Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 16 – Regalus’s Magic Activation

My little sister is adorable. I've felt this way ever since she was born. I can't recall much from those early years, given that I was only two at the time.

But from the moment I became aware, she was always by my side. Sometimes she'd stumble, but she'd brush it off with a smile, and I cherished every moment with her.

One day, when I was five, Mother, Althea, and I went shopping in the city. It was then that Althea found herself caught up in a bit of trouble. Naturally, I was quick to step in and protect her. Once the situation was resolved, seeing Althea's smile, I noticed the ranks of "Althea admirers" among the mansion's staff seemed to swell. Even Laila, Althea's personal maid, appeared to become a believer that day, her cheeks tinged with a blush.

Althea is mischievous yet bright and kind. Her smile captivates many. Despite the constraints of the "magic seal" and her limited outings, if she were allowed to venture out more freely, I'm certain even more would become her admirers. It's a heartwarming thought, but it also brings its own worries.

Somewhere along the way, I found myself putting more effort into protecting Althea.

When Althea turned seven, she was granted her own personal maid. It was a girl who had once observed from the shadows during our city escapade. Even Laila, who had only watched from the sidelines that day, had matured remarkably in just two years.

A year later, I was assigned a valet. When trouble arose in the city, Jean, who was only two years older than me at ten, was quick to respond. Like Laila, he displayed a maturity beyond his years.

It wasn't until later that I learned the reason. They had made a silent vow. Though the same age as me now, I wondered if I could muster such resolve. It's something I admire in them, just a tad.

About a year after Althea and I acquired our valet and maid, we were permitted to take a long ride together. It marked Althea's first outing beyond the mansion since the "magic seal" was imposed over two years prior.

By the time Althea had been learning horseback riding for a year, I had become proficient enough to accompany her even within the estate.

At the age of seven, Althea was allowed to explore certain parts of the territory. However, an extended ride was a different matter altogether.

"I've finally learned to ride, but..." Althea's disappointment was palpable, so I suggested to Father that we take a long ride to lift her spirits. Surprisingly, he agreed, albeit with the condition that Laila and Jean accompany us.

In secret, we enlisted Laila and Jean's help to prepare for the excursion. I wanted to witness Althea's surprise and delight firsthand.

And on that day, as Althea arrived at the stables unaware of our plans, I announced our long ride. Her eyes lit up with joy. Our destination? The sea in the Monclair territory, a mere hour or two away by horse.

Althea and I, accompanied by Jean and Laila, embarked on our horseback journey toward the sea.

Upon reaching the shore, Jean secured the horses while Laila spread out a blanket.

As I moved to sit on the blanket, Althea murmured softly, "Big brother, this is amazing. It's my first time seeing the sea."

"Really?... Right, Althea hasn't had much chance to explore beyond the mansion."

"Big brother, can I touch the water?"

"Of course. But watch out for the waves, okay?"


With that, I watched as Althea darted to the shore, playing tag with the waves.

As Althea frolicked at the water's edge, chasing and dodging the waves, she suddenly stumbled and was engulfed by one.


Instinctively, I rushed forward, but Althea had vanished beneath the waves.

Scanning the sea, I spotted Althea's hand. Without hesitation, I dove in after her. I'd never swum before, but all that mattered was saving Althea. Through sheer desperation, I managed to grasp her hand, but then everything went black.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying in the shade of a tree by the sea. Relief washed over me at the sight of Althea's concerned face.

"...I'm glad, Althea. That you're safe..."

"Big brother... thank you for saving me... I'm glad you woke up..."

Tears welled in Althea's eyes as she spoke, her gratitude palpable. Beside her, Jean offered an explanation.

"You were fortunate, Lord Regalus. The wind's blessing saved you."


"Yes, you wielded wind magic."

"...Me? Using magic?"

"Yes. Just after you were swept away, a sudden wind formed a tornado, lifting both you and Lady Althea from the sea."

"...I see... But to use it while unconscious... Well, as long as Althea and I are safe, let's leave it at that."

"Indeed. Young Lord, thank you for saving Lady Althea."

This time, Laila bowed deeply, adding, "Of course. She's my dear little sister. I've been determined to protect her since we were young."

As Laila and I debated over who would safeguard Althea, Jean, who had been occupied by the sea, returned.

"Lord Regalus, there's a possibility... Earlier, I mentioned the wind's blessing, but you may have also received the water's blessing."

"...Both wind and water magic?"

"Yes. It might explain why you lost consciousness."

"Why do you think so?"

"I possess water magic. Earlier, I inadvertently caused a rift in the sea with wind magic. I intended to apologize to the water spirits and cast a cleansing spell. However, it had no effect. Despite this, the sea remained calm. It's possible the sea... cooperated with you, Lord Regalus."

"...Could Althea have helped?"

"Unlikely. Lady Althea is under the magic seal... Additionally, some nobles with strong magic may possess multiple attributes."

"...True. Father has earth and wind magic... Mother, water, was it...?"

"It's mere speculation... Magic will be accurately determined during the magic measurement at the age of ten. Lord Regalus, your turn is next year, correct?"

"Yes... Speaking of which, Jean, you mentioned having water attributes. Don't you need to attend school? I thought those with magic, even non-nobles, were required to."

"Ah, I already have a mentor. When they enroll in school, I'll accompany them... Laila is in a similar situation."

"Eh? Laila has magic too?"

"Yes, dark attribute. There was a bit of a fuss, but thanks to Lord Thomas's arrangement, I'll be accompanying Lady Althea."

"...Father knows about this, right? Well, he must..."

"Is everyone capable of using magic? Alongside Althea?"

After her tears subsided, Althea, who had been silently listening, spoke up.

"Um... it seems so."

I responded with a smile to reassure her.

"So, can we go to school together?"

"Yes. Young Lord and Lady Althea will be together... Jean and I will be two years ahead, though."

"Even so, I'm happy as long as we're together."

Cradling my sister, now calmed, in my arms, I made a silent vow.

How precious she is... I must ensure Laila keeps any strange bugs away from Althea when she starts school in three years...

A year has passed since then.

Now, for the magic measurement, I'm journeying to the Holy Sacrament Kingdom with my parents, my cherished sister, my valet, and Althea's maid.

Back then, I thought it would be three years... I never expected Althea to be granted outings. During the measurement, it'll be impossible, but otherwise, I must always be with Althea to protect her. For Althea, it's her first trip in a year, so she might get overly excited. I'll aim to avoid unnecessary encounters and ensure Althea doesn't meet too many people.

As I brushed my sister's hair, now sleeping peacefully in my lap, I renewed my determination.

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