Alternative Stories

Chapter 7 Unleashing My Frustrations

(Bloody hell...) This was all I managed to get out before...before "Techno Syndrome" started playing in my head.

(Really?! Just really?!) I asked dumbfounded.

[Focus.] Goldy muttered with a slight snicker under his breath and I could only hiss in annoyance at his antics.

(Well...shit!) Was the last thing that I got out before everything went to hell and I was forced into a fight for survival.

It charged at me almost immediately. I had to duck out of the way as it dropped down on to all fours and pounced forward at me with a screech of pure primal and single minded ferocity. Thankfully I was nimble enough to get out of the way just in time, only to then realize that it hadn't actually stopped with just that. It kept going, it kept running forward as it pulled itself on to the north wall like a spider before jumping at me again from above this time.

(Motherfucker!) I yelled as it slammed into my form with enough force to send the both of us rolling across the ground in a chaotic flailing of limbs.

I had been expecting it, I had seen this coming, the memory of the movies and games were enough of a warning but this? This was just terrifying. I had known that xenomorphs would kill anything they saw as a threat to the hive without even the slightest care for their own lives but this was just insane. 

The fact that it had no self preservation instinct at all gave it an advantage that I just didn't have, of course however I did have my own advantages in this fight. My intelligence, ability to reason and plan, that was my advantage, my edge. And if you add on my new instincts as well, then...well, I wasn't going down without a fight at the very least.

Anyway, driven by my instinct and the desire to live, I attacked back to the best of my ability, claws and teeth ripped through flesh spilling acidic blood across the floor in large amounts. It seems that the scientists were smart enough to make the containment as acid resistant as possible however, so the floor actually didn't melt too much, not that there wasn't still damage to the surrounding area but you get what I mean.

Eventually I was able to fling it off me but it didn't stop, in fact it just scrambled to its feet again and charged at me once more. I managed to get it to back off for a second by swiping my tail at it but only just for a second.

(Why won't you just fuck off already?) I growled in frustration as I got ready for its next attack.

[You are a threat to its hive, it will do anything to kill you no matter the cost to itself.]

(I know that already! I was being rhetorical!) I hissed as I raked my claws across its fucking face as it attempted to lunge forward at me again.

It screeched once more, flashing its metallic looking teeth in rage as it grabbed on to me and flung me across the room. I attempted to pull myself up once more but before I could shakily get back to my feet however it rammed into me with its head causing me to roll even further across the ground.

Oh I was mad now, I really was. It continued to run towards me but this time I picked myself up and I ran forward towards it as well. We slammed into each other with quite a lot of force, however I kept going while ignoring all of its attempts to push me away. I bit into its shoulder, I clawed out chunks of its flesh and I refused to let it go no matter how much it struggled. Of course I was wounded as well, it cut a rather painful gash into my side with its bladed tail while clawing at me in a mad fury.

Eventually however it managed to wiggle free of my grip while also forcing me to back off somewhat by swinging its tail at my head with the intention to skewer me through the skull. Continuing from there however I jumped backward and clawed my way on to the ceiling where it soon followed after me.

Through out all of this those fuckers were just standing there behind the glass, watching like this was some kind of dog fight or something. I was tempted to just shatter the glass with my acidic blood and let them join in on the carnage but I stopped myself, mostly because I'd probably just get gunned down by any guards that were standing outside. Although I would later do something very similar to this anyway.

Back to the problem at hand however, I was currently in the middle of fighting for my life after the bastard went and knocked me off of the roof. I was desperately trying my best to stay out of the range of that inner jaw, a weapon that could most definitely do me in if it hit my head directly.

Jumping away to give myself a second to think, I waited for it to leap at me before leaping forward as well and tackling into its now exposed torso. My goal in doing this was relatively simple, pin it down and finish it off before it can escape again. I slashed at its face and chest with my claws while wrapping my tail around its own in an attempt to stop it from stabbing me through the back.

It didn't just take this lying down without trying to fight back of course and for the third time we wrestled for control as we tried to kill each other. The claw marks that covered my arms and side were enough evidence for the struggle we went through but I didn't care, I didn't care at all. At this moment I was far too pissed off, I was far too fed up, I was far too frustrated and overall just done with this whole situation, I just didn't give a shit anymore.

As time went on these irritations only grew and grew until they reached a boiling point. My attacks became more animalistic, more aggressive, more feral. Maybe because of the instincts of my new body telling me to kill anything that was considered an enemy or maybe because I hadn't been handling this situation as well as I thought I had been...or...or maybe both at the same time had caused this but it didn't matter now.

Since my resurrection or whatever you want to call it I have been bottling up everything, my fear, my frustration, my rage, my resentment, and now? Now I had a perfect target to release all those built up emotions upon without any repercussions for my actions. To put it simply, I tore the bastard to pieces like a starved and desperate animal driven only by the maddening urge to live.

I ripped its body limb from limb with teeth and claws. I cut its bloody tendons so that it couldn't move its arms or legs. I sliced off the end of its tail with my own as I clawed at various points along its body. When it tried to bite me with its inner jaw I grabbed it and ripped the fucking thing out. When it tried to struggle free from me once again I grabbed a hold of it by the head and started smashing the damn thing into the glass of the observation room over and over and over again until its head was nothing but paste. 

To say there was a mess would be an understatement. In fact the people behind the glass were having a panic attack, mostly because the only thing separating them from me was currently melting into a puddle due to the acid that had been splattered against it. Thankfully however they quickly calmed down when they saw me collapse limply to the ground like a puppet that had its strings cut. I of course did this on purpose both in hopes of stopping their hissy fit and because I was completely and utterly exhausted.

[That was quite impressive.]

(Fuck off...) I hissed out as I curled my body up against the floor while I twitched slightly from the pain that now seeped through my body.

I could hear the security yelling something as they entered the room but I didn't care, I really didn't. Everything hurt like hell and I was exhausted beyond reason, so I just couldn't be bothered to actually do anything about it at the moment.

I sighed as several people nervously pointed guns at me but I wasn't really in a state to actually do anything at the moment, so their fear was basically pointless. (Would you all just fuck off...)

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