Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 139: Goddess of the Moon?

“What on earth…? Earlier, you mentioned a ‘barrier.’ What does that mean?”

Siegfried, unable to believe what was unfolding before him, questioned the fairy.

“We’ll explain later! For now, get inside the cave. The time to enter is limited—!?”

As the fairy instructed everyone to enter the cave, Ciel, having noticed something, pushed Althea into the cave.

Thrown into the cave, Althea glanced back from the entrance. There, she saw the fairy holding back a large bird’s talon with a magical sword.


Althea attempted to rush outside to fight, but something prevented her from leaving.

While she beat against the invisible barrier with her bare hands, she looked back at the fairy.

The creature confronting the fairy was a being with a female upper body and hands that had transformed into wings. Surrounding the fairy were Curio, Laila, and others all taking a defensive stance and surveying the area.

“…What kind of monster is attacking Ciel?”

Althea murmured, and Siegfried, who seemed to have been thrown into the cave by Curio's prompt reaction, answered.

“That… is probably a Harpy. It’s my first time seeing one in person, but…”

Though only one Harpy was visible, more goblins were emerging from the forest deeper within.

“Goblins from the back—! Why? Why can’t I get out of the cave?!”

Desperately trying to escape, Althea continued to strike at the barrier, which remained silent and unyielding.

In an attempt to alert everyone to the danger, Althea shouted.

“Everyone, run away! Goblins are coming from the back! Ciel, Laila, get out of here!!”

The fairy, while fending off the Harpy’s attacks, responded to her.

“Althea, listen. The cave’s barrier will only be open for a short time. The time has already passed, so we can’t go back inside… and neither can the monsters. So, focus on moving forward.”

“But leaving everyone behind—”

“No, it’s not that. I’m telling you to handle your business and come back quickly. When you return, help us with the monster hunt. We’ll hold out until then… Prince, I leave Althea to you.”

Hearing the fairy’s words, Siegfried nodded and, gripping Althea’s arm, began to move deeper into the cave.

“W-wait, Your Highness! Are you abandoning everyone? Even Lord Curio is out there—”

“I’m not abandoning anyone!!!”

Siegfried’s voice rose as he firmly held onto Althea’s arm. His tone caused Althea to stop struggling.

“I’m not abandoning them. But if we stay outside now, we can do nothing but waste time. We need to finish what needs to be done here and find a way to get out. As soon as possible. …And, Althea, didn’t you say, ‘They’re strong. So it’ll be alright’? If that’s the case, then we must trust them and move forward.”

Without turning back, Siegfried continued, his shoulders trembling slightly. His followers were fighting numerous monsters outside. Even though they were strong, it was impossible not to feel anxious. The number of goblins was unknown; it could be dozens, or worst-case scenario, hundreds. Pushing aside those worries, he had to keep moving forward. He was a descendant of the Sun God and a crucial figure in saving the world. Althea shared the same importance.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Althea said, “I apologize for my earlier outburst. Let’s proceed, Your Highness. We need to finish this quickly and return to everyone.”

There was no hesitation in Althea’s eyes.

—Time is of the essence.

The two of them ran deeper into the cave. The fairy had said to “be at ease,” so they assumed there were no further obstacles inside and continued forward. They soon reached an open space.

At the far end of the open area stood an altar, with something red stacked upon it.

Hurrying yet cautious, they approached the altar and discovered that the red objects were feathers of a phoenix.

Siegfried picked up one of the feathers and murmured, “Is this… from the Phoenix?”

The moment he spoke, all the red feathers on the altar soared into the air, forming the shape of a phoenix. The apparition began to speak in the air.

“Welcome, descendant of the Sun. I’m truly sorry, but it seems I won’t be able to wait for you here. I apologize. However, I will leave behind what you need to obtain here. What you must acquire is the Phoenix's feather. Take the feathers and head to the next location. The next place is… a shrine on the western edge of a country now called Royal Grand Central. With the items you acquire there and the Phoenix's feathers, proceed to the sacred place to obtain what you desire. There is little time before the world is completely enveloped in darkness. Ordinary means of transportation won’t be sufficient. However, I have prepared a means of transport for the foolish yet brave Maiden of Dusk. With this means, you will surely make it in time. Take all the Phoenix's feathers here for the transportation. All of them. …Sun… descendant… Moon’s… blessing…”

Once the phoenix’s phantom delivered its message, it vanished gracefully, leaving behind only the dozens of scattered red feathers on the ground.

Following the instructions, the two quickly began gathering the red feathers.

As they worked, an eerie cry echoed from outside. The sound grew louder and more ominous. It was unmistakably the cry of a creature unlike any human.

Despite their concern about the unsettling noise from outside, the two continued to collect all the fallen red feathers and then sprinted back the way they came.

—Outside, their comrades were battling Harpies and Goblins. As if being overwhelmed by numbers wasn’t enough, now there was a beast making such a loud and intimidating sound—

They neared the entrance of the cave.

Earlier, they had been unable to leave due to an obstruction.

'If we’re blocked again…'

Such thoughts crossed their minds, but with determination, they dashed toward the exit and managed to escape smoothly.

Stunned but resolute to help their comrades fighting outside, they focused ahead.

Before them stood the others, who were supposed to be fighting the Harpies and Goblins, now frozen, gazing up at the sky. Following their line of sight, they saw a divine bird, holding a Harpy in its beak, soaring with its wings spread wide.

“What on earth… What happened?”

Siegfried and Althea looked up as well. The divine bird, having spotted them from above, began to descend toward them. As they saw this, Curio and Laila, having regained their composure, stepped forward to shield Siegfried and Althea.

However, before long, Curio and Laila were blown away a short distance.

As everyone remained bewildered, the divine bird had somehow transformed into a human-like form, now quietly standing in front of Siegfried and Althea.

Siegfried immediately stepped in front of Althea, concealing her behind him.

“I came here at the request of the Phoenix. You have the mark, don’t you?”

Garuda pointed to the Phoenix’s feather Siegfried held.

“This… is it?”

“Yes. My subordinates will arrive shortly. In exchange for the Phoenix’s feathers, they will take you to the place you wish to go.”

—So, the means of transportation the Phoenix mentioned is them—

It seemed the cry they had heard earlier was from Garuda, and upon hearing it, the Goblins had fled while the Harpies that couldn’t escape had become prey.

As a result, they had been saved. However, the question remained whether they should trust Garuda.

Garuda extended a hand to the two.

“Now, give me the mark. I shall then guide you to your destination.”

There was no malice in Garuda’s demeanor.

After exchanging a glance, Siegfried and Althea handed over the Phoenix’s feathers.

“Indeed. If you’re entrusting it to me, it seems you’ve chosen well. …By the way, young lady.”

Garuda peered at Althea, who had been hidden behind Siegfried, and spoke to her.

“—Are you the Goddess of the Moon?”

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