Almighty singer assistant system

Chapter 88 Ordinary Dream Chaser (Part [-])

Chapter 88 Ordinary Dream Chaser (Part [-])
on this ordinary day

i wear normal shoes

walking in this ordinary street

Take out your regular headphones
find some common sense
Come to my favorite ordinary music


Just at the beginning of the song, the magical melody and Luo Tianyi's unique voice made Tan Zhenhua start shaking his legs crazily.

'Grass! This is too poisonous! It's even more poisonous than the video I just made!' This was the first thought that came to Lao Tan.

But... what the hell is this PV made out of PPT?
"Forget it! It just sounds good! Don't worry about so many details, let's see how happy everyone is?" Tan Zhenhua immediately put aside the simple PV problem, looked at the joyful barrage, and began to appreciate everyone's different reactions.

[Warning: This video is highly poisonous, don't leave now that it's in]
[666666~UP Lord is really a god!]
[If this song doesn’t go up, it’s not our god!]
[Honey juice shaking legs]
[I'm really Hi~ I can't do it anymore~]
[The fear of being dominated by music...]
[Poisoned, poisoned...]
"'s really poisonous!"

At this moment, Tan Zhenhua also completely forgot about running away, and began to enjoy the whole video, and at the same time fell into the melody of brainwashing with everyone.

However, at this moment, he heard another person's voice.

Ordinary DISCO Our Ordinary Shake

Ordinary passers-by are watching

my ordinary soul in ordinary out of body
Ordinary burning in ordinary strokes

This time, what came to Lao Tan's ears was not the familiar Luoshen-style voice, but another relatively unfamiliar singing voice.

Right! It was only then that he remembered that the title of "Ordinary Disco" seemed to be a little different from the previous songs...

What is the difference?
Feeling surprised, Tan Zhenhua immediately moved the cursor to the top.

Work: [Luo Tianyi & Yanhe] "Ordinary disco".

"Is peace..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of this strange contributor name, Lao Tan's reaction was of course silently adding a follower!
Although the old V did not go into details before, he revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he and Luo Tianyi were not fighting alone, but that there was a band behind them. This "Yanhe" must be a member of the band, right?
Since this song is so poisonous and the voice is so powerful, our old Tan naturally chose to pay attention to it without hesitation!
At this time, the music is still going on, and the barrage is getting more and more exciting.

[Where is Jin Yiwei? Come here and put His Highness Tianyi's new song on top!]
[Ordinary disco, our ordinary shake, ordinary disco...]
[in an infinite loop...]
[His Royal Highness Contracting Tianyi! Contracting Yan and the little angels!]
And in the next moment, a dialogue-like plot suddenly appeared in the video.

"How are you friends in the back?
Let me see your hands! "

Luoshen Mengmeng's voice came, as if talking to countless audiences, Tan Zhenhua couldn't help raising his hands.

"Huh? What am I doing?" Then he put it down dumbfounded, listening to a song by himself, he could hear the tune of the concert!
Suddenly, Lao Tan had a flash of inspiration and sent out a barrage: [Hello friends from behind, let me see your pig hands!]
The result was as he expected, the following was stunned for a moment, and then many people responded.

[Upstairs, empty ear, get lost! Hahaha...]
[Konger 2333, I can't go back...]
[Cheers for normal disco lines! Cheers +1]
[Applause +2]
[Applause +3]

[Applause +10086]
However, the music continues...

Next, Lao Tan began to repeat the extremely brainwashing refrain and the main theme infinitely. Countless "ordinary XX" lingered in Lao Tan's heart, making him unable to wash it off even if he wanted to.

Even the Master of Shadow Stream, whom he had heard before, was as vulnerable as a mosquito touching a giant palm in front of "Ordinary Disco"!
"That's called music!"

After looping N times, Lao Tan struggled to tap the keyboard, finally overcame himself with strong willpower, forced to press the pause button, and woke up from the ordinary melody.

It has to be said that Wei Cheng's plan this time was very successful.

Because Tan Zhenhua is not alone, almost every listener who clicked into this video, after listening to "Ordinary disco", the lyrics such as "Ordinary disco, our ordinary shake..." and other lyrics have been echoing in their minds, completely blowing the video stream The effect caused by the Lord is thrown behind.

Of course, excluding those who went to see the Lord of Video Stream after watching "Ordinary Disco", most of the audience was like this.

"Such a good song, we must let everyone see it!"

With this in mind, Tan Zhenhua first gave out the daily double rewards, swiped through the reward list in a happy mood, and then returned to his homepage, recommending the song "Ordinary Disco".

In fact, he's not the only one doing this.

At the same time, Ye Shan, who didn't know where he was, also secretly shared this video with Elizabeth Shu's account, and by the way, he also gave a three-link, and immediately let a large number of B station users from the ghost animal area follow in.

As a result, they all coincidentally... were poisoned.

After all, the song of my great leader is so poisonous! Isn't it?
However, Lao Tan realized that he had forgotten something after finishing the showy operation.

"Huh? Why did I pack my bed? Look like I'm going to flee, wait!?"

The words "check the water meter" suddenly flashed in Tan Zhenhua's mind, his face turned green, and he wanted to rush out the door.

But at the moment when our old Tan wanted to run away, an arm with blue lightning and flawless white jade came out of the window and clasped Lao Tan's shoulders fiercely. At the same time, two familiar figures came into his eyes. eye.

Outside, a red-eyed girl with electric blue hair, just like an eagle catching a chicken, is one of the girls at station B, 22.

And outside, the white-haired Sanwu Lolita who was still shaking her head to the ordinary music was naturally 33.

"Hi~ Konger Kuangmo, did you enjoy listening to the music? Don't worry, you will be happier later.

Come, let's go to the little black room together! We will continue to play normal music there (laughs). 22 smiled brightly, obviously feeling happy because he could catch Lao Tan so easily this time.

"No! 22 mothers, 33 mothers, ignorance is innocent! I won't dare next time, at least let me listen to the second song first! I don't want to go into the little black room now... help me!"

The last image of Tan Zhenhua is that he was grabbed by the collar by the "nuclear" 22, picked up the rope and tied it up, and threw it on the bilibili that came from 33.

"It's been 33, I still have time to listen when I go back, don't get poisoned now!"

22 angrily and amusedly tapped the signal source on his sister's head, then activated the bilibili number and drove to a familiar place.

"Let's go! Go to the small black house."

Thus, Lao Tan, the well-known UP master, was brought into the small black room by ordinary 2233.

(End of this chapter)

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