All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 60 The wartime merit list opens! Before the storm comes, the monsters arrive first!

In the dim light, the expressions of Su Bai, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue were ugly.

Su Bai squeezed his chin for a moment, and said, "It can't be so coincidental, we are in the middle of the storm.""

Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue did not answer.

They have never encountered such a situation, and they really don't know how to answer.

Shouldn't be that way.

After observing for a while, Su Bai was sure that the location of his island was not related to the center of the storm.

far away.

Almost on the edge.

But there is already such a vision in the marginal area, if we go further inside, is there still a way to survive?

Not to mention a trainee island owner, even a senior island owner might not be easy to deal with.

The invading monsters are on the one hand, and the damage from the storm cannot be ignored.

It will even be the main factor.

Su Bai boldly speculates.

If it is in the center of the storm, even the monsters don't have to land, and the wind alone is enough to bring the island to its knees.

Du Ling swallowed hard and said, "The scale of this storm has exceeded expectations. This is not a way for newcomers to survive."

Xuan Mengyue also felt the same way.

However, the two soon became indifferent, and their eyes were full of determination.

No matter how terrible the storm is, they will fight with the island owner to the end!

Just as Su Bai was about to speak, he suddenly heard the sound of the announcement from the island world appearing in his mind.

[Warning! Detected that the storm is coming, the wartime merit list has been opened, please fight the enemy bravely and hit higher rewards! 】

[Warning! Detected that the storm is coming, the wartime merit list has been opened, please fight the enemy bravely and hit higher rewards! 】

[Warning! Detected that the storm is coming, the wartime merit list has been opened, please fight the enemy bravely and hit higher rewards! 】

The notification sound appeared three times in succession.

All the island owners who heard the announcement, whether they were apprentice island owners or senior island owners, put down their work and communicated with their imprints to check the situation.

When they saw the new list, their hands and feet were cold.

Even the island world was disturbed, the storm this time is probably not so simple.

There may be other secrets involved.

Otherwise, how could the island world open the wartime merit list and use high rewards to stimulate the will of the island owner to fight.

Normally, there is only one list in the island world.

That is the island rating list of the trainee island owner.

In this way, the monthly rookie king and even the supreme rookie king are determined.

After that, there is basically no list.

Except for the wartime merit list.

This is a list whose opening conditions have not yet been fully determined.

However, based on past experience, the general view is that.

This list opens whenever monsters appear on a large scale.

Rewards vary.

Not that the island world is stingy.

But the biggest feature of this list is that it is not capped.

If you kill a monster, you can get a black iron treasure chest at least.

Kill ten, then you will be upgraded to Bronze rank.

In theory, as long as the number of monsters killed is enough, the reward can even be upgraded to platinum-level or even diamond-level treasure chests.

That is what the Supreme Rookie King has the opportunity to obtain.

You must know that even the monthly rookie king can only get one gold-level treasure chest.

However, in order to obtain better rewards, in addition to your own strength, you must have a certain amount of luck.

After all, if the monster didn't come, even if it could kill the cow with one punch, it would be hard to cry alone.

You can't just create monsters out of thin air.

In general, the appearance of the wartime merit list means that this storm is really unusual.

Storms are common in the island world.

It can even be said that it occurs every day.

Only the location and size are different.

But I haven't seen the wartime merit list opened a few times.

As a result, this year's newcomers have just entered the field, and it has not been two days since they became apprentice island owners, and Storm came with the wartime merit list.

In the century-old history of the discovery of the island world, this has rarely been the case.

The island world is cruel, but it also has temperature.

In times of crisis, there is a way to survive.

But this time, it was markedly different.

Su Bai's heart skipped a beat.

Is this storm related to the changes mentioned by the special task force?

In other words, judging from the existing information, the changes in the island world seem to be developing in a bad direction.

Su Bai was speechless.

Can you still have fun?

How does it feel that anything can happen to him.

Concentrating his mind, Su Bai opened the newcomer chat area, ready to see the reactions of all parties.

What he didn't expect was that there were several old faces thanking him.

[Lighthouse Country - Richard: @Su Bai. Although you are my competitor, I must admit that because of your dark fruit, I have greater confidence to weather the storm. In addition, in this wartime merit list, I will definitely surpass you! 】

[The sun never sets - Fizz: @Su Bai. Although you made me destitute, you still made me a power user, this time, I will take back everything I lost! 】

[Dragon Kingdom - Xuanzhan: @Su Bai. On behalf of the special task force, I would like to thank you for your generosity. I will give you all the awards for this wartime merit list to express my gratitude. 】

Su Bai was a little confused.

Fortunately, Richard and Fitz said that they spent a lot of money to obtain the dark fruit from him, definitely not to show off, but to become a power user.

It was their luck that they succeeded.

But where did the Dragon Country Islander named Xuan Zhan come from?

Did they meet before, no.

But from the other party's words, Su Bai knew the general situation.

The island owner named Xuan Zhan was supposed to be the key support target of the special affairs team.

The D-level dark fruit purchased by the special affairs team with a lot of money may have been prepared for him.

Su Bai didn't care much about this.

Whoever uses the secret fruit of the special team is their freedom. Su Bai doesn't care, he just collects the money.

Not to mention, the special team gave a lot, even a little more than the highest price of the auction.

The seven D-rank dark fruits brought to Su Bai seventy bronze-rank special plants, plus 630 black iron-rank special plants.

As much as you know with your knees, those are annual herbs.

But the value cannot be ignored.

And herbs are good too.

grow fast.

That quickly translates into revenue.

The only problem is that there is not enough magic field in Su Bai.

With only 20 acres of land, I am afraid that even the Bronze Rank special plants cannot be planted, let alone the massive Black Iron Rank special plants.

Su Bai finds himself in somewhat of a happy trouble.

Alas, being too rich is not good either.

Collecting his thoughts, Su Bai replied in the newcomer chat area: "Don't thank me, everyone gets what they need. By the way, what do you think of this storm.

Su Bai's words resonated with the majority of trainee island owners.

Everyone no longer paid attention to the auction last night, but discussed today's storm.

This dark sky made everyone's heart heavy, and they couldn't wait to vomit in the chat area.

[Fusang Kingdom - Ono Qingsong: I suspect that this storm was caused by Amaterasu, so mighty and glorious]

[Bangzi Kingdom-Li Heguang: Nonsense, he is obviously our Amaterasu]

[Longguo-Wei Gao: Stop talking nonsense, the storm is about to come, and you are still poor here, still think about how to resist the invasion of monsters]

[Lighthouse Country-Hans: The brilliance of freedom guides us, no matter what monster it is, it is here to die! 】

[Mao Bear Country-Orlando: Everyone wait for my good news and see how I tear monsters with my hands! 】

[Beckland-Middleton: You're killing yourself]

[Kangaroo Country-Price: I recruited fifty boxers, enough to make any invading monsters die without a place to die! 】

[Kangaroo Country-Murray: You don't want to die upstairs. Fifty boxers will definitely attract countless monsters to land. If there is no ability user, what do you keep?]

[Lighthouse Country-Tom: I really don't want to admit that the Kangaroo Country is our ally, and it has cultivated such a stupid island owner]


The chat area is full of discussions.

Most of the trainee island owners' speeches are not nutritious, they are just chatting and irritating there.

However, it can be seen that the general situation is not optimistic.

There are already many apprentice island owners who have directly recruited existing power users regardless of the risk.

Monsters are attracted to attract.

Even the wartime merit list has been opened, how can the situation get worse.

It's better to give it a go and seek a lifeline!

If before that, they were still lucky.

Then after seeing this kind of sky, there is no such idea anymore.

According to the general forecast, the storm will not come until the afternoon.

It's only after six o'clock in the morning, and I'm almost out of sight.

The clouds were so gloomy that there was no light and no hope.

There is no need to guess how much damage this storm will cause.

Absolutely heavy casualties.

While the apprentice island owner is gloomy and gloomy, the official island owner is not much better.

They have operated the island for many years and have mastered a powerful force.

The island is vast, and special plants can be seen everywhere.

In any corner of Blue Star, they have a pivotal right to speak.

But, in the island world, that's really nothing.

They are stronger, the monsters are stronger!

Not only in level, but also in quantity.

Kill a batch, and new monsters will appear immediately, and you can't kill them all.

Especially after learning that the wartime merit list was opened, many senior island owners turned pale.

They have experienced it, so they are more frightened than others.

The words "Wartime Merit List" represent endless death!

Those who were not in the storm zone were excited to pop champagne to celebrate.

But before they could be happy, they were stunned to discover that a large number of black shadows appeared on the sea around the island.

The monster roared and began to land from a different angle.

They were obviously not in the storm area, but they were also attacked by monsters, which was outrageous.

However, these island owners are still good, because in the storm area, there are more monsters.

The battle started silently.

To be honest, Su Bai didn't expect the monster to appear so quickly.

Early in the morning, the storm was still on the way, so you jumped out first, right?

Whether it is suitable or not, the monster has appeared anyway.

In an instant, more than a dozen red dots appeared on the stereo detection.

After a brief pause, the red dot splits into two and begins to invade from east and west.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

His preparations paid off.

Those monsters really saved the trouble and came from the flat gap.

Su Bai summoned Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue, and said quickly: "The monster is coming, according to the original plan, you defend the gap in the west, the rock soldiers and the earth spirit will act with you, be careful, don't take the initiative to kill, just rely on Long-range attack from cover.

"I'm going to guard the east."

This is a previously agreed combat strategy.

The overall shape of the island of Su Bai is a long strip, which is long in the east-west direction and narrow in the north-south direction.

With the efforts of the earth spirit yesterday, the ground on the north and south sides was raised a lot, forming a steep slope, in order to let the monsters give up the idea of ​​attacking from here and turn to the east and west sides.

There, there are defensive positions arranged by Su Bai, as well as a large number of bunkers made by the earth spirits.

Thanks to the basic terrain of the island, the entire defensive position has a certain depth.

On the path of the monster's charge, they will take several rounds of blows.

Even if the number is large, there is still room for buffering, and it will not be directly breached.

Although the monster appeared unusually early, Su Bai didn't panic.

The preparatory work to be done has been completed, and the next step is to play normally.

After the practice last night, Du Ling initially mastered the supernatural ability, which effectively reduced the consumption and greatly prolonged the battle time.

Moreover, Xuan Mengyue and her acted together, and the two of them covered each other. When facing the black iron monster, there should be no pressure.


With Su Bai's order, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue immediately ran to the predetermined position.

The rock soldiers were already there ready to attack with stone arrows.

The first dozen or so monsters that landed were old friends, iron-clad lizards. Seven of them went to the west. Before they had time to be happy, their joints were shattered by the oncoming stone archery, and they lay on the ground unable to move.

This is also Su Bai's arrangement.

The task of the rock soldier is not to kill the enemy, but to disturb the enemy as much as possible.

The killing task was handed over to Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue.

If the number of monsters is too large, the rock soldiers will come out from behind the cover and raise their fists to melee the monsters.

However, judging from the current situation, it has not reached that point.

In Su Bai's perception, several of the monsters in the west stopped moving.

Obviously, the rock soldiers have achieved good results.

When Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue were in place, the red dots began to decrease rapidly.

Su Bai showed a satisfied expression, and immediately charged towards the east position.

There is a shield of clear water spinning around him.

In the corner next to it, Shui Ling with the entry [Water Column Impact] is on standby, ready to attack at any time.

Su Bai's body drew an afterimage, and instantly rushed over a distance of hundreds of meters, and the dragon sword in his hand swept out, beheading the iron armored lizard in the charge.

Immediately, heat flowed into Su Bai's limbs, not only making up for his physical exhaustion, but even a large surplus.

This is the battle absorbing ability given to him by the Killing God entry.

It is also the fundamental reason why Su Bai has the confidence to defend the east alone.

He is not afraid of physical exhaustion at all.

Just kill two monsters and make up for it.

Coupled with a tenfold increase in basic stats, Su Bai does not need supernatural powers, and there are no monsters that can be killed with just a dragon blade.

The iron-clad lizards that invaded from the east were annihilated without being able to hold on for thirty seconds.

At the same time, the monster red dots in the west also disappeared.

Su Bai turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Well done, regain your strength, this battle will be long."


Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue sat down behind the cover, their bodies relaxed.

They didn't have much physical exertion, but they still didn't dare to slack off.

Because the monster appeared too early.

And there are dozens of them as soon as they appear, which is very unreasonable.

Although they are all low-level iron armored lizards of black iron, they can kill them in seconds with a single blow.

But the meaning behind it made Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue a little uneasy.

If the storm has come, it is normal for so many ironclad lizards to appear.

It's not even seven o'clock in the morning now.

There are at least six or seven hours before the scheduled storm time.

Now that so many ironclad lizards have landed, what a terrifying scene will it be when the storm comes.

Maybe there will be nearly a hundred monsters invading at the same time?

The island of the senior island owner is not so attractive.

However, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue did not complain, they just rested quietly and waited for a new monster to appear.

Meow meow meow.

The jewel cat emerged from the corner and directed the rock soldiers to remove the body of the iron-clad lizard.

Before the second batch of monsters arrived, Su Bai quickly opened the newcomer chat area to see how other people were doing.

as he predicted.

It's not just that his island is invaded by monsters. Basically, as long as the island owner can still breathe, they are complaining.

These monsters came too early.

Don't they need to sleep?

[Lighthouse Country-Richard: Six monsters came to my island, they were easily killed by me, too easy, not difficult at all]

【The Sun Never Sets - Fitz: Who Isn't】

Su Bai found that these two goods are always the most active.

They awakened their abilities, and the battle was easy.

Others struggled a bit.

[Fusang Kingdom - Qianfang's hard work: Is there a mistake, my island has nothing, and three monsters came at the same time, I survived after using all the props at the bottom of the press box]

[Lighthouse Country-Weiss: This morning, the shadow of the storm has not appeared yet, there are already monsters invading, waiting for the storm, there will be no way for us to survive]

[Bangzi Kingdom - Jin Chengxuan: Shiba, two of the thugs I hired died at once, and it was a loss.]

[Mao Bear Country-Orlando: I take back what I said before, I can't beat monsters at all, I'm a waste]

[Kangaroo Country - Timmy: Have you encountered a monster? I am calm here and there is no danger at all. It seems that I am the chosen one! 】

[Ding Dong, Timmy, the owner of Kangaroo Country, has left the chat area]


Is this cold?

Su Bai was a little dumbfounded.

Immediately frowned.

As he expected, the monster invasion was a large-scale event.

Rough statistics, as long as they are in the storm area, about 70% of the apprentice island owners have encountered monster invasion.

At this time, someone shouted in the chat area.

It was none other than old friend Richard.

[Lighthouse Country - Richard: @Su Bai. Why do you already have fifteen kills?]

The apprentice island owners who had just ended the battle remembered that this time they opened the wartime merit list, and quickly opened it to check.

Then I was shocked to find that the first place was Su Bai again.

It's nothing.

After all, he was the first to become a trainee island owner, and he must have two brushes.

The key is, is there a problem with this kill count?

....... ask for flowers.

There are as many as fifteen.

Richard and Fitz, who were tied for second place, had six kills.

Many apprentice island owners suddenly want to know.

What the heck is on Su Bai's island, and why is it so attractive.

In addition, why is his strength so strong, fifteen monsters were easily beheaded.

Looking at the crying island owner in the chat area, many people felt a sense of separation.

As if Su Bai and they were not in the same world.

Is the gap between people really that big?

Su Bai didn't have time to care what others thought, he glanced at the records of the island world.

[Your kill count is 1, and the current reward is a black iron treasure chest]

[Your kill count is 3, and the current reward is a black iron treasure chest]

[Your kill count is 15, and the current reward is a bronze treasure chest]

Su Bai suddenly ignited a higher fighting spirit.

This storm is both a crisis and an opportunity.

If he can grasp it, then his advantage will be further expanded!

The other apprentice island owners could only be left behind by him to eat exhaust.

The monthly rookie king, he is going to make a decision.

The Supreme Rookie King, he wants too!

The apprentice island owners had just discovered that Su Bai had rushed to the top of the new rankings without a sound, and before they came to remember the emotion, the monster's roar sounded again.

On Su Bai's side, it was also found that a new red dot appeared within the stereoscopic detection range.

It was still the familiar iron armored lizard, but this time, there were two more.


After Su Bai finished speaking, he started to charge with the Longyin Sword.

It may be that the monster found that there are not many people defending him here, so they all concentrated.

Of the dozen or so iron-clad lizards this time, almost ten flocked to the eastern gap.

And Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue defended only a few western positions.

The bowstring of the slanted moon bow vibrated, and the arrow flew out, pierced through the eyes of the iron armored lizards, and destroyed their brains.

In less than half a minute, the new iron armored lizards all fell down.

Xuan Mengyue had an unreal feeling.

When did she become so strong.

If you haven't become a power user, you can use a longbow to kill black iron monsters in seconds. If you become a power user, won't you be able to compete with bronze-level monsters?

This was something that was unthinkable before.

But she also did not eat the fruit of supernatural power, so where did such great power come from.

"It must be the island owner.

Xuan Mengyue was very determined.

Only the island owner has this kind of method, which can make her jump from an ordinary person to a master who is not inferior to the ability user.

"Islander, it's really unfathomable.

Xuan Mengyue's face was respectful, and she couldn't help but admire Su Bai.

On the other side, Su Bai, was strolling around under the siege of the ironclad lizards.

Every time the Longyin Sword in his hand sticks out, he can take away an iron armored lizard.

Before he could exert his strength, a dozen or so iron-clad lizards walked behind their companions and fell to the ground violently.

After the short battle, Su Bai glanced at the wartime merit list.

His kill count has reached 32, more than double that of the second place.

At this time, there is still no sign of rain.

It's just that the wind is stronger, and the clouds are overcast, and the light is dim.

A doomsday scene.

Su Bai threw the blood bead on the Longyin knife, ran to a high place a few steps, and looked at the vastness of the world, giving birth to a little emotion.

Collecting his thoughts, Su Bai looked around and found no trace of the monster on the sea.

Stereo detection is also unresponsive.

"Rest in place and stand by.""

Su Bai turned on the walkie-talkie and gave a command, walked down from the height, and started to clean the battlefield.

Although he became rich overnight and used the dark fruit to restrain a large amount of money, Su Bai knows the truth of accumulating a small amount of money.

The scales of the iron armored lizard were quickly cut off by him and transported back to a safe area by the earth spirit.

By the way, Su Bai is also looking for the magical crystals of the armored lizards.

The last time I enchanted the island, I didn't get the crystals of magical energy, and Su Bai is still haunted.

By increasing his level, he can not only obtain higher basic attributes, but also further expand the advantages of the [Killing God] entry.

Most importantly, it can increase the chance of entry fixation.

This is what Su Bai values ​​most.

If he is still the same as before, he can only fix three entries, how can he have the current strength.


Su Bai's thoughts were interrupted by the crisp sound. With a happy expression on his face, the dragon yin knife cut through the flesh and blood of the armored lizard and found the crystal of magic energy.

While recovering, Su Bai ordered two rock soldiers to check the body of the iron armored lizard in the west.

Then he turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Du Ling, if you have magic energy crystals, you can absorb it directly.

Magical energy crystals are harmful to ordinary people, and only island owners and power users can absorb them.

Su Bai himself wants to level up, but Du Ling's level cannot be left behind.

It is a pity that Xuan Mengyue has not awakened for the time being, and cannot use the magic crystal, so she can only upgrade it later.

In this regard, Xuan Mengyue has no opinion.

She believes that the island owner will not forget her, just do her own thing.

Su Bai put away the walkie-talkie, shook off the blood stains on the magic crystal and absorbed it.

Immediately, I was delighted to discover that it was one step closer to the upgrade.

This storm crisis will become the cornerstone for him to become stronger.

Not long after, Du Ling heard news.

They also found magic crystals there, but only one.

Su Bai immediately asked Du Ling to absorb it.

It didn't upgrade, but it also improved Du Ling's strength a bit.

On Su Bai's side, a second magic energy crystal was found.

Nothing to say, just absorb it directly.

The power continued to emerge, as if there was endless power.

Su Bai wanted to shout out who else.

In his current state, he will definitely be able to kill him within a quarter of an hour when he encounters the demonized anaconda before.

After adjusting to the new power, Su Bai waited for the monster to reappear.

As a result, he was greatly disappointed, and he didn't even see the shadow of the monster.

Glancing at the newcomer chat area, it was the same, the monster's offensive slowed down.

However, the two attacks have already caused huge casualties.

Some apprentice island owners were shocked to find that six or seven friends in his friends column disappeared silently.

Perhaps he gave up his identity as the island owner and chose to return to Blue Star.

The bigger possibility is that they were killed by monsters.

Just seeing it in the chat area, at least more than 300 apprentice island owners have lost news.

The actual number of casualties is definitely greater.

And this is only the calculated island owner.

You must know that even if the island owner chooses to develop independently, they will not have only themselves on the island.

Definitely hiring someone.

When those casualties are added in, the total is exaggerated.

And this is just the beginning!

The storm did not come, and the monster's offensive was maintained at a minimum level.

The monsters that appear now have different types, but their levels are all very fixed.

It's the black iron subordinate.

Not even an intermediate.

Obviously, the monster's attack is also in batches.

The cannon fodder troops take the lead first, and then the main force.

Just a tentative attack made it difficult for many trainee island owners to resist, and what would happen in the future could be imagined.

Pessimistic remarks can be seen everywhere in the newcomer chat area.

[Lighthouse Country-Ross: These monsters are not something we can contend against at all, I am going to give up my identity as the island owner and return to Blue Star]

[Bangzi Kingdom-Park Demeng: Xiba, I want to sell 90% of the island ownership, but no consortium dares to take over]

[Fusang Kingdom - Shimamura Saburo: The consortium is not panic because of the money, now even the fools can see that the harm of this storm is beyond imagination, what do they want your broken island to do, the resources can still be heard when thrown into the water, Teleported to your island, not even a fart]

[Bangzi Country-Park Demeng: What did you say!]

[The sun never sets - Barnard: Shut up, you two, don't you think everyone's heart is not messed up enough?]

[Lighthouse Kingdom-Eden: If I knew this earlier, I would smash the pot and sell iron to buy Su Shen's dark fruit, and his kill count is 32]

[A Sanguo-Roer: Don't say it, I'm regretting my bowels now]

[Lighthouse Country-Richard: Hahahaha, I'm in great shape now, why haven't the monsters come, my hands are itchy! 】


There is a saying what to say.

Just as Richard's message was released, a gust of wind swept across the stormy area.

Countless island owners shivered involuntarily.

Before they could curse the weather, there was an unpleasant scream from the sky.

The apprentice island owner looked up and cursed in his heart.

Damn Richard, what a crow's mouth.

The monster really came.

And it's the toughest flying monster ever!

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