All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 49 Ripening Agent

Du Ling's willingness to fight is very strong.

But the strength gap cannot be filled by will.

Even the iron armored lizard of the lower level of black iron, the lowest level monster that Su Bai can kill with one punch, is not Du Ling's ability to compete.

Unless she can awaken the ability, then with her [Death Saint] entry, there is still the power of a battle.

There is a prerequisite here, the awakening ability.

Although the dark tree has fruit hanging, it is in a semi-ripe state.

The fruit has no effect until it reaches the mature stage.

Even if Du Ling ate all the half-ripe fruits, she would not be able to awaken her supernatural powers.

And without powers, she is just an ordinary person, and she may be able to kill a monster with traps or something.

But when the storm came, not one or two monsters came, but a dozen or so were considered few.

If you are unlucky, there may even be hundreds of them!

Du Ling stayed on the island, it was easy to have an accident.

Su Bai is not sure, when will the next time he find an ordinary person with an epic entry.

Although it can be refreshed every day, advanced entries are hard to come by.

He can't go back and forth between Blue Star and Island World every day.

But from another angle.

If Du Ling can become an effective fighting force, then tomorrow's battle will be much easier.

While thinking about it, Su Bai found that Shen Qingling had sent him a message.

When I opened it, it turned out to be about the storm.

[Su Bai, a storm is about to hit some areas, are you in range]

Su Bai's heart moved, and he opened the newcomer chat area of ​​the trainee island owner, and found that many people were discussing this matter.

[A Sanguo-Santu: It's really unfortunate, I only became the trainee island owner this morning, and the storm will come tomorrow, this is not giving me a way to survive]

[Bangzi Kingdom-Park Pule: Hahaha, my island is not in the storm area, you scumbags wait to die! 】

[Fusang Kingdom - Ibe Sixteen Lang: Baga, you are really inhumane, you should apologize! 】

[Kangaroo Country-Lina: How come there is stormy weather so soon, the situation this year is too difficult]

[Lighthouse Country-Richard: Everyone, those who know the current affairs are Junjie, don't hold on to the ownership of the island anymore, sell some of them in exchange for a chance to survive]

[The sun never sets - Fizz: I agree, although my island is within the range of the storm, I have already made adequate preparations, and six abilities can be teleported at any time! 】

[Mao Xiongguo-Hanble: Hmph, coward, a storm will scare you like this]


The apprentice island owners were talking a lot, and those newcomers who had not yet killed the monster were also mourning.

When the storm came, more monsters appeared, and their chances of becoming a trainee island owner were even slimmer.

Even if you get the heart of the island in the chaos, you may not be able to keep it.

The greater possibility is to be buried directly in the mouth of the monster.

Su Bai was a little surprised. The scale of the storm seemed to be extraordinarily large.

It seems to have become the first test for the trainee island owners this year.

It is said that Richard is so jumpy that he blatantly encourages others to sell the ownership of the island.

This is a typical example of not being able to see the good of others.

His heart can be punished.

However, Su Bai also knows that cooperative development is a helpless move for many trainee island owners.

Better to lose some ownership than to be eliminated.

This point, Su Bai can not change.

Besides, he's got a headache from the storm now too.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

Unexpectedly, there are candidates for ability users, and the storm came first.

Can you still have fun.

Judging from the scale of this storm, I'm afraid I'll have to find a way to get Du Ling to join the fight.

With this in mind, Su Bai sent a message to Shen Qingling, "I'm in the range, do you have a ripening agent, I have a batch of supernatural fruits that are about to ripen."

As a last resort, Su Bai does not want to use ripening agents, which will cause certain damage to the plants.

Fortunately, the damage is limited, and after taking good care of him for half a year, he will almost be able to recover.

It's better than being swept into the island by monsters and wreaking havoc.

Shen Qingling replied: "Yes, but not many. Many island owners under the command of the special team are also in the storm area, and resources are very scarce. The ripening agent I have is only enough for three mature plants."

It's a bit small, but it's enough.

Su Bai waved his hand.


Shen Qingling didn't worry that Su Bai would default on his bill, and directly passed three bottles of ripening agent over.

Su Bai did not use it directly, but took stock of it first.

Each dark tree has about fifteen fruits.

Using all three bottles of ripening agent, he guaranteed that he could harvest forty ripe fruits.

Under the blessing of the [Death Saint] entry, if forty dark fruits can't awaken Du Ling, then more fruits are useless.

Su Bai predicts that within ten pieces, Du Ling will surely be awakened.

Thinking of this, Su Bai suddenly found a business opportunity.

He can sell the extra dark fruit at a high price.

The storm is coming, and the apprentice island owners are trying their best to get through the storm.

In addition to various defensive weapons, power users are the most important.

However, if you directly hire an existing ability user, even if you come to fight in a short time, it will bring a lot of hidden dangers to the island.

Even if the storm survives, the invading monsters will make the apprentice island owner tired to defend.

The risk of cultivating supernatural powers is much smaller.

In the judgment system of the island world, ordinary people and supernatural beings are two concepts.

Recruiting ordinary people will not increase the risk of the island being invaded by monsters too much.

The power fruits are arranged in place, as long as there is one more power user, there will be one more chance to survive the storm.

In this way, Su Bai found that not only would he not suffer too many losses, but he could make a fortune instead.

Of course, the dark fruit will definitely not be sold.

It's best to find one or two more candidates for ability users, and after awakening, team up with Du Ling to act.

"When the entry is fixed, I will go to Blue Star again and bring two people back?"

Su Bai thought to himself.

But it seemed inappropriate to go to the slums in the middle of the night.

But don't put yourself in it.

Su Bai sent a message to Shen Qingling again, "Are there any candidates for abilities."

"Yes, there is a branch of the special affairs team in Xicheng. I will give you the coordinates. You can choose the person yourself."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. By the way, because of the storm, the special plant seedlings scheduled to arrive tomorrow will not be sent to avoid damage in the storm."

"No problem, wait until the storm is over."

Su Bai ended the conversation with determination in his eyes.

Sure enough, everything is up to you.

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