely enveloped by fear, sent out to the “God of Destruction” Bai Kui, who had stormed not far away Crippling cry for help.

Faster than Baikui is the “Light Lord” Manacido’s Holy Light Arrow. Although he is blocked by Baikui’s body, he has the “arrow art” that makes the elves inferior to the extreme. The arrow of the light swept through the gap between Baikui’s legs and hurried past, suddenly slanting up under the pale remote control of Manacido’s mental power. The arrow of the light, which almost exhausted all of Manacido’s main divine power, instantly penetrated into Mondo’s split head.

The bright main divine power like the sun blooms in the mouth of Mondo. The holy and violent bright main divine power is like a purification that directly vaporizes a large number of blood-red vines. He completely smashed Mondo’s entire body into pieces.

Suddenly he closed his body. Bai Kui, who had lost his attack target, didn’t know how to attack, but he suddenly slammed back with his eyes bulging out.

Perhaps it was deliberately to make Manacido shoot an arrow, and the massive flesh and blood fragments of Mondo’s exploded body were all thrown onto Dret’s huge dragon body. Each piece of flesh and blood was turned into tiny vines and spread quickly. When Baikui saw Drett’s huge dragon head, he was completely covered by vines in an instant.

Covering the dragon’s head is not only the vines but also the black magic flame like the maggots. In the screams of Drayte, the vines that grew wildly at an incredible speed will completely remove his dragon body in the shortest time. Packed into giant cocoons.

“It’s over!”

The last arrow was a complete and unreserved one. The speed of the recovery of the main divine power can never keep up with the speed of consumption in today’s situation. Watching the loss of an ally, the enemy is obviously stronger and pale. With the fluctuation of space, the “lord of light” Manacid was ashamed.

“Master of Death” Masdak didn’t move. He hadn’t moved since he launched a soul attack on Helen, who was fused with “Terminator”. His body wrapped in death air was suspended in that piece of silence. In the void, this once thought to be the most powerful master **** among Manacido’s several of them turned into a statue with no life and no soul.

“A little more time, a little time is enough!”

He did not pay any attention to Manacido, in fact, Li Junshan had no time to take care of others.

Helen instantly trapped the queen and was dragged aside by the alien alien.

Mondo killed the “Dark Lord” Dret in the shortest time.

It only took a few seconds for Kenny to push Li Junshan into desperation.

Six “Thunder Aliens” attacked Kenny again and again in a more sturdy and violent posture than the alien aliens. A series of thunder spells spilled, and the coccyx and claws of the coccyx used them all. Attacking, they have cast three “joint magic” consecutively in a short period of time. Their magic power may not be enough, but they have fierce fearlessness that no race can match. If it is not an attack that they lay down and forget to die, Li Junshan may have played it for a long time. Finished.

There are also “demon pupils” Sadez and Ude, they are not idle, even if they haven’t hit Kenny in the short period of time from the shot to the present, but their eyes are crimson and their own gods are burst at any time. They always played a role in the nuclear program.

Rao is so, Kenny, who is standing in the middle of the empty stream, still seems to evade easily with six “Thunder Alien” attacks in an elegant posture, while a sharp magic has completely shrouded it. A large piece of flesh and blood fragments Li Junshan.

It couldn’t be supported at all. After the time was reversed, Li Junshan couldn’t bear the sharp magic that Kenny didn’t dare to face lightly. If it weren’t for the alien power of the eight main gods, it would be perfectly fused by the crystal nucleus in the soul. It’s not that these forces are condensed into a mass, protecting a skull with his soul and the core of the **** and god. Li Junshan estimates that Kenny’s two rounds of magic are enough to destroy himself.

However, this is only a matter of time. The main divine power that is condensed like the outer crystal nucleus is getting weaker and weaker under the violent magic attack of different departments. It seems that it may collapse at any time, but it is no longer so at this time. Panic-stricken or heart-wrenched, Li Junshan, who experienced too much in a war of gods, didn’t talk about life and death but looked The only thought in my heart is time, from an unknown space or position The ripples in the space that have been surging are now more and more surging. It is estimated that the alien form that is undergoing the “day punishment” to achieve the main **** is not rare, because the ripples in the space have reached the extreme. amazing.

“Unfortunately, I was still very interested in your soul. After all, a human being can control so many aliens, but it’s hard to believe.”

The sound of Kenny’s spiritual power sounded, and with his sound, a small hole in the void between the soul of Kenny and Li Junshan and the skull fragments of the main god’s core suddenly appeared, just like passing through time and space, invisible Shadowless magic attack with the power of ruining the world like Li Junshan rushed past.


The earth-shattering sound of blasting once again exploded into the sky. With the power of the black cloud bursting, the blood-filled alien queen was spattered like a shelling, and the magical collision with the invisible shadowless through the void Together, the queen’s body, which was covered with miserable green blood and a series of horrible holes, but still twisted and deformed, violently shocked, and immediately fell to the bottom of the endless abyss like the chaotic flow of the void. . . )

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