Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 128: Dodges

That night’s prayer had concluded without incident, dinner had been enjoyed, and only sleep remained for Althea as she gazed up at the night sky from the guest room’s balcony.

“Stars… still, they’re not visible.”

Since the world had been shrouded in darkness, it had become impossible to see the stars even at night. The so-called daytime was also enveloped in darkness, making the distinction between day and night discernible only by the depth of the gloom and the passage of time. This darkness had been increasing steadily, with the difference between the intensity of day and night growing smaller each day.

Thanks to the discovery of the Maiden of Dawn and the subsequent initiation of prayers by two maidens, the darkness had stabilized at a certain level. However, whether it would continue to deepen or lighten remained unknown. Given the uncertainty, it was crucial to acquire the Sword of the Sun, the only known means to break the cycle, as soon as possible.

At the edge of the royal castle, lights were still burning. It was likely due to preparations for the knights departing the next day.


“What is it?”

Althea called to the fairy who had recently returned to her side.

“What did the goddess say?”

“She said that to obtain the sword, you must first go to the cave in the east.”

“First? Not that the sword is in the eastern cave?”

“Yes. You need to obtain something from the eastern cave. After that, you must acquire something else from another location. Only with the two proofs of what you’ve obtained will you be able to meet the sword.”

“I see. If it were that simple, the demons would have obtained or destroyed it long ago.”

“…The goddess also said, ‘No need to come again.’ She mentioned that even if I don’t visit her directly, she’ll be able to speak with you in dreams if you sleep with me.”

“Sleep together?… You mean connecting through dreams?”

“Probably? I used to visit her often, and because of that, I could mark you. Oh, but… she said it must be in the Dream World.”

“Mark?… Perhaps she means an imprint? The Dream World?… So, it means I can connect through dreams via you?”

“I don’t quite understand, but…”

“Well, we’ll find out if we try sleeping together tonight. So, Ciel, let’s sleep together.”

As Althea turned to return to her room, she heard a rustling sound nearby. She stopped and looked in the direction of the sound, where she saw Siegfried looking up at her.

“Your Highness…?”

When Althea approached the balcony railing again and called out,

“I’m glad to see you, Althea. Sorry for the late hour, but… could you come over here? I’d like to talk for a bit…”

Siegfried said, somewhat awkwardly.

Although meeting a member of the opposite sex alone at such a late hour wasn’t the most commendable of actions, considering the circumstances and the fact they would be fighting together as part of the expedition starting the next day, Althea nodded and stepped onto the balcony.

“What?… Wait…!!”

Before Siegfried could react, Althea leaped over the balcony railing. Simultaneously, she cast wind magic and floated gently to the ground.

“Thank you for waiting.”

Althea spoke as if nothing had happened, and Siegfried, with a wry smile,

“Really, you… You always do the unexpected.” he replied with a relieved expression.

The two then strolled through the garden while talking.

It seemed that Ciel decided to wait quietly in Althea’s bedroom.

“It’s been two days, hasn’t it? I heard from Father that the ceremony went well… I’m sorry for leaving you unattended for two days.”

Siegfried lowered his head apologetically towards Althea.

“That’s not necessary, Your Highness. Please, raise your head. You must have been busy, right? I heard you were reorganizing the expeditionary force in just two days. And you had meetings with the captains of the expeditionary forces this afternoon, didn’t you? My brother informed me of that, as well as that I am to follow his instructions. Moreover, I heard you were also researching something, even sacrificing your sleep. It’s more concerning if you’re overworking yourself. Are you alright?”

Despite being surprised by the sudden apology, Althea voiced her concern.

“Ah, yes… I’m fine. I’ll make sure to get proper rest tonight. But are you okay? You absorbed the advanced magicbook… You said you were fine at the time, but it’s hard to say there won’t be any aftereffects. Since there’s no precedent, it’s best to be cautious.”

“That’s true. I’ll ask the goddess about it next time.”

“The goddess?… Ah, through the fairy, then?”

“No, it seems we’ll be able to meet in dreams from now on.”

“…What does that mean?”

Althea explained the recent conversation with Ciel.

“I see… But won’t that put a strain on your body?”

Siegfried looked momentarily convinced but then expressed concern for Althea’s well-being again.

“You really are quite the worrywart. I can’t say for certain, but if what Ciel said is accurate, it should probably be fine.”

Althea responded with a chuckle.

Siegfried, relieved by Althea’s answer, took a moment before speaking again.

“Regarding tomorrow… As you’ve heard from Reg, you’ll need to follow his instructions. However, I think you’ll be operating separately from him.”


“Yes, Reg will likely lead the Fourth Knights on the front lines. Knowing Reg, he’ll probably assign you to support and healing roles from the rear.”

“But… I can fight too…”

“I’m aware of that. However, several smaller units of the Fourth Knights will be accompanying us. Even just appointing Regalus as the commander was met with dissatisfaction. Of course, Regalus silenced those objections with his abilities…”

“With his abilities?”

“Yes, during the meeting this afternoon, the commander of the Fourth Knights expressed dissatisfaction with Regalus and Oliver being added as leaders of the expeditionary force. It’s understandable; both are still students, despite their talents. Oliver, as a commander of a unit from the Magic Ministry, focuses mainly on support magic, so it’s not a big issue. Regalus, however, is a different story. He’s to be the leader of a small team selected from the Second Royal Guard. From the Fourth Knights’ commander’s perspective, it’s probably unacceptable that Regalus, a mere student and the crown prince’s aide, is being treated as an equal.”

The kingdom's knight orders are categorized from the First to the Fifth. The First and Second are known as the Royal Guards, while the Third through Fifth are simply referred to as knight orders. The assignment to these orders is determined based on one's noble status, commoner origins, and individual strength.

Members of the First through Third Orders are typically nobles, while the Fourth and Fifth Orders consist of skilled individuals from commoner backgrounds. A member of the Fourth Order, if recognized for their achievements, can be granted a temporary noble title, enabling them to join the Third Order or higher.

The current mission involves the Fourth Order, meaning knights of commoner origin, who are, in terms of skill, far superior to the nobles of the Third Order.

It is only natural that such individuals would harbor dissatisfaction towards an inexperienced youth.

“So, my brother silenced them with his abilities?”

“Regalus likely anticipated something like this. However, the leader of the Fourth Order said, ‘Certainly, Thomas Monclair was reputed to be strong, but that was in the past. To become a commander merely through the influence of one’s parents—how enviable the position of a noble is.’ …As you know, Regalus despises having his family or house belittled. He thought, ‘If they’re going to say that, they might as well verify it.’”

“…He challenged them to a duel, didn’t he?”

Nodding slightly, Siegfried confirmed.

“I understand. So, the issue will be resolved by proving my abilities, correct?”

“Why does it always come to this?!… No, that’s not exactly what I meant…”

Seeing Siegfried’ surprise and frustration, Althea laughed.

“Just kidding, I wouldn’t actually do that. …I was merely teasing His Highness a bit.”

Siegfried laughed, looking both exasperated and amused. After facing Althea directly, he spoke with a serious expression.



“Tomorrow’s journey will undoubtedly be harsh and grueling. You’ll likely be scrutinized by knights who don’t know you, and some may even hurl cruel words and attempt to disgrace you. Considering that, I’d prefer not to bring you along.”


“However! …Having you accompany us will significantly speed up the exploration, and it might even lead to an earlier day when you and Lady Lily can be freed from your duties. …I understand, I understand, but… I simply can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt.”

Siegfried had somehow clasped Althea’s hands and pressed them gently against his forehead, trembling slightly.

The more he researched in the forbidden library, the more he found the demons' obsession with the Maiden of Dawn was intense. Even if she were placed in a supposedly safe location, it wouldn’t be protected; more and more barriers failed to suffice. The fixation was so extreme that he questioned if he could truly protect Althea. He wanted to keep her by his side but feared the slander and condemnation she might face if he did.

After a moment of silently contemplating while holding his hands, Althea slowly tightened her grip and spoke.

“Your Highness, thank you for your concern. And… thank you for listening to my selfish request. Without you, I would probably still be in my room at the academy, shedding tears of regret. Just that is more than enough for me. Please, think only of your duties—”

“Why do you say such things?! …Even knowing my feelings…!!”

Siegfried suddenly lifted his face, his voice laced with anger.

Althea was startled by Siegfried's anger and recalled the emotions conveyed when she had revealed herself as the Maiden of Dusk.

“Ah, I-I’m sorry—”

“I’m not asking for an apology. …No, I’m the one who should apologize for raising my voice.”

“No, Your Highness, it’s only natural for you to be angry. I… truly… how rude of me…”

The two of them lowered their hands, remaining silent and downcast for a moment.

It was Siegfried who broke the silence.

“Althea… If you truly feel remorse, there’s one request I’d like to make…”

“Yes, of course, what is it? If it’s something I can do…”

“It’s something only you can do. …From now on, when we’re alone together, could you call me ‘Zed’?”

“...Zed, sir? …The name you used when disguised as a knight?”

“You don’t need to add ‘sir’. …Yes, it’s the name I used as a knight. …As proof that I am your knight… could you call me that?”

With anticipation, Siegfried pleaded once more.

“Yes, only me… just me… How about it?”

Feeling suddenly embarrassed and unable to look him directly in the eye, Althea bowed her head and nodded, her face flushed in embarassment.

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