Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 135: The Aftermath

After parting ways with the Phoenix, Althea and Laila stealthily returned to blend in with the rear of the squad. They found themselves amidst the chaos of treating those wounded in battle against the monsters.

Initially, Althea had tried to stay hidden to avoid detection, but upon seeing the injured, she couldn’t help but assist. Whenever she came across a soldier from either the RGC or Starry Skies armies with wounds, she used her wind magic to provide as much healing as possible.

Once the nearby injuries had been attended to, Althea noticed a commotion some distance away. Her gaze fell upon her brother, Regalus, who was desperately treating a patient.

“Hurry! The magical stones!”

Regalus, who was usually brimming with magical energy, seemed to be struggling to maintain his power. Althea, forgetting her intention to remain hidden, called out without thinking.


Regalus, initially surprised, showed a brief look of relief before quickly returning to a serious expression.

“Thank goodness... Althea, help me! Someone, bring the magical stones quickly!”

Regalus issued commands efficiently while continuing his treatment.

“Althea, I’m barely managing to stabilize the upper body’s cells. Please check and treat the legs. If... if it’s too late...”

His voice faltered before continuing.

“...Amputate. The life is more important than the limbs. We must save this person no matter what!”

Althea’s eyes widened as she recognized the severely injured individual. The person, covered in blood and breathing shallowly, was none other than Yugg, the second prince of the nation of Starry Skies, who led the Starry Skies forces.

Yugg had a large, deep cut running from his right shoulder to his left side, with significant bleeding. His side was swollen and bruised. Additionally, there were multiple bite marks on both of his legs, and he was barely clinging to life.

Regalus was known for his top-tier healing abilities among current students and was among the best in the Magic Ministry. His brother’s urgent plea indicated how critical the situation was.

Seeing Yugg’s condition left Althea frozen in shock. Regalus’s voice snapped her out of it.

“Althea, pull yourself together! We don’t have time to be dazed!”

Realizing the urgency, Althea rushed to Yugg’s side, examining his legs while casting a spell.

'…The bite wounds are too deep… and this... is it a neurotoxin? Even if the external injuries are healed, the nerves might suffer permanent damage… If it were anyone else, this would be a lost cause… but if it’s me…'

“...Brother, has anyone assessed the condition of the legs?”

Althea, steeling herself, asked Regalus quietly as he continued treating the upper body.

“...Ah, yes.”

“Then, please handle the treatment for those injuries.”


After their whispered exchange, Althea raised her voice to address the surrounding crowd.

“It’s too noisy to properly assess the situation. I’ll create a barrier to isolate us.”

With that, a dome of earth rose from the ground around Althea and Regalus, blocking out the view of the onlookers.

The soldiers from Starry Skies, who had been anxiously gathered around, approached the barrier, banging on it with their hands.

“Damn it! What are you doing with the prince?”

“Break down this barrier! We need to save the prince!”

“Get mages here!”

They shouted angrily. Off to the side, a confrontation between Starry Skies and RGC soldiers was visible.

Inside the isolated area, Althea cast a high-level spell.


As Althea spoke the incantation, Yugg’s complexion visibly improved, indicating that the treatment was taking effect.

“Brother, I think it’s going to be okay. The internal injuries should be nearly healed. I’ve left the external wounds as they are. It’s difficult to make excuses otherwise.”

Althea’s brow was beaded with sweat, an unusual sight for her.

Once the treatment was complete and the earth dome spell was lifted, they found themselves surrounded by Starry Skies soldiers brandishing swords and spears, their blades pointed menacingly.

“What is the meaning of this?!”

Regalus’s voice, unusually low and stern, cut through the tension.

“What do you mean, ‘meaning’? Did you kill the prince because you couldn’t heal him?”

The Starry Skies soldiers glared menacingly, clearly not in a calm state.

Amidst the tense standoff, Althea stood up, smiling brightly at the soldiers despite their threatening stance. The soldier whose gaze met hers blushed and quickly turned away. This reaction drew the attention of others, briefly shifting their focus to the two soldiers.

In that moment, Althea and Regalus used their agility to leap away, landing outside the circle of Starry Skies soldiers.

“What?! When did they—”

As Regalus and Althea made their escape, one soldier realized their intention.

“...Are they trying to flee?!”

The soldier turned and swung his sword at Althea, who drew her dagger and deflected the attack.

“It’s cruel to leave the wounded behind.”

As Althea spoke, Regalus swiftly thrust his sword into the soldier’s neck.


“Even if this action is misunderstood, I won’t tolerate my sister being threatened...! However, first, we need to ensure that Prince Yugg receives further treatment. He’s stable for now, but beyond this, it’s beyond our capacity and could endanger our lives. I leave the rest to you.”

“Captain! The prince… he’s still breathing!!”

Almost simultaneously with Regalus’s words, a soldier from behind announced. The soldier who had been holding his sword against Althea, now lowered it and rushed to Yugg’s side.

“Really? Is it true... that the prince was saved despite his injuries?”

Other soldiers gathered around Yugg, joyfully confirming his condition with tears in their eyes.

Seeing this, Regalus and Althea nodded and quietly left the scene.

Immediately afterward, Althea was taken to a secluded spot by Regalus and was now sitting in seiza, being reprimanded.

Despite the necessity of their mission to rescue the Phoenix, acting without permission meant they were subject to punishment.

If Althea could reveal the reasons for her actions, there might be understanding, but doing so could expose many of her secrets, so she remained silent.

As Regalus pondered the appropriate punishment, a frantic voice called out from behind Althea.


Turning around, Althea saw Siegfried, looking utterly exhausted.

After receiving the report from Regalus that Althea was missing post-disembarkation, Siegfried had hurriedly finished his tasks and set out alone to search nearby.

Upon seeing Althea, Siegfried hugged her without hesitation.

“...It’s really you? Are you unhurt? Where have you been? Why did you act on your own?”

Overwhelmed by the rapid-fire questions and the unexpected embrace, Althea was half-panic, but Regalus, remaining composed, separated them.

“...Your Highness, even though we’re in a secluded area, please calm down.”

Regalus then briefly explained to Siegfried the situation: Althea’s solo actions and the subsequent rescue of Prince Yugg.

Once Siegfried had calmed down, he listened silently to Regalus’s account.

“I see... The Phoenix was freed, and Prince Yugg was saved. I’m truly grateful. Thank you, Althea. ...But why are you being punished?”

Regalus shared his internal conflict about upholding squad discipline over revealing secrets.

“I see... It’s understandable that the existence of the high-level magicbook and the secret cannot be disclosed. To those unaware, it only appears as if the young lady acted on her own. ...For the military, it’s indeed a significant issue.”

Siegfried, now also contemplating, was approached by Curio, who sought permission to speak.

After receiving approval, Curio suggested.

“...How about relocating the squad? Of course, given the morning and evening prayers, a few days would be appropriate.”

“Relocation? Will that be a punishment?”

Siegfried asked curiously.

“It depends on the destination, but if it’s a move to the Fourth Knights’s general troops, it would likely be seen as a punishment by the other members.”

Curio responded nonchalantly.

“General troops?!... Isn’t that a unit carrying loads? Althea is the daughter of Archduke Thomas Monclair!”

“Yes, that’s precisely why. Making a lady carry supplies would appear as sufficient punishment. However, it might not be too difficult for Althea, considering her regular training.”

Siegfried and Regalus looked at Althea, who was sitting in seiza.

Meeting their gazes, Althea replied with determination.

“Yes, I’m fine. It might even strengthen my legs and back. I have no problem with it.”

Thus, the decision on the treatment for Althea and Laila’s solo actions was announced as a punishment during the evening meal before Regalus’s squad and the Fourth Knight Brigade.


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