All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter five hundred and sixty-one is another acquaintance\r

After leaving the camp where Joan of Arc was, Su Bai continued to look for the base of the mechanic.

In my heart, I wondered who I would meet next.

The gears of fortune have begun to turn.

Around the future of this fifth heaven, many strong people will be involved involuntarily, and finally converge in one place, blooming the most splendid brilliance.

As for the final outcome, many times it is out of personal control.

Under the tide of fate, the influence of individuals is minimal.

What Su Bai has to do is to jump out of this torrent of fate and truly dominate his own life.

After meeting Joan of Arc, Su Bai was thinking about a problem.

Will you meet those famous people you've ever heard of.

It turns out.


Like this one in front of me.

A firm face, a strong body, his name is Arthur.

"Presumably Your Excellency is the most famous "Nine Two Three" God Emperor Su Bai. 99

Arthur was very polite and took the initiative to come over to say hello.

Speaking of this encounter, it is also very coincidental.

Su Bai found the mechanical family base, rushed in from the front, and destroyed countless mechanical god emperors.

Seeing that the computing core was about to explode, the scream of killing sounded from the side.

Immediately afterwards, Arthur rushed into the base with the gods, ready to kill the Quartet.

It turned out that Su Bai was carrying the computing core.

The scene was a little awkward.

Fortunately, the mechanical clan has been blown up, otherwise there will definitely be casualties for such a moment of stunned.

However, after a brief stupor, Arthur calmly put away his long sword and stepped forward to say hello.

His intelligence-gathering work was in place, and he recognized Su Bai right away.

And Su Bai is also a little curious about this famous figure.

Anyway, the mechanical base was bombed, and he had nothing to do, so he responded to Arthur's invitation and went to their gathering point as a guest.

However, before setting off, Su Bai carefully analyzed the information and determined that there were no aliens attacking the gathering point.

Speaking of which, Su Bai finds himself fighting every time he goes to the gathering place of the gods.

This made Su Bai dumbfounded.

It makes him almost become a leading party, which is also outrageous.

Fortunately, the aliens are very face-saving this time, and there is no sign of related battles.

The gathering point led by Arthur is smaller than that of Joan of Arc.

But the overall strength is strong.

It belongs to the type of elite soldiers and strong generals, winning by quality.

The small number of people also facilitates transfer and concealment.

It is also a wise choice in unfavorable circumstances.

Of course, there are also disadvantages.

Once caught in a tight encirclement, it is very difficult to break out of the encirclement.

Because it is impossible to divide troops and arrange reserve teams in other places.

Su Bai chatted with Arthur for a while, talking about Joan of Arc.

Arthur said: "I have also heard the name of Joan of Arc, she is a very talented emperor, and her strength should not be underestimated.

Su Bai nodded in agreement.

Joan of Arc's talent is undeniable.

However, this Arthur in front of him is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

He already has the rank of the God Sovereign of Ten Thousand Stars, and he has mastered many secret techniques.

Su Bai thought for a moment and decided to give Arthur another fire.

Su Bai said: "God Emperor Arthur came up step by step from the first heaven. I don't know what secret techniques he mastered when he was in the fourth heaven."

Arthur's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't answer directly, but thought about his face.

This is considering Su Bai's intentions.

After a while, Arthur thought about it and replied: "I have mastered some, but they are all the secret techniques of ordinary sects, and they are not worth mentioning.

Speaking of this, Arthur sighed and said, "When I was in the fourth heaven, I was very curious about those top sects, but unfortunately, the opportunity did not come, and it was a pity that I couldn't join them."

Su Bai asked, "Which sect did Emperor Arthur want to join at that time?"

Arthur smiled and didn't hide it, and replied: "It's Wanjianzong, I'm a little interested in their secret technique of making swords, but unfortunately I don't fit well with Kendo. 99

Su Bai nodded, it seemed that Arthur had worked hard.

Wan Jianzong confiscated Arthur, but it is easy to understand, after all, in the eyes of the cultivators of the fourth heaven, these people are all ascenders and cannot be considered their own.

There is innate estrangement, and no matter how hard you try the day after tomorrow, it will be difficult to achieve results.

Concentrating his mind, Su Bai said, "I have a secret method called the Great Sun View Thought. I don't know if God Emperor Arthur is interested. 35

"The idea of ​​​​the Great Sun?" Arthur was obviously stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he asked uncertainly: "Is it the top secret method of the Great Sun Zen, the idea of ​​​​the Great Sun?!

Su Bai nodded and gave a positive answer: "Yes, it is the secret method you know.

Arthur was shocked and praised sincerely: "Your relationship network is really admirable... I also knew about the Zen Buddhism at the beginning, but unfortunately I don't even know where the sect is.

Su Bai touched his nose and smiled: "Actually, I don't know where the Great Sun Zen Sect is, but I met their Buddhist son, and with some fate, I got the idea of ​​the Great Sun View from him."

Arthur was taken aback.

Immediately admiration.

In fact, it is not difficult to find Da Ri Zen Buddhism, as long as you take the time, you can always find it.

But it is not so easy to meet the Buddhist sons of the Da Ri Zen School.

After all, the position of the sect is fixed, and the Buddha can run around the world.

If there is no chance, even face to face.

And Su Bai not only met, but also had a good relationship with each other, and got the idea of ​​​​the big day.

This is something Arthur can't do.

After thinking for a moment, Arthur asked: "Why did your Excellency teach me such secret methods and what do you need me to do?"

In Arthur's mind, to obtain this top secret technique, there must be a price to pay.

He was going to ask first.

If the price is affordable, then agree to it.

If he was asked to do things that violated the principles, no matter how rare and precious the idea of ​​the Great Sun View was, he would reject it.

Even if there will be a conflict with Su Bai and he is killed by the other party, Arthur will not shake his principles.

However, Su Bai's next words left Arthur a little at a loss.

Su Bai said: "I didn't plan to ask you to do anything, you can just act according to your own ideas.

"Whether it's fighting against aliens or unifying 2.5 fifth heavens, I won't interfere.

These words made Arthur a little at a loss.

Didn't he communicate with Su Bai on the same channel?

Why can't I understand this.

Arthur asked again: "Is it really unconditional to teach me the idea of ​​​​the Great Sun?

Su Bai smiled, knowing that Arthur was hard to believe for a while.

After all, this kind of pie in the sky, the first reaction of normal people is that there is a problem.

Does Su Bai have a purpose?


But his purpose was just to see how, with a little extra intervention, everyone's fate would be affected.

It's an observation.

As for other purposes, there is none.

Su Bai didn't expect anything from Joan of Arc or Arthur in return.

What he wants, he will win with his own hands.

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