Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter Extra 2: The Ultimate Medicine

Chapter Extra 2: The ultimate Medicine


My name is Claire Lumous.

I was born at the west side of the Human Territory, In a city called Velens. Since birth I have noticed that I was different from the other kids. My body was strangely stronger than most of the kids from my neighborhood. Some kids even called me boyish or tomboy because of my strength...

Anyways, Although my body was somewhat stronger than most boys of my age, it was not a super human strength. The doctor my parents called told them that my body was strangely born with sightly more durable and tougher muscles than most people, even though my appearance looked extremely normal like any other girl.

So even though I was stronger, it didn't really affect my life.

My father taught me martial arts and how to use throwing knifes. He told me that in this world knowing how to fight and defend yourself was a must. Specially because we were the weakest race.

So I pretty much grew up to be a great warrior. Both my mastery over martial arts and my enhanced body allowed me to fight pretty well. However, I was still far from being able to fight monsters like goblins or demonic eyes, those were still too strong for me to handle.

However, although my parents thought I could grow to be a great warrior, my real dream was... To be a medic.

There was one thing I never told my parents, nor anyone in my city. When I glanced at any part of the body I could feel somehow, the information of the body of other people. Like an instinct that acted on my mind, it processed and morphed the sight into information.

Like when I glanced once at my neighbor, my sight just passed sightly by his arm, and I suddenly knew he actually had a wound on his shoulder. Even when it was not visible for me!

I could differentiate the type of bloods between people with ease, Illnesses, wounds, fractures, burns, and many more. All them were known by me with just a glance.

When I started reading about the human body, on the books we had on the library, my mind absorbed knowledge like it had never done before, and I even corrected some things that I felt were wrong.

It was like I was born to help people!

Every time I helped someone, their smile could make me feel comfortable, and their happiness could also transmit to me.

Eventually, at the age of 16, I became known because of my medical abilities, and soon became a renowned medic on my city. There was no wound I couldn't treat, no illness I couldn't cure, and no problem I couldn't fix as a medic.

Or so I thought...

When I became 18 years old, my father came back with a severed arm from a battle against a bunch of goblins to protect the city. By the time he managed to come back, his body already lost a lot of blood, and even after I gave him an expensive health potion from the capital, he still couldn't make it...

Even thought I knew everything about the wound, how much blood was lost, how severe was the damage, how shattered was the bone inside his shoulder, I still couldn't do shit.

And if that was not enough, some months later my mother was hit by an unknown illness, and before I could even manage to know how to stop it, she died.

I was devastated. However, I knew I needed to get better, there were many people that needed my help. Many kids that may be loosing their parents because of me not being able to help them.

So I eventually overcame it. Though I still buried them properly, so that they could rest in peace.

Their graves were built together, so they could also be with each other in the afterlife.

Even after that, there were a lot more situations like that, people I couldn't save because of my lack of abilities. Or because the time was not enough.

Even the health potions were unable to help them...

But even after all my failures, all my mistakes, The people still respected me as the best medic of the city. Something that angered me a lot, as I was nothing but an excuse of a medic that could not save the people he loved...

If only there was a medicine that could cure every kind of disease and wound in an instant...

A 'potion' That can heal any person in just an instant after consuming it...

No one could have to worry about dying or losing it's loved ones because of stupid illnesses or severe wounds... I could stop people around me from dying.

A stupid dream, I know. But that didn't stop me from investigating even further into the mysteries of the human body, and how to create the perfect medicine.


And so, the years came and the war against goblins progressed, the attacks against our city became more usual, and the injured people increased a lot.

When I turned 23, the sudden news that the goblins were going to attack the human kingdom with an army alarmed everyone. We barely could make a bunch of goblins retreat, and now we had to fight an entire army?

Such bullshit...

All people lost hope, they knew how strong the goblins were, and knew we had no chance against them.

So everyone started migrating towards the capital of the Human Kingdom, Balroc city. As every other city and village was going to be probably destroyed and ravaged by the goblins on their way to Balroc city.

The place of the final battle, and the last place to refuge against the goblins.

The Last line of Defense.


When I arrived I noticed that many other villages and cities thought the same as us. The line to enter the city was enormous, I was even doubting we could even enter on time...

That was when I noticed a certain group of people in front of me.

It was a group of 6 people, 4 men and 2 women. However, when I glanced at a certain man in the group, the information of his body came to my mind. 

The man was extremely sick, probably because of an infected wound on the back, made by a sword or an axe, considering how deep it was.

And as if to confirm my suspicions, the man soon fell to the ground, probably unable to continue due to the pain and fatigue he was feeling.

When the group noticed that the man fell, they just shot him an apologetic look and continued advancing towards the city. Obviously I couldn't just ignore that, as it could be completely against the way I've been living until now. As a medic and as a person.

"Hey, you can't just leave him on the floor!" I tried calling them.

"Huh?" All of them said, while glancing back at me with an annoyed expression.

"He is your companion! You can't just throw him aside when he is in this state!"

"He is not our companion anymore, he is just dead meat" One of the women said with a cold tone.


"What do you mean with that he isn't your companion?!"

"That means what it means girl, we don't have time to take care of dead meat, so he is not our companion anymore..." One of the men took a step forward while glaring at me with an annoyed look.

"Do you not have conscience?! Just because he is sick doesn't mean you can just dispose him like trash!"

"A war is coming bitch, we don't have time to care about others now, if you care so much about this guy then take care of him by yourself"


I knew he was right, in times like this we don't have time to care about others. However... Even if its the end of the world I won't stop helping people in need.

That's why I'm a medic.

"Argh!" I screamed in frustration to vent my anger.

"Hey..." However, soon someone called me from the side.

What the hell does this person want?! Doesn't he see I'm busy treating this guy on the floor?!


When I looked over, I saw a guy with long auburn hair wearing a tracksuit and slippers, he was holding a health potion in his hand while offering it to me.

"Take it easy, I just wanted to give you this healing potion, so you can give it to him" He said while glancing at the man on the floor.

"O-oh, I see, thank you..." I said while bowing sightly. However, I had my suspicions, what could he ask in return for the potion. Could he be one of those dirty nobles from those stories in the library?

However, when my mind finished processing the information of his body, I became dumbstruck.


I felt it. His body was a lot stronger than any other human, and even his muscles seemed to be some kind of super mutation as they seemed to surpass what was possible for a normal human. Even though he looked completely normal from outside!

However, his blood... It was a kind of blood I have never seen before... A blood that seemed to be radiating an aura that seemed to say "I'm the key"

The key...

...To create 'The ultimate medicine'.


That's all for today guys!

Second extra chapter, and this time we have the POV of the annoying woman that keeps pestering Aspen for his blood~

I just made this chapter so you don't hate her too much just because she is kinda annoying, It's also for you to understand a bit of her perspective and why is she so obsessed with Aspen's blood.

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter.

Bye bye~





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